"Xing Jian, what are you thinking about?" Qin Zi tilted her head slightly and asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just hungry." Xingjian restrained his thoughts, sat next to Qinzi, and picked up desserts to enjoy.

"Xingjian, I want it too." Qinzi with a strange look in her eyes quietly glanced at the steaming black tea.

Kyoko should have seen the hand gesture and put the thing into the black tea, right?

"My lord princess, it's the cup on the left, it's already been put away..."

At this moment, an extremely subtle sound floated into Qinzi's ears.

She glanced at the source of the sound calmly, and saw the female ghost Kyoko cheering her on by the window.

"My lord princess, come on!"

324. "The Hidden Star"

After confirming that it was ready, Qinzi looked away, held the little sweetheart in his hand with a smile, and gnawed it in small bites.

At the same time, her gaze remained on Xing Jian's side face, and a layer of water vapor unconsciously formed in her beautiful eyes.

After a while, Xing Jian, who had eaten seven or eight small desserts, seemed to have the desire to drink water. He subconsciously glanced at the two cups of black tea, intending to raise his hand to drink the one close to himself.

When Qinzi saw it, she knew that the opportunity had come, she grabbed the cup of black tea on the left and handed it to Xingjian before Xingjian.

"En, thanks." The defenseless Xing Jian didn't think much, took the black tea, thanked him casually, and drank it all in one gulp.


Seeing Xingjian's Adam's apple twitch, Qinzi's immature face was covered with an imperceptible blush.

It turned out that when Xingjian first came to her house, she was still wondering if there was no need to add food?After all, Xing Jian himself seemed to have that intention, otherwise it would be impossible to enter her boudoir so easily.

Later, when taking off the bracelet on Xing Jian's right wrist, she suddenly thought of a problem.

Will you be disturbed?Especially that guy Yukinoshita, although he was sure that Hoshimi must have explained to Yukinoshita that he would not go back tonight, but it was not safe.

In case Xuexia's dead-headed person suddenly gets enlightened, and notices something strange, and insists on Xingjian to come back to accompany her when she cries, makes trouble and hangs herself, then she is sure that Xingjian will go back...

Although the EQ of that dead-headed man is not very good, he is lucky!

The first one to appear in Xingjian's world took advantage of the opportunity and took the lead in securing a considerable place in Xingjian's heart, which made her sometimes feel tied up when she was one step late.

With this in mind, Qinzi made up his mind to add more ingredients.

She has made so many preparations, but she can't let her success fall short because she relaxes at the last moment.

In order to successfully "become a god", one must be foolproof!


A cup of black tea is about 150ml, and Xingjian, who is thirsty after eating snacks, quickly drank it all in one gulp.

After finishing the drink, Xing Jian felt something was wrong even before the cup was put down...


As soon as he let go, the teacup hit the edge of the dining car, flew out and rolled to the bottom of the bed.

Letting go was just the beginning, and then Xingjian seemed to be bathed in the warm spring breeze, and all the strength in his body was taken away by the ecstatic wind.

Then, his vision began to blur, and everything in his eyes began to reverse.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear a faint voice, and as soon as the voice hit his ears, all his strength returned.

It's just that what came back with the strength was a warmth that made his blood boil.




So hot!

Hot people feel uncomfortable all over!


While the blood was boiling, Xing saw the strong force coming from nowhere, and tore it casually, and the clothes on his body were torn into several pieces.

It was not enough to tear off the coat, he also tore off the short sleeves inside.




so hot! !

The rush of blood became stronger and stronger, and Xing Jian, who was panting like a cow, became hotter and hotter.


The hot and uncomfortable Hoshimi subconsciously searched for a cool place, and when his sight touched Qinzi, his eyes fixed on it.

Like a starving beast seeing fresh flesh, like a man about to die of thirst seeing an oasis...Xing Jian's eyes burned in an instant.

He rushed towards Qinzi desperately and pushed her down on the bed.


The huge force that came from nowhere made him easily remove Qinzi's defense.

"Xingjian..." Qinzi protected her chest, looking at Xingjian with three parts of shyness, three parts of anticipation, three parts of emotion and a part of slight fear.

The expected thing came too fast, which caught Qinzi a little off guard.

Also, is this material a little too aggressive?Why do you feel that there is something wrong with Xingjian?

Looking at Xingjian whose skin was flushed all over, Qinzi was a little surprised where Kyoko got the ingredients, and the effect was so strong.

While thinking about it, Xingjian kissed her down.

When the four lips met, Qinzi's pupils suddenly contracted.

Something is wrong!something wrong!

Xingjian's body temperature is too high!The height is scary! !The temperature is definitely above 40°C!It may even be higher!

The highest temperature tolerance of the human body is between 40.6°C and 41.4°C. Continuous high temperature will cause irreversible and serious impact on the body.

apricots!You unreliable ghost!Where did you get it from!

"See you! Stop!"

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Qinzi immediately got rid of all bad desires and pushed hard on Xingjian's chest, trying to make him wake up temporarily.

Just after pushing it twice, Xingjian tilted his head and suddenly passed out.

"See you! See you! What's wrong with you?!"

Seeing Xingjian's eyes closed tightly, the anxious Qinzi panicked for a moment.

Fortunately, the female ghost Kyoko, who was peeping outside, saw that the situation was not good, so she flew in and lifted Xingjian off Qinzi's body.

"See you! See you! Wake up!"

The liberated Qinzi ignored Kyoko, she sat up abruptly, lay on Xingmi's body, shaking Xingjian's shoulders with trembling hands.

Seeing that there was no response from Xingjian, Qinzi hurriedly rummaged through the pile of shredded clothes to find herself.

"120...120... hurry to the hospital... we must make it in time! We must make it in time!"

Qinzi who found the mobile phone, while chanting in a trembling voice, dialed the emergency number of the hospital with cold hands and feet.

On the side, the female ghost Xingzi looked at Qinzi Liushenwuzhu's panic, knowing that she might have caused trouble, her lips opened and closed, wanting to say but dared not.

At the moment of crisis, Qinzi, whose blood was about to cool down, dialed the emergency number of the hospital at one time without any mistakes.


"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Listening to the busy tone before answering the phone, Qinzi kept chanting anxiously.

"Hello, this is..."

As soon as the phone was connected, Qinzi hurriedly said: "I'm in Hanamichuan District..."

Before Qinzi could finish reporting her address, a slightly cold hand grabbed Qinzi's wrist.

"Qinzi, I'm fine, you hang up first."

Qinzi heard the sound and saw that Xingjian was covering his forehead and sitting up slowly.

"Xingjian, are you okay?!" Qinzi looked at Xingjian with tears in her eyes.

"Well, it's all right." Xingjian took Qinzi's cell phone and helped her hang up the emergency call from the hospital.

He threw the phone aside casually, and looked up helplessly at Qinzi who was facing him frankly.

What else can be said about this situation?Although he wasted his life, what else can he do other than forgive Qinzi after he has figured out the truth of the matter?

"Heh~" Xing Jian chuckled, leaned in front of Qin Zi, held her little face in his hands, and smiled while kneading: "Qin Zi, do you know? We are almost going to be on the headlines of the news"

325. "Original flavor is better..."

"If it weren't for your good husband and I still have the ability to keep my life under pressure, the news headlines in Chiba tomorrow will definitely be "Shock! A couple of young lovers in Chiba were desolate.. They died on the bed!"

"Huh?" Qinzi looked at Xingjian in astonishment.

For Xingjian, the amount of information is a bit large.

First of all, what is the life-saving ability of the bottom of the box?

Also, why would she die too?According to the trend just now, shouldn't Xing Jian be the only one who had an accident?

"Hehehe~" Xingjian smiled and didn't explain, just kneading Qinzi's soft little face like kneading dough.

The little girl film really does not leave room for mediation, and I don't know who she learned from.

"Xingjian~~ Is your pillow loose?" Qinzi, whose face was rounded and flattened, was a little slurred.

"Don't worry, there is no problem with the resurrection with full blood."


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