Xingjian opened his eyes slightly at first, then narrowed them again, "Qinzi, is what you said true?"

"Guess?" Qinzi blinked playfully.

"..." Xing Jian was a little unsure how true Qin Zi's words were.

He thought for a while, but when he was about to answer with one mouthful, Qin Zi interrupted him.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, let's settle the matter in front of us first."

Saying that, Qinzi took Xingjian to the entrance of the main building of the nursing home.

Seeing Qinzi's reaction, Xing Jian reckoned that Qinzi's words just now had a high gold content.

He didn't ask any more questions, and was going to wait until the matter before him was dealt with, and then have a detailed and in-depth chat with Qinzi about the cultivation method.


Not long after, Xingjian followed Qinzi to the fourth floor of the nursing home. He and Qinzi randomly found a good nursing room and walked in.

The temperature inside the main building of the nursing home was obviously much lower than outside, and the light was also much darker. Even though the outside was still the setting sun, the inside of the main building seemed to be late at night, and the darkness made people panic.

The two of them were all relying on Qin Zi to hold a small flashlight for illumination along the way.

Qinzi seems to be very familiar with this situation, and she is very relaxed throughout the whole process, An An does not have the timid look of ordinary girls who are afraid of the dark.

As soon as the two entered the convalescent room, Qin Zi shone around with a small flashlight.

Hoshimi also followed the strong light of the flashlight to observe the structure and layout of the convalescent room.

Obviously, this convalescent room was a high-end single convalescent room before. The hospital bed, the sofa, and a marble coffee table are still there. Other than that, there are only some small items.

For example, the medical records dropped on the floor, the infusion stand by the bed, the vase by the window...

Other electrical furniture has been removed, leaving only some traces of what once existed, such as the groove of the TV wall.

"Xingjian, find a place to start the experiment." Qinzi turned her head and shone the bright light of the flashlight on Xingjian's face.

Xingjian narrowed his eyes subconsciously, "Qinzi, don't make trouble, don't shine in my eyes, I can't see."

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention." Qinzi apologized without sincerity.

"..." Xingjian didn't say anything, but just wrote it down silently, and saved it for later when he was being educated with sticks.

He scanned the dimly lit convalescent room, trying to find a place where he could sit down and dream.

But the dust in the room is too heavy, no matter where it is, it is full of dust, and there is no clean place at all.

Xing Jian frowned, took off his sportswear jacket, walked to the marble coffee table, and wiped the table top carefully.

He casually threw his coat on the ground, while he sat on the coffee table, resting his chin and preparing to fall asleep.

"See you, wait."

At this moment, Qinzi stopped Xingjian.

Xingjian: "Huh?"

Qinzi went to sit beside Xingjian, smiled and leaned her head on Xingjian's shoulder, "Take me in together, by the way, don't bring Huangkukuku, he is staying outside to protect our bodies."

"Well, I know, but..." Xingjian looked around and asked suspiciously: "Where is the desolate skeleton? Where is he?"

At some point, Huangkuu hid his body again. As an ordinary person, he couldn't detect where Huangkuku was now.

"No~Look out of the window~" Qinzi nuzzled carelessly.

Hoshimi looked towards the window, his pupils constricted unconsciously.

There is a black eye socket outside the window, if not for the familiar pale bones and the ominous purple... breath, Xingjian would not be able to identify what is blocking the window.

"Will the Huangkukull grow bigger?" Looking at the dark eye sockets that occupied the entire window, Xingjian asked in surprise.

"It's not getting bigger, it's getting smaller." Qinzi explained casually: "The original size of Huangkuu was as big as a building. He usually shrinks in size to protect me, but now he just changed back."

Xingjian: "..."

Well, I'm ignorant.

But this can't be his fault, after all, he was a staunch materialist before, and he never believed in these strange things.

Otherwise, how could he have regarded Qinzi as a fictional person in a dream?

Qinzi: "Okay, Xingjian, hurry up and fall asleep, you have some ink stains today~"

"..." Xingjian stopped thinking about it, turned around and fell asleep with Qinzi in his arms.


Dreamland, a magnificent modern city made of reinforced concrete.

Xingjian and Qinzi quietly appeared on the water tower of the tallest building.

Xingjian let go of the piano, and silently stipulated the limit range for pulling "people" into dreams.

"Scope: the entire nursing home."

"Target: All "conscious bodies" except the wild skeleton."

"Appearance location: the rooftop of the tallest building."

"start execution!"

After a short delay of a few seconds, a large group of "creatures" suddenly appeared in Xingjian's dream.

According to the regulations set by Xingjian, they were all crowded on the rooftop.

Xingjian and Qinzi stood on the roof water tower, looking down at the densely packed various "creatures" on the roof.

Rats, cockroaches, earthworms, watermelon bugs, snails, centipedes and some unnamed little things crowded on the roof.

"..." Looking at these little things, Qinzi felt uncomfortable and quietly held Xingjian's hand.

"..." Xing Jian was also a little uncomfortable, he frowned, and directly drove these little things out of his dream.

Only the "righteous master" he was looking for was left behind, a twisted ominous spirit whose san value was crazy at first glance.

The evil spirit is disgusting, so disgusting that people can't look directly at it.

Its entire body is a humanoid mass of flesh made up of four females.

Four female heads, two hideous heads are squeezed together on top of the head, one drools hanging from the shoulders, and the other with closed eyes is embedded in the collarbone.

On the chest of the humanoid mass of flesh, several sarcoid tumors were densely crowded together.

After a closer look, it was discovered that it was not a sarcoma, but a woman's chest, but for some reason, the superficial skin disappeared, leaving only twisted flesh and fat hanging on the chest like a sarcoma.

In addition, Ji Ling's legs are also very distinctive. The legs of the four women were kneaded together like dough, leaving only two extremely thick and uneven elephant legs.

The evil spirit's hands are even more unique, with two hands distributed on both sides, two more on the abdomen, two more on the back, and the last two are gone.

317. "Qinzi and Mystery"

Looking at the "cute" Ms. Ji Ling, Hoshimi's brows almost twisted into a "Chuan".

The art of splicing is too advanced, he really can't appreciate it.

On the other side, Qinzi's little face gradually became tense. She tugged at the corner of Xingjian's clothes, and said in a heavy tone: "Xingjian, can you fix her? I want to take a closer look."

"It should be possible." With a thought, Xingjian used a 2*2*2 cube air wall to imprison the "cute" Miss Ji Ling in place.

"Okay, let's go down and have a look now." Saying that, Xing Jian put his arms around Qin Zi's slender waist, leading her to land before the evil spirit like a fallen leaf.


As soon as he saw someone appearing, the fierce spirit screamed and rushed towards Qinzi and Xingjian.


The next moment, the vicious spirit slammed into the air wall fiercely, and the flesh and blood all over his body were agitated by the violent impact.

Especially the several sarcoma on the chest, like a pool of rotten meat, smashed into a few disgusting meatloaf on the air wall.

"..." Standing right in front of him, Xingjian, who had witnessed everything, frowned deeper. He resisted the physical discomfort, and tried his best to restrain the desire to crush the evil spirit into ashes.


Looking at Xingjian who was close at hand, the fierce spirit attached to the air wall roared harder and harder. The three heads of her opened eyes were all staring at Xingjian, with sticky saliva flowing out from the corners of her mouth. , as if seeing some delicious food.


The fierce spirit roared vigorously, its six eyes were full of greed and longing.

Gradually, the face embedded in the collarbone also opened her eyes. The moment she saw Xing Jian, she immediately let out a scream that was so sharp that it made the eardrums uncomfortable.


Accompanied by this sharp roar, the evil spirit backed away for some reason. She retreated to the corner of the air wall, staring at Xingjian. In addition to the initial greed and desire, there was obvious fear in her eyes.

"En?" Xing Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, is this evil spirit afraid of me?Why is she afraid of me?What am I afraid of?

Unknown Xingjian looked at Qinzi, ready to ask her for an answer.

But seeing Qinzi walking around the air wall and carefully observing the evil spirit, Xingjian could only temporarily suppress his doubts and ask Qinzi when he was done.

Not long after, Qinzi returned to Xingjian and murmured to himself, "Did those people do it again?"

"Those people?" Xingjian, who noticed the key information, looked down at Qinzi.

"..." Qinzi rubbed between her eyebrows, as if she was a little tired, "Xingjian, you don't have to worry, those people are just a group of poor and hateful ghosts."

"Oh? Can you talk about it carefully?" Xing Jian waved his hand and took the piano to their wedding room, which was the White Castle by the lake.

As for the "cute" Miss Vicious Ling, let's continue to throw it on the rooftop to enjoy the wind. Anyway, this is his dreamland, so there is no need to worry that the other party will turn the sky upside down.

After arriving in the castle, Xingjian sat down on the sofa while playing the piano, and handed her a cup of black tea with a transparent color and a sweet smell.

Qin Zi took a sip of her black tea, sighed, and said helplessly, "Hey~ Since Xingjian asked you about it, I'll tell you about it."

"Before I left Chiba, I spent a lot of time solving the incidents caused by these guys. This group of people came from an organization that called itself "Wandering Soul"."

"Wandering soul, wandering soul, means the dead soul wandering in the world."

"They call themselves 'dead souls', but they are actually just a group of desperate ordinary people. Most of them have blood feuds. In order to get revenge, these ordinary people have become unscrupulous "dead souls."

"Xing Jian, do you know how "Wandering Soul" was born?"

Hoshimi shook his head, how could he, who knew nothing about the mystery, know these things.

"Hoshimi, do you know the US military stationed in Japan in Okinawa?" Qinzi continued to ask, holding Hoshimi's hand.

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