Hikigu turned his head and rubbed the spine of the book unconsciously with his index finger, "Well... I have guests at home recently... My parents have to go to work, so I need to go back early to receive guests for my parents..."

Speaking of this, Hikigu stopped, he thought that Hoshimi should be able to understand what he meant.

"So Bi Qigu, do you mean that you are going to ask for leave for a period of time and not come to participate in club activities?" Xingjian Bi Qigu said the follow-up words.

"Well...it's like this..." Bi Qigu looked down at the cover of the book.

The book is a "library book" that is easy to carry, and it is small in size, just a little bigger than the palm of an adult.

The cover of the book is very simple, with a black manjusawa drawn in stick figures on the blue background, and the title and author's name are on the right side of the cover.

The cover of the book was the same as what he was thinking in his mind at this time, simple and simple but very practical, and it clarified everything intuitively.

"Student Hikigu, may I ask, when will your guests leave?" Xingjian asked with an unchanged expression.

"I don't know, maybe it will take a while." The ambiguous voice of Bi Qigu was no longer ambiguous.

"Okay, I see, I agree to your request for leave in the name of Yukino." Hoshimi stared at Hikigu calmly.

"Well, thank you very much." Hikigu put the book in the schoolbag, picked up the schoolbag and got up to leave.

"Then I'll go first." Halfway through the walk, he seemed to have remembered something, turned around and informed everyone in the service department, and formally left the service department.


The front door of the department room was closed tightly, and the service department without two people entered a short period of peace.


After a while, Qinzi's chuckle broke the peaceful atmosphere.

She leaned back on the sofa and muttered inexplicably, "What a waste..."

"..." Xue Nai clenched her teeth tightly, and a hint of sullenness instantly appeared on her delicate and pretty face.

The corner of Xingjian's eyes twitched, and he immediately got up and walked towards the front door of the department room, "I'll solve it, and make sure everything returns to normal before next week at the latest."


The front door of the department room was closed again, and only two people were left in the service department, Qinzi turned her head to look at Yukino, and said with a sweet smile: "Senior Yukinoshita~ You are really useless~"

"..." Xue Nao met Shang Qinzi's gaze with a frosty face.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere inside the service department suddenly became depressing, even a few minutes more depressing than the dreary atmosphere outside the window.

The two who were looking at each other no longer concealed their hostility towards each other, and the smell of gunpowder between the two became stronger and stronger, so strong that it seemed that as long as there was a spark, the flames of war between the two could be completely ignited.

""Ding Dong~~""

At this moment, the cell phones of Xue Nai and Qin Zi rang at the same time.

The two looked away, and took out their mobile phones to check the information almost simultaneously.

283. "Yuigahama Who Can't Touch Her Conscience"

"Yukono, don't be provoked by Qinzi, think more about what I said this morning. 』——Star See

"Qinzi, stop making trouble! !Be good, I will accompany you wherever you want to go on weekends. 』——Star See

"Tch~" After reading the message, Qinzi curled her lips and leaned back on the sofa, too lazy to provoke Yukinoshita.

"..." On the other side, Xue Nao also gradually calmed down. She put away her mobile phone, picked up the book, and continued to read while ignoring Qin Zi.


The belated wind finally blew into the service department, blowing away the remaining smell of gunpowder in the department room, but the stubborn oppressive atmosphere could not be blown away...


In the corridor on the top floor, Xingjian standing by the window was rubbing his temples tiredly.

With his toes, he knew that after he left, there would inevitably be conflicts between Qinzi and Xue Nai, so before he started to deal with the problem, he had to send a message to appease the two, so that they would not "quarrel" so quickly .

"There are only two people like this, what would it be like if there were more people..." Looking at the gloomy sky in the distance, Xing Jian's eyes gradually darkened.

At this moment, he suddenly realized a problem, none of the girls he subconsciously selected seemed to be simple.

Although Yukino has a little flaw in her character, she is generally a daughter of a famous family.

Qinzi's situation is not much different from that of Yukino, and there is an additional "mysterious" buff blessing, which is even more amazing than Yukino.

Xiazhiqiu's family conditions are a bit worse than the above two, but it is also a well-off family, and will not be troubled by material conditions. In addition, Xiazhiqiu himself is a "big scholar" one by one, relying solely on literary talent You can make a lot of money.

In the future, it will be a rich woman-level existence.

Others, like Ying Lili and Garuda, have not simple family backgrounds.

And that white-haired detective is no ordinary person.

Looking at it this way, his subconscious mind is really "snobbish", choosing "little rich women" who let him not have to struggle.

"Ah~" Xingjian shook his head, got rid of the redundant thoughts in his mind, and started to deal with the matter at hand.

He picked up his phone, found Yubihama's contact information, and sent her an email.

"exist? 』

Hoshimi waited for a while, but seeing no response, he guessed that Yubihama should have seen the message, but he just didn't know how to reply him.

He thought about it and sent another email.

"It's so pitiful, Xiao Xue Nai just made a friend and ignored her, the cold violence is terrible~~"



At the same time, Yuigahama saw the message in a mass-market KTV room near Sobu High School, as if he had been stabbed in the heart.

As expected, she had actually seen the message from Xingjian a long time ago, but she didn't know how to reply.

Now, she who was stabbed in the heart was a little annoyed, and couldn't help replying.

"Hosei-kun! !I didn't use cold violence against Xiaoxue! ! 』

Yes, she didn't use cold violence against Xiaoxue, she just... just forgot to tell Xiaoxue where she was going...


When the reply came, Yuigahama subconsciously looked at the phone with disappointment hidden in his eyes.

"Oh?Yeah?Wasn't it cold violence?So why not ask for leave?If you don't come to club activities, you have to ask for leave in advance. This is a truth that Hikigu understands. Doesn't Yubihama, the beauty of Bafang, know it? 』

"..." Yuigahama bit her lip and poked the phone screen vigorously.

"I know I'm going to ask for leave... I just forgot to send a message to Koyuki. 』

"Yubihama-san, touch your conscience and say, have you really forgotten? 』

Hoshimi's reluctance made Yubihama a little at a loss, she held the phone, not knowing how to reply.


Before she could think up her words, Xingjian's message came again.

"Sorry, I forgot, Yuigahama-san, you can't touch your own conscience, laugh~"


At first, Yuigahama didn't realize what Hoshimi meant.

It wasn't until she noticed her upturned breasts that she understood the deep meaning of Xingjian's words.

"Hmm~" She was a little annoyed, she took her mobile phone and prepared to "slam" Xing Jian for making nasty jokes.

"Hoshimi-kun, you are too much!You are Xiaoxue's boyfriend, how can you...』


Yuhihama was halfway through typing when Hoshimi's message arrived first.

"Just kidding, let's ease the atmosphere. Okay, let's not talk about today's matter. Let's talk about the conflict between you and Hikigaya. I'm curious about how Yuigahama, who is beautiful and exquisite in all directions, can be invisible." The conflict between a good man and Bi Qigu. 』

Looking at the message from Hoshimi, Yubihama muttered in a low voice, "Hoshimi-kun... so cunning..."

After finishing speaking, she deleted the content in the typing box and replied again.

"Hoshimi-kun, why did you suddenly think of asking this question?"Also, there was no conflict between me and Hikigaya-san. 』

"Hehe~ You are now called Hikigu-san, and you still say that there is no conflict? 』

Yuigahama was slightly annoyed.

"Hosei-kun!Can you stop picking words!Of course it is better to call classmates in writing!in addition!please answer my question! 』

"Well~ Of course you can answer the question, but Yubihama, stop using exclamation marks to emphasize the seriousness of the problem. This trick doesn't work for me. Let's just have a good, heart-to-heart chat. 』

"Hmm~~" Yuigahama was a little discouraged.

She just wanted to pretend to be angry, but Xing Jian immediately exposed her.

So annoying, this man is so annoying.

"Then, let's answer my question. First, what is the reason for the conflict between you and Hikigaya, Yuigahama?" 』

"..." Yubibin held the phone and didn't know where to start.

The origin of this matter is a bit long, and it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

She thought about how to explain the ins and outs of this matter to Xing Jian in the shortest possible way.

"Yuki, what are you doing?"

Just as Yuigahama was thinking hard, Miura Yuiko who was holding a microphone suddenly came to Yuigahama.

She bent down, and before Yubihama could react, she took the mobile phone she was holding.


With nothing in her hand, Yubibin immediately came back to her senses, she subconsciously stood up and snatched back her mobile phone.

Immediately afterwards, she looked at Miura Yuiko who was in front of her with a gloomy face, clasped her hands together in a hurry, and bent down to apologize.

"Yumiko, I'm sorry, it's my problem, I shouldn't..."

"Forget it, it's okay." Yumiko Miura waved her hand, stopping the flustered Yuigahama.

"..." Yuigahama put his hands on his chest, and looked at Yumiko Miura timidly.

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