"None of your business!" Ying Lili's tone became more and more rough, without any trace of the elegance of a young lady.

"Hehehe~ Let me rub it for you~" Xingjian didn't care about Yinglili's answer, he stretched out his hand talking to himself, and rubbed Yinglili's chest.

"Hey..." Ying Lili was stunned, she looked down at Xingjian's hand on her chest, and it took three seconds to react.

"Xingjian Qingchuan! You beast! Go to hell!"

Ying Lili, whose pretty face was flushed, jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards Xingjian again with a jaw-dropping momentum.

Not surprisingly, Ying Lili missed again, but this time she was not tripped.

The moment she was about to attack Xingjian, Xingjian had teleported back to the throne.

"Yinglili, you are still the same as before, nothing has changed at all."

Xingjian, who was leaning on the luxurious throne, looked at Yinglili with a little regret.

"I want you to take care of it!" Ying Lili stared at Xingjian not to be outdone.

Xingjian rested his chin with one hand, and looked at Yinglili with interest.

I have to say, no matter how many times you see the glaring expression of the beautiful girl, you will never get tired of it.

That "I want to kill you, but I can't do it" anger is an addictive drug.

"Bastard! Where are you looking?!"

Sensing that Xingjian's gaze was going downhill, Ying Lili quickly covered her chest and scolded angrily.

"En?" Xing Jian raised his eyebrows, and said with a strange expression: "Ying Lili, what do you mean? How much do you have, don't I know? You know, we used to be "best friends" who knew everything. Ah, your actions are too outlandish now, aren't you?"

"And..." Xing Jian raised his brows and eyes, and his smile deepened, "And I tested it with my hand just now, and you really haven't made any progress in the past six months. If that's the case, don't see me like that." Outside~"

"When old friends meet, be more sincere and frank. For example, we can first..."

"Hoshimi Kiyokawa!!" Ying Lili gritted her teeth and interrupted the chattering Hoshimi, "What are you trying to do by pulling me in?!"

"What are you doing?" Xingjian asked with a smile, holding his chin, "Yinglili, do you still remember what you said on the last night?"

Ying Lili replied rudely, "I talked too much that night, how do I know what you said!"

"Oh?" Xing Jian kept smiling, and said calmly: "Okay, then I'll help you recall, that night, you once said, 'A person like me will never find a girlfriend in his life. , doomed to be alone forever', how? Do you have any impression?"

"..." Yinglili stared at Xingjian without saying a word.

The memory of that night was too ambiguous, and she couldn't remember what she said impulsively.

"Look at Ying Lili, you don't remember?"

"Heh~" Ying Lili sneered, "So what if I remember, so what if I don't remember, am I wrong? A bastard like you, no one will take a fancy to you!"

"Hehehe~" Xingjian laughed, very brightly.

He raised his legs and said with a playful look: "It's a pity~ What a pity~ I let you down, Yinglili, I have already found a girlfriend, and..."

Xingjian raised his head slightly, his crimson eyes shone with a strange glow, "And it's not one, it's two~"

"?!!" Ying Lili's beautiful eyes opened slightly, and she froze in place as if struck by lightning.

Her lips trembled, trying to say something, but no sound came out.

"Yinglili, look, these are my two girlfriends~~" Xingjian snapped his fingers, and puppets of Yukino and Qinzi appeared on both sides of the throne.

As for Shiyu, he has not revealed its existence for the time being. After all, Yinglili and Shiyu are in the same school. Once it is exposed, there may be big problems in a short time.

"Yinglili, how are you? Are my two girlfriends pretty?" Xingjian looked at Yinglili with a smile.

"..." Ying Lili's face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After scanning the two puppets, an imperceptible sense of loss flashed in the depths of her eyes.

It goes without saying that she is beautiful. There are many problems with Xingjian, but the vision is the only one that is undoubtedly top-notch.


Ying Lili quietly glanced at the chests of the two dolls.

These two are really flat...

Anyway, she still has some, but these two are really sad, probably AA at most.

One AA, she can also understand it as a coincidence, but both are AA, which is a bit...

Xingjian, does this bastard like poor breasts?

No, before this bastard clearly said something like "Ying Lili, if you could be bigger, you would be perfect", at that time Xingjian obviously spoke from his heart, there can be no mistake.

It's only been half a year, and Xingjian's taste has changed?

"Yinglili, why don't you speak? Could it be that you are so shocked that you can't speak?" Xingjian interrupted Yinglili's mental activities in a timely manner.

"Hmph!" Ying Lili snorted coldly, and taunted mercilessly: "What about the two? They must all come after your skin. When you disfigure one day, they will definitely turn around and leave."

355. "Yingli pear, danger!"

"Oh?" Xing Jian beckoned, and the two puppets stepped forward, bent down and moved their faces to Xing Jian's side.

"Yinglili, now you look at the faces of the three of us, tell me again what they are here for?"

"Uh..." Yinglili's eyes flashed a little bit of imperceptible embarrassment.

Three beautiful faces, one on top of the other, were put together, and no one with a discerning eye could really tell that the two girls came here for Xingjian's skin.

"Hmph!" Ying Lili snorted coldly, and said again, "So what if it's not skin? It must be for your family's money!!"

Xingjian blinked, holding Xue Nai's doll in one hand, and Qinzi's doll in the other, and introduced with a smile: "Come, come, Ying Lili, let me introduce you."

Xingjian raised Qinzi's hand, "This is Qinzi, the eldest lady of the family. I don't know the details of her family's financial resources, but it should not be worse than yours."

Then, Xing Jian raised Xue Nai's hand again, "This is Xue Nai, the second young lady of the family. Her family's financial resources are a little bit weaker, but she is also a wealthy local family, and she is not short of money."

"You said, the two of them...would come for my family's money?"

"..." Ying Lili was speechless, she glanced at the smiling Xingjian, and said angrily, "Xingjian Qingchuan! What do you mean?! Pull me in just to show off?!"

"Hey~ You're right, I'm here to show off." Xing Jian took the two dolls into his arms and puffed out his chest confidently.

"You!!" Ying Lili's pretty face flushed with anger, trembling slightly.

She glared at Xingjian, and said word by word: "Xingjian Qingchuan! Since you have finished showing off, you should let me go too?!"

"Huh? I said I want to show off, but I'm not just for showing off." Xing Jian waved his hand, and the two dolls disappeared out of thin air.

He rested his chin, leaned on the throne, and looked at Yinglili with a smile, "Yinglili, I have another purpose for coming to you today, and guess what it is?"

"Hmph!" Ying Lili crossed her arms and said disdainfully, "I don't want to talk about it! Only ghosts can guess!"

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight." Xingjian looked at Ying Lili meaningfully, "If I'm not wrong, Ying Lili, you should participate in this year's summer CM, right?"

Ying Lili: "So what?"

"It's nothing, it's just..." Xingjian's smile gradually deepened, "I want to ask Ying Lili if your notebook is ready?"

Mentioning the book, Ying Lili's breath became stagnant, and the whole person immediately panicked, and some unbearable tragic memories played in a loop in her mind.

"Oh~" Ying Lili, who suddenly felt numb in her body, said hastily, "No! I haven't painted yet!"

"Really? That's just right. As a friend, I happen to want to provide you with some inspiration. It's great that you didn't start painting." Xing Jian's mouth was cracked, and his sinister intentions were completely exposed.

"?!!" Ying Lili, who was in a turmoil, protected her chest, took a few steps back, and stammered: "See you...what are you going to do...I warn you...don't act recklessly, You are a family man now...if you still mess around...be careful to be snapped off."

Xingjian stood up with a smile, and walked slowly towards Yinglili like a leisurely stroll.

"Yinglili, you don't have to worry about this issue for me. Qinzi and Xue Nai are very generous people, and they won't mind having one or two more sisters."

"Huh?!" Ying Lili was startled.

What the hell?Is there such a girl in modern society?A man who doesn't mind sharing himself with others?

No, it's definitely not true, Xingjian must be lying!

"Xingjian! You say..." Ying Lili just wanted to expose Xingjian's lie, but in the blink of an eye, Xingjian who was still a few meters away suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, fixedly looking into her eyes .

"?!!" Her pupils constricted, and she was so frightened that she wanted to back away.

But as soon as he took a step back, Xingjian's index finger touched the center of her chest.

Immediately afterwards, her limbs were bound by a golden chain, and before she could react, the chain slammed, and she was suspended in the air in a large shape.

"Xingjian! What do you want to do?!" Ying Lili, whose body was suspended in the air, struggled half in panic and half in embarrassment.

here we go again!This beast is doing it again!

This was the case before, and it is still the case now, nothing has changed at all because of having a girlfriend.

"Hmm~" Xing Jian looked up at Ying Lili, and said with a smile, "Didn't I say that? I want to help you find inspiration."

"Ahaha..." Ying Lili laughed awkwardly, "Xingjian, I was just joking, but in fact, I have almost finished the painting, and I don't need additional inspiration."

"Oh? Really?" Xingjian crossed his arms and asked with great interest: "How's the plot? How's the storyboard? How's the action? How's the posture? Tell me everything, and I'll let you down."

"..." Ying Lili's expression froze.

Based on her experience in the dream, she knew exactly what would happen after she said it.

Thinking of the plot of her own book, Ying Lili's face changed violently. She is an artist of the abuse series, and her works are almost all of the abuse series, and this work is no exception...

"Hmm~" Ying Lili gritted her teeth, and looked at Xingjian in embarrassment, "Xingjian, you are too much, don't you call yourself my friend? How can anyone hang up his friend?"

Xingjian beckoned, and lowered the height of Yinglili's suspension a little, so that her line of sight was just at the same level as her own.

Then, he went around behind Ying Lili and hugged her into his arms.

"?!!" Ying Lili's body froze, the original struggling behavior stopped instantly, and the whole person seemed to become a doll that could not move.

"Huh~~~" Xingjian took a deep breath at Yinglili's neck, "Not bad, it's still the original taste."

Yingli Li: "..."

Familiar temperature, familiar embrace, familiar voice, familiar body position...and that familiar sense of danger.

Everything is telling Ying Lili one thing, she has once again fallen into the clutches of Xingjian.

"Where's your friend~" Xing Jian whispered in Ying Lili's ear, "Ying Lili, is there any friend like you? It's been a long time since I met you, and I yelled when I met you."

Ying Lili bit her lip and said softly, "I didn't yell."

She just spoke a little louder, and a little emotionally agitated, not yelling at all.

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