Xingjian put the cap on the bottle, and looked back at Xue Nai behind him, his lips opened and closed, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end it all turned into a sigh.


"Go downstairs..." Xing Jian said to himself, then turned his head and walked downstairs.

Xue Nai, who has no master, continues to follow behind Xingjian step by step, like a little lamb who can only follow his mother.

Not long after, the two came to the second living room.

Xingjian found a large-capacity sports water bottle and filled it with 1L of warm water.

He put the water bottle on the coffee table, then took out the sleeping pills and unscrewed them, poured all the small medicines inside into the palm of his hand and counted them.


Xue Nai stood aside stiffly, watching Xing Jian count the pills.

The closer to the final moment, the colder her body became, and now she was as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and her whole body was so stiff that she could hardly move.

Because she has already realized that Xing Jian doesn't seem to be joking, he is really ready to fulfill his promise...

"Xingjian..." Xue Nao whispered softly.

She was scared...she gave up...she didn't want anything to happen to Xingjian...

"12...14...a total of 14, a little less, I don't know if it will be useful..." Xing Jian, who was muttering to himself, picked up the water bottle.

"Hoshimi..." Yukino opened her sewn-up mouth, and her voice returned to normal.

"Xingjian, I...I admit defeat...I forgive you..."


In the middle of the conversation, Xue Nai watched Xing Jian feed all the pills into his mouth at once, and then began to drink water suddenly.


Hearing the sound of Xingjian swallowing warm water, Xue Nai's mind completely exploded, her beautiful eyes widened to the limit, and she looked at Xingjian who was drinking water with her head up in disbelief.

I've forgiven you...why do you keep going!

Xue Nai panicked, she rushed forward to snatch the water bottle from Xing Jian's hand, but it was too late, when Xue Nai was stunned, Xing Jian had already used a lot of warm water to swallow the sleeping pills into her stomach.


The water bottle was taken away, and Xing Jian didn't resist, he leaned back on the sofa and burped.

I drank too much at one time, and I lasted until...

"Xingjian! Spit it out!" Xue Nai threw the water bottle aside, stepped forward and grabbed Xingjian's shoulder, and said in a panic, "Xingjian! Spit it up! I know! You must have prepared an emetic Right? Where? I'll get it!"

"Emetic?" Xingjian smiled helplessly, "Until now, Yukino, do you think I'm joking? This is really..."

Xing Jian pursed his lips, as if he had figured something out, he said with a relaxed face: "Forget it, this is my own problem, why do I always make things like 'Wolf is coming'?"

"?!!" Xue Nai's breathing stopped, and her heart also missed a beat.

"By the way! 120! Emergency call! Go to the hospital for gastric lavage..." Xue Nai was completely panicked and frantically looking for her phone.

Touching the empty trouser pocket, Yukino's delicate body was trembling.

She remembered that she came in a hurry and didn't take her mobile phone at all! !

She quickly looked at Xingjian, "Xingjian, where's your phone?!"

Xing Jian leaned back on the sofa, his eyes were dull and he said: "I don't know where to put it... Xue Nao, don't look for it... just leave it like this..."

"Oh~ By the way, you have to be careful of that girl Qinzi, she knows what happened, she might take revenge on you, just tell her the truth, it's my own choice, she shouldn't embarrass you... ..."

"Ah~ It's a good thing Qinzi came last night, otherwise it would be too pitiful to die as a boy..."

"Ah? What else is there... Oh~ I remembered... Yukino, you don't have to worry about it. As early as when my parents had an accident, I..."

"Bastard!" Xue Nai gritted her teeth and cursed secretly.

She was so anxious that she was about to die suddenly, Xing saw that bastard was still talking nonsense.

wanna die?How can it be so easy!

Fourteen sleeping pills!I have plenty of ways to get it out!

The flustered Xue Nai became ruthless instead, she twisted Xing Jian's collar, pulling Xing Jian so hard that she had to bend down.

Then, she raised up her slender index finger, inserted it into Hoshimi's mouth, pressed down his tongue, and probed towards his back pharyngeal wall.

When touching the back of the pharynx, Xue Nao kicked back and forth several times vigorously.


When hearing Xingjian's nausea, Yukino withdrew her hand and watched Xingjian bowed and vomited.

Xingjian drank a lot of water just now, and now he vomited, which was basically clear water with a little impurities, as well as the obvious small white pills.

Xue Nai stared at the small white pill in the clear water with burning eyes.

"1...4...7...9..." Xue Naimo counted.

Only nine slices?There are still five pieces that have not been spit out?

Seeing Xingjian whose vomiting was almost over, Yukino felt ruthless, raised her elbow, and mercilessly elbowed Xingjian on the back.


Xing Jian, who had been severely injured, couldn't help but spit out a large puddle of clear water.

Xue Nai continued to count the small white pills with eagle eyes.

342、"I forgive you"


14 tablets, all spit out.

Xue Nai breathed a sigh of relief, her tense body quickly relaxed, her legs were soft, she just wanted to slump on the sofa and rest for a while.

But in the next second, Xue Nai suddenly remembered something, what if Xingjian lied to her again?What if there are not only 14 pieces, but 18, 20, or even more?

In order to ensure that nothing will happen to Xingjian, everything must be perfect!

Xue Nai's eyes narrowed, she raised her elbow, and then bent again towards Xing Jian who had just vomited.


The dull sound was the sound of elbows and backs colliding.


The heartbreaking sound was the sound of Hoshimi being beaten and spitting water.





After coming several times in a row, Xingjian couldn't spit out anything.

He was about to lose all his strength and tried his best to fall to the side, dodging another elbow from Xue Nai.

"Xue Nai..." Xing Jian stretched out his hand and said tremblingly: "Stop beating... I will be beaten to death by you..."

"It deserves it!" Xue Nai cursed through gritted teeth.

The next moment, seeing the extremely weak Xingjian, she felt distressed again. She sat beside Xingjian and asked with concern: "Are you sure it's only 14 pieces? Are there no more?"

"Xue Nao..." Xingjian said speechlessly: "My mouth is so big, I think it's impossible to feed more at once, why don't you use your flexible little head to think about it? Let me see, Yukino, are you trying to retaliate against me..."

"Huh!" Xue Nai snorted coldly, "I just took the opportunity to revenge you! What can you do?!"

"Hehehe~~" Xingjian laughed, he leaned on Xue Nai, and said weakly: "It's good to take the opportunity to retaliate, it means that Xue Nai, you are ready to forgive me..."

"I..." Xue Nai wanted to say, "I won't forgive you", but when the words came to her lips, she didn't dare to say them again.

She was afraid that if she said it, Xingjian would "declare his will with death"

"Hey~" Xue Nai sighed silently, and said in a self-defeating way: "I forgive you! Is it all right? Are you satisfied?"

"Well, Yukino is the best..." Xingjian fell down, moved his position again, and put his head on Yukino's lap.

"..." Looking at Xingjian with a tired face, Yukino used her cuff to gently wipe off the remaining water stains at the corners of Xingjian's mouth.

At this moment, Xue Nai suddenly realized a problem.

Maybe Xingjian is not as powerful as she imagined... Maybe something broke in this guy's heart when his parents died in a sudden accident.

Otherwise, why talk lightly about death?

Just now, Xingjian's death-seeking appearance doesn't look like a fake...

"..." Xue Nai's eyebrows and eyes softened, and she gently arranged Xing Jian's messy hair.

Mingming and Xingjian have been together for a while, why didn't he discover Xingjian's knot in advance... Was this guy hiding it too well before?

It seems to be the case, who would have thought that under Xing Jian's loose appearance, there is such a fierce heart knot hidden.

Fortunately, I found it today, so I have to pay attention to it in the future...

"Xing Jian, are you feeling better?" Xue Nai's tone softened.

"Not so good..." Xing Jian half-emptied his eyes, and said in a trance: "Last night, I spent a whole night with Qin Zi, and I was hit by Xue Nai a few elbows just now, and now I feel uncomfortable... .”

"Xingjian Qingchuan!" Xue Nai gritted her teeth and interrupted Xingjian, she stared at Xingjian closely, her pretty face that had just softened was covered with another layer of frost.

"What's the matter?" Xing Jian looked confused, as if he couldn't figure out why he was angry again.

"Don't mention that little one in front of me!" Xue Nai, who was angry, directly said her "disparaging name" for Qinzi.

"Ah, Yukino, are you talking about Qinzi? Why can't you mention it? Didn't you forgive me?" Xing Jian, who was extremely weak, seemed to have a problem with his head, and asked an idiot question that he would never ask on weekdays.

Xue Nai laughed back angrily, but she didn't explain, pointing directly at a big puddle of clear water on the ground, and said coldly: "You mention it again, you go there and lie down!"

"Oh~" Xingjian responded, and closed his mouth obediently.

"Hmph!" Seeing Xingjian being so honest, Xue Nai snorted coldly and didn't pursue further.

She glanced at the large pool of clear water on the ground, and frowned unconsciously.

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