"Ding dong~"

Not long after, the doorbell rang.

Xing Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that Qi Hai forgot to take something, so he came back again.

"I'm going to open the door." He whispered in Qinzi's ear, then got up and walked towards the entrance.

Qin Zi, who stayed in the living room, picked up the remote control panel, turned down the volume of the TV, and listened to the movement in the entrance.


The door opened.

She listened carefully for a while, but heard nothing.

She rolled her eyes and immediately guessed what was going on.

"Hey hey~~" Qinzi laughed twice, raised his voice, and asked in a slightly hoarse voice: "Qingchuan, who is here?"

Then, Qinzi continued to listen to the movement at the entrance.

"Who is it? The little one?"

As soon as the cold voice came out, Qinzi knew she had guessed right.

Sure enough, it was the guy under Yukino who came, otherwise how could Xingjian not say anything?

"Ahaha~ Yukino, come in and talk."

"it is good."


Hearing the sound of closing the door, Qinzi's eyes lit up, and her smile gradually became wicked.

At this moment, she was only wearing a white T-shirt of Xingjian.

She grabbed the collar of the T-shirt and rolled on the sofa, and the loose white T-shirt immediately fell off her body.

"Hey~" Qinzi with a wicked smile was lying on the sofa, trying to show the beauty of the "jade body horizontally".

When Yukino entered the living room, Qinzi cast a provocative look at her.

Seeing the frost on Yukino's face, Qinzi smiled even brighter.

Very good, my dear Miss Rival, please vent your anger to Xingmi as much as you want!

Then please make a good exit!

Looking forward to this, Qinzi watched Xingjian throw Yukinoshita onto the sofa from behind.

She twitched her brows slightly, and when she was about to say something, she felt extremely sleepy...


In the dream, on the rooftop of the tallest building, Xingjian, Xue Nai, and Qinzi quietly appeared.

Xue Nai, who had a frosty face, looked at Xingjian with cold eyes, "Xingjian, what's going on?!"

"Xue Nai, listen to me..." Xing Jian stepped forward, wanting to hold Xue Nao's hand.

Xue Nai directly opened Xingjian's hand, her eyes became colder and colder, "Xingjian Qingchuan, are you lying to me again? Didn't you say you went out yesterday?"

There was no slight emotional ups and downs in the piercing voice, it was as cold as the unthawed frozen soil in Siberia.

"..." Xing Jian frowned, he clearly knew that the rationality of an angry woman was basically zero.

At this moment, no matter how he explained, Xue Nai would not believe it.

Moreover, if his tone was a little heavier, or his voice a little louder, Xue Nai's completely tense nerves would react more violently.

Xingjian calmed down, silently turned his attention to Qinzi who was watching the play.

Now, the best way to break the game is Qinzi. Only when Qinzi, the "enemy", explains it himself, will Xue Nai be skeptical.

Yes, it's just half-believing, but it's better than his explanation.

"Tch~" Qinzi pursed her lips unhappily after receiving the hint from Xingjian's eyes.

She knew what Hoshimi was up to, and it was up to her to explain it. It would not only convince Yukinoshita, but also share Yukinoshita's anger. This is indeed the best solution at present.

She could not cooperate and let Xing Jian handle it by herself.

But in doing so, Xing Jian's favorability towards her will have a very small probability of decreasing.

In addition, she is very clear that with the ability to see the stars, she can solve this matter alone, but the process will be much more troublesome.

That being the case, she might as well respond to Xingjian's expectations, so that at least she can earn some Xingjian's favorability.

"Hey ~ Yukinoshita, I asked Xingjian to go out yesterday, why did you lose your temper with him?"

Xue Nai squinted at Qin Zi, the coldness in her eyes became more and more serious.

"Heh~" Qinzi sneered, "I am really happy because I prefer a confident kitten. A "poor person" like me can only do everything to find the future I want."

"Yesterday, when I asked Xing to meet, do you know what my first consideration was?"

Qinzi's eyes gradually became sharper, "I think it's you! It's you, the little cat who enjoys favoritism! In order to provide Xingjian with an excuse for not returning home at night, I lied "rarely"."

"Fortunately, my preparations were not in vain, and my plan was successfully achieved."

Qinzi walked up to Xingjian, took Xingjian's hand, and showed it to Yukinoshita with a bright smile.

"Hey~ Did you see it? You got the first place because of your luck, and I became a number one with real value by virtue of my wisdom!"

"Loser! Get out! Get out before entrusting everything to Xingjian!"


After all, the atmosphere at the scene became sinister at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xue Nao and Qin Zi, who were diametrically opposed, looked at each other unwilling to be outdone, and when their four eyes met, there seemed to be sparks of lightning.

On the surface, swords were on the verge of breaking out, and the rain was about to come, but in the dark, Qinzi did secretly squeeze Xingjian's hand.

Xingjian, I have already responded to your expectations, no matter what happens next, you can no longer blame it on your head, if you really still blame me, then you are really heartless.

The star met, and calmly stroked Qinzi's palm with his little finger.

Then, he "broke free" from Qin Zi's hand, stepped forward and stood between the two, blocking the more menacing eye contact between the two.

"Qinzi, don't say any more." Xing Jian first turned his head to meet Qinzi's eyes, then turned his head to look at Xue Nai, and said sincerely: "Xue Nai, don't worry about it, Qin Zi, she... said everything Angry words, and..."

Xingjian turned sideways, facing Xue Nai, and said softly with his eyebrows and eyes: "In the end, this matter is still my fault. If I can withstand the temptation, maybe the result will be..."

"Xingjian, what do you mean? Why did I seduce you?" Qinzi was a little upset, really upset.

She tugged at the corner of Xingjian's clothes, and said with sullen eyes: "Xingjian, you are a heartless bastard. I couldn't stand it anymore yesterday. Who is yelling to continue? Poor and weak? You are heartless!" You bastard, you've eaten all the benefits, so now you have to beat him up, right?"

"..." Xingjian, who had a headache, felt his temples twitching.

Didn't you finish meeting your eyes just now and cooperate with him first?Why did you change your mind midway now?

But what he said just now was indeed a little too much, if Qinzi was upset, then he could only bear it.

"Alas~" Xing Jian sighed silently, then turned his head to appease Qin Zi first.

"I'm sorry, Qinzi, it's my problem. You didn't tempt me. I made a mistake." Xingjian said while casting a pitiful look at Qinzi.

To be honest, adding up the previous life and present life, the current embarrassment can be ranked in the top five, even the top three in his life experience!

"Tch~" Qinzi turned her head to the side, as if she didn't bother to pay attention to Xingjian.

But in fact, it was because she couldn't stand Xing Jian's pitiful eyes, those wet eyes like a baby animal, how could she resist.

Coupled with Xing Jian's red eyes that are as magnificent as pomegranate seeds, the power of that look is greatly increased, making people's hearts melt when they look at it.

I have to say that the skin bestowed by heaven on Xingjian is undoubtedly the highest level.

In addition, since she and Xingjian have known each other, this is the first time Xingjian has shown such eyes, which makes people have a novel feeling of "so you will be like this".

If it weren't for the fact that the current situation was not right, she would have taken out her phone to take a picture of the moment when Xing saw the "poor man".

Oh~ This is a dream, so it's okay.

"Xue Nai..." Seeing that Qin Zi backed down, Xingjian hurriedly turned his head to look at Xue Nai again. He wanted to hold Xue Nai's hand, but Xue Nai opened it mercilessly.

He continued to try again, and Yukino opened it again.

He still wanted to try, but Xue Nai put her hands on her chest, blocking his idea of ​​trying to hold hands.

Seeing this situation, Xing Jian had no choice but to give up, he stood in front of Xue Nai, said with lowered eyebrows: "Xue Nai, I..."

"Xingjian." Qinzi interrupted Xingjian's casting again.

"..." The corners of Xing Jian's eyes twitched slightly, he resisted the desire to complain, and turned his head slightly to look at Qin Zi, "Qin Zi, what's wrong?"

Qinzi raised her finger to the rooftop water tower, "Send me there."

"Okay." Xingjian agreed.

Without waiting for Qinzi to say anything else, he directly sent Qinzi to the rooftop water tower.

Qinzi, who came to the top of the water tower, sat down on the edge. She hung her slender legs in the air, swinging her legs leisurely, while watching the situation of Hoshimi and Yukino boredly.

Seeing Xingjian hugging Yukinoshita into her arms, but Yukinoshita did not push away, Qinzi knew that Xingjian's goal had been achieved.

Qinzi was not interested in how Xingjian coaxed Yukinoshita, she looked away and looked at the end of the sky with distant eyes.

To be honest, she actually looks down on Yukinoshita a little bit. Apart from luck, good-looking face, smart head, and good temperament, this woman really has nothing worth mentioning.

Oh~ By the way, brainless integrity is also an advantage, at least for her, it is a very useful advantage.

As for why she uses "useful" to describe her advantages, then she has to talk about her own affairs.

She is "Monster Princess", "God of Wisdom", and "Grand Judge" who judges disputes between humans and demons, and between demons and demons.

She is the only princess in Japan, so she is very busy!very busy!I often fly all over Japan.

And her "busyness" will continue within the foreseeable range.

In the future, if she marries Xingjian, there is a high probability that she will spend less time with Xingjian.

It's good to be able to experience the enthusiasm of "Xiao Bie Sheng's Newly Married" all the time, but the physical distance between the two is really a little bit farther.

Don't say "distance produces beauty", distance will only produce mistresses!

Seeing that bastard's heartless temper, Yi Xing will 100% mess around when she's not around.

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