It was obviously just a trivial matter among students, but Xingjian was able to unscrupulously pull out a "detective" to deal with it.

He was very sure that Xingjian didn't tell lies. If he really didn't tell, Xingjian might really ask a detective to find out who the girl he confessed to was.

Thinking of this, Bi Qigu felt three points of depression, three points of helplessness, and four points of melancholy in his heart.

and many more!

If there are detectives investigating him, wouldn't all his dark history be exposed to Xingjian's eyes?

"..." Bi Qigu caught his breath, and immediately said the girl's name.

"Orimoto...Orimoto Kaori...her name is Orimoto Kaori."

"Orimoto Kaori?" Hoshimi came back to his senses, and looked sideways at Hikigaya: "Hikigaya, are you sure it's the name?"

"Yes..." Hikigu, who was forced to tell the black history, nodded dejectedly.

"Okay, I got it." Xingjian stood up, stretched his muscles and said, "Then Bi Qigu, just wait for my notification, right..."

Xingjian tilted his head slightly, and looked at Hikigu from the corner of his eye, "I'm ugly, if you don't arrive on time after I notify you, then don't blame me for using some extraordinary means, I know very well, Biqigu, you have no friends, no social field to deal with, and nothing to do except go to school."


Bi Qigu seemed to have been stabbed again, he endured the illusion of tightness in his chest, his lips trembled slightly, and wanted to say something.


"Bichigu, don't you want to use the excuse of having guests at your house to fool me? You'd better think about it before you talk about it."

"..." Bi Qigu raised his eyebrows.

Well, the fabricated excuses were completely seen through, and besides that, it was difficult for him to make up other excuses.

It can't be said that his relative died, so he is going to the funeral, right?

He believed that if he dared to say that, Xing Jian would absolutely dare to come to "go to the funeral" together, and when his father figured out what was going on, he would probably beat him half to death...

"Alas~" Hikigu could only sigh helplessly when he met Xingjian, a guy who couldn't be dealt with by conventional means, "I see, I will be there on time."

"Okay, then let's just say that, I'll go first." After saying that, Xing Jian left gracefully.

"Ah~~" Sitting in place, Biqigu sighed again, looking at the unchanging scenery.

For the first time in history, someone matched him with others, and his mood was a bit complicated...

But Xingjian is really overconfident, he firmly believes that Xingjian cannot succeed.

After all, who made him Biqigu?

"Heh~" Bi Qigu laughed at himself twice.


He opened the Max coffee that Xingjian gave him, and calmly took a sip.

The coffee is very bitter, but fortunately, the sweetness at the Max level covers part of the bitterness, making the taste slightly softer.


During club activity time in the afternoon, Xue Nai sat alone in the service department and read a book.

Except for her, no other members of the Ministry of Service came today.

Yuigahama and Hikigaya are having a conflict, and they don't know when they will come.

Xingjian went to deal with this matter, and I don't know how long it will take to solve it.

As for Yan Yong Qinzi, that guy skipped club activities without saying hello.

She guessed that Yan Yong Qinzi should know that Xing Jian was not here today, so he didn't come at all.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't come, she doesn't want to be alone with Yan Yong Qinzi, that little guy is unhappy seeing her, and she is the same.

She, Yukinoshita Yukino, will always only repay grievances with honesty, and will never repay grievances with kindness.


Bi Qigu knew that Xingjian's efficiency was very high, but he didn't expect that Xingjian's efficiency would be so ridiculously high.

Only one day later, the notice from Xingjian came.

On Friday afternoon, Hikigu, who came home, slumped on the sofa, worrying about what he should do when Xingjian asked him to go out on the weekend.

If possible, he also wants to taste the taste of love! !

But... Kaori Orimoto sent him a "friend card", how could she fall in love with him again?Better not to think too much about it.

If you don't expect, you won't be disappointed. This is one of his important life philosophies.


306. "Komachi Wants to Know Hoshimi"

At this moment, Hikigu's phone vibrated twice, and he subconsciously picked up the phone to take a look.

Then the whole person froze.

"Hikigaya, come quickly, I'll give you half an hour to the Chiba Prefectural Central Museum, I'll take you to clean up yourself first, and then, at 06:30 in the afternoon, go to a fellowship with me, the one you are interested in Kaori Orimoto was also there. 』——Star See

Looking at the message from Xingjian, Hikigu was dumbfounded.

What kind of efficiency is this?He only told Xingjian a name, but after only one day, Xingjian invited someone over? !

Is this the social ability of the top cash? !

"God..." Hikigu suddenly had the urge to worship Xingmi.

Great, really great...

In addition, seeing Yixing's exaggerated social skills, can Minister Yukinoshita really keep him?

In the future, the head of Minister Yukinoshita will not grow green grasslands, will he?


Just as Hikigu was feeling emotional, his cell phone vibrated twice again.

He picked it up and took a look.

"Hikigaya, hurry up, don't be shocked there, now!"immediately!immediately!Come over here!Our time is tight! 』——Star See

"..." Hikigu's right eyelid twitched twice.

No matter how many times, I will be horrified by Hoshimi's ability to read people's hearts......


The information is here again.

"correct!Don't take the tram!Hire a taxi directly, and I will reimburse you! 』——Star See

"Hiss~~" Bi Qigu gasped.

Taxi? !Rentals in Japan are notoriously expensive!Where did he get so much money? !

From his home to the Central Museum, at least 2500 yen is required, and it may even soar to more than 3000 yen! !

How can a "poor class" like him who doesn't care about his grandma, doesn't love his uncle, and only has lunch money all the year round have the money to rent a car!


The urging message came again.

"faster! !Don't delay! !late! !Believe it or not, I threw you into the aquarium for people to visit! ! 』——Star See

Hikigu didn't dare to question what Xingjian said.

In order not to become an "aquarium fish", he gritted his teeth and went cheekily to his sister's room.

The younger sister with the highest family status is different from him who has the lowest family status. His younger sister has a lot of pocket money.

"Komachi, lend me some money, 3... no, 5000 yen will do."

Thinking of the future fraternity, Bi Qigu had to slightly increase the amount of the loan.

"Eh? Big brother, what do you need so much money for?" Komachi, who was doing homework, stopped writing, and turned to look suspiciously at Hikigaya, who was blushing.

"I...I..." Bi Qigu was a little speechless.

He's going to a sorority?Komachi won't believe this at all...

"Brother, if you don't make it clear, I won't lend you money~" Komachi opened the desk drawer and counted out 5000 yen from the pocket money he had accumulated.

"Hmm~" Looking at the life-saving money in Komachi's hand, Hikiya bit the bullet and said, "One of my...classmates...wanted to take me to a sorority...that's why I... "

"Eh?! Sorority!!!" Komachi, who was wearing cool clothes, looked at his brother in shock.

"Well...the fraternity..." Bi Qigu nodded with difficulty.

Sure enough, Komachi wouldn't believe it at all... I don't know if Komachi will lend him the money...

Hikigu thought so, but his sister's behavior seemed to be completely different from what he thought.

"Brother, you've grown actually found out that you joined a sorority~Crying Qingqing~~" Komachi, with tears in his eyes, ordered another 5000 yen from the drawer, plus the previous 5000 yen. A full 10000 yen was handed over to Biqigu.

"Eh?" Hikigu looked at the money in his hand, then at Komachi in front of him, suddenly he couldn't turn his head.

"Brother, go quickly. You must find me a sister-in-law. Even if you can't find a sister-in-law, you must find a friend."

"If you can't even find a friend...then brother, you must have fun, just treat it as accumulating experience, and let's make persistent efforts next time."

"Okay, brother, hurry up and change your shoes, don't make your classmates wait too long."

Before Hikigaya could react, Komachi had already pushed him to the entrance.

"..." Hikigaya followed Komachi's instructions and put on his walking shoes.

Then, he was pushed all the way to the gate by Komachi.

"Brother, go quickly."

Looking at the expectant Komachi, the corners of Hikiya's eyes twitched unconsciously.

always feel weird...

Also, did Komachi really want him to make friends so much?

This is really...

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