Xingjian: "Then Qinzi, can you leave now?"

Qinzi: "Isn't there still that housewife? She shouldn't have left yet, right? Let her take me to take a bath. She shouldn't even be able to hug me, right?"

Xingjian: "Alright, let Qihai take you to take a bath, then I'll go down and tell her."

Qinzi: "Well, let's see Xing."

Xingjian got out of bed, resisted the stabbing pain in his waist, and slowly went downstairs.

339. "Yukinoshita, Get Out!"

In the misty bathroom, Aoyama Nanami, who was only wrapped in a bath towel, was serving Kotoko Iwanaga into the bath, her cautious movements were like treating a fragile porcelain doll.

With bath towels in both hands, she carefully and carefully cleaned every inch of Qinzi's skin.

When touching the hickey on Qinzi's collarbone, Qingshan Qihai's heart beat faster, his eyes dodged, and his palm unconsciously stayed at the hickey for a while.

She continued to wash, and was surprised to find that there were one or two strawberry marks on Qinzi's smooth and flat abdomen. Her face became more and more flushed, and her hands trembled twice uncontrollably.

Continuing to go down, when it touched the knee of Qinzi's left leg, a gleam of pity flashed in Qihai's eyes.

Qinzi's left leg is empty from the knee down, and every time the missing limb is touched, she will feel pity in her heart.

Such a pity....what a beautiful child...

Qihai pursed her lips, looked away, and couldn't bear to look at Qinzi's broken leg again.

She walked around to the back, carefully cleaning the smooth jade back of the piano.

For some reason, Qihai suddenly thought of Xingjian, and she was a little curious about the process of getting to know Xingjian and Qinzi.

She thought for a while, but didn't dare to ask, and made up her mind silently.

Not long after, the body washing was finished, Qihai hugged Qinzi to sit on the other side of the bath, and she herself sat quietly beside Qinzi, waiting for her to soak until she was satisfied.

"Your name is Qingshan Qihai, right?"

A hoarse voice mixed with laziness and a little charm echoed in the empty bathroom.

Qingshan Nanami who was in a daze came back to her senses, lowered her head and replied: "Yes, Miss Yanyong."

"You can just call me Qinzi, and in exchange, I will also call you Qihai." Qinzi casually glanced at Qingshan Qihai beside her.

"Eh?" Qihai glanced at Qinzi in a little surprise.

What Qinzi did in the morning, and the information that Xingjian told her, made her think that Qinzi would be the type of arrogant and arrogant young lady, but now it seems that this is not the case?

Qihai retracted her gaze, and responded somewhat cautiously, "Okay, Miss Qinzi."

Qinzi: "It's no fun just taking a bath, let's chat for a while."

Qihai: "Well, okay..."

Qinzi said casually: "Qihai, when did you and Xingjian meet?"

Nanami: "At the end of April last year..."

Qinzi: "The end of April? That's earlier than me."

"..." Qihai buried her head even lower.

Qinzi: "What was your first impression of Xingjian? What was he doing then?"

Nanami: "The first impression was okay...he was playing a game..."

This is true, but not entirely true.

When she and Xingjian met for the first time, Xingjian was indeed playing games, but after Xingjian's aunt left, Xingjian took the initiative to talk to her and played a small game with her.

A very simple game, guess which hand of Xingjian is holding the glass bead.

At that time, she clearly watched Xingjian exchange the glass beads in both hands, but in the end there were no glass beads in both of Xingjian's hands, and that beautiful glass bead arrived in her pocket at some point.

At that time, she felt very surprised, but because of Xingjian's identity, she didn't dare to ask.

Then Xingjian took back the glass beads, pouted his chin, and looked at her with interest.

"I see. Are you the more introverted and well-behaved type? Hey, why do you work part-time as a housekeeper? Is it purely to earn pocket money, or to chase your dreams?"

This is the first sentence Xing Jian said to her, and she still remembers it vividly.

Because the young man in front of her made her feel a little unbelievable. Mrs. Arisugawa, who brought her to Hoshimi's house, explained to her halfway that Hoshimi had psychological trauma, and asked her to be more careful when getting along with Hoshimi.

When she followed Mrs. Arisukawa and saw Hoshimi for the first time, Hoshimi was indeed lifeless and dead, like a breathing corpse.

But after Mrs. Arisugawa left, Hoshimi came back to life. The moment he stood up and walked in front of her, it was like changing from a black and white painting to a color painting, and even the colors of the world became brighter.

Very incredible person, he seems to be hiding some secret...

This is her, Aoyama Nanami's first impression of Hoshimi Kiyokawa.

"Qihai, do you like Xingjian?"

Just when Qihai recalled the past, Qinzi suddenly showed her blade.

Qi Hai's pupils constricted and her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably, her body froze, and she stammered in denial: "No, no, no... Hoshimi-kun... how could you fall in love with me... ..”

"Heh~" Qinzi chuckled, "I really like it..."

Qihai became more and more flustered, she was at a loss and wanted to come up with more arguments to deny it, but Qinzi interrupted her first.

"Qihai, there's no need to explain. An explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the truth. The way you look at Xingjian has already exposed everything. Didn't you discover it yourself?"

"You..." Qinzi looked sideways at Qingshan Qihai, "When you looked at Xingjian, your eyes lit up."

"..." Qihai's breath was stagnant, and she froze completely in place. Her lips trembled, she wanted to explain, but she didn't know how to refute.

Qinzi raised her hand, and her index finger gently touched Qihai's ribs.

"If you just like it, you don't need to deny it at all." Qinzi's index finger slid down slowly.

"Xingjian that guy is a real philanderer, besides dating me, he is dating another girl."

"Have you seen that girl? She lives in this building~"

"She's about the same height as you, but she's a Princess Taiping, oh~ she's still black and straight, often has a poker face, and looks frigid."

"But Xingjian seems to like that tune, after all, she is a cool beauty~"

"In front of outsiders, it is an untouchable "Flower of Gaoling", but in front of myself, it is an obedient and clingy kitten. If I were a boy, I would like it."

"Ah~ I almost digressed, I want to ask you, have you seen her at Xingjian's house?"

Qihai shook her head, "No."

She knew that Xingjian had a straight black girlfriend, but she had never met her, let alone at Xingjian's house.

At this moment, Qihai has completely forgotten that she and Xue Nai took the elevator together more than a month ago.

"That's right, Yukinoshita is very reserved. If there are no special circumstances, he probably wouldn't take the initiative to come to Xingjian's house."

Qinzi thought for a while, looked at Qingshan Qihai and said, "Qihai, do me a favor. If you see other women appearing at Xingjian's house in the future, please let me know."

"Er..." Qihai shrank her neck, not daring to answer.

She didn't dare to help with this favor, wouldn't she be betraying Xingjian?

Ah~ It's not betrayal, it should be betrayal...

"Qihai, don't worry, that guy Xingjian won't care about such a small problem, and I just want to know myself and the enemy, and I don't want to do other things...Forget it, if you don't want to help, let it go .”

As he spoke, Qinzi waved his hand and directly gave up Qihai, the secret passage.

The housewife's head was almost buried in her chest, and it seemed that she would not help her at all.

"Qami, let's talk about other things, such as things about you."

"Well..." Qihai finally responded.

"First of all, how old are you, Nanami?"

"16... is the same grade as Hoshimi..."

"No, what I'm asking is how big are your breasts? It doesn't feel good when you're wearing clothes, but it looks quite spectacular now. Is this hiding your big breasts? Damn it! Why don't I have this attribute!"


In the foggy bathroom, two girls who were about the same age chatted about the intimate topic between girls.

"Ah~ By the way, Qihai, do you know how much that bastard Hoshimi went too far last night? He..."


Chatting and chatting, something is wrong with the topic...


At the same time, Xingjian, who is the center of the discussion, is also taking a bath.

There is more than one bathroom in his house. In addition to the large bathroom he often uses, there are two bathrooms in his house.

One for the maids and one for the guests.

At this time, he was taking a bath in the bathroom for visitors.


As the warm water licked his body, Xingjian was drained of all his strength, and he collapsed, leaving only his head above the water.

He watched the water mist sway and rise, and his thoughts gradually drifted away.

Did Shiyu not ask to see Qinzi and Xue Nai after she knew of their existence?

He was a little surprised by this, he thought that Shi Yu would rush to Chiba to meet his rival, but he didn't expect to mention it?

It seems that Shiyu also has her own considerations...

That's fine, he hasn't made it clear on Xue Nai's side, if Shi Yu comes, I'm afraid there will be some trouble.

"Xue Nao..." Xing Jian's eyes flickered, and a certain idea in his heart became more and more determined.


At 7:55 p.m., Nanami left.

Today, Xingjian did not send Qihai off, after all, Qinzi is very fragile at this time and needs careful care.

He held Qinzi in his arms, and watched Dahe Opera together in the living room with her.

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