"Is it the itching on the shoulder blades? It should be." Xing Jian asked and answered himself, and naturally stroked Xue Nai's shoulder blades with both hands.

"That's it~" Xingjian followed Xue Nai's shoulder blades and scratched gently around.

Yukino rested her chin on Hoshimi's shoulder, squinting her eyes to feel Hoshimi's tickling service.

Since she had cut Hoshimi's nails too clean just now, Hoshimi's tickling service was basically stroking her back with her fingertips.


Scratching and scratching, suddenly a crisp sound interrupted Xue Nai's thoughts.

Her beautiful eyes opened slightly, and she wanted to push Xingjian away in a panic, but Xingjian suddenly hugged her forcefully, no matter how much she struggled, it was useless.

"Xingjian, don't act recklessly..." Xue Nai, who was getting more and more flustered, persuaded Xingjian with a trembling voice.

"Huh? Xue Nai, what are you talking about? I'm just scratching your itch~" Xing Jian smiled deeply and breathed hot air in Xue Nai's ear.

"Hmm~" Xue Nao, whose ears were numb, felt like being electrocuted, and [-]% to [-]% of her strength was taken away in an instant.

She leaned softly in Xingjian's arms, and said in a soft voice: "Xingjian...you promised me...after high school graduation..."

"Well, I remember~ so..." Xing Jian slipped his hands down to Yukino's waist, and suddenly started to scratch her itchy flesh.

"Uh~~" At the first two times, the pain was greater than other feelings, and Xue Nai couldn't help but let out a muffled snort.

But then, the pain subsided, and the itchiness rose vigorously. Xue Nai subconsciously laughed, "Giggle~~stop~Xingjian~~stop, stop making trouble, it's so itchy~giggle~"

"Hehe~" Xingjian smiled slightly, pushed down the weak Xue Nai on the sofa, lifted the corner of her clothes, and recklessly scratched the itchy flesh around her waist.

Most girls are ticklish, so is Xue Nai, and Xue Nao has a lot of itchy flesh on her body.

In addition to the regular waist, soles of feet, and underarms, Xue Nai's ribs and inner thighs also have a lot of itchy flesh.

As long as you scratch it, the iceberg will immediately melt into a pool of spring water.

"See you~~~chuck~~stop~~I was wrong~~whatever you want...you can do whatever you want...don't fish~~~"

"En?" Xing Jian stopped, tilted his head and looked at Xue Nai, "Xue Nai, you just said that you can do whatever you want with me?"

"Hoo~~Hoo~~" Yukino, whose forehead was covered with thin sweat, looked at Xingjian with moist eyes, she gasped for breath, did not respond, and secretly gathered the only strength in her body.


She stood up suddenly, hooked Xingjian's neck, and kissed him viciously.

What should I do if my own wolf is hungry?If you can't kick him out of the house, then you can only feed him some meat to make him full.

Thinking like this, Xue Nai kissed Xing Jian "viciously", trying to feed and feed the hungry wolf.

It's a pity that the natural physical gap between men and women made Xue Nai lose the battle first before feeding the hungry wolves.

Looking at the hungry wolf with strange eyes, Yukino blushed and took out other "feeding" methods.

301. "Okamoto 003 with loopholes"

After Xingjian left, Xue Nai first carefully washed her hands twice, then washed her face carefully several times, and finally brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth meticulously.

After finishing everything, Xue Nai calmed down and returned to the bedroom, ready to sleep.

But when she was changing her pajamas, Xue Nai suddenly found that her hair was stained with something dirty.

"Asshole..." She cursed secretly with reddish ears, and had to turn around and go to the bathroom to wash her hair.

The smooth and long hair that reaches the buttocks is very troublesome to maintain and clean. She usually washes her hair along the way when she takes a shower at night.

The "opportunity" to wash her hair alone like today is very rare, so looking at the waterfall of blue hair soaked in water, Yukino couldn't help but mutter in a low voice.

"Asshole...you wait for me tomorrow..."


At the same time, Xingjian, who was being chanted by Yukino, was lying in the middle of the bath, looking at the complicated patterns on the ceiling with distant eyes.

The huge bath with only one person was very quiet, except for the slight sound of water waves, there was no other sound.


Suddenly, Xingjian coughed twice, the not too loud cough echoed in the huge bathroom, the echo that lasted for several seconds made Xingjian vaguely feel a bit of coolness.

It wasn't the coolness on the body, but a little coolness in the bottom of my heart for no reason, just like the feeling of coolness when seeing rain in autumn.

"..." Xing Jian shook his head, no longer thinking about the origin of the coolness.

He looked at the curling water mist floating in the air, and his throat started to itch again.

The water mist in the bath is very heavy. If you soak for too long, if you inhale too much water mist, your lungs will feel uncomfortable and you will naturally cough.

So whenever his throat starts to scratch and he wants to cough, he knows it's time to call it a day.


Without hesitation, he stood up in the bath and walked towards the shore step by step.



The sound of the water echoed rhythmically with Xing Jian's steps, and the sound of the rippling water gradually subsided until he got ashore.

When the sound of the water completely calmed down, Xingjian had dried his body, put on his pajamas and returned to his bedroom.

Today, Xing Jian didn't go to play games, but lay down on the bed and started to be in a daze.

In a daze, Hoshimi remembered the last words he and Yubihama said when they left Yubihama's house.

"Before next semester starts, I will definitely confess everything to Xiaoxue Nai."

This statement is false...

That's just the rhetoric he used to stabilize Yubibin. Although he had the perjury as a guarantee, it was not safe. Yubibin, who couldn't see it anymore, was very likely to explain everything to Yukino with the determination to break the net.

So in order to stabilize Yubihama, he had to set a deadline.

It is now June, and the next semester will start in September. During the three months in between, Yubihama must be able to stay in the dark and observe the development of the situation with peace of mind.

"Three months..." Xingjian murmured.

To be honest, three months is not a long time, and he is really not sure if he can find a good opportunity to confess everything to Xue Nai, Qin Zi and Shi Yu.

He did have some frank thoughts in his heart, after all, paper cannot cover fire, and no matter how deeply buried a secret is, it will eventually see the light of day.


"Oh~" Xing Jian sighed imperceptibly.

Everything is ruined on a "but", even he would hesitate because of the "but".

No, it would be better to say that people like him who think too much are trapped in the prison of "but".

He was worried, worried that if the truth came to light, the three of them, Yukino, Qinzi or Shiyu, would be disheartened and voluntarily choose to quit. How would he choose then?

To be honest, his strong possessiveness made him not want to let any one go, but it was so difficult to achieve the perfect ending of "I want it all".

First of all, among the three of Xue Nai, Qin Zi, and Shi Yu, the most difficult one is Qin Zi.

Don't look at Qinzi always taking the initiative to get tired of being by his side, but if it's really time to make a choice, Qinzi will definitely show her cold rationality of the "God of Wisdom" and make the most "correct" answer.

The second is Yukino. Yukino, who has some flaws in her character, will inevitably make a "rational" decision with her "integrity" to an almost distorted "heart" at the last moment.

In addition, Xue Nao's sister, who is not good, might come in to disrupt the situation at that time, making the situation even more complicated.

The last is Shiyu, Shiyu is the easiest to solve, but it may also be the most difficult part to solve.

Because of the impact of that "experiment", the possibility of Shiyu voluntarily choosing to quit is very small, but if Shiyu really chooses to quit, then he must always pay attention to Shiyu's life safety...

"Ah~ It's difficult..." Xingjian became sad in a rare way.

How exactly do you have to create the right moment to confess everything to everyone?

Vaguely, Xing Jian had an immature thought in his heart, he narrowed his eyes, his expression gradually became subtle.

He sat up, opened the drawer of the bedside table, and found an unopened box of Okamoto 003 from the inside.

This box of safety supplies was left by Shi Yu. When Shi Yu left, he didn't know whether he forgot it or kept it on purpose. Anyway, he just entered the bedroom, and this box of safety supplies was grandly placed on the bedside table.

He just took a shower at that time, without thinking too much, he just hid the box of safety supplies in the innermost drawer of the bedside table.


Looking at the safety equipment in his hand, Xing Jian's eyes became more and more subtle.

He remembered one thing, it should be in the second half of last year, when he was surfing at night, he accidentally saw a very interesting piece of information.

Around July 14, a city councilor in Xincheng City, Aichi Prefecture proposed to distribute safety supplies with loopholes to the public to increase the local fertility rate.

As soon as this remark came out, the congressman was criticized by citizens and netizens. Afterwards, it was traditional performing arts. The congressman simply bowed his weak waist and apologized to the public.

"Heh~" Xing Jian chuckled, leaning back on the bed, tossing the whole box of Okamoto 003 lazily.

I have to say that this congressman's brain circuit is really strange enough to issue security products with loopholes.


Xing Jian turned his eyes, and casually threw the unopened safety supplies in his hand on the bedside table.

"I don't want to, I don't want to, go to sleep~sleep~" Xing Jian, who suddenly felt better, pulled the quilt to sleep.


At this moment, his phone suddenly vibrated twice.

He picked it up and saw that it was a message from Shi Yu.

"Xingjian, what are you doing?" 』

Xing Jian glanced at the time, it was 22:34, it was still early, and he could still chat with Shi Yu for a while.

So Xingjian took the mobile phone and chatted with Shiyu with a smile.

"Shiwa, did you forget something in my house? 』——Star See

"Eh?Have it?I have taken all my things~all~~』——Kasumi Hill

302, "Yang Nai: No! Yukino! No!"

"yes?That’s okay, by the way, Shiyu, post a photo~”——Xing Jian

"What do you want? 』—— Hill of Kasumi

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