The familiar temperature bloomed in the palm of Yinglili's blood, and with a blank head, she pulled Xingjian and turned away.

"Yinglili, don't be in such a hurry, just tell me where you are going, and I won't run away."

"I'm going to Akihabara! Just follow me! Why are there so many words?"

"Akihabara, I see."

Xingjian turned his left hand, and at the same time he broke free from Yingli Liyu's hand, he took advantage of the situation and held her hand with his fingers interlocked.

Immediately afterwards, Xingjian exerted strength with his left hand and pulled Yinglili back into his arms.

"Don't worry, listen to me and take your time, we don't need to take the tram, my driver is nearby, just ask her to take us there, besides, Shi Yu, I will tell Siesta to come pick us up, you can relax temporarily Open my arms."

Looking at Xing Jian who was so close at Chi Chi, Ying Lili was a little confused.

It wasn't until Xing Jian finished talking with her and turned to talk to Xia Zhiqiu that she came back to her senses.

"..." Ying Lili, who felt her cheeks burning hot, bit her lower lip, and turned her head to the side with an unnatural expression.

Kasumigaoka, who let go of Hoshimi's arm, looked at Eiriri's reaction and sneered disdainfully.

That's it?Dare to snatch a man from her? !

A loser is a loser!There will be no future in my life!

After a while, Siesta arrived in a car.

At this time, Xia Zhiqiu was no longer in the mood to get angry with Ying Lili, she took the lead in getting into the car, occupied a good position, and rested on Hoshimi's shoulder.

After shopping all morning, she is also a little tired, just in time to rest for a while...

The flags and drums of Xia Zhiqiu died down, and Ying Lili, who had no object to fight, leaned against the car window, and also fell asleep.

After a while, Ying Lili was so sleepy that she kept nodding her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Seeing that Ying Lili was helpless, Xing Jian hugged Ying Lili's fragrant shoulders, and gently let her lean on his shoulders.

Sensing the change in Yinglili's breathing rhythm, Xingjian smiled slightly, not trying to break through the disguise that she was still pretending to be asleep despite being awakened.

"Ta, drive steadily." Xingjian instructed in a low voice.

"..." Siesta nodded, and slowed down silently.

Another meaning of driving steadily is to drive slowly...

The old driver Siesta easily understood another meaning of Xingjian.

The vehicle was driving smoothly, and Siesta observed Hoshimi quietly through the interior rearview mirror.

At this moment, Xingjian was accompanied by Nephrite on the left and right, his left hand slipped to Ying Lili's waist at some point, and his right hand was directly placed on Kasumi Hill's leg.

She looked at it for a while, then retracted her gaze and drove in peace.

As a "famous detective", she can naturally see that Ying Lili is pretending to be asleep.

Tsundere....His brows are cold outside, but in private, he is a small bird, no wonder Xingjian likes it...


Some time later, the streets of Akihabara.

Kasumigaoka held Hoshimi's right arm lazily, while Eriri stood on Hoshimi's left with an awkward expression.

"Where do you want to go?" Xingjian asked Ying Lili.

"Go...go over there..." Ying Lili casually pointed in a direction.

514, "Ying Lili: Xia Zhiqiu! I am Ganlin Niang!"

"Let's go, go and have a look." Xingjian took the two of them across the road and headed towards the street Ying Lili pointed to.

Walking on the streets of Akihabara, looking at the strong ACG atmosphere, Hoshimi said with emotion.

"Speaking of which, this is my first time in Akihabara..."

"First time?" Kasumi Hill raised her eyebrows slightly, and immediately became interested, "Xingjian, Chiba is not far from Tokyo, why didn't you come before?"

"One is that I don't want to go out, the other is that I want to buy games, novels, and comics online, and I don't need to come to Akihabara.

The left and right are just a special attraction, and it still doesn't make him give up the idea of ​​lying dead at home.

"By the way, Shiyu, have you been here before?" Xingjian asked.

"Not many, just three or five times."

Xingjian turned to look at Yinglili again, "Yinglili, what about you?"

"...I don't have many..." Ying Lili said with erratic eyes: "It's only seven or eight times..."

Xing Jian smiled, didn't delve into it further, and asked instead: "Then what are we going to do now? A maid cafe? Or a comic shop?"

"Emm~~~" Ying Lili hesitated.

She didn't think about the follow-up things before the good things happened in the bad clouds.

According to her original plan, after bringing Hoshimi to Akihabara, they can part ways.

But now Xia Zhiqiu is also coming, if she comes according to the original plan, the previous efforts will be in vain.

It took time to find a place, and I had to go home when I got to Kasumi Hill.

Ying Lili, who came to a conclusion, looked towards the end of the street, where there was a large video game mall with all the machines in it, basically including all the video game items on the market.

When she came to Akihabara before, she always wanted to go in to play, but because of the mixed fish and dragons inside, she never dared to go, even if she wrapped herself tightly, she dared to go there.

You know, the culture of chatting up is very prevalent in Japan. From old men in their 60s to bad boys in their teens, they all like to chat up in various public places.

And the video game city where fish and dragons are mixed is the hardest hit area for the pickup culture. After all, there are more fools in the video game city who are doing nothing and are full of self-confidence than other places.

"Meet the stars..."


Ying Lili bit her lip and told the situation.

"I want to go to the video game city, but there is a high probability that someone will strike up a conversation if I go there. Can you solve it?"

Although she wanted to cheat on Xingjian, she didn't think it should be cheating on Xingjian in this kind of place. What if Xingjian was injured again?

"Catch up...a ​​small problem." Xingjian took out his phone and sent a message to Siesta.

Afterwards, Xingjian smiled and looked at Ying Lili, "We will wait here."

After a while, Siesta came.

At this time, she changed into a pure black men's suit, with pure black gloves on her hands, and her hair was tied into a neat ponytail. Coupled with an indifferent look, the professional bodyguard Fan came out immediately.


When he arrived in front of Xingjian, Siesta asked with a cold face.

Xing Jian nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, it smells like that, it's more stylish than Fate's suit Saber."

Siesta, who pretended to be indifferent, said indifferently: "I think so too."

Xing Jian smiled, looked around again, "Unfortunately, there is no weapon."

"Weapon? Here it is." Shesta put on a suit and took out a black pistol.

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, Xingjian twitched his eyes, "Real or fake?"

"of course it's true."

There were too many people in the street, and Siesta didn't dare to be too ostentatious, lest she cause trouble.

She took it out for Xing Jian to take a look at, then immediately took it back.

"Do you have a gun license?" Xing Jian had a toothache.

"Yes." Siesta took out a gun certificate from the inner pocket of the suit.

Xingjian raised his brows slightly, a little surprised, "Really or fake?"

"It can be true." Siesta calmly withdrew her gun certificate.

Xingjian: "..."

I knew it......

"Hey~" Xing Jian sighed, and said: "When we get to the video game city later, you can teach me a lesson if you don't have eyes. With your fist skills, I don't think you need a gun."

"Don't worry, the pistol is just a status item, and it won't be used indiscriminately."

"That's good."

Hoshimi nodded, and then looked at Kasumigaoka and Eiriri, "The problem of striking up a conversation has been solved, let's go, let's go to the video game mall."


The two glanced at Siesta and nodded silently.

"This is a great enemy!"

A thought popped up in both of their hearts at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Zhiqiu became vigilant, while Ying Lili shook her head and muttered in her heart.

"It's none of my business, I have nothing to do with Xingjian..."

A group of four walked forward along the street, and soon arrived at the gate of the video game city.

Most of the game machines in the Japanese video game city do not require tokens, and you can play directly by flipping coins. Only a small number of machines similar to pachinko need to be exchanged for steel balls.

For those machines that need steel balls as tokens, neither Hoshimi, Kasumi Hill, or Eriri are not very interested.

But because there were too few coins on him, Hoshimi exchanged a certain amount of coins at the bar before taking Kasumigaoka and Eirari into the video game city.

"Basketball machine, dancing machine, claw machine, boxing machine, simulated racing, shooting game, King of Fighters, Tekken...Huo, there are quite a few."

Hoshimi took a look around, pulled Eiriri and Kasumigaoka to a stop in front of the basketball machine.

"Want to compare?" Xing Jian held the basketball and looked at the two with a smile.

"No comparison."

Ying Lili finally learns to be smart, and she rejects Xing Jian decisively.

"Compared to what?" Xia Zhiqiu seemed to be in high spirits.

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