Looking at the tragic situation on Xingjian's back, Qihai's expression was particularly exciting.

Miss Yan Yong caught this?Xingjian Jun really doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade...

However, with Ms. Yanyong's petite figure, even if Mr. Xingjian wanted to take pity on her, the result would probably be too much.

"Qihai, how are you? Did you break your mouth?" Seeing that Qihai remained silent for a long time, Xingjian asked actively.

"Well... There are several cuts near the shoulder blades..." Qihai straightened up, looked at the corner beside her, and said softly, "Hoshijian-kun, do you want to apply some medicine?"

"Apply some." Xingjian took off his clothes, lay flat on the bed and waited for Qihai to apply the medicine to him.

At first, he really didn't realize where the cut on his back came from. After all, he had no energy now, and his head was indeed a little slow to turn.

But later, when he exposed his back to the air, he suddenly woke up again.

I'm afraid Qinzi's girl didn't catch this hole, and the girl said proudly that she wasn't afraid, but in the end she caught a lot of holes on him.

Hmph~ This little guy still dares to be brave. After suffering this time, he must be able to understand that no matter how similar dreams and reality are, there is a difference after all.

333. "Be patient, it may hurt..."

Thinking about it in the future, I won't be as "arrogant" as last night.

"Mr. Xingjian, I'm here, bear with me, it might hurt a little."

While thinking about it, Qingshan Qihai found the ointment and returned to the bedside.

"Well, Qihai, you can come, I won't..."


Before he finished speaking, Qihai's cold little hands applied the ointment to his wound.

The coldness and the sudden sting made Xingjian gasp involuntarily.

He clutched the pillow with both hands, tensed his toes, and forced himself to endure the sour taste of applying the ointment.

"..." Qihai, who was sitting by the bed, saw Xingjian's appearance, her brows and eyes unconsciously curved into a beautiful arc.

Hoshimi-kun, this is self-inflicted...

Although I don't know what Hoshimi-kun is planning when she falls while holding her, but it is definitely not a good thing, maybe he just wants to see her panic-stricken.

Hmm~ You already have an extremely close girlfriend, but you still want to tease her. Isn't this self-inflicted?

Thinking like this, Qi Hai's thoughts gradually became clear. She looked at Xing Jian lying on the bed, and carefully applied the ointment evenly.

In any case, Hoshimi-kun is still Hoshimi-kun, and he will not restrain his teasing temper just because he has a girlfriend.

"Xingjian-kun, it's done."

Soon after, the ointment was applied.

Xingjian was naked to the waist, laying on the bed not wanting to move, he buried his head on the pillow filled with the fragrance of the zither, and said in a muffled voice, "Qihai, come to my house to be a maid, the treatment can be negotiated."

"..." Qihai's body froze, and she wanted to refuse, but when she opened her mouth, it became, "I'll think about it..."

"En?" Xing Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't look up, but buried himself in the pillow, and continued: "Okay, then let me talk about the treatment first, Qi Hai, you can also think about it."

"First of all, in terms of salary, my family used to have maids. My father paid them a monthly salary of 100 yen to 130 yen. It will be higher, of course."

"If you come Qihai..."

"Emm...Because Qihai, you are still in school, you can't stay at my house all day, and your salary is not very good..."

"How about this, aren't you living on campus now? If you're going to be a day student, you can come to live in my house, and you can take care of food, housing, and car allowance. I'll give you 50 yen a month."

"After coming here, my work is similar to now, and I have a lot of free time on weekdays. You can also concentrate on self-studying voice acting courses."

"By the way, Qihai, after you graduate from high school, do you plan to continue your studies, or do you want to directly engage in the voice acting industry?"

Qi Hai said with a dizzy head: "I should continue to study in university..."

She was a little dazed by the generous terms proposed by Xingjian.

The monthly salary is 50 yen, which is higher than the wages of most white-collar workers... and can continue to go to school, and usually has a lot of free time, Hoshimi-kun will not interfere with her voice actor dream..... .

With such a favorable condition, she had to wonder what Hoshimi-kun's motive was...

She rubbed her fingers together, and an answer had already appeared in her heart, but it was too absurd, and she dared not admit it herself.

Hoshimi-kun already has a girlfriend...how could he still...

"Continue to study in college, it's okay, it's always good to have a high diploma."

Xingjian lay on the bed, and continued: "Then Qihai, you can go to school according to your plan, and we can discuss it after you go to university, anyway, there is no rush."

"..." Qihai bit her lower lip, and said in an erratic voice, "Hoshimi-kun...about the maid...would Ms. Yanyong agree?"

"En? Qihai, what are you talking about? How could Qinzi disagree?" Xingjian explained calmly: "Qinzi has maids in her family, and not just one or two, but more than ten! They are all young Beautiful little maid, why do you think she objected to my finding a maid?"

"You know, my family is much richer than Qinzi's family. What's the problem with finding one or two maids to clean the house?"

Qihai looked down at her hands, and said in an erratic voice, "... Hoshimi-kun... I understand... I will think about it..."

"That's fine, Qihai is up to you." Saying that, Xingjian struggled to get up from the bed.

With his upper body bare, he turned his back to Qihai and asked, "Qihai, help me see if the ointment is dry."

Qihai looked at it carefully, and checked again, "The ointment has dried up."

"Okay, then I'll go to rest." Xingjian got up and left, leaving only Qihai sitting by the bed in a daze.

That's all I've said, it's not good to say any more.

The rest depends on whether Qihai can get out of the maze in his heart.

Self-esteem is a must, but too much is not good, it will get in the way.


Back in the guest room, Xing Jian was surprised to find a suitcase on the desk.

He checked it carefully and confirmed that it was the suitcase that Qinzi was going to bring to him yesterday.

"Is the efficiency so fast?" Xing Jian raised his brows slightly, walked to the window, opened a corner of the curtain, and looked out.

The weather is calm, everything is fine, and the city remains unchanged.

Are you "invisible" again?This mysterious world is really mysterious enough that it is difficult for ordinary people to see it.

"En? Wait..." Xingjian suddenly found a problem.

Monsters are invisible, so isn't that the best tool to spy on ordinary people?

Xing Jian's eyes twitched, and he turned his head to look at Qin Zi, who was tucked into the blanket.

Does this girl, Qinzi, already know about Shi Yu?

According to this girl's temperament, she must be capable of making the little monster stare at him.

Seeing that his right eyelid twitched twice, Xing suddenly felt dizzy.

No wonder Qinzi suddenly took the initiative, it turned out that she had already noticed Shi Yu's existence.

Trouble, Qin Zi already knows about Shi Yu, but she deliberately pretends not to know, when did this girl become so patient?I'm afraid he is planning some big move.

"Oh~" Xingjian sighed helplessly.

It seems that we have to move faster, and try to clarify everything before Qinzi makes a move.


Xingjian rolled his eyes, walked to the desk, and opened the suitcase.

Sure enough, apart from the three cultivation methods, his mobile phone, wallet, bracelet, and even his torn clothes were all in it.

He picked up his phone and looked at it, and a series of messages made his heart jump unconsciously.


334. "Miss Shiba's Obsession"

Xing Jian took a closer look and saw that all the messages were from Shi Yu, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

That's right, with Shi Yu's deep obsession, if he suddenly disappeared overnight, he would inevitably be chased and asked where he was going.

As for Xue Nai's side, he had already informed in advance, and with Xue Nai's own coldness and reservedness, if it was not necessary, he would definitely not take the initiative to send a message to ask him where he was.

After figuring everything out, Hoshimi checked the messages sent by Shi Yu one by one.

23:10 last night

"Hoshi, is the dance not over yet?" 』

Before, Shiyu wanted to come to his house to play on weekends, but because he had made an appointment with Qinzi in advance, he had to excuse himself to go to Aunt Yuxichuan's house to attend a family banquet and dance.

In this message, Shiyu asks if the dance is over at around 11 o'clock in the evening, obviously asking him "Why haven't you slept yet? Why haven't you pulled me into a dream?"

Then, at 23:40 last night, Shi Yu sent another message.

"It's not over yet? 』

This should be just a simple follow-up question, and nothing else has been involved.

But the next one is a little bit different...

00:30 this morning

"Heh~ Xingjian, did you go on a tryst with some young lady? 』

Because of his delay in replying to messages, Shiyu began to doubt.

It seemed that he was teasing in a relaxed tone, but judging from his understanding of Shi Yu, this woman might have already decided on this idea deep in her heart, or she would not have brought it up in the text message.

1:30 am

"Looks like it should be, hehehe~hehehe~hehehe~o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o, it's so good~ It's so good to abandon my girlfriend and go to another family's young lady for a tryst~"

The resentment was beyond words, and even the cutest emoji couldn't hide it.

2:00 am

"Star see Kiyokawa!Are you going to reply to the message? ! 』

Well, Miss Shiwa probably doesn't want to hide her anger anymore.

Seeing this time, Xingjian started to have a headache.

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