"It's really scary. The freighter exploded right in front of my eyes..." Mrs. Yan Yong, who was over forty years old and still had a charm, clutched her chest in shock.

"Fortunately, it's a cargo ship. If it's a cruise ship..." Mr. Yan Yong, who is very old gentleman, shook his head and said: "If it's a cruise ship, I probably don't want to take a boat in the future."

"Freighters have exploded, how can cruise ships be better? I think it's better to take less boats in the future." Mrs. Yan Yong, who has just experienced an explosion, is obviously still in a psychological shadow. When talking about ships, her eyes will flicker The color of fear.

Mr. Yan Yong at the side was much better. He held Mrs. Yan Yong's hand and comforted him: "It's up to you, whatever you say is what you say."

"En..." Mrs. Yanyong didn't say anything more, she looked at the brightly lit villa in front of her, and couldn't help flashing what she and her husband had just experienced in her mind.

She and her husband went on a trip, and less than half a minute after the cruise, a cargo ship in the distance exploded.

The flames soaring into the sky can be seen clearly from far away, and the thick smoke billowing with sparks makes people tremble with fear unconsciously.

As soon as the explosion happened, the port was in chaos, running, screaming, crying, and panic spread and fermented in the crowd, making it look like the end of the world all of a sudden.

She was a woman, so she couldn't help being affected by panic, and her whole body became stiff.

Fortunately, her husband was calm enough to take her to a safe place to hide. When the police came to control the situation, her husband took her off the cruise ship, identified himself to the police, and left the blocked port ahead of schedule.

After leaving the port, she and her husband thought about calling the driver to pick them up.

Fortunately, the driver didn't go too far. After answering the phone, he came back to pick her and her husband back home not long after.

After this bombing, she and her husband lost interest in traveling and just wanted to go back to their home and have a good time.

Looking at the villa getting closer and closer, Mrs. Yanyong couldn't help but think of her daughter, she murmured unconsciously: "I don't know what Qinzi is doing..."

Mr. Yanyong looked up at the villa that was not far away, and said: "I'll be there soon, you can just see Qinzi with your own eyes later."


"By the way..." Mr. Yan Yong suddenly remembered something. He held Mrs. Yan Yong's hand and asked, "Reiko, did you say that Qin Zi had a boyfriend?"

"Well, I heard that Qinzi said it was a little boy named 'Xing Jian'. I took it home last time to see, she shirked it, and I don't know when Qinzi will bring it back for us to hold eyes... .”

327. "Catch the Rape in the Bed"

After speaking, Mrs. Yanyong became worried again. She held her husband's hand and suggested: "Husband, why don't we take the initiative to meet Xiaqinzi's boyfriend, I'm a little worried that she will be cheated..."

Mr. Yanyong shook his head, "Don't worry, Qinzi is smart, how could she be easily deceived, wait for her to bring her boyfriend back, let's intervene, it will be bad if it triggers Qinzi's rebellious heart."

"..." Mrs. Yan Yong didn't speak, she looked at the villa in front of her eyes, and she didn't know what she was planning.

"Master, madam, here we are."

When the car arrived at the gate of the villa, the middle-aged male driver got out of the car and opened the door for Mr. and Mrs. Iwanaga.

"Thanks for your hard work." Mr. Yan Yong, an old gentleman, thanked him habitually.

"It should." The driver also bowed in response habitually.

After Mr. Yan Yong and Mrs. Yan Yong got out of the car, the driver got on the car and drove the car to the garage.

"By the way, Reiko..." Mr. Yan Yong, who was walking towards the villa, suddenly asked Mrs. Yan Yong beside him: "You just said that Qin Zi's boyfriend is called 'Hoshimi', so could he be Hoshimi-kun?" His son? Judging by age, Hoshijian-kun’s son is a good match for my daughter, only a little over a year older.”

"I don't know, I'll know when we meet."

As soon as Mrs. Yan Yong said this, Mr. Yan Yong immediately understood.

His wife was still worried, she didn't want to give up her idea at all, and planned to meet her daughter's little boyfriend in advance.

Let's see each other, just as he is also a little worried about Qin Zi being cheated.

Although I trust my daughter's wisdom, it's really hard to say about feelings. No matter how smart you are, you may fall into the wrong way, so it's better to pay attention.


Entering the villa, Mr. Yan Yong was a little confused.

What about the maids at home?Shouldn't they be greeted at the door at this time in the past?Where did you go today?Could it be that he is taking care of Qinzi?

After turning his mind for two times, Mr. Yan Yong didn't think any more. He let go of Mrs. Yan Yong's hand and walked to the second floor first.

"Riko, then go and see Qinzi, I'll go to the study to deal with some things,"

"Well, good." Mrs. Yan Yong walked to the second floor behind Mr. Yan Yong.

Qinzi's bedroom is on the west side of the second floor, and the study is on the east side of the second floor. After they reached the corridor on the second floor, they parted ways in silence.

When they reached the door of Qinzi's bedroom, Mrs. Yan Yong was going to knock on the door first.

But she changed her mind and prepared to give Qinzi a surprise attack.

In Qinzi's eyes, she should be on a cruise ship in Tokyo Bay right now, and if she returns suddenly now, she must be able to give Qinzi a super big surprise.

"Hehe~" Mrs. Yanyong covered her mouth and let out a chuckle, already looking forward to Qinzi's surprised expression when she saw her.

She raised her palms like suet nephrite and pressed them on both sides of the door.

Then give it a shove!

"Surprise! Hehehe~ Qinzi didn't expect that mom would come back..."

In the middle of speaking, Mrs. Iwanaga's smile froze on her face.

Looking at the scene in the room, she clenched her silver teeth instantly, and the veins on her temples appeared, and she instantly entered a state of bursting with anger.

what did she see? !

Her daughter actually did that kind of thing naked on the bed with a bastard! !And don't turn off the lights! ! !

The lights in the entire bedroom are on! !Not even a single light was turned off! ! !

and also!She just left home!The daughter has the audacity to bring the man back? !

Just bring it back!It's still for doing that kind of thing! !

my daughter! !You really gave me a big surprise as a mother! ! !

"Mom...why are you back?" The frightened Qinzi dragged Xingjian to hide under the quilt stiffly.

And Xing Jian was more straightforward, directly hiding his head in the quilt.

He is now so embarrassed that he doesn't know how to meet people.

urgent!Waiting for the answer online!What should I do if I was caught and raped by other people's mother in bed?

"Why did I come back? If I don't come back, how can I know that my good daughter can do such a disgraceful thing?!" Mrs. Yanyong almost gritted her teeth as she spoke.

Although she knew that her daughter was very courageous, she really didn't expect to be so big!

I just left! !Just go! !

Will you die in a hurry if you wait two days? !Do you have to look for excitement as soon as I leave? !

"Ah ha ha..." Facing her mother, Qin Zi could only laugh dryly, and did not dare to say anything coquettish.

Her mother is a very traditional Yamato Nadeko, and in this situation, any more flirty words will add fuel to the flames.

"Hmph!" Mrs. Yanyong snorted coldly, and said angrily, "You two get dressed for me within 3 minutes! Explain to me what's going on!"

After speaking, Mrs. Iwanaga slammed the door and left, leaving room for the two naked young men to get dressed.


Hearing the sound of the door being slammed shut, Xing Jian sneaked his head out and glanced at the door.

Seeing that Mrs. Yanyong had left, Xingjian was temporarily relieved. He sat up and said with a bitter face: "What should I do, Qinzi, didn't your parents go on a trip? Why did you come back suddenly?"

Qinzi with a stiff face rubbed her face, and said depressedly: "How do I know they will come back, forget it, don't think about it now, let's think about how to deal with my mother."

Qinzi is very depressed now, very depressed, she just missed the door!The ball is on the line!

If her mother arrives an hour later, then the matter between her and Xingjian will be over. Even if she is caught by then, she will not be so depressed as she is now.

no!What has been decided must be done!If it continues to drag on, Xingjian's head soup will be drunk by that lucky Yukinoshita!

She squinted at Xing Jian, who also looked depressed, and already had an idea in her heart.

Just one question...

Qinzi rolled her eyes, and asked pointedly: "Xingjian, are you not frightened?"

"It's okay, I'm worried." Xing Jian, who was thinking about how to explain to his future mother-in-law, responded casually.

"..." Qinzi knew that Xingjian had misunderstood, she thought about it, and simply lifted the quilt to take a look.

Seeing that Xingjian was really not frightened, Qinzi was relieved.

"Huh?" Looking at Qinzi's movements, Xingjian seemed to understand the deep meaning of her previous question.

The corners of his eyes twitched, and he raised his hand to rub Qinzi's little head, "Little girl, Pianzi, you are fatter than me. If you don't hurry up and change clothes, your mother will give us 3 minutes."

"By the way..." As he said that, Xing Jian suddenly remembered something, he looked at the rags on the ground, and said with a stiff expression, "What the hell am I going to wear?!"

328. "Marry the Qinzi"

In the living room on the first floor, a long solid wood table is placed in the center of the room.

Hoshimi and Kotoko sat in the lower eight seats with their backs to the door, while Iwanaga and his wife sat in the upper eight seats facing the door.

At this moment, under the scrutiny of his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, Xingjian, who was wearing ill-fitting clothes, tried hard to maintain an awkward yet polite smile.

The suit he was wearing was a lady's suit that Qinzi temporarily borrowed from her exclusive female driver. He wore it so tight that it made him uncomfortable to breathe.

He endured the discomfort, and while maintaining a polite smile, he did not forget to carefully observe the subtle changes in the expressions of his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

At the beginning, when he first entered the living room, he noticed that the expressions of his future father-in-law and mother-in-law were terribly gloomy, like the dark clouds in the sky before the heavy rain.

Afterwards, the expression of the future mother-in-law has hardly changed, it has always been a gloomy look that the rainstorm is coming.

But the future father-in-law's expression has changed quite a bit. When he sat down at the table, his father-in-law's eyebrows were obviously raised, and a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

He noticed that the future father-in-law's gaze focused on his hair and eyes for a while, as if to identify him.

Then, the father-in-law seemed to have confirmed his identity. While keeping a straight face, his brows and eyes unconsciously relaxed a little, not as tense as it was at the beginning.

Observing this, Xing Jian breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the future father-in-law recognized his origin.

"Are you Hoshimi-kun's son?" the old gentleman Yan Yong said affirmatively.

Xing Jian pretended to be stunned for a moment, then quickly calmed down, and said calmly: "If uncle said "Xing Jian Stock God", then it must be Mr. Xianfu."

"Mr. Xianfu..." Mr. Yanyong said after repeating, "It's a pity, if Mr. Xingjian is still here..."

"Ah~" Halfway through speaking, Mr. Yan Yong sighed softly, suppressed his feelings of gratitude, looked up at Xingjian, and said, "I remember your name is Qingchuan, right?"

Xingjian nodded and said, "Yes."

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