It's just a fluffy ball, but it wants to use secrets to get information from him?

snort!How can it be so easy!He was the most annoyed at being coerced in his life!

Yubihama did this, and it would be unreasonable for him not to retaliate.


Dreamland, the modern city made of steel is as majestic as ever.

Yubihama, who was located on the water tower of the tallest building, was half astonished and half confused looking at the steel jungle made up of skyscrapers in front of him.

"Where is this?" Yubihama murmured in confusion.

"Welcome to my dreamland, how is it, spectacular?"

Hearing Hoshimi's voice, Yubibin followed the sound subconsciously.

I saw Xing Jian floating in front of him, making the appearance of opening his hands and embracing the world.

"..." Yubihama, whose brain was down, tilted his head, staring blankly at Hoshimi not far in front of him.

At this moment, she was in a daze.

The head is buzzing, and it seems to be processing all the received messages at a high speed.

After a while, Yubibin, who was not well equipped with hardware, gave up thinking. She looked at Xingjian and asked in a daze, "Xingjian, what's going on? Where are we now?"

"Heh~ Are you dazed?" Hoshimi landed in front of Yubihama, raised her chin, and said with a half-smile: "Let me help you sober up."

Saying that, Hoshimi changed into Yukino's appearance, staring at Yuigahama with a frosty face.

"Student Yubihama, I have always regarded you as a friend, but you! You want to steal my man! Do you want to be my enemy?!"


Hearing "Yukino"'s harsh questioning, Yuigahama woke up suddenly.

She took a few steps back in a panic, and explained with cold hands and feet: "Xiaoxue, it's not like's not like listen to me..."

In the middle of the conversation, "Yue Nai" disappeared and was replaced by a smiling Hoshimi.

"..." Yubihama's expression froze, and he froze in place.

Hoshimi smiled, opened his hands, and said loudly, "Yuihama Yui, welcome to my dreamland."

"..." After a short silence, Yubibin became angry, she rushed to Xingjian angrily, and asked fiercely.

"Hoshimi-kun! Did you change the "Xiaoyuki" just now?! Why did you become Koyuki!! Also!! Why did you say that!!"

295、"They are all my wings"

"Oh~~" Hoshimi looked at Yubihama meaningfully, "Yubihama, you reacted so violently, could it be that you are really interested in me?"

"?!!" Yubi Binqiao blushed, "Hoshimi-kun! You are too narcissistic! Who would like someone like you?!"

Xing Jian blinked his eyes, "Xue Nao, and Qin Zi, Shi Yu, thank you..."

In the middle of speaking, Hoshimi suddenly fell silent. He tilted his head and looked at Yuyuhihama with a smile, "Well~ All in all, there seem to be quite a few people who like me."

"Thank you?!" Yubi Bin keenly grasped the leaked information in Xingjian's words, she stared at Xingjian in disbelief, "Xingjian Jun! How many women are you hiding that Xiaoxue doesn't know about?!"

Hoshimi smiled and put his hand on Yuigahama's shoulder, "In short, Yuigahama, it's great that you don't like me."

"Hoshimi-kun!!" For Xiaoxue, Yubibin asked persistently, "Hoshimi-kun!! Tell the truth! How many women are you hiding!!"

Hoshimi put his other hand on Yuigahama's shoulder with an undiminished smile, "In short, Yuigahama, it's great that you don't like me!"

"Hoshimi-kun!" Yuigahama, who didn't want the topic to be changed, still tried to ask.

But before she could ask, Xingjian leaned down, pressed her forehead, and repeated again with an undiminished smile: "In short, Yubihama, it's great that you don't like me!!"

"..." Looking at Xingjian who was close at Chichi, Yubihama avoided his gaze with an unnatural expression.

She knew very well that Xingjian didn't want to talk about this topic anymore. Judging from Xingjian's tone that became more serious each time, if she continued to ask, something unexpected might happen.

"Hmm~" Yubihama reluctantly gave up asking.

She broke free from Xingjian's hands, took a few steps back, and kept a safe distance from Xingjian.

"Hoshimi-kun, what's going on here?" Yubihama looked around vigilantly.

At this moment, she finally remembered to find out what was going on in her environment.

"Didn't I just say it at the beginning? This is my dream." Hoshimi explained to Yubihama for the third time.

"Dream? Hoshimi-kun, yours?" Bibin's vigilance turned into curiosity, she looked at the steel jungle around her, and couldn't help asking, "Hoshimi-kun, are you a 'superpower'? Or "Onmyoji"? Are there really 800 million gods in this world?"

"And more..." As he spoke, Yubibin became excited, "Hoshimi-kun, Hoshimi-kun, does Koyuki have any super powers? Is it because of 'work' that you two are together ?"

"By the way, Hoshimi-kun, you suddenly transferred to Zongwu High School. Could it be that you had to transfer here because you wanted to team up with Xiaoxue?"

"Xingjian-kun, Xingjian-kun, did you and Xiaoxue meet during the process of "Slaying Demons and Demons"?"

"By the way, there is also Yan Yong, she looks so mysterious, what ability does she have?"

"And that Miss Xia Zhiqiu, she also looks very powerful, what is her ability?"

"Hoshimi-kun, Hoshimi-kun..."

After confirming that this place is not reality, Yuigahama's brain started to work again, and within a short period of time, he made up the drama of "Urban Slayer" with Hoshimi as the protagonist.

Just like she saw some anime by chance before.

Thinking of the end, Yuigahama suddenly remembered a very important question.

She looked at Xingjian, and asked with bright eyes: "Mr. Xingjian, do I have 'potential'? Can I stand beside Xiaoxue?"

"..." Hoshimi, who had been silent all this time, walked in front of Yuigahama with a delicate expression.

She lowered her head, looked at Yubihama's beautiful eyes full of hope, and smiled and gave her a headache.

"Oh~It hurts~" Yu Bibin covered his forehead, looked at Xingjian pitifully, "Xingjian-kun, what are you doing!"

Hoshimi pouted his chin, and looked at Yubihama with great interest, "I didn't realize before, Yubihama, is your imagination so outstanding? I thought you have nothing but gentleness, but I didn't expect This advantage."

"Eh?" Yubihama stared blankly at Hoshimi.

In just a few sentences, the information density was a bit high, and she didn't know which sentence to answer first.

"Okay, don't fantasize about what you have and what you don't have." Hoshimi smiled and rubbed the dumpling on Yuigahama's head, "This world is indeed not simple, but it's not what you think."

"Yue Nai doesn't have super powers, neither does Shi Yu, and Yu Nao and I are not "killing demons and demons". Besides, in modern society, there are not so many demons and ghosts that need to be eliminated."

"Yue Nao, me, and Shi Yu are just ordinary people."

"As for my dream?" Xing Jian thought for a while, and said, "Just treat this as an 'amusement park', a super 'amusement park' that belongs to me and can be changed at will."

"Oh~" Yuigahama was slightly disappointed after hearing Hoshimi's explanation.

She thought her life would take another path from now on...

kindness?Wait, didn't Hoshimi mention Iwanaga-san just now?

Yubihama, who found the loophole, raised his head to meet Hoshimi's eyes, "Hoshimi-kun, where is Iyanaga-san? Is she also an ordinary person?"

"Are you talking about Qinzi?" Xingjian thought for a while and said, "Qinzi is indeed not an ordinary person, but her identity is a bit sensitive, so I don't want to talk casually. If you have the opportunity to ask Qinzi directly in the future, I think she should not would refuse to answer."

"..." Yuigahama showed embarrassment.

Do you want to ask Iwanaga-san in person?forget it.....

In her eyes, Yan Yong is like a mystery. Except for acting like a girl in front of the stars, at other times, she seems to give people an unknowing temperament, which makes people afraid to approach.

"By the way, Hoshimi-kun, you haven't said anything about you and Xiaoxue, and you haven't said anything about Miss Kasumigaoka..."

The mysterious question was cut off, and Yubihama finally remembered her original purpose. She looked into Hoshimi's eyes, hoping to get a definite and specific answer from his mouth.

Xing Jian raised his eyebrows, "It's all here, do you still need me to explain? Isn't this kind of thing you can know at a glance?"

Xingjian pointed sideways at the sky, "Whether it's Xue Nao, Qin Zi, Shi Yu, they all met me here, they are the people in my dreams, and at the same time..."

Xingjian raised his head, faced the sunlight, and said with a faint smile, "At the same time, they are also my sweethearts."

"..." The corner of Yubihama's eyes twitched, suddenly he didn't know where to start complaining.

At this moment, Xingjian is really handsome, looking up at 45 degrees to the sun, and at the same time facing her sideways, it’s like taking a photo with the filter and the light pulled to the apex. Rumble level.


296. "Kiss and Betrayal"

But!The problem lies in what Hoshimi-kun said!

What do you mean they are all my sweethearts!

Hoshimi-kun!Is your heart really that big? !Can it accommodate so many people at one time? !Could it be that you have opened a racecourse in your heart? !Have you prepared the grassland yet? !

Yubihama, who was full of thoughts in his heart, didn't say a word.

She looked at Xingjian's side face blurred by sunlight with a complicated expression, "Mr. Xingjian, how long are you going to hide it? What do you think about Xiaoxue? Do you regard Xiaoxue as your future wife, or... ..."

After hesitating for a while, Yubihama continued with a firm gaze: "Or Hoshimi-kun, you just want to have fun with Xiaoxue? I don't care about other things, but I must hear you clearly!"

"..." Hoshimi turned around, meeting Yubihama's eyes with a delicate expression.

At this time, Yuigahama was not confused or shaken, her pink pupils stared at him motionlessly, and she seemed to have no sense of cowardice in the past.

Hoshimi smiled, he bent down with a smile, put his eyes on the same level as Yubihama and looked at her.

"Yuigahama, from the point of view of my friend alone, you've already got an 'Excellent'."

Saying yes, Xingjian straightened up, pressed Yubibin's head, and said with a smile: "For the sake of "You", let me tell you the truth, I will marry Xiaoxue, and I guarantee that the medium is marrying, I will definitely marry you." I won't treat Xiao Yukino badly in this regard."

"..." Yuigahama breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as she can get this answer, she can feel relieved for a while.

With the current level of intimacy between Xiaoxue and Xingjian Jun, if they didn't get together in the end, she couldn't imagine what Xiaoxue would be like in the future.

The upright and stubborn Xiaoxue will most likely end up stubborn and lonely...


"En?" Yubihama subconsciously followed the sound and looked at Xingmi, who was temporarily relaxed.

Xingjian smiled and said, "It's hard to come to my "amusement park". Is there anything you want to play?"

"..." Yubihama suppressed the eagerness to move, and shook his head stiffly.

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