Therefore, it is time to interrupt Xingjian's plan.

"Xiao Hei! Xiao Bai!"

Qinzi, who made a decision, called out the two little monsters hidden in her cuffs, and ordered: "Go and find Kyoko, I want to talk to her."


After the two little monsters, one black and one white, took the order, they wobbled out of the window together.

"Huh~~" Qinzi let out a long breath, sat down in front of the dressing table and quietly looked at herself in the mirror.

The face with a little baby fat looks very cute, and the petite figure is also very cute.


"It's too young!!!" Qinzi held her head in a frenzy.

Only at this time did she deeply realize how lagging behind her development was.

Yukinoshita Yukino, who is only one year older than her, is more than ten centimeters taller than her, and Hoshimi is even more incredible, more than 30 centimeters taller than her! !

The height gap is like a moat. When she stands beside Xingjian, few people will regard her and Xingjian as a couple. Most people probably think that she and Xingjian are siblings, and some even think that She and Xingjian are father and daughter!

Oh~ By the way, that guy Xingjian really likes to call her brother, or daddy...

"Ugh~ pervert~"

Thinking of this, Qinzi spat softly with a reddish face.


"My lord princess, are you looking for me?"

At this moment, two little monsters and a beautiful female ghost floated in through the window.

Qin Zi, who was shy, quickly managed his expression, and put on a state of a wise man holding a wisdom pearl.

She turned to look at the female ghost, and said calmly, "Xingzi, go and do something for me."

"Okay, tell me, my lord princess, I promise to complete the task." The female ghost blinked her eyes and agreed without thinking.

"Cough~cough~" Qinzi cleared her throat, and said solemnly: "I want to go further with Xingjian, please help me prepare."

"Ah?" The female ghost looked at Qinzi in confusion.

What does it mean?The princess wants to get closer to her boyfriend, so she needs to prepare?What should she prepare?

The female ghost racked her brains to think.

Suddenly, she noticed her towering breasts, and in an instant, a flash of light flashed in her mind.

The princess can't take it anymore, let her share the bedtime, right?

Thinking of Master Hoshimi's exaggerated soul quality, the female ghost's body swayed twice like smoke.

"My lord princess..." The female ghost wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth, and asked with eyes full of hope, "Is it really possible?"

"Huh? What's okay?" Seeing the rippling look in the female ghost's eyes, Qinzi immediately realized that the female ghost might be thinking wrong.

She squinted her eyes, stared at the female ghost and asked, "Hey ~ Kyoko, did you misunderstand something? I mean, I want you to help me prepare O medicine so that Xingjian can stay in peace. What do you think?" went?"

"Eh..." The female ghost shrank her neck, and murmured a little disappointed: "So it's like this... It's not that I'm going to bed... I understand, I'm going to prepare now …”

Saying that, the female ghost left from the window with a desolate back.

"Sleep servant?" Qinzi chanted a certain key word, his face gradually darkened.

TNND!It's fine for a living person to grab a man from her, but why even a ghost wants to grab a man from her? !

Are you looking down on her? !

"Tsk~" The upset Qinzi began to think about how to tie Xingjian to her side...


"O medicine...where should I prepare it?"

The female ghost who took over the task was wandering the streets like a headless fly.

After a while, the wandering female ghost found a lamppost she liked. She floated over, sat on the lamppost, lowered her head and wrung her fingers and said to herself.

"Go to the pharmacy? But I can't read all the words, what if I take the wrong one?"

"Should I ask Xia Zi for help? She graduated from high school before she was alive, and she can read a lot of words, um~ no, no, this is a task given to me by the princess, and I can't let others take the credit."

Like her, Xia Zi is also a ghost. In theory, she and Xia Zi should be in a competitive relationship. As for the competition, she can't say clearly, but it feels like it should be.

So I can't ask Xia Zi for help.

"I can't ask Xia Zi for help, so what should I do?" The female ghost said dejectedly, "I don't know anyone else except Xia Zi... What should I do..."

"Ah~ That's right~" The female ghost suddenly thought of a monster, and she floated excitedly towards the woods to the east, "You can go to Grandpa Civet Cat, Grandpa Civet Cat has lived for so long, I must know where it is, maybe the civet cat Grandpa has O medicine in his own collection."


"Grandpa civet cat, grandpa civet cat, I'm here to see you~"

Soon after, the female ghost came to the residence of the old civet cat, a dilapidated dojo in the woods.

The ashram is extremely barren, with patches of green radishes covering the wooden outer walls, the entire ashram seems to be wrapped in green radishes, only near the main entrance is a piece of "pure land" that has not been eroded by green radishes, otherwise what Opening the door might be a problem.

"Squeak --"

There was a toothache sound, and the wooden door of the dojo opened.

An old man on the verge of death came out of the wooden door tremblingly with a cane.

He looked up at the female ghost floating in the air, and said slowly: "It's Xingzi, what are you doing here?"

"Grandpa raccoon~" Xingzi floated down, and stood timidly aside, "My lord princess asked me to find something, I don't know where to find it, so I came to find you, grandpa raccoon, you have lived for so long, you must have something all know."

The old raccoon cat shook his head, "You don't necessarily know a lot if you live a long time. It's common to live a long life."

"..." The female ghost blinked her eyes, but didn't answer.

Grandpa civet cat is getting old, he likes to preach, and once others answer the conversation, he will be endless.

Seeing that the female ghost didn't speak, the old civet cat didn't continue to preach, but instead asked: "Little Xingzi, tell me what the princess needs first, and I'll see if I have anything here."

"Cough~" The female ghost turned her head, and said shyly, "O medicine, the princess is going to make porridge with her boyfriend's uncooked rice..."

"It's raw rice and cooked rice, not porridge." The old civet cat scolded: "Little Xingzi, you should learn some knowledge too, don't just hang around doing nothing all day, even ghosts have to learn..."

"..." The female ghost lowered her head and seemed to be listening carefully, but she was actually thinking about where to hide at night to peek at the princess and her boyfriend.

After a while, the old civet cat got a little tired from preaching.

He was panting, and he couldn't even maintain his human form.

He swept his eyes and saw that the female ghost looked like she was wandering into the sky, and he sighed helplessly, "Alas~ children can't be taught, forget it, come in with me, I'll look for it for you."

Maybe it was that sigh that discouraged the old civet cat. When he turned around and entered the dojo, his human form completely disintegrated, and he turned back into a gray-haired civet cat with a cane.

The female ghost who came back to her senses followed the old raccoon cat to the dojo. Looking at the gray hair of the old raccoon cat, the female ghost inexplicably wanted to pull out some of them.

After hesitating for a while, she shrank her neck, not daring to take any action.

The ashram looks small from the outside, but it is actually not small when you enter it. The female ghost followed the old civet cat around for a long time before finally arriving at the destination.

"This is the warehouse. Most of the things I collected when I was young are here." The old civet cat raised his crutch and pointed to the dilapidated small houses in front of him.

"The medicine that the princess needs should be in the third room..." The old civet cat started tremblingly, preparing to go to the third room on the left.

Suddenly, the old civet cat kicked a small stone, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the female ghost hurried forward to support the old raccoon cat, "Grandpa raccoon cat, I'll just go find it myself, you just need to rest."

The sleepy old civet cat said with a weary look: "That's fine, you can help me lie down over there, if you have any questions, you can ask them aloud, I heard them outside, and I can answer a few questions."

"Okay, grandpa civet cat." The female ghost followed the old civet cat's wishes and helped him to sit in the sun.

Immediately afterwards, the female ghost curiously floated into the collection room of Grandpa Civet Cat and began to search for treasures.

The third house on the left, she remembered that this is what Grandpa Tanuki said just now.

She floated in and found that there were only three wooden shelves in the whole room, and some small porcelain bottles were scattered here and there.

She floated to several wooden frames, and struggled to decipher the words on the wooden frames.


"Soul... emm... I don't know..."

"yin and yang..."



"Happy... happy..."

"Huh?" The female ghost stopped.

Acacia?She remembered that when Xia Zi told the story before, the word "hehuan" seemed to have that kind of meaning.

Thinking of this, the female ghost poked her head out of the room and asked, "Grandpa civet cat, is the row of "Acacia" the O medicine?"

"En..." Under the sun, the sleepy old civet cat answered vaguely.

After getting a positive reply, the female ghost blinked and returned to the room happily.

Humph~ It seems that I can read quite a few words~

She glanced back and forth in front of the wooden shelf marked "Acacia".

A horizontal wooden frame is about one meter wide, and five medicine bottles and a small red wooden box are scattered on it.

Several medicine bottles are all blue, which looks very simple, only the small red wooden box looks very expensive, carved with dragons and phoenixes on it, which immediately attracted the female ghost's attention.

She floated to the small red wooden box and opened it easily.

Looking at the small porcelain vase with light blue patterns in the wooden box, the female ghost's eyes lit up.

This is it!This is definitely the best!Not to mention the beautiful bottle, it is also packed in a wooden box, 100% the most useful!

The female ghost who made a judgment immediately took out the small porcelain bottle in the wooden box and went back to report.

When leaving, the female ghost originally wanted to say goodbye to grandpa civet cat, but when she saw grandpa civet cat sleeping soundly, she left quietly without disturbing him.

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