Yang Nai ran back to the bedroom, took out a bottle of sake from the cabinet and took it.

In fact, since it was a dance party, red wine should be served, but red wine needs to be sobered up, and she doesn't have that time.

Take the sake, wait until near Xue Nai's apartment, stop the car and drink again.


At the same time, Yukino's apartment.

Xue Nai put down her phone and looked sideways at Xing Jian.

"emm~~~" Xing met, let go of Xue Nao, scratched his head and said: "Xue Nao, do you want me to go back?"

"..." Xue Nai stared at Xing Jian without saying a word.

Xingjian scratched his head, and said a little irritatedly: "Xue Nai, what's the matter with letting me meet my future sister-in-law, anyway, sooner or later we will be a family, let me stay, I can still take care of your sister with you. "

"Hmph!" Xue Nai snorted coldly, clenched her pink fist, and lightly hammered Xing Jian's heart, "Don't get cheap and act good, you pretend I don't know what you're thinking?"

It's really annoying, if my sister doesn't come to disturb her, she will definitely keep Xingjian tonight, and let that little one go secretly at Xingjian's house to feel sad.

But her sister's arrival disrupted her plan, so she had no choice but to let the stars go back.

Thinking of Xing Jian getting tired of being with that little guy, Xue Nao felt uncomfortable and felt tight in her chest.

"Xue Nai~ I really want to stay~" Xingjian said sincerely.

He did have the intention to stay, but the purpose was to test how his aunt could accurately interrupt.

"Hmph! Hypocrisy!" Xue Nai increased her strength and hammered Xing Jian's heart.

"Xing Jian, you'd better leave before I regret it, or..." Xue Nai narrowed her eyes, the ice blue pupils flashed with a dangerous aura.

She didn't want Xingjian to get in touch with her sister, nor did she want Xingjian to go back.

It is not impossible for the two to be achieved at the same time, it is just a matter of "wronging" the star view.

Now, Xing Jian, who has no energy, has no ability to resist her at all. She can tie Xing Jian up, throw him into the study and lock it up.

When my sister comes, just be careful not to let my sister go to the study. This is very simple. Her sister is here to rest, not to study. How could she go to the study for no reason?

Thinking about it, Xue Nai was a little moved, and she found that the feasibility of doing so was quite high.

As for the revenge after Xingjian, it doesn't matter at all, she has already given Xingjian what she should have given, what else can Xingjian do to her?

"Xue Nai, I'm leaving!" Xing Jian, who smelled the danger, jumped up from the bed and left Xue Nai's house without looking back.


Hearing the sound of closing the door, Xue Nai snorted coldly, "Hmph! You are lucky."


Back home, Xingjian walked to the living room thoughtfully.

"Xingjian, you're back..." Seeing Xingjian, Qinzi lying on the sofa lazily said: "The agreed 10 minutes, but in the end you went for nearly half an hour, what do you think I am doing?" How about punishing you?"

Seeing Qinzi sitting down next to her, Xing pinched her little feet and said with a smile, "You can punish me however you like, I promise I won't resist."

"Tch~ cunning man." Qinzi withdrew her little feet, and lightly kicked Xingjian's side.

She didn't dare to use force because it would hurt...

It's not that Xingjian hurts, but that she hurts...

Xingjian smiled, leaned over and hugged Qinzi into his arms, and rubbed her soft face, "I knew that Qinzi is the most generous, and doesn't care about these little things at all."

"Heh~" Qinzi smiled contemptuously.

She doesn't care?how is this possible!

If it wasn't for her lack of ability to punish now, Xingjian would definitely let Xingjian know the consequences of being fickle!

"Xingjian, what were you thinking just now?" Since there was no way to punish, Qinzi simply talked about other things.

She was a little concerned about what happened to Xingjian's thoughtful look just now.

"I'm wondering..." Xing Jian narrowed his eyes, and said with a delicate expression, "Is there any elder sister who can spy on my younger sister?"

"En?" Qinzi was stunned, she looked at Xingjian, and said in surprise: "Xingjian, you mean that Xueshita's sister is monitoring Xueshita?"

Xing Jian shook his head, "I don't know, I can't be sure."

"..." Qinzi's expression gradually became subtle.

It seems that the situation over there under the snow is also very complicated...

Yukinoshita's older sister?

Qinzi has a vague impression that when she saw Hoshimi for the first time in reality, Yukinoshita's sister seemed to be there.

At that time, her mind was full of Hoshimi, and she didn't pay attention to other insignificant idlers, all her attention was on Hoshimi and her love rival Yukinoshita.

Now it seems that maybe we should get in touch with Yukinoshita's sister, maybe we can get unexpected help.



"Didn't you say that your parents went on a trip yesterday? Why did they come back suddenly?" Xing Jian turned to mentioning a thing that puzzled him.

Qinzi didn't explain, but silently picked up the TV remote control and tuned to a news TV station.

"...the cause of the explosion of the cargo ship in Tokyo Port....the port blockade...the suspect...the police..."

Xingjian looked at it for a while, then asked in Qinzi's ear, "Your parents are traveling on a cruise ship?"

Qinzi nodded, "En."

Xingjian: "..."

What an unexpected misfortune, if it weren't for the damn freighter explosion, there would be so many twists and turns.

348. "What should I do if I have a child?"

"By the way..." Qinzi covered her lower abdomen, looked up at Xingjian with a slightly worried expression, "Xingjian, do you think you will win the bid..."

"Eh..." Xingjian was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand to cover Qinzi's little hand, and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Qinzi, shouldn't you know this matter better than me? Yesterday you were safe or in danger Woolen cloth?"

"En~~~" Qinzi thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "It should be safe..."

Xingjian: "Should?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, anyway, things happened, and it doesn't work after the fact." Qinzi grabbed Xingjian's hand with his backhand, and said very seriously: "Xingjian, we might as well talk about it, in case there is something wrong what to do."

Xing Jian shrugged, "What's there to talk about? It must have been born~ Anyway, it's not short of money, so I can afford it."

Qinzi blinked her eyes and looked at Xingjian fixedly, "Then Xingjian, who of us will take care of the child? I still have the mission of "Monster Princess" waiting."

"En?" Xing Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, "Can I still be called 'Monster Princess' after having a child? Shouldn't I be upgraded to 'Monster Queen'?"

"Fuck you! Don't interrupt, let's talk about business!" Qinzi pinched Xingjian's tiger's mouth with dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, don't interrupt, let's talk about business." Xing Jian hugged Qinzi, and replied solemnly: "Qinzi, don't your parents really want to hug their grandson? How about throwing it to them?"

"En?" Qinzi squinted her eyes and stared at Xingjian with a strange gaze, "Xingjian, what about you? You are so busy all day, can't you take care of your child?"

Xing met with a look of embarrassment, "Qinzi, it's not that I don't take it, it's because I can't bear the crying of the baby, it makes my head hurt."

"Oh hoo~~" The strange color in Qinzi's eyes gradually turned into danger.

"Qinzi, why don't you do this." Xingjian thought for a while and came up with a reasonable plan, "If you have a child, let's look at Qinzi's opinion first, if you want to stay and we can bring it ourselves, then stay. "

"At that time, we will invite an experienced babysitter to stay at home. After all, we are all first-time parents, and we still need someone to guide and help us."

Qinzi relaxed her brows and eyes, and nodded in satisfaction, "That's fine, let's see when the time comes."

Although the horoscope has not yet been written, Qinzi still wants to confirm Xingjian's attitude first.

As for her first child, she still wanted to raise it herself. If she left it to her parents, it might happen that the child would not get close to her in the future.

If it becomes like that, she can be said to be a complete failure as a mother.

"By the way..." Xingjian wrapped his arms around Qinzi's waist, and said with a delicate expression, "At that time, I will probably hire a nanny, otherwise the child's nutrition may not be guaranteed."

"En?" Qinzi's eyes narrowed, "Xing Jian, what do you mean? Are you mocking my small breasts? Don't you know that the amount of milk has nothing to do with the size of the breasts?"

"No, no, I'm not mocking Qinzi, I mean..." Xingjian lowered his head, whispering in Qinzi's ear.

"..." Listening to it, Qinzi's ears turned red, and her face was covered with a ray of light.

She elbowed Xingjian in embarrassment, "You bastard, it's too much, you even robbed your own child."

"Hehehe~" Xingjian smiled and said nothing, but locked the Qinzi firmly in his arms.

"Hmph~" Seeing that Xing Jian was not talking anymore, Qin Zi wrinkled her nose and also fell silent.

She huddled in Xingjian's arms, half-closed her eyes, and fully enjoyed the satisfaction brought by the two-person world.



After an unknown period of time, Qinzi was so comfortable that she began to feel sleepy.

She hugged Xing Jian's arms, and murmured indistinctly: "Xing Jian...I'm sleepy..."

"Then go to sleep." Xingjian took a blanket and covered the piano.

"Well...then I'm going to sleep..." After finding a comfortable position in Xingjian's arms, Qinzi closed her eyes with peace of mind.

After Qinzi fell asleep completely, Xingjian hugged her and went upstairs lightly.

"Good night, Qinzi."

The bedside lamp went out and the bedroom was plunged into darkness.

The two even and long breathing sounds gradually converged.


At the same time, Yukino, who was sleeping on the same bed with Yang Nai, was thinking about Xing Jian absent-mindedly.

What is Xingjian doing now?You shouldn't have done anything unhealthy with that little one, right?

Hmm~ It's so annoying, I would have left Xingjian here if I knew it earlier...

So annoying!So annoying!So annoying!

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