
Hearing a familiar surname, Hikigu froze for a moment, his hands froze, and the canned coffee in his hand fell to the ground.

Hoshimi ignored the astonished Hikigu, and continued to go his own way: "In the car accident you encountered a year ago, the 'inducer' was Hibin, the 'victim' was you, and the 'perpetrator' was Yuki. The driver of the next family."

"At that time, Xue Nai was sitting in that car, and she witnessed the car accident with her own eyes."

"So, Hikigu, do you understand why I came to you today?"

"..." Hikigu silently picked up the can of coffee and held it in his hand.

His feeling is not wrong, the purpose of Xingjian's coming today is indeed not that simple.

In addition, he finally figured out the reason why Hoshimi's efficiency was so fast. It turned out that Minister Yukinoshita was involved in this matter, so it's no wonder.

He stroked the can of coffee in his hand, and his thoughts began to burn rapidly along the clues like wildfire.

The "inducer", "victim" and "perpetrator" of a car accident all gathered in a club, and he and Yuigahama happened to join the club at the front and back.

If this matter is not tricky, no one will believe it.

So, Mr. Hiratsuka, are you the mastermind behind the scenes?

In addition, Minister Yukinoshita is not actually the "perpetrator" at all, but it is a bit inappropriate to describe it as a "witness". The name is gone.

In this way, is the purpose of Xingjian coming to him today to resolve the guilt of the "perpetrator"?

"..." Bi Qigu didn't know what to say.

Inexplicably, he suddenly remembered a sentence Minister Yukinoshita once said.

"Although I can say violent and wrong things, I will never tell lies."

I won't lie...

Hikigu rubbed the outer wall of the canned coffee, his eyes gradually became darker.

He was waiting, waiting for Xingjian to continue talking.

"Biki Valley..."

I'm listening... Hikigu answered in his heart.

"I don't really care about the conflict between you and Yuigahama, after all, it's none of my business."

That's right, after all, Hoshimi-kun, you seem to be the type who thinks nothing of yourself. You look loose on the outside, but you are actually indifferent on the inside, right?

"But this matter has something to do with Xue Nai, so I can't sit idly by."

Well, this is not surprising at all. Judging from your strong possessiveness towards Minister Yukinoshita, it is a bit surprising that you can let me continue to stay in the service department.

Hikigu still hasn't forgotten, shortly after seeing Hoshimi, what a subtle method this man used in order to eliminate the people around Minister Yukinoshita.

304. "Could it be that you like Yukino?"

"Hikigaya, let me be honest, rather than resolving the conflict between you and Yuigahama, my main purpose is to clear the guilt in Yukino's heart."

"..." There is no need to say anything about the things that have already been guessed, so Bi Qigu continued to listen to Xingjian's narration in silence.

"Hikigaya, do you know why both Yukihama and Yukino feel guilty towards you?"

"That's because you look so pitiful, alone, with no friends, no one to talk to, all you can do at school every day is to be in a daze and read a book, and there is nothing else to do besides that. "

Bi Qigu's eyes twitched, as if someone had stabbed him in the heart.

Lies don't hurt, truth is the knife.

The knife was a little harsh...it made his chest feel tight...

"So, Hikigu, do you understand what I'm going to do?" Hoshimi smiled and patted Hikigu on the shoulder.

"...Hiss~" Bi Qigu took a deep breath unconsciously as the pain on his shoulders stimulated him.

After Xingjian withdrew his hand, he rubbed his shoulders and looked at Xingjian, "Student Xingjian, do you want to find me a friend? If so, I think you'd better give up."

Hikigu smiled self-deprecatingly, "I'm not boasting. In terms of social interaction, my ability is basically zero. Do you know the nicknames given by my classmates in junior high school?"

Bi Qigu paused, and said with a bit of confidence like a fan: "It's the 'Shadow Man'~ In the game, this is a UR-level title, and ordinary people have no way to obtain it at all."

"So, Xingjian, do you understand? The social skills used by someone like you will never come in handy to me."

"Alas~" Looking at the confused and confident Bi Qigu, Xingjian sighed and patted him on the shoulder silently.

"Bichigu~ I admire you very much, firstly because you are very smart, secondly because you will refuse, and thirdly because your self-deprecating attitude is very interesting."

"However..." Xingjian smiled and looked at Hikigu, "You said that I am a cashier, and I want to refute this point. In fact, I am not a so-called cashier. It’s just a matter of interest, I am not interested in interpersonal communication.”

"Also..." Xingjian squeezed Hikigu's shoulder, smiled and increased his strength, "Bikigu, are you underestimating me? Do you think my methods will have no effect on you?"

"..." Hikigu wanted to answer yes, but the increasing strength on his shoulders made him put away his thoughts.

He forced a smile, "Student Xingjian, I believe in your ability, I just don't believe in my own social skills..."

"Heh~" Xing Jian chuckled, retracted his hand, looked at the distant sky, and asked casually: "Bikigu, have you ever liked a girl?"

"..." Bi Qigu froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

When Xingjian asked this question, an almost black and white picture flashed in his mind.

As the sun sets and the breeze strokes, the curtains dance lightly.

In the empty classroom, he bowed down and extended his hand expectantly to the girl in front of him.

But the other party replied with an embarrassed expression: "Isn't it good to be friends?"


Recalling the gloomy experience in the past, Bi Qigu felt a pain in his heart, and the corner of his mouth seemed to overflow with blood that did not exist.

"Oh~ Seeing Hikigu, you should have it~" Hoshimi, who looked up at the sky, glanced at Hikigu beside him from the corner of his eye.

"..." Hikigu, who was falling into dark memories, didn't want to answer Hoshimi's question. He held the max coffee in his hand and quietly calmed down the turmoil in his heart.

"Come on, tell me who it is."

However, Xingjian didn't mean to let Hikigu go.

While looking at the sky, he asked with a smile on his face.

"..." After Bi Qigu was silent for a while, his lips trembled undetectably twice, "No..."

"No? Then I'll guess it myself." Xingjian thought for a while, and said, "Is it Yubibin? Probably not, if you liked her, you wouldn't say that kind of thing to her."

"..." Bi Qigu's facial muscles twitched unconsciously twice.

Yuigahama, how much do you trust Hoshimi!Did you even tell Xingjian exactly what I said? !

It stands to reason that you shouldn't keep that kind of thing in your heart and never tell anyone, right?

With a complicated mood, Bi Qigu clenched the canned coffee in his hand, and a slight sense of shame quietly rose in his heart.

It is a kind of shame to have a black history discovered by others knowing that I have said that kind of thing...

"It's not Yubihama, who is that?" Hoshimi continued to guess.

"Yumiko Miura? She has a good face and figure, but it's a pity that her heart belongs to her. Presumably you don't want to be a tauren, do you? But Hayama doesn't seem to be interested in her, and just uses her as a shield. In this way, you If it's interested in her, it's not a tauren."

"..." Bi Qigu couldn't complain.

Xingjian classmate, is it really okay to talk about her secrets so unscrupulously?Although everyone knows this secret, let's save some face for the person involved.

If it is really heard by others, and it reaches Miura's ears, she might be at odds with you.

Hoshimi, who didn't care what Biqigu thought in his heart, continued to say unscrupulously: "But Miura is too strong. If you are with Biqigu, I'm afraid you will only be at the bottom in the future."

Hearing Xingjian's violent words, Bi Qigu's eyebrows twitched twice, he looked around subconsciously, and he was relieved when he saw no one around.

If someone hears this, he doesn't know what will happen to Hoshimi, but he will definitely suffer Miura's revenge.

"Miura has no possibility, so who could it be? Could it be Yukino?" Hoshimi smiled and looked at Hikigu.

"..." Bi Qigu's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly waved his hand to clarify, "Student Xingjian, how is this possible, I still have self-knowledge."

Xingjian turned back, smiled and said: "Yes, Xiaoxue is my man, if you have thoughts, then you are not Bi Qigu."

"..." Hikigu was speechless.

How should I say it?Is he really a ruthless person who can associate with Minister Yukinoshita?This overwhelming self-confidence is exactly the same as Minister Yukinoshita...

But what Xing Jian said is actually quite right, he really doesn't have even the slightest thought about Minister Yukinoshita, he won't have and dare not have...

305. "Where is the white-haired detective?"

"It's not Yuigahama, it's not Miura, it's not Yukino, who could it be?" Hoshimi glanced at Hikigaya, and said with a smile, "Could it be Hikigaya, your former junior high school classmate?"

"..." Bi Qigu, who was on pins and needles, wanted to leave.

He was very sure that Hoshimi had already had a rough answer in his heart, saying that Yubihama, Miura and Yukino were just to tease him and see how he would react.

"Looking at your reaction, Bi Qigu, it should be it." Xingjian said frivolously: "Come on, tell me, what's her name?"

"...It's all in the past...and..." Bi Qigu looked down at the ingredient list of Max coffee, and seemed to feel the bitterness of the coffee when he entered the mouth, "...she has already Send me a "friend card", even if you want to poke us, classmate Xingjian, it's useless."

"It's up to people, how will you know if you don't try?" Xing Jian smiled more warmly, "Come on, tell me, what's her name, and which high school is she in now?"

"..." Bi Qigu didn't respond.

He remembered the name very clearly, but he didn't know which high school the other party was in.

Since he was issued a "friend card", he became more and more alienated from the other party. By the time he graduated, he basically only had the status of a classmate.

In this case, how could he know which high school the other party went to?

"Aren't you going to say it?" Xing Jian leaned back and propped his hands on the ground behind him. Facing the mild sunlight, he said flatly: "Bikigu, even if you don't say it, I can find a way to figure it out. After all Detectives in this world are very powerful, as long as there is a little bit of clues and enough rewards, they can get any information you want to know."

Speaking of detectives, Hoshimi suddenly saw the figure of Siesta in front of him.

That white-haired detective should already know where I am, right?So she hasn't come to me until now, what is the situation?

not interested?Or was she dragged down by her own affairs?

Xingjian was not sure, and at the same time he did not dare to pull Siesta into his dream as he wished, he was afraid that his recklessness would cause an accident to Siesta...

Just wait, what should come will always come.

"Detective..." Hikigu muttered in a low voice with a depressed face.

Xingjian really does whatever he wants to the point that people can't deal with it...

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