Bi Qigu took a deep breath, not knowing how many times he felt lucky to have a younger sister.

"By the way, brother, who is the classmate who took you to the fraternity party? Can you introduce me to him? I will thank him well later."

"..." Bi Qigu's face sank, and he turned his head and left without saying a word.

Introduce Hoshimi to Komachi? !joke! !

He would never allow Hoshimi to come within a hundred meters of Komachi!Even if you risk your life, you must intercept it!

This is the responsibility of being a brother!

"Brother, go all the way, you must have fun~"

Although Komachi wondered why her brother refused to tell who that classmate was, she still chose to send her brother off first, and it would not be too late to ask about that classmate later.

Hikigaya, who had already walked some distance, raised his hand and made an "ok" gesture.

Seeing that Komachi is so generous, he should have fun anyway.

As for the question of friends and sister-in-law, let it be...


Ten minutes later, Hikigu arrived at the place requested by Hoshimi.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Hoshimi standing on the street opposite the main entrance of the museum and waving to him.

He looked around, quickly crossed the road and met with Xingjian.

"Come on, I'll take you to do a styling first."

Before he could ask anything, Xing Jian strode towards the west street.

With no choice, he could only helplessly follow in the footsteps of Xingjian.

Soon after, Hikigu followed Xingjian into a very stylish private club.

"Uncle Jiang Duan, long time no see." After entering the club, Xing Jian greeted the feminine man who had been waiting for a long time.

Jiang Duan Linya, the professional image designer who can be ranked among the top five in the entire Tokyo metropolitan area.

307. "King Game"

The private club they are in now is the property under Jiang Duanlinye's name. It is said to be a club, but it is actually more inclined to a fashion club.

On weekdays, Jiang Duanlin often invites other colleagues to come here for exchanges, or to teach his own students here.

In the past, when his father was still alive, Jiang Duanlin was also his father's personal image consultant.

Whenever his father wants to attend an event, he will come to this club, and let Jiang Duanlin carefully design a suitable image for him.

In addition, in the interpersonal files left by his father, it is clearly stated that Jiang Duanlin also received a lot of help from his father when he entered the fashion circle as an apprentice.

Even the private club in front of him was funded and built by his father.

"It's Qingchuan. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I heard that you have started school? How do you feel?" The feminine man named Ebata Rinya saw Hoshimi and showed a hearty smile that didn't fit his temperament.

"It feels good, school is much more fun than home." Xing Jian responded with a smile.

"Really? Looking at you, Qingchuan, could it be that you have a girlfriend?" Jiang Duanlin felt happy from the bottom of his heart when Xingjian walked out of the shadow of his parents' death.

"I did get a girlfriend."

"Oh? Is that so? Tell me, uncle, which family's daughter is so lucky."

Xing Jian and Jiang Duanlin were also chatting. He first talked about Xue Nai, and then Qin Zi.

As for Shi Yu, he didn't say anything because Bi Qigu was still there.

After Xiang Jiang Duanlin also asked some tips on how to stabilize the Shura field, Xingjian took the opportunity to propose his purpose for coming here.

"Uncle Jiang Duan, I came to you today just to help my friend change his image."

Xingjian hid aside, and the timid Bi Qigu dragged him to Jiang Duanlinye, "This friend of mine is usually alone and looks pitiful. I'm going to take him to a high school student meeting later." Uncle Jiang Duan, can you design an image for him that a high school girl will fall in love with at a glance?"

"Come on, let me take a look first." Jiang Duanlin also pouted his chin, carefully looking at Bi Qigu who was somewhat gloomy.

"Well, come on, show me your back straight." Jiang Duanlin also patted Bi Qigu's stooped back directly.

"..." Bi Qigu straightened his waist somewhat unnaturally.

To be honest, the feminine man in front of him put a lot of pressure on him.

When he saw this feminine man at first, he thought he was a sissy with a lot of makeup.

But when the other party started to communicate with Xing Jian, he realized that he was wrong. This feminine male voice was very powerful, and he spoke very steadily, without any sissy feeling at all.

But now, when he was scrutinized by the opponent's long and narrow red phoenix eyes, he felt inexplicably nervous, as if he was being watched by Mr. Hiratsuka, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Well, the foundation is not bad, but the hunched waist looks too decadent, and the hair is too casual, it will be much better with a little care, but your eyes are a bit difficult, and you can only wear a pair of them for a short time. Cover it with glasses, and it will take a lot of time to completely solve the eye problem in the future."

After drawing the conclusion, Jiang Duanlin also turned his head to look at Xingjian, "Qingchuan, when will your sorority start?"

Xingjian smiled and said, "7 o'clock in the evening."

"?!!" Hikigu opened his eyes slightly.

Isn't it 6:7?How did it become [-] o'clock?I got scammed again?

But thinking of the reason why Xingjian lied to him, Bi Qigu didn't say anything more.

"7 o'clock in the evening?" Jiang Duanlin also glanced at his watch, "Suppose you leave Qingchuan at 6:40, then we still have 2 hours and 10 minutes, which is almost enough time, by the way, Qingchuan, do you want to take care of it too? ?”

"I don't need it. After all, I already have two girlfriends. If you provoke me again, I won't be able to deal with it." Xingjian, who was "naturally beautiful and hard to give up", rejected Jiang Duanlinye's kindness.

He is not the protagonist today, if he takes care of it, it will be useless even if Bi Qigu cleans it up, it is better for him to keep a low profile.

"Okay, I'm starting to work, Qingchuan, you can go around by yourself first."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Duanlin led Bi Qigu to the side workshop.

First of all, it is necessary to measure the body data of this little boy, and then determine the specific plan for image transformation.

Then, the hairstyle is preliminarily determined. During the haircut, his disciples are asked to prepare suitable clothes,

Then, there are a series of things that need to be transformed, such as facial skin, glasses, jewelry, and temperament.


Two hours later, a Biqigu who was so strange that Hoshimi almost didn't recognize him appeared.

Xing Jian looked around Bi Qigu up and down.

The light, layered, mid-parted, short, broken hair made Bi Qigu look very refreshing, but the pair of dark brown-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose added an extremely deep sense of stability on top of the refreshing.

A simple white shirt and straight brown slim-fit straight-leg pants bring the steady main tone to the limit.

"It's not bad~ It looks like a senior in the department, and once you wear these glasses, you can't see them with dead fish eyes, and your temperament immediately rises. Not bad, really good."

After praising Biqigu, Xingjian turned around and gave Jiang Duanlin a thumbs up, "Uncle Jiang Duanlin, you are amazing."

Jiang Duanlin also smiled, "He has a good foundation, and it's easy to reform. His image of a calm senior is presumably those girls in high school will be very interested in it. Girls, apart from fresh meat, like mature ones. gone."

This is true.

In Japan's harsh social environment of juniors and juniors, calm seniors are a very popular type.

In addition, it is not appropriate for the taciturn Bi Qigu to pretend to be a little milk dog. It is better to pretend to be a calm and reliable "senior" who is taciturn and reliable.

"Uncle Jiang Duan, thank you." Xingjian smiled and thanked.

"It's a small thing, thank you for everything."

"Uncle Jiang Duan, let's go first."

"Well, go ahead and have fun."

After saying goodbye, Xingjian led the brand new Hikigu out of the clubhouse.


At 7 o'clock in the evening, Xingjian brought Biqigu to the KTV where the friendship is located on time.

For high school students, socializing is mainly for fun, plus the law that minors cannot drink alcohol, so the socializing location is directly set in the large private room of KTV.

There were a lot of people in this friendship, a total of 10 people, in addition to Guo Xingjian and Hikigu, there were two boys whom I didn't know.

These two boys are considered handsome, and they can be tidied up, but compared with Biqigu and the "naturally beautiful" stars who have been transformed by professional image designers, they really pale in comparison.

So as soon as the friendship started, the two boys became little transparent, and the six girls present basically focused their eyes on Xingjian and Hikigu.

By the way, among the six girls, apart from the target Kaori Orimoto, there is also a classmate in Hoshimi's class—Amata Saimi.

This friendship was able to be established so quickly, thanks to the help of Tianfang Caishui.

Yesterday afternoon, Xingjian saw the files of all the students of Zongwu High through unconventional means. After he checked it carefully, Xingjian found that Tianfang Caishui and Biqigu came from the same middle school.

Afterwards, he approached Amakata Saimizu and asked her if she knew Oribon Kaori.

Tianfang Caishui's answer was acquaintance, and it was not an ordinary cognition. In terms of preparation, she and Orimoto Kaori should be regarded as relatively close friends, and they have been in touch since entering high school.

At this point, Xingjian took advantage of Tianfang Caishui's affection for him and asked her to help organize this social gathering.

As for the question of affection...

Well~ This little girl has always been very obvious, but she is too intimidating, so neither Xue Nao nor Qin Zi took her seriously.

Even he himself didn't have any feelings for this little girl.

This little girl is beautiful, but she lacks some key factors that make him call.

"Mr. Xingjian, are you the king?" Caishui, the genius next to Xingjian, asked softly with a flushed face.

"Yes~" Xing Jian revealed his identity as the "King" with a smile.

Friendship~ Playing the "King Game" is naturally a very routine operation.

It's just that he decides the venue for the friendship, and he also provides the props for the "Game of Kings". Only he himself knows how tricky it will be.

No way, he is also responsible for the mission, it's all for Xiao Yukino~

Thinking so, Hoshimi smiled and gave the order of the "King", "No. 6 and No. 9, let's watch the game, the loser has to show his talent~"

No. 6 Hikigaya and No. 9 Kaori Orimoto walked towards the empty space ahead with their own lottery.

Until this moment, Kaori Orimoto still didn't recognize that the calm and handsome man in front of her was an old classmate who had confessed to her.

She just somehow felt that this steady and handsome man looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

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