It should be the former...

It's amazing, to be able to tame such a noble Minister Yukinoshita so well.

Apart from that bad character and methods, Xing Jian is really admirable...

362. "It's so hard to open a harem..."

"Senior Yukinoshita, I've said it all, it's useless to look at me like this, and..." Qinzi cast her eyes on Xingjian who was sleeping peacefully on Yukino's lap, "Xingjian, ah~ wrong Yes, it's Qingchuan."

After Qinzi changed her words, she continued with a smile: "Qing Chuan, don't pretend to be asleep, I know you are awake."

Xingjian: "..."

I didn't wake up, I was sound asleep, don't cue.

"Xingjian, get up." Xue Nao, who was one step ahead of Qinzi, was no longer used to Xingjian, she reached out and patted Xingjian's side face.

"..." Xingjian scratched his head and sat up, thinking about what to do next.

"Qingchuan, come here, let me tell you something." Qinzi who was leaning against the door smiled and waved to Xingjian.

"En?" Xing Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, he raised his head and glanced at Qin Zi's standing posture, and instantly understood everything.

This little girl was trying to be brave, she obviously hadn't recovered yet, but she said that she was fine.

Letting him go now is clearly because he wants to hug him.

Knowing everything, Xingjian didn't tease Qinzi, he gently squeezed Xue Nao's elastic thigh, which was regarded as a notice.

Then, he got up and walked towards Qinzi.

When he was in front of Qinzi, Qinzi beckoned him to bend down again, as if he wanted to whisper to him.

Xingjian knew what Qinzi wanted to say, so he didn't follow Qinzi's instructions, but opened his arms, bent down and hugged Qinzi into his arms, just like holding a child in his arms.

"Hey~~" Knowing that her thoughts had been seen through, Qinzi took advantage of the opportunity and sat her little butt on Xingjian's arms, and at the same time lowered her head and rubbed Xingjian's side face with a smile.

"How did you come here?" Xingjian asked in a low voice beside Qinzi's ear.

"Of course it was Huangkuu who sent me here~" Qinzi whispered against Xingjian's face.

"En?" Xing Jian was slightly surprised, "Can it be done in broad daylight? Will it not be discovered by others?"

Qinzi: "Of course not, the wild skeleton can cover my body surface with his aura, making me also enter an 'invisible' state."

"It's amazing~" Xing Jian sighed, and then asked: "By the way, according to common sense, the yin energy of the wild skull should be very heavy, right? His spiritual energy should have no side effects on you, right?"

Qinzi: "Well~ I saw you thinking too much, didn't I say it before? The wild skeleton is a fierce monster. A monster of this rank can completely control its own aura freely. It doesn't matter whether it hurts people or not. The nature of the aura lies in their own will."

Xingjian: "Oh~ that's it, I've learned a lot."

After asking the questions he cared about, Xing Jian returned to the sofa with Qin Zi in his arms and sat down.

The two single sofas on the left and right sides are occupied by Bihama and Hikigu respectively, leaving only the couch in the middle.

Xingjian has no choice but to let Qinzi and Xue Nai avoid it, so he can only hold Qin Zi and sit next to Xue Nai.

As soon as she sat down, Qinzi became restless. She sat in Xingjian's arms and kept moving her butt from side to side, as if she was looking for the most comfortable position.

"Don't move around, be good." Xing Jian pinched the zither's slim waist a little harder.

"Well~" Qinzi calmed down obediently, but vaguely, she always felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Qinzi's mind.

correct!I figured it out!It was Xingjian's reaction that was wrong!In the past, when she did this, Xing Jian always had some reactions, but today there was no movement at all, which is obviously a problem.

Qinzi tilted her head back, looked at Xingjian, then looked sideways at Xue Nao who was expressionless, and she already had a conclusion in her heart.

"Hey~~ Senior Yukinoshita~ Can you answer a question for me?" Qinzi blinked her eyes and looked at Yukino with a cute face.

"En? What's the matter?" Although Xue Nai felt upset, she still maintained basic courtesy.

Qinzi tilted her head slightly, and asked with a smile: "Senior Yukinoshita, did you and Xingjian do something unsound today?"

"?!!" Xue Nai's pupils shrank, and a trace of panic flashed in the ice blue eyes.

She subconsciously looked at Xingjian, thinking that the bastard Xingjian had betrayed her, after all, the bastard just came here after talking to Qinzi in a whisper by the door.

"Hehehe~~" Seeing Xue Nao's reaction, Qinzi instantly understood, "Senior Yukinoshita, you really understand~"

"Ah~" Xing Jian sighed softly, and said helplessly: "Xue Nai, I didn't say that it was you who revealed it yourself, so be more careful in the future, and don't be scammed again."

When Qinzi asked a question, he knew that Xue Nao was going to reveal her secrets.

Sure enough, in the next second, Xue Nai cast suspicious eyes on him, and he didn't even need to think about it, he knew he was thinking of Xue Nai.

As Qinzi said, Xue Nai is really easy to understand.

"Hmm~" Yukino, who was belatedly aware, finally realized that she had been fooled.

Wait, there seems to be another problem...

The three of them are not the only ones in the service department right now, there are also two "outsiders" Yuigahama and Hikigaya.

Didn't they also hear what Qinzi and Xingjian said just now...

"!!" Yukino stagnated for breath, subconsciously glanced at Yuigahama and Hikigu.

It's better than Qigu, he concentrates on reading, as if he didn't hear anything.

But Yubihama's expression is a bit intriguing, Xiafei's cheeks and eyes dodge, I don't know what it thinks of.

"Yu..." Xue Nai's vermilion lips parted slightly, as if she still wanted to explain something.

But the next second, she gave up.

Now this situation, no matter how much it is said, it is just a cover-up.

Furthermore, she, Yukinoshita Yukino never lies...

"Well~" The little secret in her heart was punctured, and Yukino felt a burst of embarrassment.

She rolled her beautiful eyes, and stared at Xingjian angrily.

asshole!You all know that this little guy is cheating on me, why didn't you remind me earlier? !

You bastard!Just want to see me make a fool of myself!Eccentric thing!You wait for me!

"..." Xing Jian probably read what Xue Nai was thinking.

The corner of his eye twitched, and he felt dizzy.

Sure enough, Yukino is "broken". In the past, Yukino always found faults in herself, but now she finds faults in him.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

"Na~na~ Senior Yukinoshita, tell me what you and Xingjian did~" Qinzi tugged at Yukino's cuff with a smile.

"I want to study, I don't have time!" Xue Nai mercilessly knocked off Qin Zi's hand with a cold face.

"Tch~" Qinzi's smile faded away, and she curled her lips contemptuously, "Prudish, arrogant, you will be a ghost if you can win, oh~ I forgot, there is really a ghost~"

Qinzi pinched Xingjian's face with her backhand, "Huh~ such a big eccentric ghost~~"

"..." Xingjian was speechless.

When did he get biased?He has clearly leveled a bowl of water.

Why do both Qinzi and Xue Nai feel that he is biased?

Ah~ Yes, he is indeed not partial, but Qinzi and Xue Nao want too many things, so I feel that he is partial...

363、『Elbow, come home with me! 1/6』

At 05:30 in the afternoon, the club activities ended, and the five members of the service department left the school together as usual.

When he arrived at the school gate, Xingjian immediately noticed the black high-end car parked on the side of the road. He glanced at the license plate number and was sure it was Qinzi's car.

"Qinzi, do you want to go back?" Xingjian looked at Qinzi who was held in his arms.

Qin Zi shrugged, "There is no way, I must go back. After a long time, the person who pretended to be me at home is easy to reveal."

"Really? Then I'll carry you there, Xue Nai, you wait for me here." After Xing Jian turned his head and informed Xue Nai, he carried Qin Zi to the side of the car.

When there was still a long distance from the car, the female driver in the car got down and opened the door for Qinzi.

"Thank you~" Xing Jian thanked the naughty female driver when he came closer.

Not because of the problem of opening the door, but thanks to her for lending her clothes to me last time.

"You're welcome." The female driver bowed back with a cold face, wondering if she understood Xing Jian's true meaning of thanking her.

Xingjian smiled slightly, turned his head and gently put the Qinzi into the car.

"I'm going back, replenish more energy and blood, look at your face, it's a little pale." Xingjian smiled and pinched Qinzi's soft little face.

"Well~ I see~ Xingjian and you too, add more nutrition, by the way, there is one more thing..." Qinzi seemed to remember something, she hooked her fingers, motioning Xingjian to bend down.

"Huh?" Xingjian bent down, put his head in front of Qinzi's little face, and created a whispering environment for Qinzi.

"Hey~~" Qinzi hooked Xingjian's neck, and rewarded him with a thick and deep wet kiss.

After 3 minutes, Qinzi let go of Xingjian, covered her mouth with a smile, "Thank you for the hospitality~"

Xingjian smiled, held Qinzi's small head with his backhand and rubbed it, "I should say that."

"Humph ~ Xingjian you don't understand, this can only be said by the attacker, and the passive recipient is not qualified to say it ~ so~ hehehe~" Qinzi covered her mouth and chuckled lightly, her bewitching purple pupils flickered The elusive glow of man.

"You're a big kid, next time I'll see if you're still so stubborn when you beg for mercy." Xingjian understood what Qinzi meant, his right hand slid down, and he pinched Qinzi's soft little face with a deep smile.

"Hmph~" Qinzi looked at Xingjian provocatively, "No need for next time, if you have the guts, come back with me today~"

"..." Xing Jian smiled without saying a word, and directly closed the car door with his backhand.

Go to her house with Qinzi?Forget it, her parents are still at home, and if he goes there, he will probably be chased and questioned by his mother-in-law.

Later, when the mother-in-law calms down, he will consider going to Qinzi's house.

"Hey... I see you... you have kindness..."

Through the car window, Qinzi seemed to be shouting something, but due to the good sound insulation of the car window, Xing Jian could only vaguely hear a few words.

After waving goodbye to Qinzi through the car window, he turned to look at the female driver who had been standing by.

"Thank you." Xingjian said with a smile.

"It's just a matter of duty, you are welcome, sir." After the female driver bowed in return, she turned and got into the car.

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