If you don't say anything, what kind of reporting is this?At best, it can be regarded as a work summary, right?

No, it doesn't even count as a work summary. At the very least, the work summary must add a reason.

So, Xing Jian, this bastard is deliberately perfunctory, right?

Thinking of this, Xue Nai's smile became more and more dangerous, she raised her Qianqian hand, and stroked Xing Jian's hair lightly and regularly.

"Oh~~" Hoshimi, who had already changed into her own clothes, raised her hand and pinched Yukino's tender face, "Yukono~ I can only say this for the time being, when the matter is resolved, I will tell you what's going on from beginning to end Bar."

"Oh?" Xue Nai tilted her head slightly, pinching Xing Jian's face as well, "Then Xing Jian, can you explain why you wait until the matter is over before telling me the truth?"

"Yue Nao~ You'll be right if you believe me."

Because this matter is related to the car accident that Xue Nai encountered a year ago, Xingjian didn't want Xue Nai to intervene.

Otherwise, with Xue Nai's stubborn temperament, things will only become more troublesome.

"..." Xue Nai didn't say anything, just tilted her head and stared at Xing Jian without saying a word.

Looking at Xingjian's confident eyes, Xue Nai understood that Xingjian would definitely do what he said.

She frowned imperceptibly, wondering why Xingjian had temporarily concealed this from her. Could it be that the conflict between You Bibin and Biqigu had something to do with her?

After contemplating for a while, she changed the subject, and instead of pressing the question, she turned to another question.

"Hoshimi, it's okay if you don't want to say it now, but do you want to explain why you have Yuigahama's smell on you?"

Xue Nai bent down, staring at Xing Jian's red eyes with slightly cold eyes.

"..." Xingjian was a little speechless.

He can be sure that Xue Nai is definitely deceiving him!He left Yuigahama's house, walked in the rain for nearly 10 minutes, and the wind and rain washed away for 10 minutes, and the smell could not remain.

Even if it does remain, only professionally trained dogs can sniff it out. How could humans find the clues?

So, Xiao Yukino has learned badly...

After Xingjian sighed in his heart, he pretended to be calm and said: "Is there a smell? Maybe it's because I stayed in Yubibin's bedroom for more than ten minutes, and I smelled of her powder."

"Oh? Is that so?" Xue Nai stared at Xing Jian intently.

"Or else?" Xingjian looked at Xue Nai with a clear conscience.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... time goes by little by little.

After the two looked at each other for 10 seconds, Xue Nai straightened up and smiled with satisfaction, "That's fine."

"..." Xingjian didn't speak, just turned over and buried her face in Xue Nai's lower abdomen.

"Huh~" He took a deep breath, and said in a dull voice: "Xue Nai, it's been so long, you should give me some trust, I'm not Tai Ritian..."

"..." Yukino didn't answer.

She stroked Xingjian's hair, faintly realizing that she seemed to be a bit too much...

Hoshimi obviously did things for her in the rain, but she still wondered if Hoshimi did something to Yuigahama.

If she and Xingjian switched positions, she would definitely not be able to swallow this breath.

"..." Xue Nai pursed her lips, holding Xing Jian's slightly cold hand with a little guilt in her heart.

"Xingjian, are your nails a bit long?" Suddenly, Xue Nai noticed that the front edge of Xingjian's nails had already exceeded the nail bed by a lot.

Xing Jian glanced sideways, "It seems to be a bit long..."

"Then I'll trim it for you." Yukino smiled and stroked Xingjian's palm gently.

"En..." Xingjian replied indifferently.

"I'm going to get the nail clippers, you get up a little bit." Xue Nai gently pushed Xing Jian's head that was pillowed on her lap.

"Okay." Xing Jian moved down and rested his head on the sofa.

The liberated Yukino got up and brought the nail clippers from the bedroom.

She sat back in her original position, put her legs together, and patted her lightly.

Xingjian understood immediately, and rested his head on Xue Nai's lap again.

"Xingjian, raise your hand." Xue Nai patted Xingjian's arm.

"En..." Xingjian raised his hand obediently, but due to the posture of the two of them at this time, no matter how his arms were placed, it was not convenient for Xue Nai to trim his nails.

"Xing Jian, why don't you sit up first? Are you lying down after I cut it?" Xue Nai, who also noticed the problem, raised her brows and eyes unconsciously.

"Okay~" Xingjian sat up, slumped like a dried salted fish.

Xue Nai rolled her eyes at the lazy star, then raised his arm and began to cut his nails.

Xingjian: "Xue Nai, save a little bit, I'll use it for tickling."

Xue Nai glanced at Xingjian from the corner of her eye, "Don't you take a bath every day? Are you still itchy?"

Hoshimi: "Yukono, don't you understand? Scratching an itch can activate the brain's 'reward system', which not only makes people feel comfortable, but also relieves stress~"

"..." Xue Nai disagreed, and silently cut Xing Jian's nails clean.

After cutting, she still didn't forget to polish it to make Xingjian's nails beautiful.

"Okay, it's finished." Xue Nai put away the tools and put them on the coffee table.

Xing Jian glanced at his nails that didn't even have a white edge left, and couldn't help complaining: "Xue Nai~~ cut too short, there are no nails, so you can only scratch it by rubbing~"

Xue Nai rolled her eyes and stared, "Why are you scratching the itch with your hands? It's unhygienic. You'll feel uncomfortable. Go buy a 'Yu Ruyi' tomorrow and come back."

"No way~ My back is itchy right now~" Xingjian looked distressed.

"Ah~" Xue Nai sighed softly, and said helplessly, "Turn around, I'll scratch you."

"Okay~" Hoshimi, who had achieved his goal, immediately turned his back to Yukino with a smile on his face.

Seeing the speed at which Xing Jian's face changed, Xue Nai immediately knew that she had been deceived again, and Xing Jian was obviously faking it.

But it doesn't matter, the more intimate things have been done, so what's the point of scratching an itch?

Thinking of this, Yukino lifted up the corner of Xingjian's clothes, and touched Xingjian's back from below.

Xue Nai: "Where is it itching?"

Xingjian: "On the side of the shoulder blade."

The shoulder blades, the two bones that protrude from the back.

Because the position of the shoulder blade is relatively high, Xue Nai moved forward, and when the whole body was close to Xing Jian, she smoothly touched near Xing Jian's shoulder blade.

300. "The Itch and the Wolf~"

"En~~~ This is here, come here twice." Xingjian squinted his eyes, enjoying Xue Nao's service comfortably.

I have to say that there is a big difference between tickling yourself and others.

It is also very comfortable to tickle yourself, but it is only limited to comfort. Let others do it, but you can feel the wonderful pleasure brought by the unknown.

"Xue Nai, go up a little bit, just a little bit... After that, go down a little bit, okay, that's it, grab it a little harder."

"Okay, then to the left, pass, come back a little bit, pass again, come back a little bit, ok, here it is, um~~~comfortable~~~"

"..." Xue Nai frowned unobtrusively.

It wasn't because she was impatient with Hoshimi's command, but because she felt that Hoshimi's clothes were too in the way, hindering the normal movement of her arms.

Otherwise, there is no need for Xingjian to say so much.

She looked at Xing Jian's side face, after deliberating for a while, she said calmly: "Xing Jian, take off your clothes."

"Okay~" Xing Jianer didn't say anything, and quickly took off his clothes at a speed that Xue Nai didn't expect.

"..." Looking at Xingjian who did not hesitate at all, Xue Nai wondered if she had been tricked again.

"Xue Nai, continue~ Why are you standing there?"

Yukino didn't speak, and silently put her hands on Xingjian's back.

It was not the first time she had seen Xingjian's body, so there was nothing to be shy about.

But I have to say that Xingjian's body is really beautiful.

Yes, it was very beautiful, the smooth back had no blemishes, it was as perfect as a whole piece of naturally formed precious jade.

If it weren't for the obvious masculine characteristics of Xingjian's skeletal outline, maybe someone would define Xingjian as a girl just by looking at his back.

"Yue Nao, go a little further to the left, yes, go further to the left, yes yes yes, continue to the left."

Listening to Hoshimi's command, Yukino narrowed her eyes.

At this moment, her left hand was already placed on Xingjian's side rib, and going to the left, she was about to go to Xingjian's chest.

"Xue Nai, keep going to the left, don't stop."

Yukino, who guessed what Xing Jian was thinking, raised the corner of her mouth, followed his command, and put her left hand to his chest.

Then, she pressed against Hoshimi's back from behind, and placed her right hand on Hoshimi's chest.

"Xing Jian, is your heart beating faster?" Xue Nai gently blew hot air into her ear.

At this moment, her left hand was placed on Xingjian's left chest, so she could clearly feel Xingjian's heartbeat speeding up.

"My heartbeat has indeed become faster." Xing Jian covered Xue Nai's left hand, and at the same time turned his head against Xue Nai's face, teasingly said: "But, Xue Nai, isn't your heart beating faster too?"

"..." Xue Nai dodged her eyes and did not respond.

It's all like this, can her heart beat faster?Seeing the temperature on Xingjian's body, she was almost going limp from the scorching heat.

"Xue Nai, is your back itchy too?" Xing Jian asked with a smile.

Yukino: "Huh? No~"

Xingjian smiled and said again: "Xue Nai, I think your back is itchy."

"..." Xue Nai blinked her eyes, vaguely guessing what Xing Jian was thinking.

She didn't make a sound, and silently looked at Xingjian's side face.

"Xue Nai, your back is itchy." Xing Jian said affirmatively.

Then, he turned around and hugged Xue Nai from the front, and at the same time, he silently caressed her jade back with both hands.

"..." Xue Nai's pretty face was blushing and she rolled her eyes at Xing Jian, but she didn't resist, and still hugged Xing Jian quietly.

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