Watching the car start, Xing Jian stood on the side of the road and watched for a certain distance before turning back to look for Xue Nai.

Xue Nai was just at the position just now, she didn't move at all, she stood there like a peony, staring at Xing Jian like a watchman.

"..." Seeing Xue Nai who was standing alone not far away, Xing Jian felt a little turmoil in his heart for some reason.

He quickened his pace, took three steps and made two steps to arrive in front of Xue Nai.

"Where are they? Gone?" Hoshimi asked Yu Bibin and Bi Qigu.

"Of course I'm leaving, what are you doing here? Look at you and that little one..." Halfway through speaking, Xue Nai suddenly stopped.

She frowned unobtrusively, and said instead: "Let's go home."

"En, good." Xingjian walked around to Xue Nai's side, and took the initiative to hold Xue Nai's slender hand.

The feeling of coldness is the same as in the past, and Xingjian can't help but feel a little bit emotional. Yukinoshita Yukino lives up to his name, just like the snow under the snow, which is always so cold.

After sighing with emotion, Xing Jian suddenly became a little worried about Xue Nao's body.

It's already early summer, why is Xue Nai's hands still so cold?Is there a physical problem?

Thinking so, Xing Jian said, "Xue Nai, do you want to go to the hospital for a physical examination?"

"En?" Xue Nai looked at Xing Jian suspiciously, "What? Are you sick?"

"..." Xing Jian's eyes twitched, and he explained patiently: "Xue Nai, I mean, do you want to go to the hospital for a check-up? It's summer, why are your hands still so cold? I'm worried about your health. It's not too empty."

"..." Xue Nai moved her little finger slightly, turned her head to look at the front, and said calmly: "You don't need to go for an inspection, it has always been like this. I have already checked it when I was a child. There is no problem, and my body is very healthy."

"Really? That's good." Xing Jian felt relieved and continued to caress Xue Nao's slender hands.

no problem that's fine...

The two held hands and walked quietly. In the noisy streets, the peace brought by tacit understanding is even more comfortable.

When passing by a raw vegetable supermarket, Xue Nai suddenly stopped, "Xingjian, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Xingjian looked up at the supermarket, and said with a faint smile, "Let's make soup with the old hen, and add some goji berries. I feel a little weak, and I need to make up for it."

"..." After being silent for a moment, Xue Nai elbowed Xing Jian's waist expressionlessly.

"Hiss~" Xing Jian, who was in pain, covered his side waist and laughed, "Xue Nai, don't do this, don't joke about your future happiness."

"Huh!" Xue Nai snorted coldly, dragged Xing Jian and wanted to leave, "Let's go, go home."

"Xue Nai, wait." Xing Jian stood still in place as if his feet had taken root, "Xue Nai, you haven't bought anything yet, what are you going to eat when you go back?"

"Hmph! You can buy and eat by yourself. I have to study at night, so I don't have time to go to the kitchen." Xue Nai looked at Xingjian with a cold face.

"Hehehe~" Xingjian smiled and dragged Xue Nai to the supermarket, "Let's go~ let's go~ I want to eat old hen stewed soup, by the way, only the soup is too weak, I still want to eat something more flavorful Yes, how about another garlic abalone?"

"No!" Xue Nai looked at Xingjian with a disgusted face, "I don't know how to make garlic abalone, I only know how to steam it, whether you like it or not."

This is a lie. How could Xue Nao, who is proficient in housework, not be able to make simple garlic abalone?

It's just that she herself dislikes the strong taste of garlic and doesn't want to do it.

"Steaming is too light, why don't you braise it? Braised in soy sauce tastes good~" Xingjian smiled and said beside Yukino's face.

364、『Please don't play with food 2/6』

"Pay attention to the influence, don't get so close." Yukino, whose body was weakened by Xingjian's breath, pushed Xingjian's waist with a look of disgust.

"Well~ well~ don't pay attention to those details, go, go, let's pick some good ingredients~"

"Well~ don't push me, I will go by myself."

Xue Nai struggled a few times, and seeing that it didn't work, she let Xingjian go.


"Yue Nai~ Xue Nai~ Look, this abalone can still spray water~ Does it look like..."

"Hoshimi Kiyokawa!! Just stand still!"

Xue Nai, who was teased to the point of being furious, grabbed the salted fish beside her and threw it at Xing Jian.

"Hey~ I flashed~ I didn't hit it~"

"Guests! Please don't play with food!"

Behind Xing Jian, the waitress whose face was covered with salted fish smiled and warned the two of them kindly.

"Um... sorry..." Xingjian maintained an awkward yet polite smile.

He took the salted fish and said solemnly: "Please rest assured, I will buy all the ingredients you have touched."

"Hmph!" Seeing that Xing Jian was so sensible and handsome, the waitress reluctantly forgave him.


"Cochin chicken, wolfberry, abalone, black sesame, yam, scallop..."

When checking out, facing the loving eyes of the cashier's aunt, Xue Naiyin gritted her teeth and tried her best to maintain a calm state.


At this moment, Xingjian hugged Xue Nai's waist, leaned close to her ear, and said in a volume that the cashier's aunt could just hear: "Don't worry, Xiao Xue Nao, I will definitely satisfy you~"

"?!!" Xue Nai's pretty face froze, her silver teeth almost gnawed into pieces.

"Hehehe~" The cashier aunt smiled lovingly, then turned her head and picked up a pack of Okamoto 003 from the counter and handed it to Xingjian, "Young man, I think you may need this."

"Thank you~ I really need it." Xing Jian accepted it with a smile.

"..." Yukino with a stiff expression stared at Xingjian's profile.

See Kiyokawa!Gratitude will be revenged, right?You wait for me!See how I deal with you when I get home!

Next, Xue Nai didn't say a word, quietly watched Xingjian pay the bill, quietly picked up the ingredients, and quietly went home with Xingjian.

After arriving at her home, Xue Nai calmly carried the ingredients to the kitchen to cook.


Outside the kitchen, looking at Xue Nai who seemed nothing had happened, Xing Jian felt an inexplicable shudder down his spine.

They all went home, didn't Xue Nai even take revenge?I'm afraid there is something big waiting for him.

Xing Jian had a toothache, he sneaked behind Xue Nai, and gently embraced her in his arms.

"Yue Nai~ I was wrong~" Xingjian apologized softly.

Xue Nai's chopping hand stopped, she squinted her eyes, and said flatly: "Well, it's good to know that you made a mistake."

"En?" Xingjian blinked suspiciously, "Xue Nai, aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?" Xue Nai said calmly while chopping the vegetables: "Compared to before, your behavior today is just child's play. I have long been used to it, so there is nothing to be angry about."

"Um... Yukino, is what you said true?" Yukino's reaction was so flat that Xing Jian couldn't help but start to believe it.

"Or else?" Xue Nai put down the kitchen knife and patted Xing Jian's hand, "Go to the living room and wait, you are too much of an obstacle here, it's not convenient for me to cut vegetables."

Xingjian let go of his hand and scratched his head unconsciously.

"Okay, then I'll go to the living room and wait."

After speaking, Xingjian was about to turn around and leave the kitchen.

He just took two steps when he heard Xue Nai say: "Xing Jian, be more mature in the future, don't always be like a child, thinking about how to have fun all day long."

Xingjian looked back at Xue Nai, seeing her calmly handling the ingredients, she felt relieved.

"I see."

After Xingjian responded, he turned his head and left the kitchen full of emotion.

Xue Nai has also grown up, so don't tease her easily in the future, it will be bad if she is really angry...


After a long time, the sumptuous dinner was finally ready.

The hungry Xingjian tasted each dish calmly before feasting on it, and after making sure that Xue Nao didn't make dark dishes to revenge him, Xingjian became a cook with peace of mind.

"Eat more and be full." Xue Nai picked out dishes for Xingjian with a faint smile.

"Enen~ Xue Nai, you are so good at cooking, you can eat too~" Xing Jian backhanded the chicken leg to Xue Nao.

"Well, I want to eat more, after all..." Before finishing speaking, Xue Nai smiled and picked up the chicken leg and took a bite.

The harmonious and happy atmosphere lasted until the end of the meal.

Satisfied with food and drink, Xing Jian finally completely let go of his guard, he slumped on the sofa, rubbing his swollen and round belly with satisfaction.

"Needle does not poke ~ Yukino your handicraft Needle does not poke ~"

Hearing Xingjian's praise, Xue Nai put down the bowl and chopsticks with a slight smile, she got up and sat down beside Xingjian, looking at his side face, her smile gradually became dangerous.

"Qingchuan, are you full? Then it's my turn."

"?!!!" Xing Jian's breath was stagnant, and the alarm bell rang in his mind instantly.

He had already guessed what would happen next when he heard Xue Nai calling his name wrongly on purpose.

"Xue Nai, don't~" Xing Jian said a little frightened: "I really can't do it, let's do it tomorrow, I promise I can do it tomorrow..."

"Hehehe~" Xue Nai covered Xingjian's mouth with a smile, "How could it be impossible after eating so many good things? I think you are doing very well. Also, weren't you very arrogant in the supermarket just now? Continue to take Try that arrogance~"

"Oh~ By the way, if you dare to pull me into a dream now, you can guess what the consequences will be."

"..." Xing Jian looked at the ceiling hopelessly.

It's over, I can only bear it, and hope nothing will happen...


After 10 o'clock in the evening, Xing Jian, who was paralyzed on the sofa, stared at the ceiling with blank eyes.

At this moment, he is thinking about the meaning of life, and is happiness really worth pursuing?


At this moment, the bathroom door opened, and a burst of white steam billowed out of the bathroom.

Immediately afterwards, Yukino, who was wearing a bath towel, walked out of the bathroom calmly.

She came to Xingjian and sat down, combing her freshly dried hair, and asked, "Xingjian, do you know what's wrong?"

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