Xingjian is so annoying!My sister is so annoying!That little one is the most annoying!

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have worried so much, it would be nice to take Xingjian down early...

"Xue Nao, are you asleep?"

Xue Nai's thoughts were interrupted, she didn't make a sound, pretending that she had fallen asleep.

She doesn't want to chat with her sister, one is that she doesn't know what to talk about, and the other is that her sister always teases her in the chat, she is very annoying now, she doesn't want to stop teasing.

"Heh~" Yang Nai chuckled, looked at the moonlight outside the window, and said with a nostalgic look: "Xiao Xue Nai, do you remember the last time we slept together like this?"

Snow: "..."

She couldn't remember, since she could remember, her sister was always teasing her, and her memory was full of fragments of her sister teasing her.

As for the rest, there really isn't much.

"At that time, Xiaoxue, you had just turned five years old, and you were still a small one. You listened to your sister's words the most, and now you blink..."

Yang Nai turned over, looked at the back of Xue Nai's head, and said with gentle eyes: "In a blink of an eye, Xue Nai has grown up, and her height is not much different from that of her sister, but it's a pity that she is not as obedient as before."

Snow: "..."

Why am I disobedient, sister, don't you know the reason?

"However, Yukino, you are still the same as before, you can't lie at all..." Yang Nai teased: "Xue Nai, do you know? When a person is asleep and awake, the breathing rhythm is different. Your current The breathing sound is exactly the same as usual ~ that is to say..."

"Alas~~" Xue Nai sighed softly, turned her back to Yang Nai, and asked, "Sister, what exactly do you want to say?"

"Xue Nai, talk to me about Xing Jian, I'm curious, how did the two of you get together." Yang Nai launched an extremely rare direct ball attack.

"..." After being silent for a while, Xue Nai said wearily: "It's already very late, I have to go to school tomorrow, next time."

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't want anyone to interfere with her and Hoshimi's affairs, especially her older sister.

"Okay, that's settled, tell me next time." Yang Nai didn't force it, but followed Xue Nai's excuse.

"En..." Although Xue Nai was a little surprised that her sister gave up so quickly today, she really didn't want to think too much at the moment.

Now she just wants to enter Xingjian's dream, stay with Xingjian, and keep Xingjian in her sight all the time.


It was eleven o'clock, and a great sleepiness hit Yukino.

Feeling the familiar drowsiness, Xue Nai immediately felt relieved, she opened her heart, and let the drowsiness ravage her body.

In the next second, the dreamland, the library, and Xingjian with a slight smile.

It's the same as before, nothing seems to have changed...

349. "Have you taken safety measures?"

In the early morning of the next day, downstairs in the apartment, Xue Nai, standing like a peony, was quietly waiting for Xing Jian.


Familiar and regular footsteps came from behind, and Yukino didn't need to look back to know that it was Xing Jian.

She turned slightly sideways, ready to hand over her tender right hand to Xing Jian at any time.

"Xue Nao, good morning."

Accompanied by the sound of greetings, Xingjian officially appeared beside her, and took her right hand at the same time.

"Good morning." Xue Nai replied habitually.

Then, she squinted her eyes and said suddenly, "She went back?"

Xing Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, knowing that the "she" in Xue Nai's question refers to Qin Zi.

"No, she's not feeling well, and she asked for leave today." Xingjian replied truthfully.

"..." A cold light flashed in Xue Nai's eyes, and without saying anything, she went to school with Xing Jian quietly.

On the way, when passing by the bustling commercial street, Yukino happened to catch a glimpse of a drug store out of the corner of her eye.

Her eyes moved slightly, and she suddenly asked, "Xingjian, have you taken safety measures?"

"En?" Xing Jian was stunned for a moment, then his expression became more subtle.

He squeezed Xue Nai's hand, and asked back: "Xue Nai, why do you ask this?"

"Just asking, don't worry about it if you don't want to talk." Xue Nai squinted her eyes indifferently, as if she was really just asking.

"Okay, then I won't talk about it." Seeing that the donkey went downhill, Xing really didn't talk about it.

Xue Nai's face turned cold, and she was completely silent.

Hoshimi looked sideways at Yukino with a smile on her face, that delicate face without any expression really looked charming.

Coupled with some memory fragments in his mind, it tastes even better when eaten.

However, it can only be used as a condiment, not as a main course. If it is really served as a main course, it will be too cold to make it difficult to eat.

So, when approaching Sobu High, Hoshimi finally answered Yukino's question.

"Yue Nai, you didn't take safety measures~"

"..." Xue Nai'e frowned and glanced at Xing Jian, "Is it your idea or her idea?"

Xingjian: "Of course it's her idea~ Of course, I think so too, but it's hard to bring it up, everything should follow her opinion."

Well, at least at first.

Qinzi frowned deeper, "You guys are so bold, aren't you afraid of something happening?"

Xingjian: "It's okay, it doesn't matter, Qinzi has already prepared herself mentally, besides, she has already met her uncle and aunt, and her uncle is still urging her to hug her grandson. There is no resistance from all parties, so naturally she will not be afraid what."

"..." Xue Nao stopped talking.

She admitted that she was a little envious...

Envy Qinzi's reckless behavior, envy Qinzi's parents' enlightenment...

"Why, Yukino, are you envious?" Xingjian teased.

"Tsk~" Xue Nao grasped Xingjian's hand in displeasure, "Xingjian, I would be envious? Did you take the wrong medicine? Why did you start talking nonsense?"

"Hehe~" Xingjian smiled without saying a word, just looked at Xue Nao with loving eyes.

"..." Xue Nai became more and more upset, she stared at Xingjian, her eyes gradually became dangerous, "Xingjian, do you want to try my aikido in public?"

"Cough~" Xing Jian coughed lightly, "Xue Nai, don't bring such a thing, a gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't move."

"Heh~" Xue Nai smiled contemptuously, "I'm not a gentleman."

"Really?" Xing Jian raised his brows slightly, "Then Xue Nai, you can do it. It's best to beat me to the hospital. In this way, my uncle and aunt will definitely come to the hospital to see. Make a marriage contract, or I will take action against Yukinoshita's family."

As he spoke, Xing Jian's mind darkened.

If he really wants to attack the Xuexia family, he must take his sister-in-law along with him!

That woman has ruined her good relationship with Xue Nai more than once, how can there be no compensation at all?

"Xingjian, you are really a top hooligan!" Xue Nai stared at Xingjian with cold eyes, but under the coldness, there was a deep helplessness hidden.

At this moment, she suddenly realized a problem.

Xingjian really killed her when she saw this bastard, in every aspect.

Now she is like a person in a deep swamp, falling slowly without struggling, and falling faster with struggling.

She wanted to save herself, but all the branches around her had been cut off by that bastard Xingjian. She could only watch helplessly as she sank deeper and deeper until she couldn't extricate herself, and there was no cure...

"I'm really unlucky. Why did I encounter such a disaster as you?"

Thinking about it, Xue Nai became irritable. She bit her lower lip and couldn't help complaining.

"Hehe~" Xing Jian's smile became brighter, he let go of Xue Nai's hand, put his arms around Xue Nao's waist, smiled and said close to her ear: "Everything is fate~ Xiao Xue Nai, you should accept your fate as soon as possible, This life is like a rape, since you can't resist, just lie down and enjoy it."

"Tsk~" Xue Nai pushed Xing Jian's head away in disgust, "If you don't know how to compare, don't compare, it's really vulgar."

Xingjian: "Vulgarity is elegance, Xue Nai, don't care so much, anyway, it's all right if you get the meaning?"

"..." Xue Nai didn't want to argue with Xing Jian, and she couldn't win the argument anyway.


Xing Jian stuck to Xue Nai's ear, and when he was about to continue to say something, a big steel-like hand suddenly pinched his shoulder.

"Xingjian, on campus, please maintain a normal social distance with female students, and don't destroy the good atmosphere of the school!"

"Hiss~~~" Hoshimi grinned in pain and looked back, and it really was Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka from "Tekken Warriors".

Apart from her, there is really no female teacher with such strong hands in this school.

"Mr. Hiratsuka, do you really not consider participating in the arm wrestling competition? I believe that with your ability, you will definitely become famous in one battle." Xing Jian teased, gritted his teeth.

"Roar~~" Hiratsuka Shizuka's expression became menacing, "Hoshimi, you are very courageous~ Why don't you go to the office with me and learn about the school spirit and discipline of Sobu High?"

Saying that, Hiratsuka Shizuka increased her strength, "Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of you, and try to let you memorize the school spirit and discipline of Sobu High within one day."

"Hiss~~~~" Hoshimi who was almost numb with shoulder pain quickly admitted his mistake, "Mr. Hiratsuka, I was wrong."

Shizuka Hiratsuka: "Hmph! Since it was wrong? Why are you still hugging Yukinoshita's waist? I think you are not convinced!"

" question, I forgot about it." Xingjian withdrew his hand reluctantly.

350. "Sawamura·Spencer·Eriri"

Hiratsuka rolled her eyes and turned to look at Yukino, "Yukinoshita, I know you are dating, and I don't want to say anything, but you should pay attention to the influence, and don't make the campus gossip, or I will Difficult."

"Teacher Hiratsuka, I understand, I will pay attention." Yukino, who was watching the play, restrained her smile and responded calmly.

"Well, it's good that you know." Hiratsuka Jing glanced at the two of them, turned around and left without saying anything.

Looking at the back of Shizuka Hiratsuka walking like a tiger, Xingjian complained in a low voice: "No wonder you can't get married, I'm afraid this hand strength can be crushed."

"Xingjian, don't complain behind your back, hurry up, class is about to begin." Xue Nao subconsciously went to hold Xingjian's arm, stretching her hand halfway, only then remembered that she had just promised Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Her eyes flickered, and she wanted to withdraw her hand a little embarrassedly.

But at this time, Xing Jian took the initiative to hold Xue Nao's hand.

"Let's go, I've forgotten if you don't tell me, Teacher Hiratsuka is walking so fast, she probably blocked us at the door of the classroom, if we are late, she will definitely take the opportunity to punish me, hurry up, don't make excuses for her Opportunity."

"En? Are you overthinking Hoshimi? Hiratsuka-sensei is not that kind of person."

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