Yes!I'm such a bully!Seeing that bastard, Xingjian will definitely answer like this!Don't even think about it!

That bastard simply regarded her as a "toy" for fun, and never had a single moment of affection for her from the beginning to the end.

Even at the last moment.


Thinking about it, grievances flooded Yinglili's heart like a tide.

Then, the tide surged up to Yinglili's eyes, and a misty mist accumulated in Yinglili's eyes.

Gradually, the mist turned into water droplets, and there was a tendency to gush out.


A sigh echoed through the gallery.

"Yinglili, are you going to cry again?"

It's okay if Xingjian doesn't say anything, but Ying Lili's tears immediately burst when she said it.

While wiping her tears, she refused to admit defeat and said, "I didn't cry! I just got sand in my eyes!"

Xingjian: "Sand? I'm afraid it's not a sandstorm?"

Ying Lili stood up abruptly, wiped away her tears with her sleeve, and shouted to Xingjian from the air, not to be outdone, "Hmph! It's none of your business! Just wait! I'll be right in front of you!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for you." At the end of the gallery, Xingjian sat lazily on the luxurious throne.

With half-empty eyes, he stared at Ying Lili in the gallery from a distance.

After more than half a year, Ying Lili really hasn't changed at all, it's still the same as before, just a little bit of bullying, tears came out.

Among the girls he met in his dream, Ying Lili shed the most tears.

Like other people, he basically never saw them cry, even if there were, they were tears when they were extremely happy, and they couldn't be confused with Ying Lili's tears at all.

Oh~ I almost forgot, Ying Lili also had tears of happiness...

"Heh~" Thinking of the past, Xingjian's happiness index rose again.

He looked at Ying Lili from a distance, with some burning expectation in his eyes.

Yinglili, come quickly, I am waiting for you here.

After you enter the arena, the show can officially begin...


In the gallery, Ying Lili is groping for the air wall in front of her.

She was looking for loopholes in the air wall, to see if there was a way to pass without admiring the oil paintings.

She really didn't want to appreciate those oil paintings, who would have nothing to do to appreciate her own body paintings?Especially this body painting is probably not right...

After groping for a while, Ying Lili gave up the idea of ​​taking a shortcut.

Xingjian that bastard didn't give her a chance to take advantage of any loopholes.

The air wall is so tightly sealed that there is not even a single gap that can be touched, and the air wall will not gradually open up over time. If she doesn't appreciate the paintings, the air wall will just get stuck there and not move.

"Tsk~ bastard, just wait for me..."

After Ying Lili cursed secretly, she reluctantly turned her head to admire the giant oil painting.

First of all, it was the oil painting she had seen just now. She had only seen the left half of that painting, and hadn't seen the right half.

The left half is her standing on tiptoes on the high table, and the right half is...

Ying Lili blushed, and quickly scanned the right half of the painting.

Then, she quickly turned her head to look at the giant oil painting on the other wall.

In this painting, she is wearing a half-covered silk pajamas, lying sideways on the grass with a blurred expression.

Beside her, Xing Jian was playing with her hair with a charming smile.


Ying Lili clenched her lower lip, feeling ashamed and angry at the same time.

Naturally, there is no need to mention why he was shy, but as for the anger, it was because of Xingjian's attitude.

This bastard obviously remembers everything, why does he still bully her?Can't we meet up? !

A little annoyed, Ying Lili touched the air wall in front of her.

"Sure enough, it's gone..." Ying Lili, who touched an empty space, became more and more annoyed.

With resentment in her heart, she went all the way forward to appreciate it.

The more Ying Lili looked at it, the angrier she became.

But after watching too much, Ying Lili gradually became numb...

She mechanically "appreciated" the art paintings on the wall until her eyes touched the last painting...

Ying Lili's expression suddenly changed.

352. "A dream that makes people need a bath..."

The last painting is completely different from the previous ones that showed the beauty of the human body. In the painting, she and Xingjian are both wearing ordinary and simple summer clothes.

Wearing a white dress with tears in her eyes, she roared at Xingjian not far away with half anger and half resentment.

But Xing Jian's eyes were not on her at all, Xing Jian frowned and lowered his head, he didn't know if he was thinking of a solution, or he was simply impatient with her.

It's probably the latter...

After all, after this scene, Xing Jian never led her into the dream again...

Looking at the star view on the painting, Ying Lili suddenly felt like shrinking back.

In fact, she and Xingjian ended up having a fight. On the last night, under the stimulation of Xingjian, she was full of anger and cursed many ugly words without restraint.

Afterwards, her mind went blank, and she couldn't even remember what she scolded, but only remembered the way Xing Jian frowned...

Xingjian usually has a smile on her face. Before that night, in her impression, no matter how much she struggled, Xingjian would always have a smile on her face from beginning to end. It never completely disappeared.

The smile on Xing Jian's face is actually very easy to understand. He was enjoying the smile of life at that time. He is very satisfied with his current life, so he can keep a little smile no matter what.

But that night, she lost Xingjian's smile...

Xingjian must be dissatisfied with her!

This is the most definite conclusion that Ying Lili has drawn after repeated reviews.

Afterwards, Yinglili herself became upset.

Why? !

Xingjian why are you dissatisfied with me? !Shouldn't it be me who is dissatisfied? !What qualifications do you have to be dissatisfied? !

You've been teasing me and doing so many things to me, it's good that I didn't retaliate against you!Do you still have the right to be dissatisfied with me? !Do you have a conscience, bastard? !

Ying Lili thought so.

Then, in repeated memories, her negative emotions continued to pile up, and finally the flood burst, and she made a decision.

Find out the stars!Take revenge on him! !


After the decision was made, Ying Lili hesitated again, she thought of a person, the person who caused her and Xingjian to break up.

That's right, that person is her childhood sweetheart An Yilun.

If it wasn't for him, how could she and Xingjian...

No, it was Xingjian's own possessiveness that was at work. If Xingjian hadn't deliberately stimulated him, the situation would not have developed to such a point.

No, it's not right, if she switches positions, she may take the same action as Xingjian, and may even be more radical than Xingjian.

From this matter alone, I can't blame Xingjian, and I can't blame An Yilun, after all, An Yilun has been a "setting" of her from the beginning to the end, and has never appeared in front of Xingjian.

After all the calculations, she can only blame herself for this matter.

Blame her own indecision...

What Xing Jian said may be true.

"It's just a nonsense between children, but it can still become your heart disease, Ying Lili, you have really taught me a lot."

"Heh~ Speaking of it, that person's mind is quite small. Could it be that he characterized your behavior, Ying Lili, as a betrayal? If that's the case, that person's tolerance is a bit unbearable."

"By the way, you haven't talked to each other for a few years? Let me calculate. When I was young, it was probably in the third and fourth years of primary school. Now that you are a freshman in high school, that is to say, you haven't taken the initiative to talk to each other for five or six years."

"Huo~ is amazing, this perseverance to hold grudges is quite admirable, it's okay if you are arrogant, but that one is a bit... emm~ Could it be that he is also arrogant?"

"Hehehe~ It's very interesting. If that person can always remember the grudge and doesn't take the initiative to talk to you, I will also admire it."


"If one day, he begs you for something, it will be even more interesting. After all, this is also a kind of growth. A man can bend and stretch, and he can earn more benefits if he is wronged. It is also a good choice. .”

At first, she didn't take what Xingjian said to her heart.

Because the facts that Xingjian guessed from side-by-side were not all correct, she kept some details in her heart and never revealed them.

For example, it's not that she and An Yilun haven't talked to each other all the time.

In the third year after the conflict, she and An Yilun also happened to exchange two or three sentences...

Well, it was purely a coincidence that when she and her mother were "shopping" in Akihabara, they happened to meet An Yilun who was out to buy galgames, and under the urging of her mother, she and An Yilun also said a few words.

The biggest effect of these two or three sentences is that she and An Yilun also went from ignoring each other to greeting each other occasionally.

Then this situation lasted for more than two years before taking another step forward, and this step was pushed by others.

That's right, the promoter is her mother again.

One day, her mother suddenly wanted to play the latest game of a certain galgame on a whim. At that time, that galgame was sold out, so her mother asked her to borrow it from An Yilun.

She didn't want to initiate a conversation with An Yilun, but under her mother's persuasion, she could only bite the bullet and agree.

But, let her take the initiative to talk to An Yilun to borrow something?how can that be!

She started her little head, and after thinking hard for a while, she really came up with a good idea.

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