"What do you want to compare, Shiyu?"

Kasumigaoka walked to the basketball machine and lightly slid his index finger across the surface of the basketball.

"Xing Jian, if you lose, you will owe me a day of public rations, and if I lose, you will be at your disposal for a day."

Xingjian's eyes twitched.

Isn't this TM a meaning? !

Xia Zhiqiu seemed to have guessed what Hoshimi was thinking, she picked up the basketball, and licked her lips like a fox.

"It's different. I lost. It's up to you to deal with it. It doesn't matter whether you want me to dress up as Scathach or Rider Medusa."

Xing Jian's fist hardened, "Come on! Let's start!"

"Hehe~" Xia Zhiqiu smiled charmingly, took out a coin and put it into the basketball machine.

Not to be outdone, Xing Jian followed closely behind.

After a flash of gaudy flashes from the basketball machine, the competition began.

Ying Lili, who witnessed the whole process, looked at the two people who were shooting, and her silver teeth were almost gnawed!

Kasumi Hill!I am Gan Lin's mother!Did you hear that!I am Gan Lin's mother!

Obviously I brought the stars here!Why do you dare to do this!

Ying Lili, with flushed eyes, clenched her fists.

515. "Lottery Draw"

Due to the access control at home, Xia Zhiqiu had to prepare to go home after not playing for a long time.

After coming out of the video game city, Kasumi Hill was in a slightly depressed mood, but overall it was not bad.

Although Ying Lili was making trouble on the sidelines, the goal that should be achieved was achieved. Xingjian won her four times, and she won three times, which added up to seven days. Another day was given away, and it was the same eight days as last time. .

"Oh~" Xia Zhiqiu sighed softly.

Eight days, this debt is not easy to collect, and the scattered collection always feels a bit of a loss.

It's not that easy to accept them all at once, not to mention her own factors, it's not easy for the mother alone.

She estimated that [-]% of the debt would have to wait until February and March next year, when the college entrance examination is over and the university is determined, before she can have time to collect it.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhiqiu squinted uncomfortably and saw Ying Lili on the other side.

It's all the fault of this damn golden retriever, if she hadn't come to make trouble, why would she have returned without success today.

"Look at what!"

Sensing Kasumigaoka's gaze, Eiriri, who was upset, turned back without showing any weakness.

Xia Zhiqiu rolled his eyes, too lazy to argue with Ying Lili.

She withdrew her gaze, and whispered in Xingjian's ear, "Xingjian, next time I have time, I'll go to Chiba to play with you."

"No problem, as long as you inform Shiyu before you come, if Siesta is free then, I will ask her to pick you up."

"En~" Xia Zhiqiu's eyebrows and eyes were bent, and his clear eyes were like a flowing spring.

"Tch~" Ying Lili, who was listening clearly from the side, became more and more upset, but she had no position to interrupt the chat, and in the end she could only kick the cap of the mineral water bottle lying in the middle of the road full of resentment.

The cap that took off landed in the middle of the road and just happened to be hit by a bike after rolling forward a few laps.

The bicycle bumped a bit, staggered and almost fell, and the young man on the bicycle rode for a long distance before regaining his balance.

He looked back at the road, as if wondering if he had run over something.


At this time, Ying Lili, who was the culprit, grabbed Xingjian's sleeve, whistling with erratic eyes.

After a while, the bicycle went away.

"Heh~" Xia Zhiqiu sneered, turning into a sharp knife and falling on Ying Lili's heart.

The corners of Ying Lili's eyes twitched, her pretty face was full of anger, she wanted to fight back, but because she was wronged, she didn't know how to fight back.

"Small things, don't worry about them, just pay attention in the future." Xing Jian smiled and patted Ying Lili on the head.

"Hmph~ Don't touch my head, my hair is all messed up~" Ying Lili, whose cheeks were hot, opened Hoshimi's hand awkwardly.

Xingjian smiled, didn't care, turned around to continue talking to Shiyu.

At this moment, there was a commotion on the other side of the road.

The three looked subconsciously, and found a group of people gathered at the door of a store, their faces were full of excitement, and they were chattering loudly without knowing what to say.

"Go and see?" Xingjian asked.

"It's up to you, anyway, I still have seven or eight minutes." Xia Zhiqiu replied without interest.

In seven or eight minutes at most, she had to get in Xingjian's car and let the mysterious Miss Siesta take her back home.

Before that, there was nothing I could do anyway, so I might as well just rely on the stars.

Ying Lili on the other side also has no objection.

Xingjian looked left and right, but didn't see the shadow of the zebra crossing, so he led the two of them across the road.

When he got close, Xingjian stood aside, looking at the signboard at the entrance of the store with great interest.

"Brilliant news!Points sweepstakes is coming! 』


"Grand Prize: Lexus UX (worth 450W yen, it hurts.) (Only)"

『First Prize: Ten-day trip for couples in Hawaii! (three)

『Second Prize: 2012--2016 Limited Mecha Model!Optional! (Fifty people)』

"Third Prize: Figures selected in the store ([-] winners)"

"Encouragement Award: Scenic items, small dolls optional"

After that, there are consolation prizes, lucky prizes, etc., but the value of the prizes has dropped significantly, and only stickers, hanging pictures, posters and other popular goods are available.

At this time, this group of people got together because someone had won the second prize.

The shopkeeper took out a list of choices, the winners were hesitating about what to choose, and the people next to them were making plans.

Some people say that choosing this one has commemorative value.

Some people say which one to choose, with a good reputation, high quality, and emotional bonus, you will definitely not suffer.

A group of melon-eaters quarreled next to the winners, causing spittle to fly.

"It turned out to be a group of jerks." Xingjian looked at it for a while, then turned to Ying Lili and Xia Zhiqiu and asked: "Want to have a few smokes?"

"I'm not interested, I don't want to bring a bunch of useless things back." Xia Zhiqiu said coldly.

The merchant's promotion is just a way to clear inventory, and she is not very interested.

6000 points per draw is not cheap, it is equivalent to buying a figure to draw a prize once.

If you win the third prize or above, it is considered a blood profit, and the encouragement prize is not a loss, and after that, hehe~

"Yinglili, what about you?" Xingjian asked again.

"Hmm~" Ying Lili bit her lower lip, hesitated.

She wanted to give it a try, but she didn't know what to buy in exchange for points.

Handmade?She is not very interested in this thing, but there is a place to put it at home, but it is very troublesome to clean up, and needs to be wiped bit by bit with a small brush.

She doesn't have the patience to do it...

As for the others, she has no shortage of games, she is not interested in mecha models, and she is not very interested in other small things.


Itchy hands...I really want to draw a lottery...

"Want to smoke?" Xingjian looked at Yinglili with a smile.

"Emm~~" Ying Lili hesitated for a while, then shook her head, "Forget it, I don't know what to buy."

"You don't have to buy something to draw. There is a line of small characters at the bottom of his signboard. Take a look." Xingjian pointed to the signboard standing beside him.

Ying Lili looked intently, and saw a line of inconspicuous words at the bottom.

"You can directly buy lottery tickets for the lottery draw, and the lottery ticket is 2000 yen per piece. 』

"It's a bit of a loss..." Ying Lili whispered.

To draw based on points means that you have already purchased the real thing, and the lottery draw is just icing on the cake.

And if you simply buy lottery tickets to draw, if you don't get more than good things, you will lose money!

Basic rewards like those dolls, stickers, and hanging pictures are worth less than 2000 yen, or even half the value.

"Boss, give me five lottery tickets."

Just as he was thinking, a standard otaku with a backpack waved Fukuzawa Yukichi and approached the boss.

"Okay, your ticket."

The chubby boss handed the lottery tickets to the otaku with a smile, and at the same time did not forget to tempt: "I bought five tickets, why don't you just get five more? One will be given away for ten consecutive draws. In addition, the limited mecha is also available." There are 32 left, so the probability of winning is pretty high."

The hesitant otaku gritted his teeth, and took out another Fukuzawa Yukichi from his wallet, "Boss, five more, I want ten."

"Okay, keep your lottery tickets." The boss smiled and gave the otaku six more lottery tickets.

516. "Hoshimi Kiyokawa! I want you to accompany me!"

Seeing this situation, the jiao guys who were watching on the side couldn't sit still anymore, and came up one after another to buy some lottery tickets.

It doesn't matter anything else, the key is to limit the mecha!After passing this village, there will be no such shop!

"Ah~~ This one doesn't..."

"Ah~~ I don't have this one either, thank you for your patronage."

"Out! Out! Out!! Ah...out...fuck, third prize."

"The third prize is fine. At least there is a figure. I only have two consolation prizes for the five tickets. It's a terrible loss."

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