He skillfully opened the bento box, picked up a small sausage and threw it into his mouth.

"It tastes good." Xingjian praised casually.

"..." Xue Nao who sat down beside Xing Jian didn't answer, she put down the tableware and asked, "What do you drink? Black tea or miso soup?"

"Let's have miso soup."

"Well, I see." Xue Nai lined up two small bowls, then picked up the thermos cup and unscrewed it, ready to pour miso soup.

"Wait..." Xing Jian suddenly grabbed Xue Nao's wrist.

"En?" Xue Nai looked at Xing Jian suspiciously.

"Hey~" Xingjian snatched the thermos cup, hugged Yukino's slender waist with a playful smile, "Xue Nai, why don't you drink black tea? Black tea is very good."

"Well, why do I have to drink..." In the middle of speaking, Xue Nai seemed to be belatedly reacting, she narrowed her eyes, and said in a slightly cold tone: "Xing Jian, do you still remember what you said just now?" What have you been?"

"Huh? What did I say?" Xingjian blinked his eyes in a daze.

"..." Xue Naie frowned slightly, as if there was nothing she could do with such a star.

She bit her lower lip, turned her head and cursed in a low voice, "Bastard, you are as good as Teddy."

"Xue Nai~" Xing Jian pinched Xue Nao's waist, and said dissatisfiedly: "You can belittle me, but you can't belittle yourself. When you say that, aren't you calling yourself a dog?"

"En?" Xue Nai was stunned for two or three seconds before she realized what was going on, she pinched Xing Jian's thigh with a pretty blushing face, "Bastard, do you want to die?"

"Hey~" Xingjian smiled and held Yukino's hand, "Don't pinch your leg, it hurts~"

"You know it hurts and you dare to talk nonsense? Seeing you..."

Before Xue Nai could finish speaking, Xingjian leaned close to Xue Nai's ear, and gently licked her earlobe, "Xue Nao~ Let's drink black tea today~ Please~ Miso soup is really not good."

"Hmm~" Xue Nai bit her lower lip, seeming to be still hesitating.

But in fact, in the blind spot of vision that Xing Jian couldn't notice, the corners of Xue Nai's mouth unconsciously hooked up slightly.

Heh~ As expected of me.

Xue Nao, who was a little proud in her heart, still looked hesitant on the outside.

"Yue Nai~~Please~~"

When Xingjian prayed again, Xue Nai let out a long sigh, and said with a slightly serious expression: "Xingjian, let's not be an example!"

"Yeah~ Yukino, you're so kind~" Xingjian with a gentle and soft tone hides a playfulness and a smile that Yukino can't detect deep in his eyes.



At the same time, Kotoko Iwanaga at Hoshimi's house always felt that something was wrong.

She touched the top of her head, only to realize that her beret was gone.

"Huh? Where's my hat?"

358. "The Hill of the Clouds is Dreaming"

At noon, when class was approaching, Xue Nai was seriously rinsing her mouth at the open-air faucet near the playground.

The faucet of this kind of open-air faucet faces upwards, which is very convenient for drinking directly. You only need to put your head on the faucet and wait for the water to spray into your mouth.

The flow of water is not fast, so there is no need to worry about being choked.


After Xue Nai finished rinsing her mouth, she didn't leave, but continued to wash her face and check Rupu's long hair for possible stains.

In the distance, Hoshimi, who was waiting for Yukino under the shade of a tree, was chatting with Kasumi Hill on his mobile phone.

"So, Xingjian, why didn't you reply to my message until now, I sent you a message at 11:30, and it's almost 1 o'clock now.What are you doing during your lunch break? 』—— Hill of Kasumi

『(●′ω`●), I was sleeping at noon, so I didn't notice any news. 』——Star See

"Oh?Xingjian, are you sure it's not because you're with other women that it's inconvenient to reply to my messages? 』—— Hill of Kasumi

"=???? (oдo), impossible!Absolutely impossible!If I saw the message, how could I not reply! 』——Star See

"yes?Well, let me trust you about the reply, but how can you explain the fact that you didn't pull me into a dream this morning? 』—— Hill of Kasumi

"(o?_o?), I said that I was listening carefully to the class in the morning, Shiwa, do you believe me? 』——Star See

"Hehe, do you believe me?And stop posting expressions!Let's get down to business, be serious! ╰_╯』—— Hill of Xia

"kindness?Shiyu, aren't you posting too?Why limit me?Double standards are not good. 』——Star See

"Speak well, or I will come to your school to look for you tomorrow!"I know where your home and your school are! 』—— Hill of Kasumi

"Ah... I was wrong, Shi Yu, you can ask, I promise to tell you everything I know. 』——Seeing the stars.

This time, Kasumi Hill did not reply in seconds, Hoshimi waited for a few seconds, and took the time to send Yuigahama an email.

"Yugahama, remember to come to the service department on time this afternoon, the problem of Hikigaya has been solved. 』

Yes, perfectly solved, obliterating a small problem with a bigger one.

Now, Hikigaya must be having a headache dealing with the issue of Kaori Orimoto in this way, and thinking about what attitude he should use to face his wanton instigator, and he has no time to take care of Yuigahama's affairs.


Kasumi Hill replied.

Hoshimi glanced at the email records with Yuigahama, saw that the email had already been read as "read", so he ignored it, and turned to continue chatting with Kasumigaoka.

"Xingjian, I want to know who you were with in the dream in the morning?"Is it the eldest lady, or the second lady? 』—— Hill of Kasumi

The eldest lady refers to Iwanaga Kotoko, and the second lady refers to Yukino Yukino.

The last time I confessed to Xia Zhiqiu, Xing Jian raised his mouth, but I didn't expect Xia Zhiqiu to remember it so firmly.

"emm~~~" Xingjian thought for a while and replied.

"It's Yukino, that is, the second lady. 』——Star See

Regarding the existence of Eriri, Hoshimi is not going to confess to Kasumigaoka for the time being.

After all, Yinglili and Kasumigaoka are in the same school, so accidents are easy to say.

"yes?Where's the second lady~ Is it fun? 』——The Hill of Xia.

"..." - Xing Jian

"Hehe, the morning problem is solved, now tell me what you are doing at noon. 』—— Hill of Kasumi

"At noon... have lunch in the club classroom, and have club activities..." - Hoshimi.

Well, Minister Yukinoshita of the Service Department and him, as the Deputy Minister, uphold the name of "Serving" and carry out correct and honest club activities.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying that.

"social activity?Xingjian, have you joined the club yet?What kind of society is it?What to do specifically, let’s listen to it. 』—— Hill of Kasumi

"The association is called the Ministry of Service. It's hard to explain the nature of the association. What exactly does it do...do the volunteers know?"The rich give out of compassion to the poor, and my Ministry of Service does something of this nature, that is, lends a helping hand to a hand in need. 』——Star See

"what? !Xing see you are kidding me?Will you help others with a bad taste?Are you sure you didn't join this society to... wait!Does this society belong to the eldest lady, or the second lady? 』—— Hill of Kasumi

"Hey~ Shiba, you are so smart, this club was established by Yukino, she is so upright~" - Hoshimi

"...I see, you joined this so-called service department just to drag that second lady into the water, right? 』—— Hill of Kasumi

"kindness?What did you say Shiba?I saw that Xue Nao was too upright, and I thought that sooner or later she would be hit to a broken head, so I had to commit myself to join the service department, so as to correct her stubborn and rigid integrity. 』——Star See

"Heh~ Just make it up!Who do you believe?Don't you men just like dragging good families into the water and persuading others to be good?Ha~man~』——Kasumi Hill

"If you say that, Shiwa, then I..." - Hoshimi

"Okay, I'm too lazy to listen to your sophistry, I just sent you a message for three things. 』—— Hill of Kasumi

"First, figure out why you didn't text me back and why you didn't lull me to sleep in the morning. 』

"Second, let me inform you to lull me to sleep this afternoon, or...o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o....."

"Third, don't forget the date on the weekend, I don't care who you are hooked up with this week, but you must be energetic to attend the date on the weekend!"Otherwise...o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o...』

"I'm done, Xingjian, do you understand? ! 』

Starlight blinked.

"clear!My dear Shiwa-sama!I promise to get the job done! 』——Star See

"Okay, class is about to start, I'll go back to the classroom and wait for you to pull me to sleep." 』—— Hill of Kasumi

"Okay~ I'm about to start class here, I'm going to the classroom now. 』——Star See

After sending the last message, Xingjian looked up, and happened to see Xue Nai walking towards him with a blank face.


Just then, the phone vibrated again.

Xing Jian thought it was Shi Yu who sent another message, so he quickly lowered his head and glanced, only to find that it was a real-time news feed.

"An explosion occurred in a warehouse in Minato-ku, Tokyo, spreading to the surrounding streets and causing a fire. The fire is being extinguished and rescued. The casualties of the people are unknown, and the cause of the explosion is unknown. The situation at the scene is as follows... Our reporter will follow up and report for you. 』

Xing Jian glanced roughly, but didn't care, he turned off the phone and put it in his pocket, and greeted Xue Nao who walked in front of him with a warm and sunny smile.

"Who are you chatting with?" Xue Nai raised her head slightly, staring at Xing Jian's eyes intently.

"It's not chatting, it's playing games." Xingjian looked at Xue Naibing's blue eyes with a constant smile.

"Games?" Xue Nai frowned slightly, "Aren't all games played horizontally? You just played vertically, right?"

359. "Eriri started to act"

Xingjian said casually: "Not all of them are horizontal screens, there are also vertical screens, just like the word development games I played just now, most of them are vertical screens."

"Really?" Xue Nao did not pursue further.

She doesn't know much about games, since Xingjian said so, then it must be.

"Let's go back to the classroom, the bell will ring soon." Xue Nai turned and walked towards the entrance of the teaching building.

"Hmm~" Xingjian took a step forward, caught up with Xue Nai, and looked at her side face with a smile.

"What are you looking at me for?" Xue Nao, who noticed Xing Jian's gaze, slightly squinted at Xing Jian.

Xingjian hooked the corner of his mouth, leaned close to Xue Nai's ear, and said with a wicked sense of humor: "Xiao Xue Nai~ After dyeing my color, no matter how much you wash it, it's useless~ That picture has been imprinted in my bones forever gone."

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