If I had known last night, I would not have been anxious. When Qinzi came, I should have asked Qinzi to send the little monster back to bring him the phone.

As long as he takes a little time to inform Shi Yu in advance, Shi Yu will not be so angry that he is full of resentment.

"Ai~" Xingjian sighed, and continued to scroll down helplessly.

The information is not over yet...

2:10 am

"Star see Kiyokawa!You'd better think of an explanation in advance, or...╰_╯』

2:20 am


2:30 am


3:00 am


"I'm waiting for you, Hoshimi had better reply me before I finish writing." 』

The photo is of a laptop screen displaying a half-written document.

Shi Yu's meaning is very simple, she has to stay up all night typing and waiting for his reply.

6:00 am

"See you, are you asleep?"I can't sleep, I'm so tired that I can't sleep when I think of my man being robbed. 』


It was another photo. The photo was taken of a scene in which the sky was dim. The sun had not yet peaked, and there was only a faint glow at the end of the sky.

6:30 am

"Xingjian, you should be okay, right?Or are you really dating someone else and dare not reply to my message? 』

"No, you are a cowardly fellow, even if you have a tryst with someone else, you can calmly find an excuse to deal with me... Could it be that Xing saw that something really happened to you? 』

"Xing Jian, reply to my message before 12 noon, or I will call the police, I will do what I said. 』


After reading it, Xingjian's headache got worse.

Shiyu's obsession is too deep, and the experience of losing and regaining makes Shiyu think more and more important to him.

Unlike Qinzi whose "rationality" is always online, Shiyu's "literary spirit" is too heavy, sensibility overwhelms rationality for a long time, coupled with the extreme factors deep in Shiyu's heart, this beauty who looks like a flower of Gaoling is in the When encountering things related to him, he always becomes paranoid, intense and fanatical...

Looking at the series of messages, Xingjian didn't bother to explain through the communication software, it's better to meet directly and explain clearly.

After charging his phone, he turned and walked towards the bed, ready to meet Shi Yu in the dream.

Just two steps away, Xing Jian remembered something again, he went back to the desk, picked up his phone and sent an email to Xue Nai.

"Xiao Yukino, I'm back. I've been exhausted all night. I'm going to bed first. I'll contact you later. 』

After sending the email, Xingjian put down his phone, went to bed and fell asleep with Qinzi in his arms.

Qinzi, who is exactly 1.5 meters tall, is very petite. When he hugged him in his arms, it was like hugging a sweet and soft little girl.

"Hu~~ huh~~"

Listening to Qinzi's slight snoring, Xingjian lovingly combed her temple hair.

This girl usually doesn't snore when she sleeps, but she will snore today, she must have been really exhausted last night.

"Good night, Qinzi."

Xingjian hugged Qinzi into his arms, greedily inhaling the delicate fragrance of her body.

The needle does not poke~Qinzi's girly fragrance is full of traces of him...it's really good...

Thinking like this, Xing Jian closed his eyes and went to see another woman in the dream...


Dreamland, on the roof of the tallest building.

Staring at the end of the sky, Xingjian suddenly felt like a scumbag.

But scum is scum, it doesn't matter anyway, not to mention that most men have this virtue, eating what is in the bowl, looking at what is in the pot, and thinking about what is in the pot.

He can't escape vulgarity, and he doesn't bother to avoid vulgarity. It's good to be vulgar at all. Besides, his nobility and arrogance have long been discounted by others, and they won't grow back anymore...

"Let's find Shiyu..."

Xing Jian shook his head, no longer thinking about miscellaneous questions, he turned his mind and "invited" Shi Yu into his dream.

"Shi Yu~ Good morning." He turned around and greeted Shi Yu who slowly appeared.

"Xing Jian!" Shi Yu looked happy, and took two steps in three steps, and flew directly into Xing Jian's arms.

Standing on the spot, Xing Jian straightened his waist and easily withstood Shi Yu's dribbling impact.

Then, he slid his hands down, wrapped them around Shi Yu's waist, and locked her in his arms with a smile.

"What did you do last night? Why didn't you reply to the message?" Shi Yu raised her head, her brows were a bit worried.

"I'm going on a tryst with the eldest lady of another family~" Xing Jian said with a smile.

"En?" Shi Yu's expression froze, then Liu Mei frowned, and said seriously: "Is it true or not? I want to hear the truth."

"It's true." Xingjian admitted with a smile.

"..." Shi Yu's eyes quickly turned cold, she tried to break free from Xing Jian's embrace, but it was useless.

Xing Jian's hands seemed to have turned into shackles, locking her firmly in his arms.

"Xing Jian, what do you mean?" Shi Yu calmed down, staring intently at Xing Jian's eyes.

335, "Xia Zhiqiu: Say! Who is the first!"

"Let's talk about it in another place." With a thought, Xing Jian brought Shi Yu to the cockpit of the Ferris wheel.

The Ferris wheel rising from the center of the city is extremely magnificent, almost as tall as the tallest building.

When the Ferris wheel started to spin, Hoshimi let go of Shiwa and began his explanation.

Shi Yu also took the opportunity to sit across from Xing Jian, listening to Xing Jian's explanation with a blank expression.

"Shi Yu, do you believe in light?" Xing Jian rested his chin on one hand, looking lazily at the cityscape outside the window.

"Heh~" Shiyu sneered, "Xingjian, are you going to tell me that there are Ultraman in this world?"

"I don't know if there are Ultraman, but..." Xing Jian looked out the window, his smile gradually became somewhat inexplicable, "There is a "mystery" in this world..."

"..." Shi Yu was taken aback.

As an insider of ACGN, how could she not understand what Hoshimi meant by "mystery".

She kept silent, watching Xingjian silently waiting for him to continue explaining.

"I know a person. She is a 'Monster Princess' and a 'God of Wisdom'. She is the real one. She is not a second-degree patient. Do you know where I met her?"

After hesitating for a moment, Shi Yu asked uncertainly, "Dream?"

"Yes, I met her in my dream." Xingjian held her chin and continued, "She was the first group of people who entered my dream..."

"Wait? That group of people?" Shi Yu interrupted Xing Jian.

She squinted her eyes, and a dangerous breath flashed through her wine-red eyes, "Xing Jian, how many people have come to your dream? Who am I?"

Xing Jian smiled, and did not answer Shi Yu's question directly, "I haven't been here many times, Shi Yu, you don't have to care about the question of first come first, after all, I didn't see you as real people from the beginning."

Shi Yu's complexion was like the sky in June, and it was cloudy when she said it. She stared at Xing Jian, the dangerous aura in her wine red eyes became more and more intense.

"Shi Yu, are you angry?" Xing Jian, who had been looking out the window, thought with his lower body, knowing that the answer just now would definitely arouse Shi Yu's anger.

"What do you think? My dear Mr. Xingjian!" Shi Yu's words were very heavy, and it seemed that she was indeed a little angry.

Normally, according to Xingjian's temperament, he should smile at this time.

But right now Xingjian didn't smile, he even restrained all his smiles, leaving only a calm appearance like water.

Looking at the tall buildings in the distance, Gu Bo continued calmly: "Shi Yu, do you know when this "dream" appeared?"

"..." Shi Yu remained silent, just watching Xing Jian silently.

Now she just wants to hear Xingjian's explanation, not to talk to Xingjian.

"This dreamland..." Xing Jian, who asked and answered by himself, paused, and said in a distant tone: "One week after my parents passed away, I entered the 'dreamland' for the first time."

"!!" Shi Yu's pupils constricted, his body felt cold at first, and then became hot and dry.

She realized that at this time she was stepping on a road she had never been before, and this road led to Hoshimi's heart.

Thinking of this, Shi Yu's eyes kept flickering strangely.

She kept her voice calm, her heart beating a little faster, expecting Xingjian to continue.

"When I talked about my parents, I didn't want your sympathy, Bo Shiyu, I just wanted to say..."

After hesitating for a moment, Hoshimi expressed his feelings truthfully, "I just want to say...the death of my parents is a new opportunity for me... I don't feel much grief about it, Shiwa You don't have to sympathize with me for that."

This is the truth, after all, those are "his" parents, not his parents.

He is grateful for the rich legacy left by the other party, but that's all.

"Let's get back to the topic, my parents passed away, I was born again, and the "dream" appeared."

"Shiyu, guess what the first girl I met in my dream was like?"

Shi Yu shook her head, "I can't guess."

"Heh~" Xing Jian chuckled, "Assassinating the children of the family has an extremely terrifying fighting ability. With bare hands, killing a normal adult is easier than killing a chicken."

"The first moment I met her, she removed my limbs and asked me where I was."

Thinking of the embarrassing moment in the past, Xing Jian was not too angry, anyway, he also came back with full revenge later.

Well, the revenge written all over the body is back...

And it is guaranteed to be the whole body, and there is absolutely no space left behind.

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