As soon as she thought of this, Kaori Orimoto said it directly, "Ahaha~~ You seem familiar, have we met somewhere? By the way, I don't know your name yet?"

The handsome white-haired guy and the steady and handsome guy were the latest to come, and they joined in without introducing themselves. She still doesn't know their names.

That handsome white-haired guy over there, she heard the genius Caishui calling "Hoshimi-kun", so she knew what he called him.

But she didn't know anything about the calm and handsome man in front of her, and besides that "Xingjian Jun", no one seemed to know him.

Now, she and this calm and handsome man were selected by the "King", and she just happened to be able to ask each other's name directly.

"...Okimoto... Didn't you recognize me?" Bi Qigu looked at the old classmate in front of him with complicated emotions.

"This voice... are you Hikigaya???" Hearing Hikigaya's voice, Orimoto Kaori was stunned for two seconds, then looked in astonishment at Hikigaya Hachiman who was completely different from her junior high school counterpart.

308. "The End of the Friendship"

Kaori Orimoto couldn't remember how the fraternity ended.

Ever since she recognized Hikigu, she was dizzy, and when she woke up, the sorority was over, and everyone was divided into four small teams to say goodbye to each other at the entrance of the KTV.

There were four small teams, she and Hikigu were on the team, Tianfang Caishui was on the team with that Hoshimi-kun, and the remaining two boys were leading the two girls.

She couldn't remember why the teams were divided up like this. It seemed that it was for safety reasons, so she asked the boys to send the girls home.

As for why she got together with Biqigu, she couldn't remember clearly, it seemed that it became what it is now inexplicably.

"Goodbye everyone, let's go first."

"Goodbye, Mr. Xingjian, goodbye, Mr. Biqigu."

"Bye~ See you next time."

Seeing everyone leaving one after another, Orimoto Kaori subconsciously looked for her partner. She looked left and right, and finally saw Hikigaya on the steps at the main entrance of the KTV.

At this moment, Hikiguya was talking to Hoshimi.

She intentionally wanted to go over, but just as she took a step, a somewhat cold hand grabbed her wrist.

She turned her head and saw that it was her friend Tianfang Caishui.

"Caishui?" She looked at Tianfang Caishui suspiciously.

"Xaori, wait a little longer, they should be here soon." Tianfang Caishui explained with evasive eyes.

"...Okay..." Kaori Orimoto withdrew her stepping foot, and waited for the exchange between Hoshimi and Hikigaya with Amakata Saimizu.


"If you don't take her away, what are you looking for me for?"

At the door of the KTV, Hoshimi looked suspiciously at Hikigu who touched him.

"That..." Bi Qigu's eyes were erratic, as if there was something unspeakable.

"..." Seeing Bi Qigu's hesitation, Xingjian said speechlessly: "If you have anything to say, just tell me, don't waste time."

"...reimbursement...reimbursement...cough~" Bi Qigu coughed softly, hiding his embarrassment.

"Reimbursement?" Xingjian frowned, "Oh~ yes, I remembered, I said I would reimburse you for the fare, how much? I'll give it to you."

"2900..." Bi Qigu truthfully reported the cost of his taxi ride in the afternoon.

Hoshimi took out his wallet, counted out 2900 yen and handed it to Hikigu, "No more, no less, exactly 2900."

Bi Qigu accepted the money in embarrassment.

"Sorry..." His voice was so small that Xing Jian almost thought he was hallucinating.

"It's okay, I understand." Hoshimi smiled and patted Hikigu on the shoulder.

He knows better than Bi Qigu what 2900 yen means to a high school student, which is almost a week's lunch money.

If this money is wasted in insignificant places, it will indeed make people uncomfortable for a long time.

In his previous high school, he lost his meal money for a week, but this was unforgettable...

"By the way..." Xingjian squeezed Biqigu's shoulder, and said teasingly: "Biqigu, to be honest, did you borrow this money temporarily? I'm a little curious, don't you have no friends? Who are you asking?" Borrowed money?"


Words are like sharp knives, piercing Hikigu's heart one after another.

Suffering from internal injuries, the corners of his eyes twitched as he looked at Xingjian who was right in front of him.

This guy is really scary, he even guessed the matter of him borrowing money...

"Oh~" Bi Qigu sighed, and told the truth helplessly, "I borrowed this money from my sister."

"Oh? Younger sister?" Xing Jian said thoughtfully: "It seems that your younger sister is very favored at home, and she has spare money to lend you."

"..." Hikigu was speechless.

The younger sister is more favored at home. This is an unshakable fact, and there is really nothing to say.

In this regard, he has no opinion at all!kindness!no comment!

"Do you have anything else to do?" Xingjian glanced at Bi Qigu.

Hikigu shook his head, "No."

Xingjian: "If you don't have one, then go, don't waste time."

"O..." Hikigu left sullenly.

When Biqigu walked out about three meters away, Xingjian raised his voice and shouted: "Hey, Biqigu, this is for you."

"En?" Bi Qigu turned around when he heard the sound, and saw a small object flying towards him.

He hurriedly caught it and saw that it was a bottle of anti-wolf spray that had been opened.

He remembered very clearly that Xingjian picked up this bottle of anti-wolf spray in the corridor in front of everyone when they came out of the KTV private room.

At that time, he also jokingly asked the girls present who wanted it, and the girls laughed and shied away. In the end, the bottle of anti-wolf spray was left in Xingjian's hands.

"..." Looking at the anti-wolf spray in his hand, Hikigu couldn't figure out why Xingjian gave it to him.

He looked up at Xingjian suspiciously.

"It's uncomfortable to carry it on your body, and no one wants it, and it's a waste to lose it, so I might as well leave it to you~" Xingjian explained casually.

Bi Qigu's eyes twitched, Xingjian used him as a garbage disposal station?

"Ah~" He sighed silently, turned around and left with the anti-wolf spray without thinking too much.

Just take it, and give it to Komachi when you go back, maybe it will come in handy.

No, it's better not to use it...

"Mr. Biqigu..."

Hearing someone calling his name, Hikigaya looked up, only to realize that he had already walked in front of Kaori Orimoto.

Facing this old classmate, Bi Qigu was still a little uncomfortable, he replied in a muffled voice, "En."

"Are you going to take me home?" Kaori Orimoto confirmed with a dazed expression.

"Well, it's like this according to the grouping..." Hikigu still replied in a muffled voice.

"Oh, so shall we go now?"


Hikigaya stood where he was, waiting for Kaori Orimoto to go first, so that he could follow behind.

"En?" Looking at the motionless Hikigaya, Orimoto Kaori was stunned for two or three seconds before realizing what was going on.

"Pfft~" After guessing Hikigu's thoughts, she couldn't help laughing.

She took a step forward, smiled and patted Biqigu on the shoulder twice, "Biqigu, although you have changed a lot, some things still haven't changed, for example..."

Kaori Orimoto paused for a moment, then teased, "For example, the fact that I dare not walk side by side with girls is exactly the same as before."

"..." The sudden physical contact made Bi Qigu's whole body tense for a moment.

He didn't dare to meet Kaori Orimoto's eyes, tilted his head and said in a vague voice: "It's not that I dare not, it's that I respect..."

Before Hikigaya finished speaking, Kaori Orimoto replied with a smile: "It's about respecting others and avoiding misunderstandings. If others see it, it will be very troublesome to explain."

309. "Yukono, I'm here again~"

"Pff~haha~" After finishing speaking, Kaori Orimoto laughed refreshingly, "Sure enough, Hikigaya is still Hikigaya, even the way of explaining the problem hasn't changed."

"..." Facing the refreshing smile that once "bewitched" him, Hikigu suddenly didn't know how to respond.

He froze in place, bitter memories flooded his mind again, and even his thoughts began to slow down.

"Okay, don't stand still here, didn't you mean to send me back? Let's go quickly." Kaori Orimoto pulled Hikigaya's sleeve and dragged him forward.

At the beginning, seeing her old classmate who had changed a lot, she was indeed a little restrained, especially this old classmate had confessed to her, which made her feel at a loss.

But just now when she smelled the familiar smell from this old classmate, she realized that the change in him is not as great as imagined?

In some places, compared with before, there is no difference at all~

Realizing this, Kaori Orimoto "lived" immediately, he pulled Hikigaya's sleeve, and poured out all the words he had held back for a long time.

"Bi Qigu, your appearance has changed so much~ I didn't even recognize you just now."

"Why didn't I realize before that you can still be so handsome?"

"By the way, when did you get glasses? Are you short-sighted? That's right, you read with your head down every day, and short-sightedness will happen sooner or later,"

"Huh? I just found out that you are not hunched over. You used to be hunched over and looked like a little old man."

"Now straighten your back and watch if the needle does not poke."

"Also, have you grown taller? I remember that you were only a little taller than me before, but now you seem to be almost a stroke taller."

"Huh? Hikigu, what are you holding in your hand?"

Facing Kaori Orimoto's rainstorm of questions, Hikigu held back for a long time before answering her last question.

"This is the anti-wolf spray that Xing Jian picked up in the KTV corridor just now. He said it was inconvenient to carry it, so he gave it to me."

"Oh~ that's it~" Kaori Orimoto glanced at the anti-wolf spray, but didn't pay any more attention.

She looked up at Hikigu's side face, and continued to ask questions she was interested in, "Hikigu, you have changed so much, could it be that you have a girlfriend?"


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