"Hehe, you will be whipped for sophistry on my site. I'll give you another chance. Think about whether you yelled or not."

After finishing speaking, Xingjian gently licked Ying Lili's earlobe.

"Hiss~~~" Ying Lili's delicate body trembled, and she involuntarily gasped.

Knowing that Xingjian is very dangerous now, she swallowed her saliva, and said in a trembling voice: "Xingjian, I admit that my voice was a bit loud just now, but it was all the excitement of reunion, you should understand."

In any case, the dangerous Xingjian must be stabilized first, if not, she will be in danger...

"Understood, of course I can understand, so accept this inspiration, as a friend, I carefully prepared it for you."

"?!!" Yinglili's pupils shrank.

It's over!Hopeless.........

356、『Come, call Dad』

After an unknown period of time, Yinglili, who was still hanging in the air by the golden chain, was like an eggplant beaten by frost, and her whole body was wilted.

And Xingjian returned to the throne, picking his teeth with a toothpick with a relaxed expression.

After a while, Xing Jian seemed to feel that the toothpick was not suitable for the current atmosphere. He thought for a while, raised his hand and lit a cigarette. He didn't smoke it, but just quietly watched the cigarette burn out.

When the last trace of cigarette ash fell to the ground, Xingjian threw away the cigarette butt and stretched comfortably.


A lazy waist, a yawn, as if exhausting all the energy of Xing Jian, he narrowed his eyes like a cat in the afternoon, and his whole body instantly became lazy.

Feeling his perfect body, Xing Jian couldn't help but sigh, it's still a good dream...No matter how much you play, you won't be disturbed by fatigue.

Unlike the reality, after what happened on Saturday night, by Monday, his body was still uncomfortable in many places, especially in the lower back, where there was still an extremely uncomfortable soreness.

It's just that a dream is a dream after all, no matter how real it is, it is still a dream. In some things, the meaning contained in reality is completely beyond what dreams can match.


Xing Jian shook his head and stopped thinking about those annoying things.

He rested his chin and looked up at Ying Lili who was still hanging in the air.

This guy is really no different from a puppy, he will start barking and barking after being provoked and teased at will, but if he sees you take out a stick, he will immediately become obedient.

This arrogant temperament, which is hard on the outside and soft on the inside, has not changed at all compared to before...

"Yinglili..." Xingjian's figure flashed, and she teleported in front of Yinglili, and reached out to pat her flushed face, "Come back to your senses, stop floating."

"Hmm~" Ying Lili looked at Xingjian with blurred eyes, and the focal length of her pupils gradually condensed at an extremely slow speed.

After a while, Ying Lili's consciousness of floating in the clouds finally subsided. She looked at Xing Jian who was close at Chi Chi, and subconsciously rubbed Xing Jian's palm.

"So cute~" Xingjian raised his brows and eyes, and pinched Ying Lili's fluffy fair skin with a smile.

Stimulated by the slight pain, Ying Lili speeded up to wake up, and she completely regained her senses. She looked at Xing Jian, and her pretty face was covered with a layer of delicate glow that was visible to the naked eye.

"Bastard~ beast~ scum~" Ying Lili wanted to scold, but her limp voice turned her scolding into a lover's joke.

"Heh~" Xingjian chuckled, kneading Yinglili's face with both hands, "I don't even have the strength to scold people, and you still say you want to take revenge on me? Yinglili, you are so cute~"

"Hmm~" Ying Lili wanted to put on a vicious expression, but Xingjian's hands were messing with her face, and she couldn't make an expression according to her own will.


Not long after, Xing Jian withdrew his hands in satisfaction, and at the same time released the golden chain that bound Ying Lili.

The chain disappeared, and Ying Lili, who was suspended in the air, slowly fell to the ground under the lift of an invisible force.

Ying Lili glanced at Xingjian, and muttered in a low voice: "Bastard...you still have a little bit of conscience..."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Xingjian squatted down, and met Yinglili with a smile.

"Hmph~ It's nothing!" Ying Lili turned her head, with a proud look of disdain to meet Xing Jian's eyes.

But the corner of her eye was always paying attention to Xingjian.

Looking at Yinglili's standard arrogant posture, Xingjian's smile became deeper and deeper.

He leaned his upper body forward slightly, and asked meaningfully, "Yinglili, do you know what time it is?"

"How do I know? I don't have a watch." Ying Lili's tone was extremely unkind, as if she didn't want to cooperate with Xingjian's trick.

Xingjian didn't care about Yinglili's attitude, he looked at Yinglili, and said lovingly: "Yinglili, it's 12 o'clock now~ You should understand the meaning of this time, right?"

"Huh? What's wrong at 12 o'clock? Isn't it noon? What can I ask..."

As she spoke, Ying Lili reacted abruptly.

Isn't 12:[-] noon the end of the morning class?

Has it been so long?Did she think that only one or two hours had passed, but it turned out that four hours had passed?

"Ying Lili, it seems that you have come to your senses. It will be 12 o'clock, that is, get out of class will end immediately, and lunch break will begin."

Xingjian leaned forward, leaned close to Yinglili's ear, and said playfully, "Yinglili, if you say that I don't let you go, what will happen in reality?"

"?!!" Yinglili's pupils shrank, which reflected Xingjian's sinister intentions.

During the lunch break at noon, her ordinary friends would definitely wake her up for dinner, and if she couldn't wake her up, they would panic and notify the teacher!

Then the teacher will definitely send her to the infirmary first, and contact her parents at the same time.

While her parents were rushing to the school, the female teacher in the infirmary would definitely check her condition first, so that she could give her parents an explanation.

If it was under normal circumstances, it would be nothing if she was trapped in a dream by Xingjian, at most it would make her parents worry.


The current situation is TM abnormal! !

Right now, she can't be checked by the female teacher. Once checked, it will be a super desperate event that will cause social death! ! !

Afterwards, if her mother found out about the specific situation, it would not only be a social death, but also a family death! ! !

"Xingjian! Let me go! Please..." Ying Lili panicked. She pulled Xingjian's sleeve and pretended to be pitiful.

She knew that Xing Jian actually liked to see her like this the most, every time she put on this picture, Xing Jian's eyes would light up.

But under normal circumstances, she would never do such a degrading behavior, and she would only do so under extremely special circumstances.

For example now...

"Do you want to leave?" Xingjian asked with a deep smile.

"Yeah~ I want to leave~" Ying Lili nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Xingjian smiled, "Call me Dad."

"Huh?!" Ying Lili was stunned.

"Call Dad, I'll let you go, or you can stay with me until tomorrow."

"?!!" Yinglili looked at Xingjian in disbelief.

She wanted to punch Fei Xingjian, but she refused to agree to his request.


Social death...Family death, if this is really discovered, her life will be over...

"Yinglili, what are you hesitating about? Anyway, it's not the first time you bark, so what if you bark a few more times?" Xingjian leaned close to Yinglili's ear to bewitch her.

"..." Ying Lili looked confused.

As Xingjian said, this is indeed not the first time, and even she couldn't figure out how many times it was.

But in a conscious state, this is the real first time...

I always feel that if she calls out now, she seems to lose something...

"Yinglili, just to remind you, there are still ten seconds until 12 noon."


Each number seemed to hit Ying Lili's heart, destroying her psychological defense bit by bit.


When the last number was left, Ying Lili's psychological defense was completely overwhelmed.

She closed her eyes and whispered in a low voice with shame: "Dad..."

"Huh? The voice is too low, I can't hear it." Xingjian smiled like a devil and reminded by the way: "By the way, the bell has already rang, you better hurry up ~ or else..."

"Dad! Dad! Dad!!" Panicked, Ying Lili let go of her voice and yelled three times.

"Hey~" Xing Jian replied in a relaxed mood, "Father will let you go now."


Dreams began to shatter like glass.

Ying Lili knew that this was a precursor to leaving the dream.

She opened her eyes and stared at Xingjian with shame and anger.

See Kiyokawa!You wait for me! !I will definitely take revenge on you!absolute! !

Shame today!In the future, I will definitely pay back a hundredfold! !


On the eve of the complete shattering of the dream, Xing Jian teleported behind Ying Lili, pressed her ear, and said meaningfully: "Daughter, you are awesome~"


A simple compliment, but irritating, Ying Lili was furious and couldn't help cursing.


"Ahhh!! I'm going to kill you!!"

In reality, Ying Lili woke up and stood up abruptly, roaring madly.

Dead silence, an extremely disturbing dead silence, Class G of the second year in class fell into absolute dead silence because of Eirari's furious roar.

All eyes were on Ying Lili, and puzzled, puzzled, confused, and astonished eyes intertwined on Ying Lili's side.

Ying Lili, who was blinded by anger, did not realize her situation immediately.

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