It's disgusting, it's all about the smell of the little one.

It shouldn't be like this, Xingjian should only have her smell on her body.

The smell of other people must be wiped out!Cover it all up!Use her scent to cover up!

Yukino, who made up her mind, took the initiative more...

344、"Meet the Parents"

After a long time, the lips parted.

In the dim entrance, Xing Jian, who was panting slightly, looked at Xue Nai, and said seriously: "I have decided, I will take Xue Nai to my house tonight."

As he said that, Xing Jian ignored his state of lack of energy, and forcibly prepared to pick up Xue Nao and take him away.

As a result, Xue Nai struggled casually, Xing Jian staggered, fell to the ground, and hit the door with his lower back.


Xing Jian, who already had back pain, took such a knock again, and gasped in pain.

"It deserves it..." Xue Nai spat softly first, then hurriedly squatted down to check where Xingjian bumped.

Seeing Xingjian covering her waist, Xue Nai knew where the injury was. She didn't touch it randomly, but asked softly, "Does it hurt?"


"Get up and sit in the living room first, I'll show you how the injury is." Saying that, Xue Nai was about to help Xingjian get up.

Xing Jian waved his hand and refused, "Wait, let me slow down for a while."

"..." Xue Nao stopped talking, squatting beside Xing Jian and waiting quietly.

After a while, Xing Jian felt relieved, so he raised his arms.

Xue Nai understood, and helped Xing Jian to go to the living room.

In the long hallway of the entrance, neither Xingjian nor Yukino spoke, they walked quietly from the darkness into the light.

Xing Jian squinted his eyes and looked at the lamp in the living room.

He thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Xue Nai, let's go to your room?"

"En?" Xue Nai glanced at Xing Jian's side face, and thought of something, her eyes suddenly flickered.

"My waist hurts a little, please give me a massage for a while." Xingjian gave a seemingly reasonable explanation.

"..." Xue Nai didn't respond, but silently supported Xing Jian and walked towards her bedroom.


Entering the bedroom, Xingjian obviously felt the difference.

The life in the apartment where Xue Nai lives is very light, and the empty living room always makes people feel too cold.

The bedroom is different. A standard-sized bedroom of more than ten square meters is equipped with wardrobes, dressing tables, beds, and coat racks. Just these few ordinary furniture will fill the bedroom. Feel the breath of life active.

Coupled with the faint fragrance in the bedroom, it is even more unavoidable to sway the mind.

For him, this faint fragrance not only symbolizes a girl's boudoir, but also brings back fragments of memory in his mind.

For example, in the bathroom, Xue Nai was protecting her chest with a blushing face, or she was kneeling in front of him half angry or half ashamed, or she was wearing loose home clothes, lazily leaning on his arms middle......

All kinds of things flashed through his mind, and Xing Jian's mind inevitably became active.

"Xue Nai... Since it's a massage, then I'll lie on your bed?" Xing Jian looked at the big bed in the bedroom.

On the bed, the quilt was neatly spread out, and on the left side of the bed, there were many plush dolls, which were the "Mr. Pan" he gave to Xue Nai before.

The full-length "Mr. Pan" was sitting against the bed, and the other small "Mr. Pan" were placed around the life-size doll, looking like a giant panda mother gave birth to a bunch of cubs.

Well, the premise of thinking this way is to ignore the slightly ferocious expression of "Mr. Pan"...

"Okay, Xingjian you lie on your stomach, I'll give you a massage for a while." Xue Nai replied very flatly, as if she didn't realize Xingjian's sinister intentions at all.

"Okay~" Xing Jian frowned, and his smile suddenly deepened.

He walked to the bed, took off his shirt, lifted the quilt, and lay down on his stomach, exposing his broad back to Xue Nai's view.

"..." Looking at Xingjian's back full of scratches, Yukino frowned unconsciously.

Is it all caught by that little guy?It's a little too harsh...

But it's also possible that Xing Jian's bastard is too much...

"Huh~" Xue Nai snorted coldly, too lazy to investigate the truth of the matter.

She stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed, raised her slender hands, and placed them on Xingjian's lower back to press gently.


With the cold hands and moderate strength, Xingjian, whose sore waist was relieved, could not help but groan softly.

"Xue Nai~~You are so good~~~" Xingjian praised with a refreshed face.

Listening to Xingjian's fluttering voice, Xue Nao somehow remembered something, and her pretty face was covered with a layer of light at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She exerted a little force on her hand, "Speak well, don't drag the end of the sound."

"Hiss~~~" Xingjian gasped in pain.

He hurriedly begged for mercy: "Wrong, I was wrong, I will speak well."

Xue Nai raised her eyebrows slightly, she was a little surprised, she didn't expect that Xingjian would be subdued so quickly today, is it because her body is too weak, which leads to a lack of confidence in her mentality?

The thoughtful Yukino didn't make a sound, and continued to massage Xingjian's lower back.

After a while, the temperature of Xue Nai's slender hands also rose. She looked down and carefully looked at the scratches on Xing Jian's back.

Most of the scratches were just red marks, and no blood was seen, only the two scratches near the shoulder blades showed blood, and blood scabs had already formed.

Looking at the faint blood scab, Xue Nai suddenly had a devilish idea in her heart.

She wanted to pick up the edge of the blood scab, and then yank it all off.

In this way, Xing Jian will definitely cry out in pain, right?

The corners of Xue Nai's mouth twitched unconsciously as she thought about it, but she didn't put it into action, because seeing the stars would hurt, and she couldn't bear to...

"Xue Nai..." Xing Jian who was lying on his stomach suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong?" Yukino shifted her gaze to Xingjian's side face.

"Did you go home during the summer vacation? Or continue to live here?" Xingjian buried his head in Xue Nai's pillow and asked.

"..." After being silent for a while, Xue Nai said quietly, "It should be home."

After all, she was just a high school student.

During school, she can live alone in an apartment close to the school, but during long vacations, her parents will definitely let her stay at home...

"Go home..." Xing Jian's nostrils fluttered, greedily inhaling the faint fragrance that Xue Nai left on the pillow.

The needle does not poke~ I really want to take it back to my own home and raise it....

Xing Jian, who was thinking like this, suddenly asked: "Xue Nai, can I visit my uncle and aunt during the summer vacation?"

"..." Xue Nai paused, with hesitation in her eyes.

After a while, she sighed silently, and said helplessly: "Wait a little longer, go after graduation."

"Graduation?" Xingjian turned his head and looked at Xue Nai out of the corner of his eye, "Graduation is too late, and we will graduate in a year and a half. In this year and a half, Xue Nai, don't worry about what your family will order for you." marriage?"

"En?" Xue Nai looked at Xingjian suspiciously, "How could it be so early? There is no movement from my sister's side, how could you get engaged to me first? Xingjian, you think too much."

"It's not that I think too much, but it's really possible." Xingjian sat up, held Xue Nai's hands, and said seriously: "You are different from your sister. Your sister is the future governor, and she will definitely be the governor in the future. Recruiting a son-in-law, and you are the second daughter, you must marry off early, for the family..."

315. "That night, you didn't reject me..."

While talking, Xing Jian found that Xue Nao's expression was a little strange.

"Cough~" He coughed lightly, and then said, "I want to visit my uncle and aunt quickly, and I don't want to cause any complications. Let them meet me and know my identity, so naturally I won't interfere with your marriage, Xue Nai. You don't want to be suddenly called by your parents to go on a blind date with a man you don't know, do you?"

"You don't want to see this kind of thing, and I don't want to see it, if it happens..."

Xingjian put on a polite smile, "Xue Nai, you know my temper, if something like this really happens, someone will definitely suffer."

"So in order not to spoil the mood, let me see my uncle and aunt earlier."

"..." Xue Nao with a pale complexion didn't want to speak.

Marriages of wealthy and prominent families are very common, especially in a country with solidified classes like Japan, marriages are even more common.

Once the heirs of a prominent family are approaching the age of marriage (18 years old, before 2018, it was 18 for men and 16 for women, and the civil law was revised in 2018, and the age for women was also raised to 18.), the elders in the family will almost certainly arrange marriages for them.

Those with an open family style may respect the ideas of their children.

But a family with a normal family style will pick out a few suitable partners, let the children try to "make friends", and finally choose a suitable marriage partner.

And those with strict family traditions may directly designate a marriage partner regardless of the opinions of their children.

Unfortunately, her family belongs to that kind of family with a normal family style, so what Xingjian said really has a certain probability of happening...

"Xue Nai, what do you think? I will go to see my uncle and aunt with you during the summer vacation." Xing Jian squeezed Xue Nao's tender hands.

"..." Xue Nai hesitated for a while, then nodded helplessly.

Let's see each other, anyway, it's already reached this level, and it will be a matter of time to see the parents. In order to avoid those bad things, it's okay to see them sooner.


Xue Nai bit her lower lip, the glow on her pretty face became more and more beautiful.

After meeting the parents, the approved Xingjian will probably become even more unscrupulous.

There is a high probability that the time line of defense she set up before will be broken by Xingjian during the summer vacation...

Thinking of this, Xue Nai felt a burst of shame in her heart, but under the shame, there was a trace of anger hidden.

That damned little guy really doesn't have any girl's reserve, and shamelessly snatched away what belonged to her!


"By the way..." Xue Nai suddenly remembered something.

She forgot her shyness for the time being, looked into Xingjian's eyes, and asked, "Xingjian, have you met the parents of that little one?"

"Ah~ You mean Qinzi..." Xingjian scratched his head, and chose to tell the truth, "I met yesterday, and Qinzi asked me out yesterday when her parents were out on a trip. I didn't expect her parents to come back halfway..."

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