Today, things are not going well, it is better to go home as soon as possible and sleep peacefully.

By the way, I had a tryst with Shi Yu in my dream, to relieve the anger stirred up by Qin Zi, and the long-lasting depression in my heart...

After arriving home, Xingjian didn't bother to take a bath, and was about to fall asleep directly.


At this moment, the window rang.

"Huh?!" Xing Jian sat up in surprise.

His bedroom is on the 28th floor!Who can knock on his window? !

Suspicious Xing Jian suddenly thought of a certain possibility, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and opened the curtain with half vigilance and anticipation.


Outside the window, Qinzi was standing on the palm of a huge skeleton making faces at him.

Xingjian looked happy, and immediately opened the window, "Qinzi, I knew it was you."

"Hey~" With her petite figure, Qinzi rushed towards Xingjian directly from the window.

"Be careful!" Xing Jian was so frightened that he hurried to pick it up, but in the end, his whole body was thrown to the ground by Qin Zi.

His back hurt from the fall, but he didn't feel angry at all.

Looking at Qinzi sitting on him, Xingjian smiled and said: "What? Are you here to attack Qianliye?"

"Huh~huh~ yes~ I'm sure I'll eat you today~" Qinzi grinned, baring her teeth and claws, like a little fox who just got out of a cage.

"The problem at home has been solved?" Xingjian asked casually.

"I pretended to be sick, so my mother let me go to rest, and then I let the little monster play tricks and turned me into a different person in the bedroom to fool my mother~"

Qinzi crossed her hips triumphantly, "Huh~huh~ I'm a monster princess, what I want to do, even "Heaven" can't stop it!"

"Really?" Xing Jian turned over and threw the Qinzi to the ground.

He put his hands on both sides of Qinzi's head, tilted his head slightly, and asked with a smile: "Then Qinzi, shall we continue?"

"Of course!" The blushing Qinzi raised her slender neck, looking unwilling to admit defeat.

"Hehe, do you want to take a shower first?" Xingjian asked the same question again.

"Hmph~" Qinzi wrinkled her nose, and said arrogantly: "If I don't wash it, I like the original flavor."

"Okay, it's up to you."

Xing Jian picked up the piano, threw it on his bed, and at the same time turned on all the lights in the bedroom.

Outside the window, the huge wild skeleton pulled the curtains and closed the window with demon power.


"Xingjian,'s time to call Qingchuan...Qingchuan, say you love me."

"Qinzi~I love you~"

"Hmph~ A man's mouth, a deceiving ghost, what you say now doesn't count. I want you to say that you love me in front of Yukinoshita in the future."

"Okay~ up to you~"

"That's about the same...By the way, why do you have this thing in your house?" Qinzi asked Xingjian holding the unsealed Okamoto 003.

Xingjian grabbed Okamoto 003 and opened it, "Look, Qinzi, 12 is a lot. I just used it just in case, and I never used it at all."

"Huh~" Qinzi snorted softly, grabbed Okamoto 003, and threw it aside.

Now she doesn't bother to worry about what's going on with this thing, anyway, it doesn't matter if she can be sure that Xingjian is still the original product.

Xingjian raised his eyebrows slightly, "Qinzi, don't you need it?"

"No, what are you afraid of! Didn't you promise my dad? You can choose as many as you like!"

"Okay, then it's up to you, how many more children!"


After twists and turns, the spring breeze finally enters the night...


At the same time, on the 15th floor of the apartment, Xue Nai, who was distracted and unintentionally reading, hugged her knees and sat by the French window of the living room with her eyes blank.

What is the star doing...

Can you come back tonight?

"..." Xue Nai leaned her head sideways against the floor-to-ceiling window in a messy mind. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and accidentally saw herself reflected in the window.

At this moment, she curled up and hugged her knees, looking like an abandoned kitten.

"Hmm~" Xue Nai lowered her eyebrows and her body curled up even tighter unconsciously...

Xingjian...where are you...I seem to miss you a little...


The raindrops began to drip, and in an instant, it turned into light rain, and the temperature gradually dropped...

Some are cold, some are hot...

330. "The Grieving Little Fairy"

The light rain fell continuously all night long, and it didn't stop until the sky was getting dark.

In the morning, when the warm sun in early summer had just risen, Qingshan Qihai, who was wearing a fresh breath after the rain, rang the doorbell of Hoshimi's house full of anticipation.

After a week, I finally saw Hoshimi-kun again. At this time, her thoughts were as active as a cute magpie singing on a branch.


After touching for about 30 seconds, Qingshan Qihai looked suspiciously at the security door that had not been opened yet.

According to Hoshimi-kun's habits, he should have woken up at this time in the morning. In the past, after she rang the doorbell, Hoshimi-kun came to open the door for her in about 20 seconds.

What's going on today?Hoshimi-kun is delayed by some small things?Or are you still awake?

Qingshan Qihai thought for a while, and rang the doorbell again.

"Ding dong~~"

More than 30 seconds later, the anti-theft door still did not open.

Aoyama Nanami, who was full of confusion, hesitated for a while, and when she was about to press the doorbell again, the door finally opened.


"?!!" When seeing Xingjian, Qingshan Qihai's pupils constricted, and hurriedly greeted him, "Xingjian Jun, what's wrong with you?"

I saw Xing Jian standing in front of her listless, pale, with disheveled white hair as if he had been humiliated all night, and the red pupils that used to be very shiny also dimmed a lot.

Looking carefully, you can still find that Xing Jian's legs are trembling slightly, and the waist that used to be tall and straight is now bent down for some reason.

Seeing Xingjian who was so weak that he seemed to be a few years older, Qingshan Qihai quickly supported him.

"Huh~~" Xing, who had a sore back and sore legs, saw Qi Hai coming to help him, so he handed over half of his body weight to Qi Hai.

He let out a long breath, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "I'm fine, it's just...cough~"

Xing Jian coughed, and said with erratic eyes: "Anyway, I'm fine, I'll be fine after a little self-cultivation."

"Mr. Xingjian, it's okay for you to pay me back! You obviously..." Halfway through speaking, Qingshan Qihai's voice suddenly became quieter.

Because she discovered some other details, such as the dense hickey marks on both sides of Hoshimi-kun's collarbone, some scratches on Hoshimi-kun's arms, and the strange scents on Hoshimi-kun's body.

After a rough sniff, she smelled a fishy-sweet scent like heather, as well as the scent of cosmetics commonly used by women, and...the strange milky scent of adolescent girls...

All kinds of clues are intertwined and converged, pointing to the only answer.

Qingshan Qihai's breathing stagnated, her heartbeat also missed a beat, she turned her head with a slightly sore nose, her mind went blank, she didn't know what to do next.

"Qihai, what's the matter?" Xingjian looked at Qingshan Qihai who was reacting strangely beside him with subtle eyes.

"No... nothing..." Aoyama Qihai lowered her head and said with a complicated mood: "Xingjian-kun, let me help you go back to the bedroom to rest."

"You don't need to go back to the bedroom, just go to the living room. I just ordered breakfast and it should be there in a while."

"......I see."

According to Xingjian's wishes, Qingshan Qihai helped him to sit on the sofa in the living room.


As soon as his butt touched the sofa, Xingjian collapsed. He leaned against the sofa, half-closed his eyes, looking drowsy.

"..." Qingshan Qihai, who was standing aside, turned her head and looked aside, her mind was so complicated that she didn't dare to go to see Xingjian.

"Qihai..." Xingjian called out in a slightly hoarse voice.

"I'm here..." Qihai looked down at the floor, as if she was studying the material of Hoshimi's floor.

"Pour me a glass of water, I'm a little thirsty."


Qihai skillfully took out the cup, went to the water dispenser to get a cup of warm water and brought it to Xingjian.

"Mr. Xingjian, the water is coming."

"OK, thank you."

Xingjian took the water glass, sipped it, and thought about the meaning of life.

Thinking about it, his sleepy eyelids started to fight.

To be honest, since he came to this world, it was the first time he had done such strenuous exercise, even far surpassing the intensity of tennis training with Xue Nai before.

Qinzi's rebellious little girl is really a tormenting little fairy, and she doesn't know why her physical strength is so deep.

Is it from running around and solving various supernatural events?Or is it a passive skill brought about by the identity of "God of Wisdom" and "Monster Princess"?

Xing Jian couldn't figure it out, and didn't bother to ask Qin Zi, he only knew one thing, he really should practice hard, otherwise there might be big problems in the future.

"Ding dong~~"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and the drowsy Xingjian shook his hands in shock, and spilled most of the water in the glass.

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