"Oh? Then Yukino, why don't you try to be late?"

"..." Xue Nao stopped talking.

The two speeded up their pace very tacitly, and entered the classroom before the bell rang.


Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was guarding the door of the classroom, saw that Hoshimi had already entered, and curled his lips in displeasure.

Good luck to you kid, I will let you go today.

After Hiratsuka Shizuka cursed, she turned and went to the office.

Seeing Mr. Hiratsuka leave, Hoshimi winked at Yukino, look, am I right?She really was blocking us.

Xue Nai ignored Xingjian, she took out her textbook and started to study by herself.

He didn't get a response, and Xingjian didn't care. He took out his phone and logged into the Krypton Gold mobile game that hadn't been online for a long time.

Looking at the new limited character, Xing Jian inexplicably developed a sense of déjà vu.

Blonde with double ponytails, white silk, tsundere, and small breasts, these attributes are too classic, can this also become a five-star limited role?

Xingjian looked at the attributes, the firepower is very strong, and the attack speed has also been greatly increased.

Oh~ no wonder, the numerical value is limited to five stars, so it's fine.

Xingjian thought for a while, waved his big hand, and directly paid 10,000+ yen to fill up the new characters.

Then he took a super luxurious lineup and went to the arena to abuse food at low ranks.


After playing for a while, Xingjian was a little tired.

Mowing the grass is boring after a long time, and no matter how beautiful the paper man is, he can't touch it......

The beautiful scenery of the new character's skirt flying up is exciting at first, but after a long time, I feel a little tired of aesthetics.

Well, the main reason is that you can't touch it, otherwise you won't get tired after watching it for a long time.

wrong!and many more!

Xing Jian suddenly remembered something, he seemed to be able to touch it...

For him, it is completely possible to pinch people and play in dreams!

Xing Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately fell down on the table and fell into a dream.


Dreamland, the seaside where the tide rises and falls.

Xing Jian stood on the golden beach, with a thought, he made the limited character of the game out of thin air.

Looking at the girl with golden double ponytails in front of him, Xingjian suddenly remembered an acquaintance.

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, thinking about whether he should meet her or not.

He still has fresh memories of the bad breakup before, and with that guy's stubbornness and arrogance, it's likely...nine times out of ten he's still holding grudges.

If they meet again, the atmosphere will most likely be bad.

But this is just right, both Qinzi and Xue Nai have softened recently, he can't stop teasing, if someone wants to fight against him, it happens that he can also have some fun.

"Heh~" Xing Jian chuckled, already having a conclusion in his heart.

With a wave of his hand, he directly wiped away the girl with golden twintails in front of him.

No matter how beautiful the girl he made out of his mind is, it's just a doll. How can a real person be interesting?


"Come out! Sawamura Spencer Eriri! Huh? Wait..."

Xing Jian suddenly interrupted his spellcasting, he looked left and right, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The sea, the beach, the waves, this kind of scene summoning Ying Lili is good, but it is not the best choice. He has a better idea.


Xingjian laughed strangely, and with a thought, he directly changed the scene on the sunny beach into a magnificent gallery.

In the wide and endless gallery, there are huge impactful portraits hanging on the walls on both sides.

Basically all the paintings are oil paintings, and they are traditional Renaissance oil paintings, that is, on the basis of adhering to the spirit of humanism, they fully show people's desires, thoughts and pursuits, and the most important thing is the beauty of the human body.

There are a large number of giant oil paintings, and the themes are basically the same. They all aim to show the fascination and lingering love of Xingjian and Ying Lili when they were intimate.

Looking at the giant oil painting in front of him, Xing Jian said thoughtfully, "Is it a bit too big?"

At this time, in the oil painting he was facing, Ying Lili stood on her tiptoes and lay on a higher table, her straight legs drew a perfectly straight line.

And when he stood in front of the oil painting, he would be level with Ying Lili's knees.

You must know that his height is just over 1.8 meters. Standing in front of the oil painting, he is only as tall as Ying Lili's calf. This painting seems to be a bit too big.

"emm~~~" Xingjian considered it for a while, but decided to keep it as it was.

Don't be afraid that the painting is too big, this effect is what you want, if there is no impact that makes Ying Lili's eyes black, why would he bother to make this scene.

You know, these oil paintings are all worked out in his head by himself, which wasted a lot of his brain cells.

"The preparations have been completed. Before the official meeting, let old acquaintances appreciate my artistic level first."

Xing Jian hooked his mouth, turned around and disappeared into the gallery.

In the next second, a slender figure of a young girl slowly appeared at the starting point of the gallery.

"This is where......"

The slender girl is Ying Lili. She looked at the endless corridor and murmured subconsciously: "Why am I here? I'm sleeping..."

As she spoke, Ying Lili noticed the portraits on the walls on both sides of the corridor.

She subconsciously turned her head to look, and her first impression was "It's so big...".

The second is "the painting is pretty good, it looks like the Renaissance style in oil painting."

She continued to look up, and the straight legs standing on tiptoes were painted very vividly, with such delicate and soft beauty, people could experience the amazing elasticity and wonderful touch of those beautiful legs just by looking at them.

Ying Lili, who was still a little confused, unconsciously became serious.

This painting is a bit amazing. On the basis of maintaining such a size, it can still achieve a super high level of detail. Not to mention anything else, the energy and thought it takes is worthy of praise.

"It's amazing..."

Ying Lili, who was full of admiration, raised her head and continued to look up.

It is also very good to draw the girl's body curve, with a slender waist and plump buttocks. This alone compares most women.

351. "Goodbye Yinglili"

keep going up...

The curvature of the chest is also very good, not too big or too small, and looks very coordinated with the slender body.

In addition, the proportion of the girl's breasts in the painting seems to be similar to hers, which made her satisfaction level increase a little bit.

Not bad, a coordinated figure is the most perfect, what do you want to be so big?Still tired and sore shoulders, it's better to be younger and relax.

keep looking up...

When she saw the girl's face in the painting, Ying Lili's eyes darkened, her body shook twice, and she almost fell to the ground.

The person in the painting turned out to be me? ! !

and many more!painting? !Renaissance style? !The beauty of the human body? !

The retouching is so good, but isn't this just her body painting? !

"Fuck!! Who drew this! Get out!"

Ying Lili became impatient, her whole body was hot with anger, her eye sockets were red, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on her smooth forehead.

"you guess?"

At this moment, a voice that Ying Lili will never forget floated into her ears.

She froze in place as if struck by lightning.

After a while, Ying Lili, who came back to her senses, was full of anger, gritted her teeth and roared: "Xing! See! Qing! Chuan! You bastard! You have the guts to pull me in! Don't hide!"

Ying Lili, who couldn't stop her emotions rising at all, looked at the corridor and roared angrily, "Xing see you bastard! Come out and see me!"


A slightly playful chuckle rang in Yinglili's ears.

"Yinglili, don't worry~ I have worked hard to prepare so many paintings, why don't you appreciate them?"

"I'm waiting for you at the end of the gallery right now, you just come along and see me..."

Hearing that Xingjian was at the end of the gallery, Ying Lili didn't care about 21, and rushed forward recklessly.


Just after rushing out for less than three steps, Ying Lili bumped into a wall of air.


Ying Lili covered her face with one hand and her chest with the other, and slowly squatted down with a painful expression.

"Oh~~ Ying Lili, do you miss me that much? Don't worry, you can see me when you come all the way."

"Don't worry, I'm at the end of the gallery, I won't run away, take your time and enjoy, I won't bother you."

With the disappearance of Xingjian's voice, the pain in Yinglili's body was also stripped away.

Although the pain was gone, Ying Lili was still squatting on the ground.

The violent impact just now made the anger in her heart quickly turn into grievance.

You bastard, I haven't heard from you for so long, and now I'm teasing her again as soon as we meet, do you really think she's so easy to bully?


Ying Lili bit her lower lip, asking and answering in her heart.

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