"..." Xingjian didn't want to speak, he got up with difficulty, put his head on Xue Nai's lap and continued to lie paralyzed.

"Hmph~ I will never change my nature." Xue Nai picked up a strand of hair and poked Xing Jian's face.

"Itchy~~" Xingjian complained feebly.

"It's just itchy. If it's not itchy, why would I scratch you?" Xue Nao relentlessly scratched Xingjian with the tip of her hair.

"Oh~ that's right~" Xing Jian, who was weak all over, stopped struggling and lay down completely, letting Yukino play tricks on her.

365、『The legs are weak~ 3/6』

After scratching for a while, Yukino, who felt bored, turned to fiddle with Hoshimi's hair.

Seeing Hoshimi with half-open eyes and a listless look, Yukino suddenly asked: "Hoshimi, what did you do to Yubihama?"

"Ha~~" Xingjian yawned slightly, and explained casually: "Didn't it happen to be raining when I went to solve Yubihama's matter before? I didn't bring an umbrella and went in the rain her home."

"As a result, her mother saw it and thought we were in that kind of relationship, so she was very enthusiastic about me. Yubihama may be concerned about this matter."

"Is that so..." Yukino slipped her right hand, gently stroking Hoshimi's face.

"..." After a brief explanation, Xingjian didn't say any more.

He still understands the truth that too many words will be lost.

"Meet the stars..."


Yukino lowered her head and stared at Hoshimi steadfastly, "Tell me about how you solved the problem of Yubihama and Hikigu."

Xingjian raised his spirits a little, "Say yes, but Yukino, you have to promise me one request."

"Okay, tell me." Xue Nai agreed without hesitation.

With Xingjian's current state, she doesn't have to worry about any strange requests that Xingjian will make.

That being the case, she has nothing to fear.

"Okay, let me talk about it first, the thing is like this..." Xing Jian told Xue Nai the speech he had prepared.

He knew very well that Xue Nai would definitely ask him about this matter, so as early as in the process of dealing with the problem, he was already thinking about how to tell Xue Nai about this matter.

First of all, the ambiguous behavior with Yuigahama definitely cannot be said.

Secondly, the extraordinary methods used when matching Hikigaya and Orimoto Kaori must also be erased.

In the end, apart from the above two points, I know everything I have to say, and I also state the reasons why I want to do this.

In this way, he can be sure that Xue Nai will never notice any problems.

"...Well~ that's the way it is~"

Not long after, Xingjian finished explaining, and Yukino fell into a short state of contemplation because of the huge amount of information.

"So the injured person a year ago turned out to be Hikigaya? And Yuigahama is the owner of that dog..."

"Matching? It's a good way..."

"and also......"

Xue Nai, who was talking to herself, suddenly woke up. She held Xingjian's face and asked seriously: "Xingjian, according to your explanation, on the night of the sorority meeting, you and classmate Tianfang walked very close. Did you Did you do anything to her? As I remember, she was pretty cute."

"..." Xingjian was speechless, he expected that Xue Nai would ask, but he never expected that Xue Nai would actually ask this question.

"Say it!" Jian Xingjian didn't speak, and there was a hint of danger in Xue Nao's beautiful eyes.

"Alas~" Xing Jian sighed softly, and said helplessly: "Xue Nai, you think too much, Tian Fang is really not my type, I really have nothing to do with her."

"Oh? Xingjian are you sure?" Xue Nai squinted her eyes, and the dangerous aura in her eyes became more and more serious, "I remember that classmate Tian Fang seemed to be interested in you, right? You Teddy, would you really refuse the meat that was brought to your mouth?"

The corner of Xing Jian's mouth twitched, "Xue Nai, I'm not so hungry, although she looks really sweet, but I really don't have any feelings for her, and I've found out that she's interested in me a long time ago, and I also I’ve already figured out how to deal with it.”

"If she keeps silent on Tianfang and only has a crush on her, I will pretend that I don't know about it. If she takes the initiative to confess, I will definitely and clearly reject her."

"..." Seeing what Xingjian said clearly, Yukino chose to believe it.

She didn't continue to entangle, but turned to another question.

"Xingjian, do you think Hiratsuka-sensei knows about the car accident?"

This answer is very important. If Hiratsuka-sensei forcibly threw Hikigaya into the service department when she knew the whole picture of the car accident, then her motives would be intriguing.

And if you don't know, then nothing will happen.

Hoshimi: "Yukono, what do you think? Do you think Hiratsuka-sensei won't know about this matter? Also, Yukino, don't you realize that Hiratsuka-sensei takes good care of you? Her motivation for doing this must be without me. What more can I say?"

Snow: "..."

Although Hiratsuka-sensei is really doing it for her own good, but I have to say that Hiratsuka-sensei is a bit too nosy...

"Xingjian, what kind of person do you think Mr. Hiratsuka is?" Xue Nai looked out the window thoughtfully.

"A good teacher who likes to meddle in other people's business. He lives very smartly and sees clearly, but sometimes he is a little childish."

"?" Xue Nai looked at Xing Jian in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Xingjian saw Hiratsuka-sensei so thoroughly, and in a few words, she completely outlined the Hiratsuka-sensei in her heart.

How should I say it?As expected of Xing Jian, she is always inexplicably sophisticated in interpersonal communication.

"Xingjian, that sums it up pretty well." After a word of praise, Xue Nai showed a slight smile and asked, "By the way, what is Xingjian's request?"

"A request..." Xingjian said a little bit distressed: "I don't have it for now, can I save it for next time?"

Xue Nai'e raised her eyebrows slightly, "Yes, but there is a time limit. Within two weeks, it will become obsolete, no problem?"

Xingjian raised his hand and made an "ok" gesture.

The corners of Xue Nai's mouth curled up slightly, and she grabbed Xingjian's hand, "Xingjian, it's getting late, should you go back?"

Xingjian: "What time is it?"

Xue Nai: "It's 10:30 soon."

Xingjian: "Oh~ Then it's really time to go back, by the way, Yukino, please send me~"

Xue Nai: "En? Why?"

Xingjian turned over, buried his face in Xue Nai's lower abdomen, and said in a muffled voice, "Legs are weak, I can't walk."

"..." Xue Nai, who was speechless, raised her index finger and poked Xingjian's side face slightly forcefully, "It's very troublesome to wear clothes after I send you off, you'd better go back by yourself, just a few steps away, There is also an elevator, and we will go back after a while.”

"Xue Nai~ You have changed, you don't love me any more."

Xue Nai's index finger increased slightly, "Stop doing this, you should go back quickly."

"Okay, then I'll go back." Xingjian got up with difficulty, clutched his waist, and staggered towards the entrance.

"Alas~" Xue Nai, who was watching from behind, let out a long sigh, and tried not to help Xing Jian.

In fact, she knew very well that this bastard Xingjian was just acting.

How could it actually be that serious...

"Xue Nai, then I'm leaving."

At the entrance, seeing that Xue Nao was not fooled, Xing Jian put on his shoes with a little regret and left.



Hearing the sound of closing the door, Xue Nai scolded in a low voice, but she didn't know who she was scolding.


366、『Crack! 4/6』

At the same time, the Iwanaga family.

Qin Zi, who just went out for a trip, sat in front of the dressing table, tapping on the table thoughtfully.

Just now, she went to the old civet cat.

That's right, it's the old civet cat who gave Xingzi the "Spring Rain Sending Zidan".

After she came back in the afternoon, she immediately asked Xingzi about the origin of the "elixir". After knowing that the "elixir" came from the old civet cat, she went to the old civet cat without stopping.

Not for anything else, just to find out whether the "Spring Rain Sending Zidan" was a coincidence or someone did it on purpose.

After repeated speculative investigations, she was able to confirm that the incident of "Spring Rain Sending Zidan" was really a coincidence, not someone who wanted to murder her man.

After the truth about the pill was revealed, a new question appeared in her mind.

Why is that guy Xingjian doing nothing?

It's not that she wants Xing Jian to have an accident, but that this matter is too weird.

"Chunyu Songzi Pill", a elixir that must not be taken if it is not strong enough, Xingjian, an ordinary person who is not even a paper-level person, took the whole pill and there is nothing wrong with it?

No, maybe it's not that nothing happened, but something happened to Xing Jian, but it was resolved.

Recalling the situation that night, Qinzi's expression became more and more elusive.

She remembered that something went wrong after Xingjian drank the black tea with the elixir added. Xingjian's abnormal body temperature at that time was still a thorn in her heart.

As long as she recalled it, her limbs would feel cold unconsciously, as if she had fallen into a frozen lake that had just thawed...

"..." Qinzi bit her lip and continued to push the memories down.

After an abnormal reaction, Hoshimi fell into a coma.

When she was anxious to call an ambulance, Xing Jian miraculously woke up, and even the "serious" effect of "Chun Yu Song Zi Pill" disappeared.

"Coma...wake up..." Qinzi murmured thoughtfully.

It must be a dream, right?When Xing Jian was in a coma, he should have entered a dream.

Then, through some means in the dream, all the negative effects on his body were dispelled.

It should be roughly like this, but she couldn't be sure about the specifics in the absence of key information.

"Xingjian...you're not good..." Qinzi put her hands on her chin and smiled.

It seems that that guy Xingjian has hidden a lot of secrets.

But this is just right, she found a practice method for Xing Jian, just to defend Xing Jian.

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