Not long after, Hoshimi, who was wearing Yuigahama's father's clothes, came out of the bathroom stroking his hair.

He entered the living room and found Yuigahama sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

He looked around again, and seeing that Mrs. Yubihama was not there, he unceremoniously leaned back on the sofa.

"Hoo~~" Xingjian let out a long breath, and curled up softly on the sofa as if his bones had been removed.

"It's really comfortable to take a hot bath on a rainy day~" Xingjian sighed with relaxation all over his body.

"..." Yubihama looked at Xingjian and didn't know how to answer the words for a moment.

But fortunately, Xing Jian took the initiative to talk about the business in the next moment, so she didn't worry about answering the question for too long.

"By the way, Yuigahama, shall we talk in the living room or in your room?"

"...Go to my room..." Yuigahama wanted to talk in the living room, but in order to prevent her mother from hiding upstairs and eavesdropping, it was better to talk in her room.

At least her room has a door, it's better than talking in the open living room...

"Okay, then go to your room, you lead the way." Xingjian stroked his hair and lazily stood up.

"En..." Yubihama got up and led Hoshimi to her bedroom.

Her bedroom is on the second floor, so there are stairs.

But when going up the stairs, she always vaguely felt Xingjian's eyes lingering on her buttocks.

She couldn't say much, so she could only speed up her pace and go upstairs.

The moment she stepped into the corridor on the second floor, she turned her head calmly and glanced at Xingjian behind her from the corner of her eye.

I saw that Xing Jian was still tidying up his fluffy hair carelessly, as if he didn't pay attention to her at all.

"Is it an illusion?" Yubihama asked in his heart.

She didn't respond, she turned her head silently, and led Xingjian into her room.

As soon as he entered Yuigahama's boudoir, Hoshimi looked around with great interest.

The room is not big, about twelve or three square meters. The decoration style is relatively simple, without too many bells and whistles, but the walls are simply painted orange.

The furniture is also very simple, with a convenient desk with a small bookshelf, a wardrobe, and a single bed on which a light pink quilt is neatly spread.

There is also a low table in the middle of the house, and two or three cushions are neatly placed under the low table.

On the whole, Yuigahama's boudoir is very simple, and the style that only belongs to girls is very light, but it can still be seen from the lingering fragrance in the room and some small objects that it is a girl's boudoir.

"Hoshimi-kun, please sit down." Yubihama pulled out a cushion from under the low table and placed it on the side of the table.

Xing Jian was not polite, and directly committed himself to sit down, but not kneeling, but sitting cross-legged.

He's not used to kneeling, so he won't sit down unless necessary.

"Xingjian-kun, do you want some tea?"

On the low table was a pot of tea that had been brewed before she learned that Xingjian was coming.

Originally, what she thought was that Xingjian was here, just in time to have a sip of tea at the right temperature.

As a result, Xingjian was drenched and had to take a shower.

Then the tea is completely cool now, not even a little foggy.

Yubihama found out about this problem after pouring the tea into the teacup. Looking at the cold tea, she said with a little embarrassment, "Hoshimi-kun, wait a moment, I'll make a pot of tea again."

Saying that, Yuigahama took the teapot and was about to leave.

"Okay, there's no need to make tea, I should go after explaining things, I can't drink a few sips of tea."

Before Yuigahama, who was holding the teapot, could take two steps, Hoshimi called her to stop.

"..." Yubihama heard the words, put down the teacup silently, and sat down opposite Hoshimi.

At this time, she was sitting right next to the bed, and she could lean back against the edge of the bed by moving back a few more times.

"Tell me, what do you want to know." Xingjian picked up the cold tea and shook it clockwise.

Yuigahama: "..."

I want to know a lot, but I don't know how to ask.

Also, Hoshimi-kun, shouldn't you be the passive side now?Why can you ask so straightforwardly?

Are you really not afraid that I will tell Xiaoxue?

Yubibin, who had a lot of small things in his heart, lowered his head, and after thinking for a long time, he finally choked out a word.

"Xingjian-kun, don't you know what I want to know?"

"Oh~ that's right." Hoshimi put down the teacup, rested his chin on one hand, and lazily looked at Yubihama opposite, "Yuibihama, you want to know about Shiwa and how Yukino and I became lovers, right?"

"Shiwa?" Yubihama couldn't help asking after hearing the name again: "Is Shiwa the girl's name?"

"Of course~ Otherwise, who else could it be? Her full name is Kasumi Hill Shiyu. Like Yukino, she is also a genius. She is always the first in her school's exams."

In the middle of talking, Xingjian suddenly remembered something, "Oh~ I almost forgot, now I am the number one in the second grade of Zongwu High School, so it's okay."

"..." Facing Hoshimi's boast, Yuigahama was not surprised at all.

She was already surprised. On the day when Class J finished changing seats, the news that Xingjian got the first place in the grade had already leaked out.

Although she was depressed at that time, it did not affect her surprise when she knew the news.

Now, two days have passed, I should have been surprised, and I really don't have much emotion left.

However, she was slightly moved by the news that Miss Kasumi Hill was also the oldest.

How should I say it?Is this the mutual attraction between geniuses?

Xiaoxue, Hoshijian-kun, and Ms. Xia Zhiqiu who I have only met once, all three of them want to be beautiful and talented. When such people get together, it suddenly seems that it is not so difficult to accept. .....

Do not!wrong!

294. "Yubahama, welcome to my dreamland"

Yubihama shook his head, scum is scum!This point cannot be concealed no matter what!Today, she must listen to Xingjian to explain the matter of Miss Xia Zhiqiu clearly!

"Yubihama, what are you shaking your head for? Is there something wrong with what I said?" Hoshiki looked at Yubihama with raised brows.

"Eh..." Yubi Bin was stunned, and explained weakly: "Xingjian Jun, what you said is not a problem, it is my own problem, please continue to talk."

"That's fine, I'll continue." Hoshimi pondered for a while, pressed his hands against the edge of the table, leaned forward, and stared oppressively at Yuigahama.

"Yubihama, the matter of Shiwa and Yukino is actually very easy to explain,, do you really want to know?"

"Once you know, you can't go back, and..."

"Heh~" Xingjian laughed lightly, sat back in his seat, and said with a half-smile: "And if Xue Nai finds out that you learned 'that' secret from me, maybe she will really be wary of you in the future. "

"Eh..." Yubihama shrank his neck full of confusion, and asked timidly, "Is it really that serious?"

She thinks that Xing Jian is scaring her, it's just a secret, how could Xue Nai be wary of her because of this?

"Well~ If you don't believe me, there's nothing you can do." Xing Jian shrugged casually.

"..." Yubihama was silent.

She looked at Xing Jian, a little uncertain whether what Xing Jian said was true or not.

After hesitating for a long time, Yubihama chose to find out.

She didn't believe that there would really be such serious consequences.

In addition, if the consequences were really that serious, wouldn't it be equivalent to walking to Xiaoxue's side if she knew the secret?

Compared to being wary of Xiaoxue, she is more afraid of being alienated from Xiaoxue...

"Huh~~" Yubibin took a deep breath, and said with a firm expression, "Xingjian-kun, please tell me what's going on!"

"Oh~~" Hoshimi looked at Yuigahama meaningfully, "Let me ask again, are you really sure?"

"I'm sure!" Yubihama said without hesitation.

Hoshimi smiled, and there were many meanings that Yubihama could not understand in the smile.

He stood up, walked to Yubibin's side, and directed with a smile: "Now, listen to my instructions, Yubibin, please lean back against the edge of the bed."

"En?" Yuigahama, who didn't know why, moved his body backwards according to Hoshimi's instructions, and asked, "Hoshimi-kun, what does this mean?"

"..." Xing Jian smiled and said nothing, without explanation.

After Yubihama moved to the edge of the bed and his back was against the edge of the bed, he adjusted his position and squatted down on one knee in front of Yubihama.

" are..." Seeing Hoshimi's movements, Yubihama subconsciously dodged backwards.

But behind her is the bed, so how can there be room to dodge?

"It's just the necessary preparations, in case the two of us bump into each other." Xingjian explained, while adjusting the angle with a smile, trying to achieve the desired effect smoothly in a while.

"Ah?" Yuigahama looked at Hoshimi in bewilderment.

It's just a secret, will you still bump into each other?

Could Mr. Xingjian be lying to her again?

"Okay, give me your hand now." After adjusting the angle, Hoshimi stretched out his right hand and gestured for Yubihama to put his hand up.

"..." Yubihama didn't speak, and silently put his hand into Hoshimi's.

She wanted to see what kind of tricks Xingjian was going to play.

If so much effort was wasted, but the result is only to fool her, then she will not forgive...


In the middle of her thoughts, Yubibin was suddenly so sleepy that she couldn't lift her eyelids. She tilted her head and fell into a sleep state instantly.

At the same time, most of Xingjian's consciousness has entered the dream state, leaving only a small half of consciousness to receive the upcoming small welfare.

His body was as he expected in advance, with the upper body straight forward and poured into Yubihama's arms.

After drawing a graceful curve, his face was buried in Yuigahama's chest with precision.

"It's comfortable~" Xing Jian muttered something in his heart, and then he entered the dreamland comfortably.

Because of Yukino's face, he can't do anything to Yubihama, but a little revenge is fine.

As for the reason for revenge?Isn't that clear?

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