It was only after two or three seconds that she realized that something was wrong.


When she looked up, she happened to meet the eyes of the female teacher on the podium. Her breathing was stagnant, and she turned her head stiffly to look.

Looking at the classmates in the class, Ying Lili's facial muscles twitched slightly, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

It's over, what now?

"Ahaha~~ It seems that Sawamura-san didn't rest very well, and she was having nightmares."

Before Ying Lili could figure out a way, the female teacher on the podium helped her out first.

She smiled and beckoned Eriri to sit down, "Sawamura-san, sit down, listen to the class carefully, and don't sleep anymore."

"Okay..." Ying Lili squeezed out a smile with a stiff expression.

"Okay, let's go to class."

After Ying Lili sat down, the female teacher patted the blackboard to attract the attention of the students in the class.

It's just that there are still some students who are secretly paying attention to Eriri, who made a "shocking move".

"..." Ying Lili endured the strange eyes of her classmates and pretended to be listening to the class seriously.

After a long while, those students who were paying attention secretly looked back one after another.

Ying Lili, who was finally freed, secretly took out her mobile phone while no one was paying attention, and checked the time.

11:44, 16 minutes before get out of class ends at noon!

In other words, Xingjian that bastard is lying to her again! ! !


Ying Lili clenched her teeth, wishing she could find that bastard Xingmi Qingchuan right now, eat his flesh, drink his blood, and let him know what cruelty is! !

Decided!Don't wait!Find out now! !

She can't bear it anymore! !

Xing sees that bastard has a girlfriend and provokes her!And it's even worse than before!Is there any reason for this? !

That bastard Xingjian must be taught a lesson!Let him know that she Sawamura Spencer Eriri is not to be messed with!

"Jingle bell~~~"

A short time later, the bell rang and the morning class ended.

Two girls who have a good relationship with Ying Lili came over to ask Ying Lili what was going on in class.

Ying Lili extended the reason given by the teacher, saying that she was going to participate in an art competition recently, and she was under too much pressure. She stayed up all night practicing all night last night, and then couldn't help but want to rest today. Who knew that she had a nightmare.

Once the reason was clarified, it didn’t take long for it to spread throughout Class G of Year 2. After the students in the class talked about it for a while, no one cared about it. Small talk, and other interesting gossip can not be compared.

It's just that because the whole school of Yinglili recognized her as a beauty, this matter may have been circulated for a little longer...


Time moves forward a little, to the time point when Yinglili just left the dreamland.


The dream was shattered, and Xingjian sent Ying Lili to leave the dream, but he himself did not leave the dream.

He returned to the water tower of the tallest building, looking at the end of the sky with distant eyes.

If you stimulate it like this, Ying Lili will come to your door soon, right?

What method will Yinglili take?It shouldn't be too intense, that girl's temper is very soft, and she may not dare to do many things when she thinks about it.

If his guess is correct, after Ying Lili finds him, she may not dare to come to him directly.

As a book artist, that girl has a lot of associations, and she will most likely be worried about what to do if she comes to her door and is eaten by him.


"Heh~" Xingjian chuckled, and already had a rough idea of ​​what Yinglili would do.

"Come on, I'm waiting for you, but don't back down..."


"Jingle bell~~"

At 12:[-] noon, the bell of Zongwu High School for the end of get out of class rang on time, and Xing Jian woke up on time.

Facing the warm sunlight, he stretched comfortably.


Halfway through, Xingjian clutched his lower back with a distressed expression.

"Waist, is it still hurting?" Hearing Xingjian's cry of pain, Xue Naie asked with a slight frown.

Xingjian: "Well, I'm still a little uncomfortable."

Xue Nai: "Go to the service department, I'll rub it for you again."

"Well, Yukino, you are so kind."

"..." Xue Nai squinted her eyes, and an imperceptible glint flashed in the depths of her eyes.

357. "Star Sees "Green" River"

"How should she respond to that little brat's shameless attack?"

During the morning class, whenever Xue Nai's eyes touched the sleeping Hoshimi next door, she would involuntarily start thinking about this question.

Finally, after thinking about it a dozen times, she came up with an unthinkable but reasonable answer.

If Xingjian becomes "Xingjian Qingchuan", then can she not care about that little guy's constant attack?

It seems to be the case... After all, half of the fruits of victory have been lost, so what if we continue to attack?Could it be that the little one can completely take away the remaining half of the fruits of victory?

In this way, there is a solution to deal with it, but there are still two prerequisites before it can be implemented.

First, how would she turn Xingjian into "Xingjian Qingchuan" while sticking to the bottom line.

Second, she can't take the initiative to bring up this matter, or even show too obvious tendency, otherwise Xingjian will catch her flaws and win in one fell swoop. She can only lure Xingjian to take the initiative in a subtle way.

Of the two conditions, the seemingly demanding second point is actually relatively simple.

Having been with Xingjian for so long, she can be considered to have figured out some of Xingjian's action rules and thinking patterns. As long as she puts a little effort into it, it is actually not difficult to achieve the second point.

The real difficulty is the first point, which not only tests her skills, but also tests her rationality...

Once the rationality is relaxed a little, the result is...

"..." Xue Nai pursed her lips, an intoxicating blush appeared on her delicate face.

She looked at Xing Jian lying on the sofa, and unconsciously increased the strength of her hands.

"Oh~~~comfortable~~this is here~a little more force~" Xingjian who was touched by the sore spot narrowed his eyes comfortably.

"Is it here?" Xue Nao's slender hands stopped, and pressed down twice on Xing Jian's lower back muscles.

"En~~~This is it~~" Xingjian's comfortable voice trembled a little.

Xue Nai increased her strength and pressed Xing Jian's lower back muscles regularly.

"En~~~It's comfortable~~Put a little more force...."

"En~~~ It's a bit heavy, a little lighter, just this strength, just right~En~~~"

Hearing Xingjian humming Qingqing, the strangeness in Xue Nai's eyes became more and more obvious.

She bent down and stuck to Xing Jian's side face, and asked with rippling eyes: "How do you feel? Does your waist still hurt?"

"Well, it's much better..." Looking at Xue Nao who was close to Chi Chi, Xing Jian's eyes suddenly changed a little.

"Really? That's good, do you want to continue the massage?" Xue Nai maintained her original state and continued to ask.

At this moment, she could clearly feel that every time she exhaled, it hit Xingjian's face precisely.

At the same time, she could clearly feel that Xingjian's breathing became heavier...

"I'm much better, Yukino, are you tired too? Let's stop and have lunch first." Hoshimi's red eyes were brewing a special color that Yukino was very familiar with.

Her earlobes were slightly red, and she nodded pretending not to know, "Well, yes, let's have lunch first."

As she spoke, she straightened up and turned to get the bento box and thermos that had just been placed on the long table.



As soon as her hand touched the lunch box, the light in the club room dimmed instantly.

She turned her head and saw that Xing Jian, who had drawn the curtains, was standing by the window and looking at her with a warm smile.

"What are you doing pulling the curtains?" Xue Nao, who asked knowingly, put on a blank and indifferent look.

"I want to sleep for a while after dinner, so I pulled it up first." Xingjian looked at Xue Nai calmly.

"Really?" Xue Nai seemed to believe Xingjian's nonsense.

She first took the bento box and the thermos cup to the coffee table and put them down, and then went to the locker at the back of the classroom to get the tableware.


When Xue Nai opened the locker, she heard the sound of the front door of the department room being locked.

She looked back at Xing Jian, and asked blankly, "Why did you lock the door?"

Xing Jian shrugged and said casually: "Sleep~ Of course I don't want to be disturbed by others."

"..." Xue Nai stared at Xing Jian quietly for a while, then said coldly, "Don't mess around."

"Xue Nai, you are worrying too much, you treat me as Tai Ri Tian."

"Tai Ri Tian?" Xue Nai who took out the tableware turned to look at Xing Jian, "What is that?"

"Teddy~ Teddy dog ​​in the air every day."

Xue Nai'e raised her eyebrows slightly, "Is there such a saying?"

"Uh-huh~ How about it~" Saying that, Xingjian had already sat down on the sofa.

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