I already believe it nine times in my heart!

"Piss me off, piss me off!"

With a wave of Bai Qian's hand, the majestic spiritual power immediately smashed a big hole in the cultivated field beside the road.

It's okay to be angry, but the education is still there.

With another wave of his hand, the plowing field resumed, intact as before.

Suddenly, Bai Qian looked at Lin Buer with an evil smile.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Buer suddenly had an intuition.

This vixen must have no good intentions!

"Benefactor Bai, I have to remind you that if you fail to cross Wuzhi Mountain because of lack of sincerity, then you can't blame the little monk for not being trustworthy."

Lin did not say a word to remind.

His purpose is to use all his strength to wear down Bai Qian's mind.

It's best to let her back out.

But Bai Qian is the most noble nine-tailed fox among the fox clan after all.

Not only the brain is good.And hold grudges.

"No, I believe, as long as you are sincere enough, little monk, then I will definitely cross Wuzhi Mountain!"

Before Lin Buer could refuse,

This is where the tornado starts.

After a gust of wind.

Only Lin Buer was left at the scene.

"` ‖Little monk, we are waiting for you at Chaoge! If you don't come, I will kill them first, and then I will kill you. You can't escape~"

"Master, save us!"

The white voice gradually faded away.

It was also mixed with Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie's cries for help.

Lin Buer sighed helplessly, and could only walk towards the west helplessly.

The pace has also accelerated a lot.

The audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded by Bai Qian.

[Does this look like something done by a [-]-year-old goblin? 】

[Hahaha, I feel that Bai Qian is cute and sexy, and sometimes witty. 】

[Hey, hey, you can't follow the appearance of the three views!Our little brother Lin is still suffering! 】

[I'm curious, why doesn't Master Lin use the magical power of flying through the sky and riding the waves to hurry? 】

【Hehe, what if this is Bai Qian's temptation?So Lin Dashen is still cautious enough! 】

[I'm going, after saying this, I suddenly feel that Bai Qian is not simple, and (Qian Qian Zhao) may even be pretending to be innocent! 】

Just when everyone was chatting hotly.

Wu Nian'an, leader of Xia Guoyun's survival special operations team, received the information.

"What, the guys from A Sanguo and Sun Wuguo are planning to sneak attack?"


"How did you get it?" Wu Nian'an asked anxiously.

"Team leader, please take a look!" A picture was spread out on the desktop, and various information parameters were marked on it with a marker.

"These three people not only frequently open the privacy space, but when Lin Buer is the only one left, the speed of these three people suddenly increases!"

This is a separate combat command room.

While everyone else was watching the live broadcast on the big screen in the lobby.

Wu Nian'an looked back at Lin Shide and his wife, and then at Lin Buer who was walking like flying in the picture.

My heart is heavy.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, kill and set fire to Tianhu!

Now without Bai Yuekui's help, how can Lin Buer cope with such a dangerous situation? .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At this time, the imperial capital Bailanju Villa.

Xiaguo National Games Survival Special Operation Command Room.

The person in charge, Wu Nian'an, was watching Lin Buer on the big screen in the hall anxiously.

"Is the communication function still unavailable?" Wu Nian'an asked again.

"Yes, sir! Today is only a preliminary update, and it will be officially used tomorrow!"

"Damn it!" Wu Nian'an hammered the table vigorously.

But fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the newly installed combat command room is very good.

The people outside did not hear the movement here.

Wu Nian'an hated this feeling of powerlessness.

But at the moment they can't do anything.

If only Lin Buer's phone was still there.

"Hey... don't tell anyone just yet."

Although I know what is likely to happen next.

But they can.

It is to reduce the worries of Lin Shide and his wife as much as possible.

And Wu Zhenhai's self-blame.

"Then we..." the subordinate asked.

"Wait and see! What we can do now is to believe in Lin Buer, and believe that he will be like Master Sun said, auspicious people have their own appearance!"

At this time, the sky has darkened.

Although it is relatively close to Chaoge City.

But after all, it still belongs to the suburbs.

rather remote.

Farmers cannot afford oil lamps.

 887 In the windows of each household, only dots of light can be seen.

Lin Buer looked up, and the sky was full of stars, which was magnificent.

[It's so beautiful, how can the sky in the world of mountains and seas be so beautiful! 】

[Just this sky full of stars can illuminate the path under our feet, but we don't know which one is our planet. 】

【You said, could this planet be the former Blue Star? 】

[Stop discussing the stars, just now there was a post on the forum analyzing that the Holy Son of Shiva of the Three Kingdoms and the two devils of the Sun Wuguo are about to start fighting! 】

【what?Shit, really?These grandchildren are too dark! 】

[Yes!With professional data analysis and information comparison, their current location is 3000 meters southeast of Lin Dashen! 】

Many people began to post barrage anxiously, reminding Lin Buer.

But how could Lin Buer, who is in the world of mountains and seas, know what Xia Guo netizens are talking about?

Not just Xia Guo.

At this time, Ah Sanguo was very excited.

"Hahaha, that's really great. Fan Bugan really didn't disappoint me!" said Ramsit, the leader of the Special Operations Team for Survival of the Three Kingdoms National Games, happily.

"Are you sure, if Fanbugan kills Lin Buer today, he will get half of Xia's previous reward?" (ajbh)

"Yes, sir!" The subordinate said with great certainty.

"Okay, okay!" He said yes three times in a row.

Ramhit's face was about to burst into laughter.

Ah Sanguo has been coveting Xia Kingdom for a long time.

There is an old saying in Xia Guo, which is to take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Kill Lin Buer now.

Even if countries pursue it, it can be summed up as personal grievances.

Moreover, Xia Guo's players suddenly separated, and their strength was greatly reduced!

In a one-on-three situation, how can Lin Buer solve this deadlock?

"Hey, if you kill one of them, you can avoid all the troubles in the future."

According to Ramhit.

It is best to transfer all the rewards to the account at once!

In the future, there may not be such a good chance to deal with Bai Yuekui who is accompanied by a nine-star alien beast.

But the subordinates on the side reminded:

"However, general, only by killing two of Xia Guo's players, can you get all the rewards from each other. If you kill one, you will only get rewards at the player level."

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