After the female ghost left for a long time, the bottom of the small red wooden box, a yellowed note that was originally pressed by the small porcelain bottle was blown to the ground by the wind from nowhere.

Under the faint light, I could see that it was written in Chinese characters.

"Spring Rain Sending Zi Pills is because the dog monster king sent someone to ask the masters of the Tang Dynasty to obtain a good pregnancy pill. There are 9 pills in total. The dog monster king took 9 pills successively, and gave birth to 7 sons and [-] daughters with the dog monsters in his clan. , the effect is so strong that the demon is dumbfounded."

"But then the demon king of the dog clan died because of his energy leaking out, unable to consolidate himself."

"According to the judgment of the lord at Yongeongting Pavilion, the effect of this pill is too strong, so it is not easy to take more. For ordinary strong monsters, one pill is enough; for a big monster, one pill is enough; for a monster king, three pills will surely die."

"Later people must remember, do not take this pill before reaching the strong level."



At Xue Nai's house, Xing Jian, who was watching a movie with Xue Nai in his arms, suddenly shivered.

"What's wrong?" Xue Nao turned her head and rubbed the side face of Xing Jian with a blushing face.

"Suddenly I feel a little cold. Could it be that my body has worn out too much recently?" Xingjian played with Xue Nao's twin ponytails suspiciously.

Xue Nai spat softly, "Bah~ who made you mess around all the time, you deserve it."

313. "Yue Nai~kiss~"

"Yue Nai~Xue Nai~" Hoshimi, who was hugging Yukino, put his chin on Yukino's fragrant shoulder with a smile.

"En?" Xue Nai looked at Xingjian from the corner of her eye.

Vaguely, she always felt that Xingjian was playing some tricks again.

No, this time I absolutely can't follow Xingjian's wishes.

She has already tied her ponytails according to Xingjian's wish today, and if she continues, Xingjian will only get better and better.

"Xue Nai~~ I'm going out with Qin Zi this afternoon..." Xing Jian stated the problem very straightforwardly.

He was going to tell Xue Nai about this from the very beginning. After all, he might not be able to come back overnight. If he didn't explain in advance, the possibility of Xue Nai's wild thoughts was very high, and it would be troublesome to explain later.

"En?" Hearing Xing Jian's announcement, Xue Nai's whole body turned cold all of a sudden.

One second she was still pretty, and the next second her face was covered with frost.

She stared sideways at Xing Jian, and said indifferently, "Why are you telling me this?"

Xingjian blinked, rubbed Yukino's slender waist, and said softly: "It's been a while since I went out, and I might not be able to come back at night. I thought it would be better to talk to Yukino..."

"Really?" Xingjian's expression became more and more cold, she turned her head, looked ahead, and said without a trace of emotional ups and downs: "Xingjian, whoever you want to go out with is your freedom, you don't have to tell me, okay , since you want to go, let's go now."

Saying that, Xue Nai pulled away Xingjian's hand around her waist, and left Xingjian's arms without hesitation.

She sat on the single sofa beside her, folded her hands on her chest, and stared at the scenery outside the window expressionlessly, as if there was something worthy of attention outside the window.

"..." Xing Jian was a little helpless, he thought that Xue Nao's reaction would not be particularly violent.

Now it seems that his prediction was wrong. The conflict between Yukino and Qinzi has indeed been intensified because of Qinzi's series of provocative actions recently.

Xingjian scratched his head, took out his mobile phone and called up the email chat page with Qinzi.

Then, he got up and leaned over to the single sofa where Xue Nai was, and frankly put the phone into Xue Nai's hand.

"Xue Nai, take a look, Qin Zi and I are not going on a date, but doing serious business."

Showing the chat interface between himself and Qinzi, Xingjian really has a clear conscience.

Qinzi is different from Shiyu, Qinzi will not speak yellow accents when chatting, nor will he be able to seduce him while chatting.

Qinzi really simply regards the email chat as a remote communication tool, and basically what is said above is some serious business.

That's why Xing Jian dared to let Xue Nai see the chat records between him and Qin Zi.

By the way, he and Shiyu usually use the line to chat, and the email system is not the same, so there is no need to worry that Yukino will accidentally notice Shiyu's existence.


Xue Nai who took Xingjian's phone originally didn't want to look at it, but couldn't hold back her curiosity, so she still looked down.

Although she is in a bad mood now, those who are curious will still be curious, especially when it comes to issues involving rivals.

She wanted to know what that unscrupulous little guy was talking about with Xingjian.

She flipped through the chat records of Xingjian and Qinzi, from recent times to the top, and it didn't take long at all to reach the top.

From the beginning to the end, Xue Nai didn't find anything wrong, they were just some very ordinary subtle questions, or telling some things, which were basically the same as the chat records between her and Xingjian.

After reading it, Xue Nai's expression became slightly warmer.

Originally, when Xingjian said that she would not come back tonight, she thought that Xingjian was going to do something unhealthy with that little guy, so the reaction was so big.

Now that it's clear, she doesn't have too many emotional ups and downs. Of course, she will be upset when she should be upset. For example, she is very upset about Xingjian and Qinzi going out alone.

Not to mention that the two of them will stay in the mountains all night, based on her understanding of Xingjian, this guy will definitely sneak in some tricks...

Thinking of this, Xue Nai's mood that had just calmed down agitated again.

She returned the mobile phone to Xing Jian, got up and walked to the French window, and said coldly: "If you want to go, go, anyway, I can't stop you."

Hearing Xue Nai's cold tone mixed with a hint of resentment, Xing Jian knew that this matter was over.

The reasonable Xue Nai has acquiesced in his going to see the world with Qin Zi this time.

After the matter was settled, Xingjian also relaxed, he got up and walked behind Xue Nai, and gently embraced her in his arms.

"Xue Nai, when I come back tomorrow, I will tell you what I 'saw'."

"It's up to you, talk or not." Xue Nai's voice was still cold, but her body was obediently leaning against Xing Jian's arms, without any sign of resistance.

"Huh~~ha~~" Facing Yukino who made me feel a little emotional, Hoshimi's heart became inexplicably hot. He buried his face in Yukino's waterfall-like hair, and comfortably absorbed the girly beauty on Yukino's body. delicate fragrance.

The bath rate, shampoo and a touch of milk fragrance are mixed together to form a virgin fragrance that makes people's blood pumping.

Sniffing and sniffing, Xingjian felt a little parched.

Originally, he just hugged Xue Nai lightly, but as his heartbeat accelerated, his strength became stronger and stronger, to the point where he wished he could rub Xue Nao into his body.

In front, Xue Nao, who was affected by Xing Jian's hot body temperature, was also a little bit wrong, her cheeks were flushed, her delicate body was as soft as a puddle of water, and she had no strength to resist at all.

Gradually, Xue Nai's breathing became disordered. Not only that, her breathing rate also became rapid, and the breath she exhaled became hotter and hotter. You could even vaguely see the fresh white mist exhaled from her mouth and nose.

A young man full of vigor, a young girl with a spring heart, a lonely man and a widow, two lovers in love, living together in the same room...

With all kinds of buffs superimposed, the situation can easily become out of control.

If it wasn't for Yukino who still had a sliver of reason, maybe...

"Xingjian, don't lift my clothes..." With a dry mouth, Xue Nai pressed Xingjian's hand on the hem of her pajamas with difficulty.

That's right, she is also wearing pajamas now, and it is the kind of summer silk pajamas, very thin, as thin as a layer of paper, it can't stop the heat of Xingjian from seeping in when the skin is pressed against each other.

By the way, she used to wear loose clothes at home, but after Xingjian came, she forced her to change into this set of light silk pajamas.

She couldn't hold back Xingjian, so she had no choice but to follow Xingjian's wishes......

"Yue Nao, kiss~"

Xue Nao was not allowed to lift his clothes, Xing Jianshun obeyed and stopped, but he turned his head and made a more intimate request.

"..." Xue Nai, who was short of breath, looked at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and unconsciously felt a little ashamed in her heart, "Go to the sofa, don't be here..."

314. "Night Shift Sick Building"

Xingjian didn't move, he pressed against Xue Naihong's bleeding ear, and asked softly: "Xue Nai, this is also a one-way glass in your house..."

Generally speaking, the floor-to-ceiling windows on high floors are one-way glass that cannot be seen from the outside, but can be seen from the inside.

"Yes..." Xue Nao, who knew that Xingjian was planning Xingjian's idea, held back her shame and said, "But it can't, we still..."

Before Xue Nai could finish speaking, Xing Jian forcibly held Xue Nai's lips.

With the current positions of the two, with Xue Nai in front and Xing Jian in the back, kissing is a slightly troublesome thing, both of them need to turn their heads significantly to meet each other's lips.

At the beginning, when Xingjian kissed forcefully, he hooked Xue Nai's chin, forcing her to forcibly turn her head.

But after that, Xingjian's hand went elsewhere, but Yukino didn't turn her head back by herself, but still maintained the state of kissing.

So, women~ are all duplicity creatures...


At about five o'clock in the afternoon, Xingjian, who received Qinzi's email, reluctantly left Yukino's house.

He returned home, changed into a tracksuit for easy movement, and took his father's Damascus knife as a self-defense weapon.

Then, he went to meet Qinzi non-stop.


At around 05:30 in the afternoon, Xingjian came to a small park near the suburbs.

As soon as he entered the park, he saw Qinzi sitting on a bench.

The faded bench can be seen to be quite old at first glance, but Qinzi sitting on it with her eyes closed is dressed up, the clothes are still the same white dress, but the makeup is quite different.

In the past, Qinzi was basically bare-faced, with occasional powder, but today's Qinzi is very different. She not only powdered, but also trimmed her eyebrows, and even painted light red eyeliner.

Judging from Qinzi's "young teeth" face, this makeup is indeed a bit mature.

But I have to say, it's amazing, Qinzi is more attractive today than before...

Xingjian walked up to Qinzi, and met Qinzi who just opened his eyes.

Looking at the water in Qinzi's eyes, Xingjian vaguely realized that today's things might not be what Qinzi said in the email.

He pursed his thin lips tightly, already having a guess in his heart.

"Xingjian, you're here~" Qinzi jumped off the bench, and walked to Xingjian with a smile on her face.

"Yeah~" Xingjian leaned over, pinching Qinzi's soft little face, "Since I promised, I will definitely come, where are we going?"

Qin Zi covered Xing Jian's hands, and said with a smile: "Just listen to my command."

"Okay~" Xing Jian took Qin Zi's little hand behind his back and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"Come with me~" Qinzi pulled Xingjian and walked towards the entrance and exit on the other side of the park.

As soon as he got out of the park, Xingjian saw a motorcycle parked by the side of the road.

The shape of the motorcycle is extremely attractive, which makes Xing Jian, who is not interested in vehicles, can't help but shine.

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