Looking at the angry Qinzi, Xing Jian poked her puffed cheek with a smile.


In an instant, Qinzi was discouraged.

"Heh~" Xingjian smiled, picked up Qinzi and put it on her lap, lowered her head and whispered in her ear: "First open the box and see how the gift you prepared for me, Qinzi."

"Tch~" Qinzi curled her lips, "Open it yourself, the password is 4 and 7."

"Okay, I'll open it myself." Xingjian picked up the suitcase and put it on Qinzi's lap, and turned all the dials of the combination lock to 7.


The combination lock was unlocked, and Xingjian opened the suitcase, only to find three books and a simple wooden box inside.

Three books, one is a very thin booklet, and it is very old. It seems to be very old. Know which dynasty passed down.

The other two books are a little newer, but they are only [-]% new, and generally speaking, they are still old books.

These two old books are about as thick as his little fingers. The titles of the two books are "Seven Star Sleeping Alchemy" and "Five Dragon Pan Tigong". The titles of these two books are both in simplified Chinese characters, and they are Standard print.

Xingjian took out "Hidden Dragon Sleeping Alchemy" and looked at it. It was indeed an antique. The whole text was written in traditional Chinese characters without punctuation marks. It was still classical Chinese, and the threshold for reading was extremely high.

He put down "Hidden Dragon Sleeping Alchemy", picked up the other two books and flipped through them.

These two books have been friendly for a long time, not only in simplified vernacular, but also with concise and clear pictures to guide the practice.

"Qinzi, are all three books?" Xingjian put down the book and asked.

"Well, these three books are all Taoist exercises, which can be practiced in sleep. I think this should be the most suitable training method for Xingjian you."

"Cultivation techniques that can be practiced in sleep?" Xing Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, "It's not bad, I like it, but which one should I practice?"

Qinzi: "In addition to the two books of "Hidden Dragon Sleeping Alchemy", you can choose any one to practice."

Xingjian: "En? Why can't it be "Zhilong Sleeping Alchemy"?"

Qinzi: "Does Chen Tuan know? A great man more than 1000 years ago, this "Zhilong Sleeping Alchemy" was created by him, according to the abundance of aura in his era, and the modern aura is declining. "Sleeping Alchemy" is as difficult as reaching the sky."

"I found "Hiding Dragon Sleeping Alchemy" for Xing to switch to after meeting you. You should choose one of "Seven Stars Sleeping Alchemy" and "Five Dragon Pan Body Kungfu" in the early stage, and then switch to it when your strength improves in the future. It would be much easier to fix."

"In addition, both "Seven Stars Sleeping Alchemy" and "Five Dragons Pan Tigong" have been improved by Taoism. If it is the original version, it is estimated that the difficulty of getting started is not much worse than "Zhilong Sleeping Alchemy"."

"I originally wondered if I could find the original versions of "Seven Stars" and "Five Dragons", so that the stars would not have to switch to repairing after seeing you, but it is impossible for these two original versions of Daomen to let them leak out. If you get it, there will be risks in the future, so think about it or forget it.”

"As for the book "Hidden Dragon", you can rest assured to practice after seeing you. This is the end of the Kamakura period. A demon king in Japan bought it from the Taoist patriarch Zhang Sanfeng in exchange for 30 years of slavery. The origin can be traced back. People can make trouble."

Speaking of this, Qinzi was a little depressed, she leaned against Xingjian's arms, and said unhappily: "So, I wanted to let Xingjian practice the modern simplified version of "Hidden Dragon" in the early stage, but Daomen Dajiangxi Sect refused to do so. To exchange the simplified version of "Hiding Dragon", I can only think of such a way."

"By the way, there is also this." Qinzi took out a small wooden box and opened it, and took out a jade pendant from it, "Xingjian, you should wear this when you practice, this jade has accumulated a lot of spiritual energy, which can supply your daily life. Practice and use."

"If you don't have this jade pendant, just relying on the stars to absorb spiritual energy yourself, there is probably no difference between practicing and not practicing."

"In modern times, the aura has declined too much..."

"Okay, I see." Xingjian took the jade pendant and put it on his neck.

"En? What are you wearing Xingjian for now?" Qinzi raised her head to look at Xingjian, a hint of danger flashed imperceptibly in her bewitching purple pupils.

"Xingjian, don't you want to try to cultivate now?"

"Cough~" Xing Jian coughed lightly, and argued: "No, it's just that you gave me this jade pendant, Qin Zi, so I wanted to wear it on my body at the first time."

"Really?" Qinzi looked at Xingjian suspiciously.

"Well, that's it." Xingjian looked at Qinzi with a clear conscience.

In fact, he does have some ideas of wanting to try the cultivation method first...

The real Daoist immortal cultivation and longevity skills are right in front of you, whoever descendant of Yan and Huang will not be tempted?

323、『Add black tea...』

"Huh~" Qinzi snorted softly, and didn't care about the jade pendant that Xingjian had already put on.

She turned her head and closed the suitcase, and threw it aside casually, then raised Xingjian's right hand, looked at the dragon scale bracelet on his wrist, and said with a smile: "Xingjian, I'll take off the bracelet for you first, tomorrow morning I'll give it back to you."

Saying that, Qinzi had already taken off the bracelet, jumped out of Xingjian's embrace, and walked towards the bedside table beside her.

"..." Xingjian opened and closed his lips, and finally acquiesced to Qinzi's actions.

The dragon scale bracelet was given by Shi Yu, if she still wears it tonight, there is indeed something wrong.

Besides, why did Qinzi take his bracelet?He remembered that on the night when Qinzi came back, he had "explained" the origin of the bracelet to Qinzi in a dream.

In Qinzi's opinion, this bracelet should be given by his sister.

Qinzi took it off so sensitively in advance, is it really just to get out of the way for a while?

In other words, does Qinzi also regard his sister as a rival in love?

Vaguely, Xing Jian seemed to feel something was wrong.

"Xingjian, would you like some tea and some snacks?"

Qinzi's question interrupted Xingjian's thoughts, he looked at Qinzi, smiled and said: "Come on, I'm really a little hungry."

In the afternoon, when Qinzi came to message, Xue Nai was cooking.

He was busy going to meet Qinzi, so he didn't stay for dinner. He was indeed a little hungry now, and he needed to eat some sweets to replenish some energy and prepare for the night's work.

"Well, then I'll ask the maid to prepare more." Standing by the bedside table, Qin Zi picked up the pager with a smile on her face, and ordered: "Prepare more desserts and send them to my room, and don't forget the black tea."

After finishing speaking, Qinzi put down the pager, put his right hand behind his back, and made a strange gesture to someone.

Then, Qinzi withdrew her hand and returned to Xingjian's embrace very naturally.

"Huh~~huh~~huh~~" She was humming a song, swinging her little feet, writhing happily in Xingjian's arms.

"What's the matter? So happy?" The restless little girl made Xing Jian's blood boil so badly that she locked Qin Zi's waist and fixed her in her arms.

"Hmph ~ Guess ~" Qinzi raised her head to look at Xingjian, and blinked playfully.

"I guess?" Xingjian frowned, leaning forward, trying to take off Qinzi's knee-high white socks.



Xingjian accidentally took off Qinzi's prosthetic left leg.

Looking at the calf covered with white silk in his hands, Xing Jian fell silent for a while.

I got used to Qin Zi in the dream, and forgot about it...

Now how to do?Put it back on?

"Xing Jian~" Xing Jian blinked, and asked with a cute face: "Why are you taking off my prosthetic limb? Could it be that you want to be rough on my prosthetic little foot?"

"Emm..." Xing Jian changed the subject and asked, "Where do you put the prosthetic limb?"

Qinzi nuzzled, "Over there, next to the bedside table, do you see that bag and shelf, put it in the bag first, and then put it on the shelf."

"Okay~ I understand." Xing Jian took the prosthetic limb and put it away, then returned to the original position and continued to hold the Qinzi.

I don't know if it's his illusion, or what, but I always feel that the Qinzi without the prosthetic limb becomes extraordinarily light, so light that it seems that it will float away at any time.

"..." He unconsciously lowered his head to look at Qinzi's empty left leg, feeling an inexplicable pain in his heart.

He stroked Qinzi's suet-like left leg, and asked softly, "Can you recover?"

Qinzi said with a normal expression: "I can't."

"Why?" Xingjian asked, "Isn't there a way to restore it with 'mystery'?"

"Because I am the 'God of Wisdom' and 'Princess Monster'."

"..." Xing Jian understood.

This is the price, the inescapable price of becoming the "God of Wisdom".

"Do you want to recover?" Xingjian asked again.

Qinzi shrugged, "I'm used to it, it doesn't matter if I recover or not, anyway..."

Qinzi looked up at Xingjian, and said with a smile: "Anyway, it doesn't affect the birth of a child, nor does it affect the sexual affairs, so it doesn't matter, it's just a small problem, as long as..."

Qin Zi paused for a moment, and smiled brighter, "As long as Xing Xing doesn't dislike you when he sees you."

"..." Xingjian's breath was stagnant, and he held Qinzi's face and kissed it.

The words are pale and boring, and many things cannot be explained by words alone, otherwise there would not be so many incomprehensions between people.

At this time, "action" is particularly valuable, it can replace words to express your heart directly.


Not long after, their kiss was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Miss, dessert and tea are here."

The maid's clear voice sounded outside the door.

"I'll go and open the door." Xingjian put Qinzi on the bed, wiped the corners of his mouth and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Xing Jian subconsciously prepared to pick up the dessert and tea brought by the maid, but unexpectedly, the other party pushed a dining cart over.

"..." Xingjian's eyelids twitched, and he withdrew his hand calmly.

Well, he understands Qinzi's moat.

Although his family is much stronger than Qinzi's family, he really doesn't have too much extravagance living alone.

"Master Xingjian, good evening." The tall and handsome maid greeted Xingjian with a smile.

"Well, I'll do it." Xing Jian nodded, signaling the maid to hand over the dining car to him.

"Okay." The maid pushed the dining car inward, and very thoughtfully brought the side of the handrail to Xingjian.

"Well, thank you." Xing Jian took the dining car and pushed it in, while the maid quietly closed the door.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Xing Jian turned his head and saw that the door was closed tightly, a thought suddenly popped up in Xing Jian's mind.

Would he also keep some maids?It is quite convenient to have a group of sensible maids...

Ask Qihai next time, if she agrees, then his family will have an extra capable and sensible little maid...

Thoughtful Xing Jian unconsciously pushed the dining cart to the bedside.

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