
"I didn't hear it, did you hallucinate?"

Bai Qian, who is a fairy fox, rolled her eyes and mocked:

"Hey, you humans, that's all."

A group of people continued on their way without knowing why.

And 5000 meters behind the five of them!

Shiva taught the Son, but Brahma did not.

There are two players from Japan, Jiro Sasaki and Yuichiro Watanabe.

At this moment, he is covering his mouth, not daring to breathe!

Because just now, they wanted to engage in a sneak attack.

But the National Games Survival System issued a warning immediately!

[Ding, reminder, encountered a strange beast from the mountains and seas, and is analyzing the type of the strange beast...]

[After analyzing 887! 】

[Name: Nine-Tailed Fox (Thirty Long Live Nine-Star Adult Alien Beast!)]

[Doll: Height 1.71m]

[Beast shape: 20 meters long, 5 meters high, and 3 meters wide]

【Intelligence: 120】

[Habits: Growing up in Qingqiu Mountain, she has her own charming bones, and liked to eat people when she was young. 】

[Reminder: Nine-tailed fox, so affectionate, happy and angry.Remember, don't say that the other party is ugly, don't ask the other party's age, and don't call the other party more than aunt!Otherwise, do so at your own peril! 】

[Note: The strength gap between the two sides is too large, please be cautious in your words and deeds! 】

[Special reminder: If you successfully kill a five-star or higher beast, you can get additional talent skills, killing more is useless! 】

A group of shrub birds attacked collectively just now.

The three of them originally thought they could catch the leak.

Seeing that it was Lin Buer and his party, they became even more excited.

But who knows.

The woman who walked in front, with a graceful figure, a coquettish beauty.

Sasaki Jiro had already figured out how to use that woman as a crotch plaything to vent.

But haven't waited to walk in.

Just discovered.

This woman turned out to be a nine-star alien beast!

"Fortunately, you two apprentices are not in vain, you were almost discovered just now!"

Sasaki Jiro immediately nodded and bowed.

"It's all taught well by the master. Master, where are we going next?"

Fan Bugan took a look at Lin Buer and his party.

already gone.

Then he said in a low voice: "It must be going west. The east is now full of endless seas. If you go west, you can gain more. Moreover, we have to go west with them!".

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the eyes of players from all over the world, the changes in this world,

But it was only two hours.

But for the entire mountain and sea world.

More than 3 years have passed!

The whole world has undergone major changes.


Behind Lin Buer and his party, on a hillside.

In the private space opened up by Vatican.

"Is the sea all to the east? Do you want to consider crossing the sea?"

Yuichiro Watanabe on the side suggested.

Fan Bugan glared at him, then closed his eyes and meditated.

This idiot, also a ninja, is not half as good as Sasaki.

Sasaki Jiro explained patiently from the side:

"Do you still think that the world of mountains and seas here is the same as before? Let me ask you, what level is that terrifying woman just now?"

Yuichiro Watanabe replied without thinking: "Nine stars."

"That's right!" Sasaki Jiro pointed to Dongfang, "There are nine-stars on land, do you think there are no ones in the sea?"

Yuichiro Watanabe nodded, expressing his understanding.

"The world is very dangerous now! It's the safest to follow Lin Buer and his party. Anyway, we can't compete for the top three in the standings, so it's safer to follow them honestly!"

A Sanguo player, Shiva taught Shengzi Fanbugan to open his eyes and glanced at Jiro Sasaki.

Yes, the brain is very bright.

Think of going with him.

But as a master, you can't be compared by your apprentices.

So Fan Bugan said in a teaching tone:

"Did you forget the communication function that will be updated tomorrow morning?"

Yuichiro Watanabe looked at Fan in confusion.

Fan Bugan cleared his throat, and reconfirmed whether Lin Buer and his party had left.

Only then did I finally feel relieved to educate the two of them.

"Our chance is only tonight! Once tomorrow morning, Xia Guo will very likely expose the whereabouts of the three of us! At that time, he will shoot himself in the foot instead!"

Yuichiro Watanabe still asked suspiciously: "Master, what chance?"

Sasaki Jiro directly spoke out for Fan Bugan: "Master, the old man means, before tomorrow morning, get rid of this group of people."!"

As he spoke, he gestured with his index finger on his neck.

"When that ridiculously powerful woman is not around, kill them!"

Fan Bugan patted Sasaki Jiro on the shoulder proudly.

"Not bad, not bad! Watanabe, you need to learn more from your elder brother! Do you know? The privacy space can be maintained for 3 minutes, so you must keep a good distance!"


Yuichiro Watanabe and Jiro Sasaki replied in unison.

"Keep down!" Fan Bugan immediately poked his head out to watch.

Fortunately, Lin Buer and his party did not stop to wait and see.

"I'm really worried that one day you two will kill me." Fan Bugan said with lingering fear.


at this time.

Lin Buer and his party have already left the border of Qingqiu.

Houses gradually began to appear on the road.

In front of you is a huge alluvial plain.

The rising smoke made the contestants feel a little dazed.

I thought I was back at Blue Star again.

Lin Buer wanted to trick Bai Qian into believing that they were going to the west in a down-to-earth manner.

So the journey down the mountain was extremely long.

"You guys, it took an hour to go down the mountain! From here to Chaoge City, there is still an hour's walk! How about I take you to fly to Chaoge?"

At this time, Bai Qian had already lost the freshness she had when she first came out of the mountain.

Now I just feel pain in my legs when I walk.

Lin Bu'er immediately refused: "No, if Master Bai can't bear the pain on the westbound road, you can go back to your Qingqiu."

[Playing degree +0.0000001%]

[Playing degree +0.0000001%]

Although Lin Buer's tone was neither humble nor overbearing.

Let the audience refresh their understanding of Lin Buer again.

But Bai Qian's side was a little fuzzy.

He gritted his teeth angrily, but he couldn't kill this little bald donkey.

At first, she didn't quite believe that the little monk knew how to cross Wuzhi Mountain in the Western Paradise.

That's why a large group of irrigation birds were summoned to test Lin Buer.

But when she saw Lin Buer showing the Leiyin mantra.

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