"Huh?" Xing Jian tilted his head slightly, and couldn't figure out why Shi Yu laughed out loud.

"Cough~" Seeing being noticed by Xingjian, Xia Zhiqiu hurriedly coughed lightly, and put on a posture of sinking water again.

There is already a method, but there is no rush to use it now, she wants to take advantage of this opportunity to test what Xing Jian thinks.

"Xingjian, you want to open a harem, do you have the capital?" Xia Zhiqiu stared at Xingjian with a gloomy expression.

"Yes!" Xing Jian said with a serious face: "I have that capital, first of all in terms of material, my family's wealth can definitely be regarded as the 0.00001% existence at the top of the pyramid, even if I marry dozens of people, I can afford it. "

"Secondly, spiritually, you are interested in me, and I have feelings for you, and there is plenty of time, reality and dreams, 24 hours a day, to ensure that there is enough time for you to allocate."

"Spiritual and material are satisfied, I think it should be no problem to open a harem?"

"Heh~" Xia Zhiqiu sneered, she crossed her legs, folded her hands on her chest, and said contemptuously: "Materially, are you sure you can be satisfied? Isn't your body considered material? With your little food, I'm afraid it's not enough." Not enough to support me alone! Still thinking of distributing it to other people?"

"Let me tell you in advance that a dream is a dream and reality is reality. The two cannot be confused. There is no food in the dream! I want the food of reality!"

"Xingjian, if you can't even feed me alone, don't even think about opening a harem! In case someone cheats on you and cuckolds you."

"Huh?" Xing Jian narrowed his eyes, and a huge dangerous aura emerged from his eyes.

"Eh..." Xia Zhiqiu, who realized that there was a problem in his words, quickly added: "Hoshimi, you know my temperament, as long as I recognize you, even if you die, I will guard you." I have been a widow all my life, what I said just now was someone else..."

"Hmm~" Xia Zhiqiu thought for a while, and added again: "I'm not attacking or blackmailing the two of them. I don't know what kind of temperament they are. I'm just reminding Xing to see you..."

"Heh~" Xingjian chuckled, got up and sat beside Xia Zhiqiu, and took her into his arms, "Shiyu, I think you are thinking too much, the reason for 'don't do porcelain work without diamonds' I still understand, since I dare to open the harem, then I will definitely fill you up~"

"..." Feeling the temperature of Xingjian, Xia Zhiqiu's pretty face blushed slightly, her red lips parted slightly, and she wanted to mock Xingjian.

But the earlobe was suddenly bitten, and all the mocking words he had just thought of turned into a soft moan.


"Shi Yu, you've already said that, then I will definitely make you unable to walk every day~"

"Wait, Xingjian, what do you want to do? I still have questions to ask!"

"It's okay, it's the same if you ask me later, I won't run~"

"No..." Xia Zhiqiu turned his head to expose his thin neck, and asked in a refusal and welcome: "Xingjian, you have to tell me what you did with that young lady last night, or else I definitely don't cooperate."

"I went with you to deal with the evil spirit, a very distorted and unappetizing evil spirit, I will talk to Shi Yu in detail later, now..."

What Xing Jian said was indeed the truth, but it was not complete.

After getting the answer, Xia Zhiqiu breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't ask other miscellaneous questions.

As long as she doesn't really go on a "tryst", then she can accept it...

"Xingjian, the doll is still there..."

In a dream, the Ferris wheel turns slowly.

In the only cockpit with people, the puppets of Xingjian, Shiyuer Moss, Yukino and Qinzi stood on both sides, silently watching their every move.

"Xingjian, the puppet is still there..." Xia Zhiqiu reminded again.

Xingjian turned a deaf ear and got close to Shi Yu on his own.

"Xingjian..." Xia Zhiqiu's vermilion lips opened and closed, and finally chose to give up.

Just keep it, it's exciting anyway...


At the same time, Xue Nai, who had slept all night by the French window, woke up faintly.

She looked sleepily at the rising sun outside the window, and murmured unconsciously: "It's dawn..."

"Hmm~ It's so cold..." Yukino hugged her arms tightly.

She looked out the window in a daze, not knowing why she woke up here for a moment.

Ah~ I remembered, she sat by the window watching the rain last night without studying, and fell asleep unconsciously while watching.

"Ah~" Xue Nao, who was cold all over, sneezed unconsciously.

She sniffed and found that she seemed to have a slight cold.

She got up and went to the study, took out the household medicine box from the bottom shelf of the bookshelf, dug out the cold medicine from it, brewed it with hot water and drank it.

After drinking the hot water, Xue Nai felt much better immediately. She returned to the bedroom, tucked into the bed, and thought of Xingjian for no reason...

Is that guy back now?

337. "Missing Spring Girl"

Should be back?It's daylight now, and it's time to come back...

But since he was back, why didn't he come to her house?Could it be that something unexpected happened?

Thinking of this, Xue Nai's heart tightened, she subconsciously picked up the cell phone next to her pillow, and wanted to contact Xing Jian to ask about the specific situation.

As soon as the phone screen was unlocked, Xue Nai was pleasantly surprised to find that Xing Jian had sent her an email, and she clicked to open it.

"Xiao Yukino, I'm back. I've been exhausted all night. I'm going to bed first. I'll contact you later. 』——Star See

Already asleep...

Confirming that Xingjian has arrived home, Xue Nai's hanging heart was relieved.

She looked at the time again and found that the email was sent 10 minutes ago, so Xingjian must be sleeping soundly now.

Does that mean that Xingjian didn't lead her into the dream?

Is it because she didn't reply to the message, and Xingjian didn't lead her into the dream because she was busy?

Xue Nai thought for a while, thinking that this was the only solution to the current situation.

"Hmm~" She bit her lip and poked the phone screen with her index finger to reply to Xingjian.

At the beginning, she spelled out little by little in the input box "Okay, I see, Xingjian, you have a good rest, get up in the afternoon and come to my house, by the way, what do you want to eat today?"Want some fish?I just learned a new dish, can...』

In the middle of spelling, Xue Naiqiao blushed, and pressed the backspace key to delete the entire sentence.

No, you can't post like this, if Xing Jian sees this, he will definitely take this opportunity to make fun of her.

Hmph~ That bastard, his mouth is always so tight, we must not give him a chance to talk nonsense.


Xue Nai turned over, hugged the phone, thinking about how to reply.

"Okay, I know. 』

No, it's too short, and it's completely businesslike, not like an email exchange between a couple.

"Well Goodnight. 』

Like a couple, but still too short.

Xue Nai was thinking about what to add, she held back for a long time, and only added a few figures.

"Well, good night, have a good rest. 』

Xue Nai still felt a little dissatisfied, but she didn't know what to say.

She bit her lower lip and hesitated for a while, finally sighed, and clicked send helplessly.


She put down her phone, turned over and lay on her back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, her thoughts drifting away.

Went there all night, nothing happened to Xing Jian and that little one...

Hmm~ Holding hands is for sure, maybe there will be kisses, but there shouldn't be anything else, after all, it's in the wilderness, no matter how bad the stars are, it's impossible to mess around...


Yukino remembered her intimate moments with Hoshimi...


She pursed her lips, her breath gradually became heavy, a pair of well-proportioned legs unconsciously moved together, and her icy blue eyes completely melted, filled with heart-wrenching ripples.

"Seeing the stars...seeing the stars...seeing the stars...."

Yukino's cherry lips parted slightly, and she kept calling Xingjian's name softly.

She felt that she was very strange now, for some reason she suddenly wanted to hug Xingjian.

Just a hug in the literal sense, with no other deep meaning attached.

She wants to feel the temperature of Xingjian, to listen to Xingjian's heartbeat, and to touch Xingjian's...


Feeling ashamed, Xue Nai pulled up the quilt to cover her blushing pretty face.

No, I can't continue thinking about it, it's against her "integrity".

She shouldn't be doing this...

But that's Xingjian, that's her...boyfriend, so what if she thinks about it?Is there a problem?


Suddenly, Xue Nai sat up startled in a dying illness.

She suddenly remembered one thing, today is Sunday, according to her schedule, she should replenish the ingredients for the next week at home this morning.

In the past around 8 o'clock, she had already returned home with fresh ingredients, but now it is almost nine o'clock, and she is still lying on the bed...

"Hmph!" Xue Nai snorted lightly.

Blame Xingjian that bastard!If it wasn't for him, her schedule wouldn't be wrong.

"Forget it, let's go in the afternoon."

Xue Nai lay down and continued to stare at the ceiling in a daze.

After this disturbance, Xue Nai's thoughts also returned to normal.

"Ha~~" Xue Nai yawned.

I didn't sleep well last night, and now I'm a little sleepy again.

She closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep thinking of Xing Jian.

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