The old gentleman, Mr. Yanyong, smiled, with the charm of a mature man, "I am your elder, and I was your father's friend, and you are on good terms with my daughter. If this is the case, then I will be like your father, Let me call you Chuaner."

"Okay, uncle." Xingjian finally let out the other half of his tense breath.

It's okay, it's okay, his cheap old man has a lot of friends, otherwise in today's situation, he might have to talk about it if he wants to get away.

"Chuan'er, let me ask you, are you... hiss~~"

As he spoke, the old gentleman suddenly took a deep breath.

Xing Jian heard the sound and looked, only to see Mrs. Yan Yong retracting her arms with a nuclear smile on her face.

Xingjian: "..."

Well, although the father-in-law's pass was a trick, but the mother-in-law's pass does not seem to be so easy.

"Cough~" Mr. Yanyong, who was in pain in his waist, coughed lightly. He straightened his face again and said in a deep voice, "Boy Xingjian, do you know what you did wrong?"

Xingjian: "..."

This is not easy to admit. If you admit that you are wrong, you will be restrained everywhere in what you say afterwards.

But if you don't admit it, how should you answer this question?

This step cannot be followed, but how to answer it without spoiling the atmosphere?

"Mom, I want Xingjian to stay. What do you think he is doing?"

Just as Xingjian was considering how to answer, Qinzi stood up, holding Xingjian's arm, and looked at her mother without fear.

Like Xing Jian, she has already seen that her father has almost let go, and the rest is only her somewhat stubborn mother.

Seeing that Qinzi dared to jump out on his own initiative, Mrs. Yanyong stared at her almond-shaped eyes, her brows bristling, "Qinzi, I will settle accounts with you about your problem later, don't make trouble now, let your father have a good talk with him."

"Tch~" Qinzi curled her lips and muttered in a low voice, "Obviously it's mom who you want to talk about, but you push it to dad..."

"Qinzi!" Mrs. Yanyong looked at Qinzi with oppressive almond eyes.

"..." Qinzi turned her head and became quiet.

"Cough~" Mr. Yanyong coughed lightly, drawing the attention of the people present to him.

He looked at Xingjian and continued: "Boy Xingjian, I have already heard from Lizi about the specific situation. I would like to ask, what do you think Qinzi treats you like this?"

Xing Jian straightened his back and said with a serious face: "Uncle and Auntie, Qinzi treats me sincerely, so naturally I will not let her down. When I reach the age, I will definitely marry Qinzi."

This is true, but when the time comes, how many people will marry may be uncertain...

Although there is a crime of bigamy in Japan, if you really want to operate it at that time, there are ways to avoid it.

With money and power, iron rules that seem impossible in the eyes of many ordinary people can also be broken.

"Really?" Mr. Yanyong raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, "Yes, Xingjian is really worried. With your father's demeanor back then, I can feel relieved when I entrust the piano to you."

Xingjian: "Uncle, from what you said, you should have a good relationship with my father before, right?"

The interpersonal file that his cheap dad left in the study room was really too thick. Although he had flipped through it a few times, every time he only remembered what he had to pay attention to at that time.

The rest of the content is just a quick look, and I didn't read it carefully, so I can't think of the record about "Iwanaga" for a while.

"Of course it's good." Mr. Yan Yong said with a smile: "When your father was still hanging out in Chiba, I had a lot of dealings with him. Back then, he brought you to my house. At that time, you were still a Little Douding, it's only knee high, right..."

Mr. Yanyong looked at Qinzi, "I just remembered, Xingjian boy, you played with Qinzi at that time, but you guys couldn't get along, and you fought when you were together, but now you are together, this really makes me a little bit Accident."

Xingjian and Qinzi looked at each other in surprise, neither of them thought that they could barely be regarded as "childhood sweethearts".

"Xingjian, what a coincidence~" Qinzi bumped Xingjian's shoulder with a smile.

The sudden discovery made her feel that the acquaintance of Xing Jian might be destined.

"It's really a coincidence." Xing saw his brows and eyes stretched, and there was something subtle in his heart.

Fate, when it is really wonderful.

Just when the atmosphere gradually became more enjoyable, Mrs. Yan Yong's slightly cold voice broke everything.

"See you, right?"

"..." Xing Jian's breathing was stagnant, and he straightened his posture immediately, and replied seriously: "Yes, Auntie."

Mrs. Yanyong stared fixedly at Xingjian, "I won't intervene when you are in love with Qinzi. After all, I am not old-fashioned, but..."

Mrs. Yanyong's almond eyes became even more oppressive, "But Qinzi is still young, and her health is not very good. It is better to pay more attention to some things."

Xingjian said with a serious face: "Auntie, please rest assured, I understand, I will cherish Qinzi."

329. "Finally Became a God..."

"Hmph!" Mrs. Yan Yong snorted coldly, "I don't think you understand! If you understood, you shouldn't...huh!"

After all, it was Yamato Nadeko, who couldn't speak vulgar words, nor could he say anything about men and women.

She kicked her husband and left the rest of the problems to him.

But before delivering it, she reached out and twisted the soft flesh around her husband's waist again, so that he would remember how to face it.

"..." Mr. Yanyong, whose mouth twitched, endured the pain and did not respond, so as not to embarrass himself in front of his future son-in-law and his daughter again.

After he paused for a while, he said slowly: "Xingjian boy, what Lizi said is exactly what I want to say, we will not interfere when you and Qinzi are in love, but some things are better when you are old, Qinzi You must be aware of the situation, and I won't remind you any more."

"Also..." Mr. Yanyong suddenly became serious. He stared at Xingjian and said seriously: "There is one more thing I want to make clear to you in advance. When you and Qinzi get together in the future, I have a Require."

Speaking of this, Mr. Yan Yong stopped, as if waiting for Xingjian to give a reply.

Xingjian took advantage of the situation and said: "Uncle, please tell me, I will definitely do my best."

"My request is not difficult, that is, the child of you and Qinzi must have a surname Yan Yong, so that he can inherit the Yan Yong family in the future."

Xingjian was stunned. To be honest, he didn't expect Mr. Yan Yong to make such a request.

Doesn't this kind of request mean that he has fully agreed with him and Qinzi?

"Okay!" Xing Jian, who came back to his senses, responded immediately, he took Qin Zi's hand, and made a solemn promise.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely have more children with Qinzi in the future, so that you can choose whatever you want."

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the people present changed in different ways.

"Haha~ Okay, then it's settled." Mr. Yan Yong smiled happily.

Mrs. Yan Yong's face was even more serious than at the beginning.

And Qinzi blushed and rolled her eyes.

Only Mrs. Iwanaga's injured world has reached at this moment...

After Mr. Yan Yong laughed for a while, he also noticed the gloomy expression on his wife's face that was about to explode.

His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly winked at Xingjian.

Xing met, and immediately said: "Uncle and aunt, it's getting late, so I will take my leave first, and I will bring a generous gift to visit later."

"Well, it's really getting late, so I won't keep you overnight." Mr. Yanyong looked at Qinzi, "Qinzi, you can go see Xingjian boy, just deliver it to the door, don't go too far."

Qinzi: "Well, I see."

Knowing that her father was covering for herself, Qinzi pulled Xingjian and prepared to run away.

Before leaving, Xingjian did not forget to say goodbye politely.

"Uncle and aunt, I'm so disturbed today, I'll visit you next time."

When the two left the living room, Mrs. Yan Yong, who had been preparing for a long time, finally broke out. Xingjian and Qinzi, who were already outside the door, vaguely heard Mrs. Yan Yong's angry reprimand.

"You idiot! Do you have dementia?! My mother asked you to say that?! My mother asked you to come here to ask the teacher! You are not here to admit your son-in-law!"

"Huh?!! Hoshimi-kun's son?! Even if he is Hoshimi-kun's son! Then you have to pay attention to the rules, right?!"

"How old is Qinzi! How old is he! I'm thinking about it! You don't care about it?!"

"Huh?! Children and grandchildren have their own blessings?! I think you just don't want to care about it!"

Listening to the movement in the house, Xingjian and Qinzi looked at each other, and then walked away silently.

Not long after the two of them walked out of the villa, the head maid chased after them. She kept a distance of 10 meters and followed them quietly, as if she was watching them and protecting Qinzi.

Someone followed, Xingjian and Qinzi couldn't say anything, they kept quiet and walked all the way to the gate of the manor.

"Xingjian, you go back first..." Qinzi squinted at the head maid not far behind, and silently swallowed the second half of the sentence she had prepared.

"Well, you should go to bed early too." Xing Jian, who was a little depressed in his heart, kept a smile on his face. He rubbed Qin Zi's little head as a way to comfort her.

"...I'm afraid I will be scolded if I go back now..." Qinzi pouted and muttered.

Xing Jian, who has not yet become her son-in-law, can run away, but she cannot.

When I go back this time, my mother will definitely give me a good lesson in "etiquette".

The mother who has always been as gentle as water can become violent like a tsunami when it comes to some rules and regulations.

"Heh~" Xingjian smiled, leaned over and kissed Qinzi's forehead, "It's fine to go in the left ear and out the right ear, don't worry so much, your mother is doing it for your own good."

"Tch~" Qinzi curled her lips and said nothing.

She understood the truth, but being interrupted at the door made her a little too depressed.

"Then I'll go back first, see you tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

After Xingjian left, Qinzi watched Xingjian off at the gate of the manor, and then went back to the villa with the head maid.

She knew very well that the head maid must have been sent by her mother to watch over her, lest she "elope" with Xingjian on the spur of the moment.

But the things she set must have a beginning and an end, and it won't end so simply...


Four or ten minutes later, Xing Jian, who was wandering all the way, finally arrived at the downstairs of his apartment.

Just now, when he walked to the place where he could take a taxi, he remembered that his wallet, mobile phone and the bracelet Shi Yu had given him had all left at Qin Zi's house, and he had nothing on him except a set of ill-fitting clothes.

He is not even familiar with the road, but he has asked many kind passers-by along the way.


In the elevator of the apartment, Xing Jian sighed softly, he originally wanted to go to Xue Nai's house to stay for a while.

But when he saw the clothes on his body, he gave up his mind.

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