A little further... a little further and you can see...

At this moment, the other party suddenly looked sideways at Ying Lili.


Ying Lili's breathing stagnated, and she immediately froze in place.

She was sure that the other party had noticed her, but how did the other party do it? Through the crowd, she detected her, the peeper hiding in the dark, at a glance.

"Hey..." Ying Lili saw that the other party smiled at her across the crowd.

Ying Lili was at a loss for a while, and could only smile back in embarrassment.

But fortunately, thanks to the other party's proactive greeting, she at least confirmed one thing, the white-haired girl in front of her should have nothing to do with Xingjian.

After all, the other party's pupil color was too far from Xingjian's, and those eyes that were as clear as the blue sky were not the same color as Xingjian at all, on the contrary, they were more similar to her pupil color.

"A foreigner?" Ying Lili murmured in her heart.

Such pure blue pupils cannot be seen in Japanese.

She doesn't count herself, after all she is of mixed race, only half Japanese.

After confirming that the other party had nothing to do with Xing Jian, Ying Lili slipped away calmly.

In addition, it would be too embarrassing to stay where she was after being discovered by the other party. What if the other party came to find her through the crowd?

She doesn't want to communicate with unfamiliar people, especially if the other party may be a foreigner...

To be honest, as an English-Japanese mixed race, her English is actually very bad... Even the school exams are bad enough, let alone oral communication...


Ying Lili thought she had slipped away very cleverly, but she didn't notice that the white-haired girl had quietly followed behind her.

The white-haired girl whose name was not yet known got a round cap from nowhere and put it on her head. She used the cover of the crowd and the surrounding area to quietly observe behind Ying Lili.

She didn't take off her hat until she watched Ying Lili get on the tram, and walked out from behind the pillar thoughtfully.

"Tail? Probably not, the spying skills are too clumsy." The white-haired girl asked herself in her heart.

"Did she notice my hair for the first time just now? Was it curiosity? Or..." The white-haired girl played with the strands of hair next to her ears.

"In addition, that appearance, delicate and typical East Asian face with blond hair and blue eyes, is she of mixed race?"


Suddenly, the white-haired girl frowned imperceptibly.

She calmly glanced at the scene behind her through the tram window.

Then, she turned around and disappeared in the crowd.

Less than 20 seconds after the white-haired girl left, several men in civilian clothes appeared next to the pillar where she had just hidden.

After making eye contact with each other, the men scattered again, disappearing into the crowd.


On the tram, Ying Lili absent-mindedly recalled the image of the white-haired girl just now.

Speaking of which, the dress of the white-haired girl is British style, is it British?

By the way, the train that the white-haired girl was riding on must have come from the direction of Minato-ku, right?

Minato-ku, Tokyo, adjacent to Tokyo Port, is home to many foreign embassies and is the area with the strongest international atmosphere in Tokyo.

361. "The Tamed Yukino"

It is not uncommon for foreigners to come from the direction of Minato.

But speaking of the port area, Ying Lili remembered another thing.

She took out her mobile phone and checked today's political news.

"I found it, this is it..."

"Today at 12:47 noon, an explosion occurred in a warehouse in Minato-ku, Tokyo, spreading to surrounding streets and causing a fire. After investigation, the casualties are as follows: 4 people were killed, 27 people were seriously injured, and more than 300 people were slightly injured. The economic losses are countless ...'

"According to the police investigation, a large amount of dyes were stored in the warehouse. Due to improper storage, a dust explosion was caused, which led to today's catastrophe..."

"Eh? Will the dye explode too?" Ying Lili looked at the phone in surprise.

"Then what about the paint I used for painting?" Ying Lili's face changed a little, and she quickly searched on her mobile phone whether the paint would explode.

After watching for a while, Ying Lili finally felt relieved.

Although the paint is also flammable, as long as it is not intentional death, the possibility of explosion is extremely small.

Besides, the water-based pigments she commonly used are not flammable at all, and are trustworthy in terms of safety.

"Ding dong~ The next stop is Shibuya Station, passengers who want to get off, please get ready."

Hearing the notification sound of the tram, Ying Lili took her things and got ready to get off.


At the same time, the activity classroom of Sobu High Service Department.

Yukino who was sitting on the sofa reading a book quietly watched Yuigahama who was in a daze.

Today, except for Iwanaga Kotoko, the other members of the service department are all here.

Logically speaking, she should be very satisfied.

But actually it is...

"..." Looking at Yuigahama who was dazed aside, Yukino's mind was a little subtle.

From when Yubihama entered the service department in the afternoon to now, it took a total of one hour, two and ten minutes. In this short period of more than an hour, Yubihama peeked at Hoshimi at least a dozen times.

This is what she noticed, and she didn't know how many times she didn't notice.

"Are you coming again..." Seeing Yubihama recovering, Yukino withdrew her gaze and murmured silently in her heart.

Sure enough, in the next second, Yukino noticed Yubihama sneaking a glance at Xingjian who was sleeping peacefully on her lap.

After Yuigahama was in a daze again, Yukino stretched out her hand and gently stroked Hoshimi's hair.

Bastard, what did you do to Yuigahama?Why does she keep looking at you?Do you still want to attack my friend?

Don't forget what you promised me once, if you really dare to do this...

"..." Xue Nai licked her canine teeth, and the icy blue eyes showed a hint of danger imperceptibly.


Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Yukino, whose thoughts were interrupted, subconsciously looked at the front door, and Yubihama, who was in a daze, also came to his senses, looking at the front door blankly.

The little transparent Bi Qigu who was reading on the other side looked up at the door in front of him, then lowered his head and continued to read.

As for Xingjian who was sleeping peacefully, she was not disturbed at all and slept peacefully.

"Please come in." Xue Nai covered Xing Jian's ears and answered with a higher volume.


The door was opened, and it was not Yukino's expected client who walked into the service department, but...

Wearing a white dress, wearing a beret, and holding a cane, Kotoko Iwanaga.

"Good afternoon, everyone~"

Qinzi closed the door and greeted everyone with a smile.

"Yeah, Iwayong-san." Yubihama was the first to respond after being stunned for a moment.

"..." Bi Qigu shrank back, and continued to lower his sense of existence.

And Xue Nai looked at Qinzi blankly, "Why are you here? You are not feeling well, did you ask for leave?"

"Well~ I was bored at Xingjian's house, so I came here~" Qinzi glanced at Xingjian who was still sleeping, and asked instead: "How long has he been sleeping?"

"Slept all day."

"One day?" Qinzi was a little surprised, she leaned against the door, and said with a little distress: "This is not possible, I can get out of bed and walk normally, why is Xingjian still looking so tired? No way."

"..." Xue Nao's eyes turned cold, she stared at Qin Zi without saying a word, as if she wanted to see something from her.

"Senior Yukinoshita, why are you looking at me like this? Am I wrong?" Qinzi met Yukino with a smile.

After looking at Qinzi with deep eyes for a while, Xue Nai asked coldly, "What are you here for? Are you participating in club activities?"

"Well~" Qinzi spread her hands and said casually: "Didn't I just say that? Staying at home is boring, so I came to see Xing~"

"Senior Yukinoshita, you have to understand, now I really want to be with Hoshimi, after all..."

Qinzi tilted her head slightly, and said with an extremely gentle smile: "After all, we have just handed over the most precious things to each other, and now is the time to stick together~"

"..." Xue Nao's expression changed from cold to cold at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the side, listening to the conversation between the two, both Yuhihama and Hikiya were shocked to varying degrees.

Yubihama looked at the petite Qinzi in astonishment and shock.

I'm going, it's terrible, why has Xue Nai's hometown been stolen in the past weekend? !

in addition!Is there something wrong with Yukino's attitude? !He obviously knew what happened to Xingjian and Qinzi, so why didn't he show any indication at all?

She remembered very clearly that when she entered the service department just now, she saw Xue Nai and Xing Jian intimately together, the appearance of intimacy was the same as before.

very strange......

Is Yukino's heart so broad?Everyone else is blatantly stealing the house, is Xue Nai's reaction so small?

"..." Thinking so, Yuigahama glanced at Hoshimi who was still sleeping with flickering eyes.

On the other side, Hikigu was only surprised for a while at first, then he lowered his head and continued to read the book by himself.

It was completely foreseeable that Minister Yukinoshita's restraint and integrity had already determined that she would not do anything deviant. In this way, she was simply giving her rival a chance.

It will only be a matter of time before it becomes like this, so there is no need to be too surprised.

But there was one thing that puzzled him, was Minister Yukinoshita's reaction too flat?

Should it be said that Hoshimi's methods are brilliant, or that Minister Yukinoshita has a broad mind?

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