Xiazhiqiu smiled gently, "Hoshimi Kiyokawa, he is the person I am looking for, do you know him?"

"?!!" Yuigahama's eyes widened, her pupils trembled unconsciously, and she froze in place for an instant.

See Kiyokawa? ! !The person in front of me who is looking for this beautiful girl with black and long straight is actually Mr. Hoshimi? !

What is her relationship with Hoshimi-kun? !

Relatives or couples? !

If it's the former, that's great, but if it's the latter, there's a big problem! !Big big problem! !

In an instant, hundreds of episodes of love-hate entanglement TV series flashed through Yubibin's mind.

On the other side, seeing Yuigahama's reaction, Kasumigaoka also understood.

The pink-haired girl she just called to stop obviously knew Xing Jian, and it seemed that she might have some thoughts about Xing Jian, otherwise she wouldn't be so shocked after she expressed her intention to come.

Heh~ Is this a good start?Before arriving at Zongwu High, a little fox who had thoughts about her man was found out.

Judging by the beauty of this pink-haired girl, although she is a little inferior compared to her, she is still one of the best beauties in the world.

Well, don't take it lightly, take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Thinking of this, Xiazhiqiu's smile became more and more gentle, "Do you know Qingchuan? He is my boyfriend... Uh~ he should be his fiance. If he says something wrong, he will be very angry."

Xia Zhiqiu held his temple with one hand, looking a little helpless, but hidden in this helplessness was the secret joy and sweetness that a three-year-old child could understand.

"?!!" Yuigahama, who was shocked by the explosive news, stared at Kasumigaoka in a daze, not knowing what to say for a moment.

fiancé? !Didn't Xiaoxue already lose? !Does Xiaoxue know about this?

Is that bastard Hoshimi Kiyokawa still lying to Xiaoxue?

Yubihama, whose thoughts were spinning rapidly, looked more and more complicated, and there was also a hint of annoyance vaguely.

Seeing Yuigahama's reaction, Kasumigaoka unconsciously raised his eyebrows.

She felt that the fire was almost ready, so she deliberately raised her hand to look at her watch, and said in surprise: "It's already this time, sorry, I have to hurry to deliver an umbrella to Qingchuan."

She turned around, ran forward with small steps, and turned her head to thank Yubi Bin: "Thank you for showing you the way, I will tell Qingchuan about this, and he will repay you."

289. "How many women do you want?!"

"..." After watching the beautiful black long straight girl disappear into the rain, the unknown fire in Yubihama's heart burst completely.

See Kiyokawa! !You philandering scum!Just cheat one!He even cheated on the second one!

wrong!This is the fiancee!Maybe this black, long, straight and beautiful girl was still before Xiaoxue! !

In this way, isn't that bastard Hoshimi Qingchuan cheating Xiaoxue from the beginning? !

"Scum! Beast! Scum!" Yuigahama, who was standing in the rain holding an umbrella, cursed in a low voice.

At this moment, she was so annoyed that she even ignored the troubles in her body, and was focused on fighting for Xiaoxue.

Xiaoxue is so good, such an outstanding person, why did he blindly see Shang Xing to see this liar? !

The more Yubibin thought about it, the more angry she became, she couldn't help taking out her mobile phone, and wanted to ask Xingjian what was going on!

She just called Xingjian just now, the first thing in the call record is Xingjian, just call again.


After two short busy tones, the call was connected.

Yubihama asked, "Hoshimi-kun?! Please tell me what's going on?! How many people have you cheated on?! How long do you want to lie to Xiaoxue?!"

On the other end of the phone, Hoshimi, who was still watching the rain scene in the corridor on the top floor of the school, heard Yuigahama's gunpowder-smelling questioning, and instantly realized that something had happened.

He slowed down his speech and asked as calmly as possible: "Yubihama, what happened? Why do you ask such a question?"

"Just now! I met a woman who claimed to be your fiancee! Black and straight! Wine red pupils! She has a good figure and a beautiful face! Hoshimi-kun, tell me! Is what she said true?!"

"..." Xingjian was momentarily at a loss for words.

Black and straight, wine red pupils, these two conditions alone are enough for him to determine who Yubihama is talking about.

Who else could it be besides Shi Yu?

But why did Shiwa bump into Yuigahama?

Xing Jian, who was a little confused, figured everything out instantly when he saw the rain outside the window.

Is Shiyu here to give him an umbrella?

kindness?Wait, the direction of Yubihama's house is completely opposite to his direction. How could Shiwa come to Sobu Taka to send an umbrella and bump into Yubihama?

Could it be that Shi Yu lost his way and went too far?Then she happened to choose Yubihama when she asked the way?

If it was as he had guessed, then today would be really bad luck.

"Alas~" Hoshimi sighed silently, made a decision immediately, and continued talking with Yubihama while walking towards the school gate.

"Yubihama, listen to me, I do know the person you met, but she really isn't my fiancee."

Yubibin: "If it's not a fiancee, what is it?! What is her relationship with you! You are not allowed to lie to me! If you lie to me, I will tell Xiaoxue!"

"She is a very close friend of mine. According to common sense, it is no problem to call her my girlfriend." Xing Jian started to go down the stairs quickly.

Yubihama: "Girlfriend?!! Hoshimi-kun! It's a shame you can say it! Do you know what your behavior is called in the eyes of others! You are called scum!"

"Huh~~huh~~" Xing Jian, who was slightly panting, said without slowing down: "It doesn't matter what others think, anyway, it has nothing to do with me, no matter how they call it, can I still lose a piece of meat?"

Yubihama: "What about Koyuki? What about Iwanaga-san?! What will they think if they find out?! Hoshimi-kun, don't you even care about their feelings?!"

"Of course I care about them, but isn't there nothing I can do? Huh~~huh~~ It's not like you don't know Xiaoxue Nai's temperament, huh~~huh~~ She is very stubborn. If she knows, she doesn't know how long she will have to coax her." Only then can I coax you well, huh~huh~"

Xingjian, who was running down the stairs, was breathing more and more rapidly.

Yuigahama: "Hoshimi-kun! Do you really have to be bothered?! Don't you think it's not enough to have Koyukino?! How much more do you want?! Also! Why are you breathing so badly! What are you doing? !"

Standing on the street, Yubi Binqiao's face was flushed red. For Xiao Yukino's happiness, she was going all out.

Seeing this bastard, Xing was panting so hard, could it be that he was...

Uh~ If that's the case, then this scumbag should really be punished by heaven!

"Hoo~~Hoo~~ Yubihama, you should wash your head, I'm going down the stairs, can't you hear my footsteps?" Hoshimi who had already run to the first floor stomped his feet vigorously twice.


The echoing sound of stomping came from the receiver, and Yuigahama immediately knew that he was thinking too much.

"Hmm~" She bit her lip, ready to avoid this question and continue to criticize Xingjian.

But before she could speak, Xingjian hung up the phone after saying a word.

"Okay, I'm at the shoe cabinet in the vestibule, I'll hang up first, I will answer Shi Yu's questions and the questions I promised you later, don't worry, now you are holding my handle, I will definitely not Breaking my promise."


Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Yuigahama gritted her silver teeth angrily.

This scum!Obviously you did something wrong, why can you hang up the phone with confidence and calmness? !

Are you not afraid that I will tell Xiaoxue about this now? !

She picked up the phone, hesitated several times, and did not dare to call Xiaoxue.

She was afraid that if she told Xiaoxue so unexpectedly, Xiaoxue would not be able to bear it...

"Hmm~" Yubihama lowered her head, and gripped the phone tightly.

She gave Xingjian this time, within three days, as long as Xingjian came to explain clearly to her, she temporarily chose to believe in Xingjian.

If the explanation is not clear, then she must tell Xiaoxue everything she knows in a way that Xiaoxue can accept.

As for how Xiaoxue chooses in the future, that is Xiaoxue's own business, and she will not interfere.


In the vestibule of Zongwu High School, Xing Jian, who had changed his shoes, rushed to the school gate in the rain.

He looked around, but found no one except the conscientious school security guards.

At this time, almost all the students sent home have left the school.

And because of the rain, the outdoor sports clubs have been disbanded, and only some indoor clubs are still active, so there are almost no people in the vestibule of Zongwu High School.

Seeing this was the case, Hoshiki let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he was not lucky enough to memorize it to the extreme. If there are any more students from Zongwu High hanging around here at this time, then he really has nothing to do.

Fortunately, Xingjian moved to the side of the guard room to observe the situation outside the school.

His position is very essential, he can see the pedestrians on both sides of the school gate, and at the same time, he will not be easily noticed by the pedestrians outside, which can be called an excellent observation point.

Just one small problem...

290. "A Little Story in the Rain"

"Young man, what are you doing here? Aren't you going home?"

There is also a window on the side of the guard room, and the guard in the room can just see him when he looks up.

"..." The helpless Xingjian smiled politely, "I forgot to bring my umbrella, and I'll wait here for someone to give it to me."

"Oh~" the doorman said in an authentic Chiba dialect: "The young man, do you want to come in to hide from the rain, the eaves are small, you can't hide from the rain standing there."

"It's okay, it's cooler outside, I want to blow some air." Xingjian maintained a polite smile.

"Okay, then you stand." The doorman opened the window and muttered, "The young man is very angry, and he still needs to blow the wind when it rains..."

"..." Xing Jian was speechless, and looked away to continue to pay attention to the situation outside the school.

Not long after, Xing Jian saw the figure of Xia Zhiqiu.

In the smoky rain, Kasumigaoka, holding a transparent umbrella, wandered alone in the deserted street, and the beautiful scenery of the star was filled with emotion.

He wanted to appreciate it for a while, but time didn't wait for him. If he continued to appreciate it, he might not have a big problem.

He sighed silently, counted the time, slowed down and walked out from the school gate...


Outside the gate of Sobu High School, Kasumigaoka, who was in a good mood, carefully avoided the "dirty" bricks to prevent the sewage from splashing on her stockings.

These delicate silk stockings are Xingjian's favorite thing, it's not good to just get dirty like this, if you want to get dirty, you have to do it yourself.

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