"See you, where are the mop and broom?"

"Exit on the right side of the third living room, and there is a tool room at the end, where all the cleaning tools in the house are."

Xue Nai got up and walked towards the tool room along the path pointed by Xing Jian.

After Xue Nai left the second living room, Xing Jian, who was lying on the sofa, clenched his fists and showed a sweet smile of "planning".

It's done!It's not in vain for his temporary design.

He knew very well that Xue Nai would not just watch him die, but would definitely save him.

In this way, the method of suicide must be particular.

Jumping off the building is not good, Yukino may not be able to save him, and he may be dragged down with him, he can "resurrect", but Yukino cannot, so he is directly ruled out.

Cutting his wrists was fine, but he was afraid that Xue Nao would be stunned when he saw the blood, and he didn't know how to rescue him.

The last is to take sleeping pills, which is the best choice among the three, and it is easy to rescue.

Taking more than a dozen sleeping pills will not kill a person, as long as they are sent to the doctor in time for gastric lavage, they will be safe and sound.

In addition, he drank so much water, one is to slow down the digestion of the pills, and the other is to facilitate emetic gastric lavage.

Xue Nai did not let him down, after the initial panic, Xue Nai immediately found the correct solution and forced him to vomit.

To be honest, at first he was worried that Xue Nao would hit him in the stomach to induce vomiting, it was feasible, after all, he drank a lot of water, maybe he could really vomit after two hits.

But the distance between the stomach and the spleen is very close, if Yukino can't grasp the strength well, or if he hits it a little wrongly, then he might have to use "Resurrection" in advance...

Fortunately, Xue Nai's IQ is online, so she knows how to induce vomiting by pinching the back wall of her throat.

It's been pretty good up to here, but the few elbow bumps behind Xue Nai made him a little bit overwhelmed...

This woman really didn't hold back any strength, and his back hurt so badly that he felt like something was going wrong.

Fortunately, the goal was achieved, and it didn't matter how many times I suffered.

If people know that after taking a few elbows and spitting twice, the achievement of a threesome can be achieved, and I don't know how many people will rush to be beaten.

"Hehehe~~" Xingjian laughed lightly.

The needle does not poke, and finally solves a big problem.

Although Yukino is still very resistant to mentioning Qinzi now, as long as she gets used to it in the future, there will be times when the three of them will sleep together.


After laughing for a while, Xingjian stopped talking, and continued to pretend to be extremely weak and in a trance.

At this stage, he can't get carried away, his goal is not a simple threesome, and Shiyu hasn't joined yet.

And maybe there are others...

The revolution has not yet succeeded, we still need to work hard...


343. "Meet the stars, stay tonight..."

Not long after, Xue Nai came back with cleaning tools. While cleaning the floor meticulously, she kept an eye on Xing Jian lying on the sofa.

Seeing Xing Jian's dazed appearance, Xue Nai'e frowned slightly.

Is it because the rescue was not timely and sequelae appeared?Do you want to take Xingjian to the hospital?

Thinking so, Yukino quickened her movements.

Not long after, Xue Nai, who had cleaned up everything, sat beside Xing Jian and said softly: "Xing Jian, come with me to the hospital for a checkup?"

"Ah? What are you going to the hospital for?" Xingjian sat up, scratched his head and said, "I'm just a little sleepy, I just want to sleep, after all, I was exhausted last night...cough~"

Xingjian coughed lightly, his eyes drifted and he didn't continue talking.

"..." Hearing Xing Jian mentioned something again, Xue Nao's face was like the sky in June, and it changed as soon as it was said.

With a cold face, she said expressionlessly: "Since you are fine, then I will go back."

"Then I'll take you back." Xingjian got up, followed beside Xue Nai, and at the same time took her hand calmly.

Xue Nai didn't make any movement, letting Xing Jian hold her hand.

The two walked all the way from the second living room to the entrance. When they passed the first living room, Xue Nai squinted coldly and lay on the sofa with her delicate body naked.

"Why isn't she awake yet?" Xue Nai asked.

"I forgot to let her out..." Xingjian closed and opened his eyes, quickly entered and exited the dream, and brought Qinzi out.

"Ha~" Qinzi yawned leisurely after waking up.


Suddenly, Qinzi realized something was wrong, why did Xingjian and Xue Nai hold hands together?

Is it okay to coax it so quickly?Yukinoshita forgave Xingjian so quickly?Isn't this too fast?In the end what happened?

and many more!Aren't Hoshimi and Yukino both on the sofa when they enter the dreamland?Why are you standing and holding hands now?

Qinzi narrowed her eyes and immediately thought of a possibility.

She looked at Xingjian and asked, "Xingjian, did you come out with Yukino first?"

Xingjian nodded, "Yes."

"Roar~~" Qinzi stared at Xingjian thoughtfully.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that Xingjian's dreams can still be used in this way.

Qinzi wrote this down, and then asked: "Xingjian, what are you going to do now? Are you going to send Xuexia home?"

"Well...I'll take Xue Nai back..." Xing Jian vaguely smelled trouble.

"Oh hoo~~" Qinzi's expression became more subtle, "Last night, she lingered and said she loved me, but then turned around and left me to go to someone else's house?"

Oh, it's over, if I knew it, I wouldn't have woken up Qinzi...

After Xingjian slandered her, she let go of Xue Nai's hand, walked up to Qinzi, leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I'll come back as soon as I go, up to 10 minutes, and I'll let Qinzi handle it when it's overtime."

"Oh~~~" Qinzi deliberately said in a volume that Yukinoshita could hear: "10 minutes? I know, if it exceeds the time limit, you will be punished when you come back."

Xingjian's eyelids twitched, and he played Qinzi's forehead helplessly.

The little girl's film has a lot of tricks, and it's provoking Xue Nao again.

"Okay, I'm leaving, I must be back on time."

That being the case, Xingjian didn't bother to hide it anymore, he held Qinzi's small face and kissed her smooth forehead.

"Huh~" After Xingjian finished kissing, Qinzi snorted softly, raised her head slightly and pouted, the meaning was self-evident.

Xingjian sighed silently, stared at Yukino's icy cold gaze, and kissed Qinzi goodbye.

Originally, he wanted to touch him immediately, but Qinzi hooked his neck and kissed him for more than ten seconds before letting go.

He was very sure that if it wasn't for Qinzi's current weakness, she would definitely not stop until she was satisfied with the kiss in front of Xue Nai.

Fortunately...Qinzi's jade arm was pulled so weakly by him...

"Qinzi, don't be naked, it's uncivilized."

Before leaving, Xingjian took the white T-shirt aside and put it on Qinzi.

Hedgehog cat pineapple bun novel skirt: .

"Okay, okay, I'll see you, 10 minutes~" Qinzi lay on the sofa on her side, and waved her hands lazily.

"En..." Xingjian turned around, walked to her side avoiding Xue Nao's sight, then took her hand and sent her home.

The distance of less than 100 meters, nearly half of which is the elevator, Xing Jian walks like a light on his back, Xue Nai's icy and piercing gaze is really amazing.

Staring at the back of his neck felt a little chilly.

Not long after, Xue Nai's house arrived.

Xingjian also followed Xue Nai into the house, and the two stood at the entrance, looking at each other face to face.

The light in the hallway was not on, and the only light came from the living room.

The long hallway of the entrance wears out the light so badly that there are almost no one left at the entrance. In the dim and ambiguous environment, Hoshimi and Yukino can't see each other's faces clearly, but they can clearly see each other's eyes .

The shadows of each other are reflected in the red pupils and ice blue pupils.

"10 minutes?" Xue Nai suddenly spoke.

"Well..." Xingjian nodded.

"What if I want you to stay?" Yukino asked again.

"Then I'll stay." Xing Jian said affirmatively.

"What about punishment?"

"It doesn't matter, Qinzi won't embarrass me."

"Really, then you go back."

"Okay, then I'll go back." Xingjian didn't hesitate, turned his head and was ready to leave.

The moment Xingjian turned around, Xue Nai regretted it, she grabbed Xingjian's hand suddenly, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Xingjian, stay."

She didn't want to do anything with Xing Jian, but she simply didn't want to see Xing Jian and that little one get bored with each other comfortably...

This has always been her power, and now it has been taken away...

She is not reconciled!She wants to take it back!She wants to prove that she is not a loser!

No one has ever dared to say that she is a loser!Even her sister never said it!

"Alas~" Xingjian turned around, faced Xue Nai, and said faintly: "Just now I said to stay, it was my own decision, but now, it is Xue Nao who wants me to stay, so..."

Xingjian leaned down and put his face in front of Xue Nai, "So I want a reward, a reward that can offset the punishment."

"..." Xue Nai bit her lips, said nothing, she tiptoed slightly, and kissed Xing Jian lightly.

Xingjian: "No, it's not enough, the time is too short."

Xue Nai was slightly annoyed, but she didn't attack, she stood on tiptoe, hooked Xing Jian's neck, and offered her lips to him.

Smelling the strange girlish scent on Xingjian's body, Yukino became more and more annoyed.

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