"I know this." Xing Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he had an answer in his heart.

The U.S. troops stationed in Okinawa in Japan have committed a lot of evil deeds there, and he had heard about this in his previous life.

Even if the world is changed now, with the virtues of the US military, I am afraid that it is almost the same as what he knew in his previous life.

"Since Xingjian you know those beasts, you should have heard of their evil deeds more or less, right?" Qinzi's voice became serious, and a cold light flashed imperceptibly in her bewitching purple pupils.

"I know." Xingjian held Qinzi's hand backhand.

Talking about the evil deeds of the U.S. military in Okinawa, as long as it is a normal person, it will be angry.

There have been more than one incidents of drunken and retrograde killing of passers-by, troubles and disturbances, rape and murder, among which the victim of the worst rape case was only 12 years old.

What's even more outrageous is that after these incidents, not only did the officials not act, they didn't even protect the local people, and what's more, they even cleared the land for the US military, and attributed the protests of the local people to being used politically.

"Xingjian..." Qinzi leaned on Xingjian's shoulder and said calmly: "The 'Wandering Soul' organization was established by the families of the victims in Okinawa. Power, retaliation for inaction officials and the U.S. military as the culprit.”

"Afterwards, under the full force of the official crackdown, the "Wandering Souls" were dispersed. They scattered all over Japan, and widely absorbed many poor people who were desperate in other areas."

"To this day, "Wandering Soul" has become a revenge organization mixed with fish and dragons, and there is not even a real leader among them. These people gather together for revenge."

"Among them, the radical group of people, for revenge, will not hesitate even to shed blood. Whether it is ordinary people or "monsters", they are all tools for their revenge."

"The more moderate group of people are still rational and won't attack ordinary people, but they don't have any scruples when dealing with 'monsters'."

"The gentlest and rarest group of people usually think of getting stronger to take revenge, but even this group of people mostly choose to kill "monsters" to become stronger, but their methods are not so cruel. "

"Heh~" Qinzi sneered, "Obviously it's a sin committed by humans, but in the end it has to be borne by "monsters". This world is really interesting..."

"..." Xingjian didn't know what to say, so he could only silently embrace Qinzi into his arms, giving her a reliable embrace.

"Xingjian, do you know? The 'monster' is actually not powerless."

"Well, Qinzi, tell me, I'm listening." Xingjian, who knew Qinzi was depressed, played the role of listener quietly.

"Xingjian, I haven't told you about the hierarchical division of the mysterious world before, so let me take this opportunity to tell you."

"The current general classification is the set of "paper is strong and fierce". Among them, "paper" has nothing to say. They have just embarked on the road of mystery and are proficient in some basic mysterious applications."

"When it reaches the 'strong' level, it's quite different. It's truly on the right path of mystery. It can release visible energy by itself without relying on external objects."

318. "Speak slowly when you get home..."

"The 'Fierce' level, to put it simply, is a leap forward from the 'Strong' level to become stronger. The most obvious feature is that "one man forms an army". As long as missiles and nuclear bombs are not dispatched, it is basically impossible to kill the fierce level monster .”

"As for the 'crazy' level, it's even more serious. In the past, monsters of the crazy level were called 'demon kings'. In modern times, apart from nuclear bombs, human beings have no weapons that can limit them at this stage."

"Xing Jian, do you know? The Desolate Skeleton is a monster of a fierce level~ and it is the kind of monster that is close to the level of madness. If he shows his real body, he can be slaughtered overnight..."

Qinzi suddenly fell silent, she bit her lip, broke away from Xingjian's embrace, and patted her little face.

"Forget it, don't complain, the business is important, we should hurry up and get rid of the four poor Miss Earth Bound Spirits."

"Four? Earthbound spirit?" Hearing the key words mentioned by Qinzi, Xingjian already had a vague answer in his mind.

"Well, the four earth-bound spirits." Qinzi stood up and explained: "Xingjian, you may not know that this nursing home was quite famous in Chiba before, but it was slowly abandoned because of a scandal."

Xingjian got up, took Qinzi's hand, "Can you talk to me?"

Qinzi: "Well~ Xingjian, if you want to know, you can use your mobile phone to look up "Hirazaka Nursing Home" later. There are detailed records on the encyclopedia."

Xing Jian: "Okay, I know, I will check it myself when the dream comes out."

"Well, when the star sees us, let's go out now. I'll let Huangkukuu send them to their deaths." Qinzi said with a relaxed face, and it seemed that she had completely recovered to her usual state.

Xingjian's eyes moved slightly, and he leaned over to make an opinion in Qinzi's ear.

"Qinzi, how about letting me try?"

"En?" Qinzi looked sideways at Xing Jian who was close at Chi Chi, "Xing Jian, what do you want to do?"

"Aren't you going to send them to die? How about letting me try?" Xingjian pressed Qinzi's face affectionately, and added: "I want to try to kill them in the dream, what will happen to them in reality."

"..." After a moment of silence, Qinzi asked seriously, "Xingjian, are you sure you want to do it?"

"Well~ it's just a dream~" Xingjian shrugged casually.

After thinking about it for a while with a tense face, Qinzi said hesitantly: "If Xingjian really prepared you mentally, then..."

"Don't worry, I have a big heart~" Xing Jian smiled and picked up Qinzi, "I don't have a problem with pretending to be a Qinzi for the reinforcement camp in my heart, it's just mental preparation, no matter what time it is."

"Hmph~" Qinzi rolled her eyes at Xingjian, and said angrily, "Yes, yes~ Xingjian, you have a big heart, even if you pretend to be a reinforcement camp, you still have room to pretend to be other women, you are really amazing what~"

Xing Jian smiled without saying a word, and carried the piano back to the rooftop.



Seeing Xing Jian reappeared, Miss Ji Ling's four mouths roared.

Xingjian squinted at the fierce spirit, but didn't care, he turned his head and bit Qinzi's ear and said, "Qinzi, then shall I do it?"

"En..." Qinzi nodded hesitantly.

"Okay~" Xing Jian thought, and the air wall closed instantly, directly crushing the "plump" Miss Ji Ling into a pool of blood.

Then, Xing Jian took a breath, and the blood mud evaporated into fly ash and dispersed with the wind.

"It's easy to solve, then let's go out now." Xingjian smiled and licked the corner of Qinzi's mouth.

"..." Qinzi, who felt strange in her heart, didn't know what to say, but nodded silently.

"Go, go out and see how it works."


The dream was shattered, and Xingjian and Qinzi returned to reality.


In the real recuperation room, as soon as Qin Zi, who was sitting on the marble coffee table, opened her eyes, she turned her head to look at the Huangkuu outside the window, "Huangkuu, can you find them?"

"En." Huangkuu straightened up, and the ominous purple on his body flooded into the nursing home building like a tide.

After a while, the dull and heavy voice of the wild skull rang in Qinzi's mind.

"My lord princess, we found them, but their consciousness disappeared, and their spirit bodies began to collapse."

"Really? I got it..." After knowing the result, Qinzi looked at Xingjian with strange eyes.

"What's wrong? Looking at me like this?" Xingjian tilted his head slightly, and looked at Qinzi with a smile.

Qinzi: "Xing Jian, their consciousness has disappeared, and their spirit bodies have collapsed."

"Oh? Isn't that just right?" Xingjian looked at Qinzi with an undiminished smile.

"It's very good..." Qinzi leaned forward, leaned closer to Xingjian's ear, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Xingjian, your ability is a bit too strong, don't use it casually in the future, it will be dangerous if you are targeted by someone who is interested. Very troublesome."

Xingjian hugged Qinzi into her arms, and whispered in her ear with the same volume: "Don't worry, I know, I don't want troubles to disturb my daily life."

Qinzi broke free from Xingjian's arms, and smiled with a normal voice: "It's good that you understand Xingjian, then let's get out of here now."

"En, okay." Xingjian took Qinzi's little hand, got up and prepared to leave the nursing home.

After taking two steps, Xingjian suddenly asked: "By the way, Qinzi, don't you need to do anything after the spirit body collapses? For example, purification, or use the spirit body fragments to track down the real culprit behind the scenes."

Qinzi: "There is no need to deal with it. After the spirit body collapses, the environment here will gradually return to normal. As for anti-tracking?"

Qinzi paused for a while, and said: "There are only a few people who can train such twisted and fierce spirits. They are all on the official arrest warrant, and they are also on the list of monsters. In order to survive, their escape The method is very powerful, and it is simply unrealistic to rely on spiritual bodies to track back."

"Really?" Xingjian asked again: "Then why didn't he run away directly with the evil spirit? He must have strengthened his own combat power by refining the evil spirit? Wouldn't it be a gift for Qinzi to keep the evil spirit here? Do you deliver food?"

"He can't take the evil spirit away." Qinzi explained: "Didn't I say it before? These four are all earth-bound spirits. Even if they become evil spirits, they will not be able to leave this place for a while, and they must wait until the ceremony Only when it is completed can the evil spirit leave."

"Okay~ I understand." Xingjian nodded in understanding.

"Well..." Qinzi didn't explain anything.

This place is not a good place, not a place to talk, what to say can be said slowly after going to her house.

She has plenty of time to talk to Xing Jian tonight...

"My lord princess, there are people outside."

Suddenly, the voice of Huang Kuku suddenly rang in Qinzi's mind.

Qinzi's expression froze, and he asked silently in his heart: "Huangkulou, who is here?"

"It's the two girls who worked with you, Princess, before."

Is it them?

Qinzi relaxed, and subconsciously complained, "It's really always one step late, you really deserve to be an official."

319. "Hypnosis and Brainwashing..."

Seeing Qinzi suddenly talking nonsense, Xingjian asked subconsciously, "Qinzi, what's wrong?"

Qinzi: "Here comes the guy in trouble."

"Troublesome guy?" Xingjian looked down at the slightly impatient Qinzi.

"It's an official person who waits until the end of the matter to show up every time. I really don't know what their intelligence system does."

Saying that, Qinzi let go of Xingjian's hand, "Xingjian, you hide here for a while, I'll go out to deal with them, it won't take too long, three to five minutes will do."

"By the way..." Qinzi took out a small flashlight and handed it to Xingjian, "I'll give you the flashlight, so that Xingjian won't be afraid of the dark."

Looking at the flashlight in his hand, Xingjian thought for a while, and silently put it in his pocket. It's not that he is afraid of the dark, but the place is so overcast that people feel flustered. It's better to have a flashlight than none.

Then, Xingjian patted Qinzi's small head, "Alright then, Qinzi, you can go, I'll wait for you here."

"Well, I'll drive them away right away." After saying that, Qinzi walked towards the window without delay.

The desolate skeleton guarding outside the building took a step back, and then stretched out a huge white bone palm to support the piano that was turned out of the window.

In this way, the Huangkukule took Qinzi from the fourth floor to the entrance of the nursing home very smoothly.


When the palm of the wild skull touched the ground, Qinzi took small steps and jumped out of the palm of the wild skull.

She looked at the two uninvited guests in front of her, and said calmly, "You guys are late again."

Isayama Koizumi, who was carrying a Japanese sword, raised her eyebrows slightly. She bent down and saluted Qinzi politely, "My lord princess, thank you for your generosity."

On the side, Tumiya Kagura, who was following Isayama Koizumi, also learned to thank him belatedly, "My lord princess, thank you...for always...helping..."

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