"Huh?" When it was about three or five meters away from the school gate, Xia Zhiqiu noticed that someone came out of the school without an umbrella.

She took a closer look, isn't this just Xingjian? !

Xingjian really didn't take an umbrella, so wouldn't it be just right for her to come here?

It's just...it's a little bit late, if I come earlier, maybe Xingjian won't have to get in the rain...

Thinking like this, Xia Zhiqiu quickened his pace with some distress.

"See you!"

"En? Shi Yu?" Looking at the Xia Zhiqiu rushing towards him, Xing Jian quickly greeted him, "Shi Yu, why are you here?"

Kasumi Hill approached Hoshimi, put him within the range of the umbrella, and replied with a smile: "I came when it rained~ You see, I came just in time, didn't I just catch a drowned chicken?"

"Who is a drowned chicken?" Xingjian raised his hand and kneaded Kasumi Oka's soft and warm face, "The rain even wet my hair, why is it a drowned chicken?"

"Hmph~" Xia Zhiqiu, whose face was pinched, said vaguely: "Who else can you be except Xingjian, if I don't come, Xingjian will definitely become a drowned chicken when you come home."

"Oh ~ since you said that Shi Yu, then we have to settle the old score." Xing Jian bent down and teased in the ear of Xia Zhiqiu: "I am a drowned chicken, so what are you Shi Yu last night? …”

"Xing Jian!" Xia Zhiqiu, whose pretty face was covered with a layer of blush, suddenly interrupted Xing Jian.

She hammered Xing Jian's heart, and said in shame: "Xing Jian, you are too high, I came to pick you up with good intentions, but you still come to tease me?"

"Okay, then I won't talk about it." Xingjian smiled, took the umbrella from Xia Zhiqiu's hand, then took a step forward, hugged her shoulders, and led her forward.

"Shi Yu, let's go, let's go eat~"

"Hmm~" Xia Zhiqiu said with a little distress: "I just finished eating, and I ordered the meal from the "Chun Guo Pavilion" last night."

"Have you already eaten?" Xingjian thought for a while, and said, "Then how about some dessert after dinner? I know a chef who specializes in western desserts, let's try it."

Xia Zhiqiu shook his head, "It's still not possible, it's getting late, you can take me to the station, I'm going back."

"Are you back so early?" Xing Jian took out his phone and checked the time, "It's not five o'clock yet, so there should be no rush."

"Urgent, why not urgent?" Kasumigaoka rolled his eyes and stared at him, "It will take me an hour to go back to Tokyo, and it will take nearly 40 minutes to transfer to my house in Tokyo. It's five o'clock now, and it's past seven o'clock when I go back. It's getting dark, you asked me to come back later, do you want me to let such a beautiful woman walk at night?"

"Hiss~~ I think so." Xing Jian hugged Xia Zhiqiu's fragrant shoulders, looked at her sideways and asked: "Then Shi Yu, I'll take you home, anyway, I'm fine."

"No need, it's not troublesome to run around, I can go back by myself, let's talk about it..." Kasumigaoka smiled and took out his phone and shook it, "I will contact my editor to pick you up at the station in Tokyo." I'm home."

"Is it really okay to bother editing so much?" Xing Jian blinked his eyes full of curiosity.

"Of course no problem!" Xia Zhiqiu puffed up his chest and said arrogantly: "I am the number one general under her command, what's the matter with her? You must know that the performance commission that my new book brings to her is very generous. of."

Xingjian laughed dumbly: "Yes, yes~ Shiyu is the best, so I won't follow. I'll take you to the tram stop, and then I'll go to eat."

"Yeah~" Kasumi Oka leaned on Hoshimi's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"By the way, Hoshimi..." Kasumigaoka suddenly remembered something, she tightened her fingers unconsciously, and her eyes also dodged, "Hoshimi, there is a cat and dog exhibition in Tokyo from 6.14 to 6.15, you and I'll go together~"

"Cat and Dog Show?" Xingjian calculated the time in his mind, and found that 6.14 and 6.15 happened to be weekends.

So, he replied straight away, "Okay, I will definitely accompany you then."

If you have made an appointment in advance, Xing Jian will not worry about it, and just find a reason to spare a weekend in advance.

What worries him the most is a sudden attack like Shi Yu's this time, which really caught him off guard, and if he hadn't handled it properly, something might have happened.

But a cat and dog show?Be careful, Xue Nai might be interested in this, and then find a way to avoid double dating.

This time he was prepared in advance, and he would never be in danger again!

"Shi Yu."


"Let's say hello in advance before coming to Chiba next time, so that I can find an excuse to ask for leave in advance. Today I was trained by our "Iron Fist Warriors" class teacher~"

"Pfft~" Thinking of Hoshimi bowing his head and being scolded, Kasumi Hill couldn't help laughing.

It is a rare and great thing to be able to see the stars and see them deflated.

But... her man being reprimanded by other women is a little uncomfortable...

So after thinking about it, she still complied with Xingjian's request.

"Well~ I see, I will greet you in advance before coming next time."

"Well, that's good." Xingjian felt a little more at ease.

291. "Mrs. Yubihama"

On the station platform, after watching the train carrying Kasumigaoka go away, Hoshimi took out his mobile phone without hesitation and dialed Yuigahama's number.

Next, he's going to deal with the lucky "witness" Yuigahama-san.

Although he is sure that with Yuigahama's temperament, it is impossible to tell Yukino the existence of Kasumi Hill in a short time, but what if?If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome.

So it is better to solve it as soon as possible.

In addition, he has an immature idea, maybe he can solve Xue Nai's commission together.


The phone was connected, and without waiting for Yubibin to speak, Xingjian asked directly: "Yubibin, is there anyone in your family?"

"Ah?" Yubihama, who had already returned home and was staying in his bedroom, was holding the phone in a daze.

Before answering the phone, she still wondered if Xing Jian called at this time to explain the matter of the black, long, straight and beautiful girl.

It turned out that Xingjian asked if there was anyone in her family as soon as she opened her mouth.

This... is a meaning... What does Xing want to do when he sees him?

Could it be that he wanted to come to her house to gag her?How does Xingjian want to stop him?Do you use money?Or something else?

Thinking like this, Yubi Binli immediately became vigilant, she held the phone in both hands, and said in a serious tone: "There are people in my family, and my parents are there!"

This statement is half true and half false, her mother is indeed there, but his father is still at work and has not come back.

"Really? Both parents are here, that's good, Yubibin, send me your home address, and I'll come and find you now."

"Huh?!" Yubibin was stunned.

Holding the phone, she said emphatically, "Mr. Xingjian! I mean, both my parents are here! Did I hear you clearly?"

"Of course I heard clearly." Xingjian walked out of the station while explaining: "I'm coming to you now, and I'll explain Shiyu's matter to you clearly. If your parents aren't here, I'm still worried that you won't let me come. .”

"Now that your parents are here, there's nothing to worry about. I went to your house to talk to you, not to do mean things to you."

"So, hurry up and send me your address."

"..." Yubihama struggled, she believed that the explanation given by Hoshimi was true.

But handing over my home address so easily, I always feel that there is something wrong...

"Moses, Moses~ Yubibin, did you hear that? Make a sound and give me an answer."

"Hmm~" Yubibin bit his lower lip, and made a tangled decision, "Hoshimi-kun, I'll wait for you at my house."

Xingjian: "Okay~ Then send me your address quickly, and I'll be right there."

"Wait!" Yubihama, who was kneeling by the bed, straightened his upper body, and said very seriously: "Hoshimi-kun! I want you to promise that you will never do anything strange after you come here."

Xingjian: "Don't worry, your parents are here, how could I mess around."

"Hmm~" Yubibin was still a little uneasy, "Hoshimi-kun! I want to hear your promise!"

"Tsk~" Xingjian tutted lightly, and said seriously: "I guarantee with my personality that I will never do anything out of line! Is that all right?"

"Well, it's fine..." Yubibin pursed his lips, feeling a little bit of guilt unavoidably in his heart.

Like this, I have been wondering whether Hoshimi-kun is not very good...

"Okay, I'll hang up then, send me your address quickly." Xing Jian, who had already walked outside the station, hung up the phone and looked sideways at the small shop.

Shall I buy an umbrella?

At this moment, it was still raining, but he didn't have an umbrella on him.

Shiyu, who said she was here to give him an umbrella just now, only took one umbrella. Before getting on the train, Shiyu wanted to give him the umbrella, but he refused because there was a store outside the station where umbrellas could be bought.

"Umbrella..." Looking at the light rain, Xingjian already had an idea in his heart.

"Ding dong~"

The mail came, Xing Jian picked up the phone and looked, it was the address sent by Bi Bin.

He copied the address into the navigation software and prepared to walk to Yuigahama's house.

Before setting foot on the road, he sent an email to Xue Nai and Qin Zi.

"Yukono, don't wait for me, you can go home when the time comes, I will come back after I investigate clearly. 』

"Qinzi, be careful on the way home from school. It's rainy and the ground is slippery. Hold your cane so that you don't fall down." 』

After sending the email, Xingjian walked steadily into the light rain.

Under the smoky rain, Xing Jian's back quickly disappeared like a curl of green smoke.


At the same time, Kasumigaoka sitting on the tram suddenly remembered something.

She was planning to go to Hoshimi's school to declare her sovereignty, but when she met Hoshimi at the school gate, she completely forgot about it...

Forget it, forget it and forget it, it's not something you have to do.

Besides, the pink-haired girl I ran into on the road should help her spread the news of the Lord of the Stars at Sobu High School, right?

High school girls, when they encounter some breaking news, the probability of not spreading it out is comparable to winning the lottery.

In this way, even though it was a circle, it can be regarded as achieving her goal.


Soon after, Hoshimi came to the street where the address given by Bihama was located.

This area is the most common residential area in Japan, where houses in the form of one family are distributed horizontally and vertically across the entire area.

The roads used for traffic in the residential area are about three meters wide, which is not considered spacious, but it is barely enough.

"That's it."

Looking at the three characters "Yuhihama" on the nameplate at the door, Hoshimi stopped, raised his hand and rang the doorbell.

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