"..." Xue Nai remained silent, her delicate little ears were covered with a layer of light at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it tended to spread to her neck and face.

"Pfft~~" Seeing Xue Nai's reaction, Xing Jian couldn't help laughing.

"Xingjian Qingchuan! I think you are looking for trouble for nothing!" Xue Nai was annoyed, she grabbed the soft flesh of Xingjian's waist with her backhand, and twisted it mercilessly.

"Hiss~~wrong~~wrong~~" Xingjian who was in pain quickly held Xue Nao's hand and begged for mercy.

"Hmph!" Xue Nai broke free from Xingjian's hand, then kicked Xingjian's calf, and then quickened her pace with a cold face.

Xing Jian, who was left behind, was not in a hurry to follow, he lazily followed behind Xue Nai, and looked at Xue Nao's slender back with great interest.

The slender and slender figure looked very weak, making one worry that it might be blown away by a gust of wind.

Fortunately, Xue Nai's cold demeanor of living alone for many years added a bit of ice-cold oppression like a snow mountain to her, covering up her own weakness.

Xing Jian looked behind for a while, then quickened his pace to catch up with Xue Nai, and then, regardless of her resistance, forcibly held her hand.

Xue Nai, who still had a small emotion in her heart, stared straight ahead, it seemed that she was not ready to talk to Xingjian at all.

Xingjian didn't care, he looked at Xue Nai's side face with a smile.

After entering the teaching building, Xingjian suddenly pulled Xue Nai into the triangle area under the stairs.

"Xue Nai, you..."

Before Xue Nai could speak, Xing Jian pressed her against the wall and quickly kissed her.

At first, Xue Nai was still struggling, but after hearing the footsteps of others, Xue Nai suddenly became quiet.

She stared at Xingjian who was close at hand in embarrassment, her beautiful ice blue eyes seemed to reprimand Xingjian for not doing this.

Xing Jian's brows and eyes were bent, and the smile accumulated in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"..." Yukino had no choice but to let Xingjian do whatever she wanted.

"Jingle bell~~~"

Not long after, the class bell rang.

Seeing that Xingjian still didn't know how to restrain herself, Xue Nai immediately became rebellious, she showed her canine teeth, and bit Xingjian's lower lip hard.

"Hiss~~" Xing Jian, who was in pain, quickly stopped.

"Huh! Shameless bastard! Just like Teddy! A walking engine!" After cursing a few words in shame, Xue Nai took Hoshimi's wrist and ran to the classroom of Class J, Year 2.

At this moment, the upright Xiaoxue Nai is more and more convinced that she must have done some serious evil in her previous life, otherwise, how could she be exposed to such an unreliable thing like Xingjian in this life?

Apart from his face, talent and family background, is there anything else this bastard can do?

What a crime!


When he arrived in the classroom, Hoshimi, who was sitting in his seat, looked at Yukino's side face with dark eyes.

Xiaoxue Nai is so ruthless, she was bitten by him.

He licked the wound on the inside of his lower lip, and he could taste the slightest smell of blood.

Xiaoyukino's tiger teeth are so sharp...

That's right, Xue Nai has canine teeth, and there are two, but usually Xue Nai doesn't smile very much, and her expression is extremely rare, so it is difficult for others to find Xue Nai's canine teeth.

Only he who has been in close contact with Yukino can understand how sharp Yukino's tiger teeth are...


At this moment, the phone suddenly vibrated twice.

When Xing Jian came back to his senses, he suddenly remembered that he had promised Shi Yu to sleep in his dream.

He really can't be free, originally he planned to enjoy a slightly drunk afternoon in the afternoon, but now he can only go to the dreamland to get close to Shi Yu.

kindness?Seems like this is not bad either...

No matter how beautiful a drunken afternoon is, it is not as beautiful as a sweet and delicious girl......

Xing Jian, who came to a conclusion, rested his chin and entered the dreamland full of expectations.

Xue Nai who was seated next to him watched Xingjian close his eyes, and frowned unobtrusively.

Sleep again?

Are you really resting?Or went to a dream?

If the latter, who is he with now?Isn't that small?

"..." Xue Naie's frown deepened, and there was obvious displeasure between her brows.

In reality, with her hard work, she can turn Xingjian into "Xingjian Qingchuan".

But in the dream, she doesn't have that ability...

Forget it, it's just a dream, don't worry too much, as long as you grasp the reality is enough.

Thinking like this, Xue Nai's displeasure between her brows and eyes did not subside in the slightest, but deepened a little...


If we say that the real afternoon is slightly drunk, it is blissful, it is the hazy beauty of half-drunk.

Then, the afternoon of the dream is intoxication, it is fluttering... the desire to be immortal, it is the true beauty of indulging in it.

The good times come to an end, the two classes in the afternoon passed away in a flash, and it was time for school to end in a blink of an eye.


Private Fengzhiqi Academy, 3rd grade class C.


Kasumigaoka woke up and yawned with rippling eyes. She rested her chin on one hand, and her eyes were blurred, reminiscing about the afternoon of the dream.

When the students in the class who hadn't left woke up in Xia Zhiqiu, they unconsciously cast their eyes on her.

Looking at Kasumi Hill with glowing cheeks and blurred eyes, they were greatly surprised. For some reason, they actually read the intoxicating aura of a married woman from this untouchable "Flower of Gaoling".

The temperament of a married woman that does not belong to the campus tickles the hearts of the hot-blooded boys, and even the eyes of some girls have undergone slight changes.


Xia Zhiqiu yawned again, this is a yawn that came back to his senses.

She picked up her schoolbag and left the classroom of Class C of the third grade with a burst of fragrant wind.

After Kasumigaoka left, Class C returned to normal in 3 years, everyone continued to do their own things, and no one dared to mention the changes in Kasumigaoka just now.

After all, the goddess is holy and holy, how can a goddess who has never been approached by anyone become a wife?That's just their illusion...


"Huh? What is that guy running so fast for?"

As soon as he walked out of the teaching building, Kasumigaoka saw Ying Lili walking out of the school gate in a hurry.

"Forget it, it's none of my business." Xia Zhiqiu didn't care, she kept her own pace and walked leisurely towards the school gate.

360. "White Haired Girl"

As soon as school was over in the afternoon, Ying Lili didn't care about the three sevens and twenty ones, and ran straight home.

As soon as she got home, she quickly took a shower, changed her clothes, took out her bank card, and turned to a detective agency in Shibuya District.

When she decided to look for Xing Jian, she had taken a fancy to a detective agency with online reputation and strength, and now it was finally useful.

"The name is Hoshimi Kiyokawa. He is about 1 meters tall, and the tallest is no more than 8 meters. He has white hair and red pupils. As for the specific appearance...give me the paper and pen, and I will draw it for you."

After handing over the full-body portrait of Hoshimi to the detective agency, Eriri paid a generous deposit very generously.

Immediately, the president of the detective agency assured Yinglili on the spot that if it was as short as a week or as long as half a month, he would definitely come up with a satisfactory result for Yinglili.

After finishing the matter, Ying Lili didn't stop at the detective agency, but turned her head and left.

Next, she will go to a large stationery store in the Shibuya area to buy some art supplies.

Although she still has a lot of stock in her house, she has come all the way, so I bought some back and kept them for storage. I am too lazy to use them up next time, so I have to make another trip.

At the tram station, Ying Lili quietly waited for the train she was going to take.

After waiting for a while, Ying Lili became a little impatient. She glanced at the crowd and muttered unhappily.

"Xingjian Qingchuan...you wait for me...this account will also be settled on your head..."

"Pray...Pray not to be found by me...or else...hehehe..."

Ying Lili smiled dangerously, and the malice accumulated in her beautiful eyes was about to burst out.

After a while, I don't know what Ying Lili thought of, the malice in her eyes faded a little, replaced by strands of joy of revenge.


Suddenly, Ying Lili noticed a touch of white mixed in the crowd.

Just now, a tram arrived at the station, and the crowd poured out of the tram, and that touch of white was among the crowd getting off the bus not far from her.


Ying Lili's eyes sharpened instantly, she stared at that touch of white, and her legs moved involuntarily.

After a while, the crowd scattered in all directions, and the white hidden in the center of the crowd also appeared in her eyes.

"It's a girl..." Ying Lili murmured whether she was disappointed or happy.

That's right, Yi Xing saw the bastard's height, it should be obvious in the crowd, not like this, only a faint touch of white can be seen.

But this white-haired girl is so pretty...

Ying Lili's eyes unconsciously focused on the white-haired girl not far away.

First of all, what caught her attention the most was the white hair of this girl and Xingjian, which is so white that it feels so transparent. will not forget.

Before, she also met a white-haired person on the street, but that kind of white hair, at a glance, knew it was not Xingjian, the color was too far away...

However, every time she still would not give up, she would go around to the side to see what the other party looked like.

Of course this time is no exception, although it has been determined from the gender that it will not be Xingjian, but this hair color is almost the same as Xingjian, so she really can't just sit idly by.

She walked around carefully, trying not to attract the attention of the other party.

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