Thinking day by day, dreaming at night, when her consciousness was hazy, Xue Nai had a dream about seeing stars.

She dreamed that she was sitting in the classroom of Class J, Grade 2, and Xingjian was sitting next to her.

The sunlight outside the window was just right, and Xingjian was still dozing off with his chin resting on his back as before. The warm sunlight shone on his face, as if it had cast a halo on him, making it difficult to see clearly.

But it doesn't matter, every detail of Xing Jian's body is reflected in her heart, and it is clearly visible at any time.

She remembered Xing Jian's smile, on weekdays, Xing Jian's smile was very shallow, it was a polite smile, used to deal with outsiders.

When Xing Jian is about to make a bad idea, his smile will deepen a little, and his eyebrows will be slightly curved. The smile is very warm, warm like the sunshine in spring, but it is a sign of doing bad things.

Occasionally, when Xingjian is interested in something or surprised, the tip of his eyebrows will rise unconsciously, and the upward arc is directly proportional to the degree of surprise and interest.

Also, when Xingjian is interested in her, the smile will become extra deep, as if it wants to trap people...

Ah~ Yes, that is the smile.

In the dream, the dozing Xingjian woke up, he stretched himself, and looked at Xue Nai with a deep smile.

Xue Nai's heart was in turmoil, she got up and sat in Xing Jian's arms by accident.


With a chuckle, the spring breeze is charming and the sun is shining.


Around 2:00 in the afternoon, Yukino woke up leisurely. She looked at the ceiling with a different kind of charm in her beautiful eyes.

After a while, Xue Nao, who didn't know what to notice, lifted the quilt with a blushing face, and ran to the bathroom with bare feet.

Half an hour later, after taking a shower, Xue Nai, who had changed into loose home clothes, came to the study and sat down.

She restrained her messy mood and studied hard.

At 04:30 in the afternoon, Xue Nai, with a book in her arms, lay on the sofa in the living room.

Well, the wooden chair is a bit hard, and sitting for a long time is a bit uncomfortable, so she came to sit on the sofa in the living room, it will be more comfortable, not because of other things.

Yukino, who was so sure, always glanced towards the entrance unconsciously.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the upset Xue Nai simply put down her book and stared at the entrance wholeheartedly.

It's already six o'clock, and Xing Jian has slept for more than nine hours, is he still awake?Isn't he hungry?

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Xue Nai still couldn't hear any knock on the door.

"Huh!" She snorted coldly, picked up the book and walked towards the study.

asshole!Love comes or not!Forget it if you starve to death!

338. "It's over! Yukino is blocking the door!"

At eight o'clock in the evening, after lunch, Xue Nai was sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, staring at the scenery outside the window with blank eyes.

Speaking of which, since she met Xingjian, it was the first time she had been separated from Xingjian for such a long time, a little more than a day and a night...

In the past no matter what, she would meet Xingjian in the dream at night.

But not last night, not today, and Xing Jian himself did not come to her house for some reason...

Is something wrong?Could it be because Xingjian was injured?Don't want to be seen by her in a mess?Is that why you didn't come?

Yes, it must be, other than that, she couldn't think of a reason why Xingjian couldn't come to her house.

Thinking of Xingjian being injured, Xue Nai felt a little restless, and it took her a quarter of a second to make a decision.

Go to Xingjian's house to visit Xingjian!

Think and do it!Xue Nai didn't even change her clothes, she just wore loose home clothes and went to Xingjian's house!

Anyway, they are all in the same building, so it really doesn't matter if you change clothes or not.

In addition, the girl's home clothes must be as comfortable as possible. This is true even for the "righteous" Yukino. In addition, she changed her home clothes after taking a shower, so there are actually only three clothes on her body.

Long sleeves, long pants, and panties, but nothing else.


Not long after, Xue Nai rang the doorbell of Hoshimi's house.

She had been to Xingjian's house once before, and that time she came because Xingjian was sick and she was worried.

And this time, it's the same situation again...


The door opened, and Yukino saw the pale and listless Hoshimi.

Sure enough, she guessed right, Xing Jian was indeed injured.


Inside the door, the moment he saw Yukino, Hoshimi's pupils trembled.


"Qingchuan, who is here?"

At the same time, Qinzi's slightly hoarse voice floated out from the living room.

The corners of Xingjian's eyes twitched, and a burst of coolness rushed from the tailbone straight to the sky.

But Xue Nai's eyes were fixed, she turned her head past Xing Jian, and looked into the room.

"Who is it? Is that little one?" Xue Nai asked coldly.

"Ahaha~~" Xingjian laughed dryly, and said calmly, "Xue Nai, come in and talk."

"Okay!" Xue Nai stepped into Xingjian's house with a blank expression on her beautiful legs.

In the living room, when Xue Nai and Qin Zi met their eyes, Xing Jian knew clearly that there was no way to get over this matter today.


Qinzi, a little girl with a pit in her head, actually took off her clothes when Xue Nai came in! !

Well, in fact, Qinzi only had his white T-shirt on him, and the result would be the same whether he took it off or not.

After confirming that it was going to be cold, Xingjian made a decision immediately.

He took a step forward, threw Xue Nai onto the sofa, then closed his eyes, and brought Xue Nao and Qin Zi into the dreamland.

It's impossible not to go to the dreamland, Xue Nai's force value is a bit high, if she wants to escape from heartbreak, he can't stop her with no energy at this time.


Time moves forward several hours.

At around 6 p.m., the sleepy Hoshimi finally woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Qinzi huddled in his arms, looking at him with crooked eyebrows.

"Wake up~" Qinzi smiled and rubbed against Xingjian's arms.

"Well, I'm awake." Xingjian hugged Qinzi tightly, rubbing her smooth jade back, "How do you feel?"

Qinzi: "Very good, but it still hurts, Xing see you?"

Xing Jian: "I am similar, but my waist is a little sore..."

It's not just acid, it's like acupuncture.

It was very uncomfortable in the morning. Now that I slept, the tingling pain in my waist became more and more severe, but other places eased up a lot.

"No..." Xingjian suddenly realized a problem, he looked down at Qinzi, "Qinzi, what should you call me?"

"Ah~~ I'm used to it, I forgot to change my mouth~ Hehe~" Qinzi stuck out her little tongue, trying to pass the test cutely.

"Just remember it next time." As punishment, Xingjian patted Qinzi's butt lightly.

"Hiss~~~" Qinzi took a deep breath, and a trace of pain appeared on her cute little face.

"Eh..." Xingjian was taken aback, and quickly apologized to Qinzi, "Qinzi, I'm sorry, I just..."

"Hmph~" Qinzi wrinkled her nose, and said confidently: "Xing sees that I'm hungry, I want to eat!"

Xing Jian said casually: "Okay, what do you want to eat? I'll order."

Qinzi: "No, I want to eat Xingjian made by you."

Xingjian raised his eyebrows slightly, "Qinzi, are you sure? I have never been in the kitchen in my life, are you sure you want to eat the food I made by myself?"

"Huh~" Qinzi poked Xingjian's heart, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Then Xingjian, you told me, what happened to you cooking for Yukinoshita?"

"Ah?" Xingjian was a little puzzled, when did he cook for Xue Nai himself?Hasn't Xue Nai made it for him?

Suddenly, Xingjian suddenly realized that Qinzi must have said that he and Xue Nai hurt each other, right?

Xingjian asked: "Qinzi, are you rumored at school?"

Qinzi: "What else?"

Xing Jian laughed dumbly, "That's fake. When Xue Nai and I retaliated against each other before, we brought each other "hand-made" dark dishes. Xue Nai's share was made by himself, and mine was from a chef. Helped."

"I'm busy playing all day, how can I have time to cook by myself?"

Qin Zi blinked.

It turned out to be like this, then it’s okay, since Yukinoshita has never tasted it, then it doesn’t matter.

"Okay, let me see you, Xing Xing, I'm not picky eaters."

"Okay." Xingjian picked up the cell phone next to the pillow and sent a text message to the restaurant to order food.

After ordering, Xingjian asked, "Qinzi, I'm going to the bathroom, do you want to come together?"

Qinzi pouted, "No, I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay, then I'll carry you down?"

"I really want to, but let's forget it, I'm afraid that Xing will throw me off when I see you."

In the morning, Qinzi found that it was very difficult for Xingjian to hug her, but she was really sleepy that day, so she didn't ask Xingjian to let her go.

Now, after sleeping all day, she recovered a little bit of energy, so she no longer forced Xingjian to continue to do something.

The days between her and Xingjian are still very long, so there is no need to force "day and night".

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