Qinzi tilted her head slightly, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, "Is it just a verbal thank you? Is there no actual sincerity?"


As soon as this remark came out, both Isayama Koizumi and Tumiya Kagura were silenced.

Tsunomiya Kagura turned his attention to Isayama Koizumi for help with an embarrassed face.

"Ahaha~~" The slightly older Isayama Huangquan lived up to her senior's attitude, and she smiled refreshingly, "Well~ the actual sincerity is not sent by us small people, I think the above The big man will naturally offer the proper sincerity to you, Princess."

"Really?" Qinzi squinted at the two of them, too lazy to chat with them any more.

She got straight to the point and said: "Are you here for your own evil spirit, or for the real murderer behind the evil spirit? If it's the former, then you can leave. I've already dealt with the evil spirit, if it's the latter. …”

Qinzi paused, and said in a slightly cold tone: "Then let me give you a reminder, the degree of alienation of the evil spirits this time is extremely high, and it is not something ordinary newbies can do."

"The real culprits behind the scenes must be those big ghosts of "Wandering Soul". If you want to investigate, you can follow this clue to investigate. I don't think you even know the general whereabouts of those big ghosts?"

"Ahaha~~" Isayama Koizumi smiled, "Naturally, of course we can know the general whereabouts of the ghosts of "Wandering Soul". In addition, the princess has reminded you so well, I believe the department in charge of intelligence The real culprit should be determined quickly."

"Heh~" Qinzi chuckled with unknown meaning, "It would be great if this is the case."

"Ahaha~~" Isayama Huangquan smiled and didn't answer.

Suddenly, she seemed to have received some information. She first glanced at her Japanese sword calmly, and then pretended to glance at the window on the fourth floor inadvertently.

Her eyes moved slightly, and a strange color flashed imperceptibly in the depths of her eyes.

She changed her mind, and asked unintentionally: "By the way, my lord princess, did you come here on a motorcycle? I saw a handsome motorcycle at the door just now, and I don't know if it belongs to you. "

"It's mine. I came here by motorcycle. What's the matter? Is there a problem?" Qinzi smiled and met Isayama Huangquan's eyes.

"..." Looking at Qinzi's height of 1.5 meters and her thin arms and legs, Isayama Huangquan unconsciously complained in his heart.

Can you ride a motorcycle with your short legs?I'm afraid I can't even step on the accelerator!

and also!My lord princess!Your left calf is a prosthesis!How dare you ride a motorcycle? !You have to pay attention to the basics when cheating people, okay? !

Isayama Koizumi, who was slandered in her heart, didn't say much. She held the hand of Kagura Tsuchimiya beside her, and said with a smile: "My lord princess, we have other tasks to do, so I won't bother you."

As soon as the words fell, Isayama Koizumi pulled Tsuchimiya Kagura, turned and left without looking back.

After watching the figures of the two uninvited guests completely disappear, Qin Zi frowned unobtrusively.

The reaction of Isayama Koizumi just now should be that the shikigami in her Japanese sword sensed the existence of Hoshimi, right?

Fortunately, it was only detected from a distance, and Xingjian's real body was not seen.

Yi Xingjian's incomparably high soul quality, as long as he has not seen him with his own eyes, no one will believe that this is actually a person.

In addition, even if you see it with your own eyes, you will inevitably doubt whether that guy Xingjian is human at first.

After all, the quality of the soul of that guy Xingjian is even more exaggerated than the wild skeleton born in "Ghost Resentment".

"Well, there should be no problem." Qinzi murmured softly, clearing his mind.

She stood there and stroked it again, until she was sure that there was no problem, then she took out her mobile phone and sent an email to Xingjian.

"See you, you can come out now." 』


Time moves forward a little.

While Kotoko was dealing with the uninvited guests, Hoshimi, who was staying in the dark convalescent room, took out his mobile phone and began to inquire about the "Hirazaka Nursing Home" incident mentioned by Kotoko.

After checking, the first one is related entries on Wikipedia.

He clicked in and browsed through it from beginning to end.

The Birasaka Sanatorium Incident refers to the vicious murder that occurred in the Birasaka Sanatorium seven years ago.

The cause of the incident was that a doctor in the nursing home secretly conducted hypnosis and brainwashing experiments on four young and beautiful nurses, and also used extremely bad methods to investigate the four nurses.

During the so-called "experiment", whether it was due to Stockholm Syndrome or the success of hypnosis and brainwashing, in short, the four nurses who were victims fell in love with the veterinary doctor who abused them.

Afterwards, for various reasons, the four victims and the veterinary doctor engaged in a tragic mutual killing.

The final result was that no one survived, and all five died in the nursing home.

After the incident, the police intervened, and after complicated investigations, they finally managed to restore the whole picture of the whole incident.

But in some details, there are still many doubts, such as how the mentality of the four victims changed, and how many people were involved in the killing of the veterinary doctor.

320. "My parents are not at home, go to my house..."

In the case that the person concerned has died, the police can only infer and restore it based on the few remaining clues. As for the truth of the facts, they can only ask the dead soul of the person concerned.

Oh~ By the way, those dead souls were killed by him, so the truth of this matter can only be buried in the dust.


As soon as Xingjian finished reading, Qinzi's mail just arrived.

"See you, you can come out now." 』

Xingjian replied casually.

"Okay~ I'm coming down then. 』

"By the way, Xingjian, do you want to come down from the window, I will let Huangkuku come to pick you up." 』——Qinzi

"No, I'll just walk down the stairs by myself. 』——Star See

Hoshimi is not used to putting his life in the hands of others.

The height of the four-story building, if one is not careful, it will fall to death...

Although he can be "resurrected", the pain still hurts...

"Xingjian, you must be afraid, right?Laugh~”——Qinzi

"Ha ha! 』——Star See

"Yo~ yo~ coward star~ If you're not afraid, just walk down the window~"——Qinzi

"Ha ha! 』——Star See

Xingjian put away the phone and ignored Qinzi's provocation.

Sure enough, the little girl has reached the stage of rebellion, and she won't have a long memory if she doesn't educate her with a stick.


Taking advantage of the time when he went downstairs, Xing Jian had already thought up more than a dozen best plans for educating the little girl.

This time, instead of experimenting in dreams, let's practice it directly in reality.

It just so happened that the girl Qinzi provided him with the perfect excuse not to go home.


At the gate of the nursing home, Xingjian picked up the piano and threw it on the motorcycle without saying a word, and first came to practice his hands.

"See you!!!"

Facing the unbelievable Qinzi, Xingjian smiled and said: "This is the price of provocation."

Then, without waiting for Qinzi to speak, Xingjian directly pressed the motorcycle helmet on Qinzi's head.

Then, he stepped onto the motorcycle and walked away with Qinzi in his arms.

After the first trial run, Xing Jian drove extremely wildly this time, the motorcycle turned into a black lightning bolt and galloped recklessly on the suburban road.


On the other side, Isayama Koizumi, who was out of Kotoko's sight, stopped and patted his upturned chest.

"It's so scary~ so scary~~ there are still those big monsters appearing, this princess's "monster vein" is really scary~"

"Eh?" Tumiya Kagura on the side asked because he didn't understand: "Huang Quan, what are you talking about?"

"Kagura, haven't you noticed?" Isayama Koizumi pinched Tsunomiya Kagura's shoulder, pretending to be serious and said: "Just now, there is a monster beyond the "bad" level on the fourth floor of the nursing home. "

"Eh? Exceeding the fierce level? Isn't that..." Tumiya Kagura's eyes widened, and he said in amazement: "The demon king of the mad level?!!"

"How is it possible! How could there be a mad-level demon king in modern times?! No way! It must be reported!" Tumiya Kagura frantically took out the communicator, ready to inform the super-disaster countermeasure room that the mad-level demon king had appeared.

But when she took out the communicator, Isayama Huangquan hugged her with a smile, and kept rubbing her cheek.

"En~~~ As expected of Kagura~ The reaction is really cute~"

"Eh?" Tugong Kagura was stunned, she turned her little head, and instantly understood that Huang Quan was teasing herself.

"Oh~" She pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "Huang Quan! How can you make fun of this kind of thing! Ignore you!"

"Well~ it's not entirely a joke~" Isayama Koizumi shook the Japanese sword, "Ran Guren told me that there is indeed a terrifying existence on the fourth floor of the nursing home, which is more terrifying than the deserted skull behind the princess. powerful."

"According to Luanhonglian's reaction, it may be the existence with the highest quality of soul that it has ever smelled. As for whether it is a mad-level demon king, Luanhonglian is not sure."

"Ah?! Then what should we do? Should we report it?" Tumiya Kagura held Isayama Koizumi's hand with some dependence.

Isayama Huangquan shrugged indifferently, "What should be reported must still be reported, and what to do after that is none of our business, but I guess this matter will be nothing in the end, and that princess is not easy to mess with , the people above certainly don’t want to be enemies.”

"After all..." Isayama Huangquan smiled intriguingly, "That princess is the princess chosen by the monsters, if she gets angry, I am afraid that many shikigami in the countermeasure room will be recalled by the ethnic group. ..."

"Heh~" Isayama Koizumi chuckled and didn't continue.

"Okay, okay, Kagura, stop frowning and smile~" Isayama Koizumi pulled the corner of Tsuchimiya Kagura's mouth and made a big smile.

"Huang Quan, stop making trouble, let's hurry..."


At this moment, Isayama Koizumi's communicator rang.

She looked pale, and immediately took out the communicator to connect.

Listening to the news from the other party, Isayama Koizumi's expression gradually became serious.

"Okay, I see, Kagura and I will be there soon."

After saying that, Isayama Koizumi hung up the communication, looked at Tumiya Kagura, and said with a straight face: "Kagura, let's go and meet them."

"Okay!" Tumiya Kagura left without saying a word, and followed Isayama Koizumi to the west.

On the way, taking advantage of the rushing time, Tumiya Kagura asked, "Huang Quan, what happened?"

"A freighter in Tokyo Port was detonated. It was done by SPES artificial humans. The specific reason why the other party did this is still unclear. At present, Tokyo Port has been temporarily blocked, but the group of masters above will not let the blockade continue for too long. Otherwise, who will compensate for the economic losses caused by the closure of the port, we have to go there quickly, find clues about the group of artificial humans, and figure out why they did this.”

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