Ramhit said nonchalantly: "What's the matter, I know better than you the information about that terminally ill girl. Although it is indeed very powerful, as long as the body is not cured, it can only be shot three times!"

The more Ramhit talked, the more excited he became.

"After three times, isn't that just letting others slaughter you? Besides, the players know the rules better than us. I believe Fan will make the right choice if he quits!"

After the new National Games Survival System was updated.

Killing a player from another country will only get half of the player's National Games reward.

Only by killing them all can you get the national luck reward of the country you belong to!

But killing players from other countries will be included in the red list.

The red list serves three purposes.

for example.

1. If Lin Buer kills Yuichiro Watanabe, then Lin Buer will be marked as a red name.As long as Lin Buer appears within three kilometers of other whitelisted players, he will be alerted.

2. Because Yuichiro Watanabe and Jiro Sasaki are players from the same country.Therefore, after Lin Fuji kills Yuichiro Watanabe, Sasaki Jiro will have a 50% all-round improvement in ability when facing the enemy Lin Fuji!

3. Once Lin Buer kills more than three groups of national players, he will be automatically entered into the blacklist, and all players who fight against Lin Buer will have a 50% all-round improvement in their abilities!And they will be alerted when Lin Buer enters within three kilometers of his side.

To put it simply, it is to prevent players from killing each other because they covet the resources of other countries.

Even if there are players who take the road of black and black.

In this way, you can also tell others to stay away as much as possible.

Lin Buer is now on the red list.

Because not long after the system was updated, he killed two Sultan King Beiguo players.

But just killing one person will not get all the resources of other countries.

You can only get 50% of the abilities of players from other countries.

Only by killing two people can one get half of the National Games reward of the player's country.

So at this time, the person in charge of the Three Kingdoms is looking forward to it, the holy son of Shiva.

What an amazing performance it will bring!

There is no country in the sun.

National Games Survival Command,

The main person in charge, General Sakata Buren.

At this moment, he was stroking his own beard, and his expression was full of appreciation.

"That's right, it's time to bet on the fate of the country again. This time, we will definitely defeat Xia Guo completely!"

The little devil Sakata Buren was very proud.

Originally thought that the two contestants from their own country were the dead.

Now it seems that although it is temporarily under the people.

But every shot is just right!

For example, on the cliff, the sneak attack was successful, almost killing Xia Guo player Bai Yuekui.

Now, I have endured until now, and take the initiative to attack!

"Yosie, that's great!"

Sakata Buren seemed to have seen the scene when Lin Buer's bald head fell to the ground.

The international forum at the moment has been turned upside down.

Shengshui Kingdom was the first to stand up and make trouble.

【Ah, the Holy Water Kingdom is a sleeping giant. When we wake up, the whole world will tremble! 】

[Xia Guo is about to accept the trial of holy water, your doomsday begins with the death of Lin Buer! 】

[Tell you to rob our land, we will tell you with actions that the Holy Water Kingdom is invincible! 】

[If you consider becoming a citizen of the Holy Water Country now, there is still time! 】

Sun Wu Guo is also extremely arrogant.

[I used to think that Shengshui Country was quite backward, but now it seems that they were wrongly blamed. 】

[Long live the Great Sun and No Country!Oh, although I don't like Xia Guo's things, I still accept it reluctantly. 】

【Accept the punishment of justice, Lin Buer is a murderer! 】

[Not just a murderer, this bald monk is nothing without that silver-haired woman! 】

[Hahaha, it's really embarrassing! 】

The people of Xia Kingdom are mainly concentrated in the country at this moment.

Because at this time, Lin Buer also stopped.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

【Why is Lin Dashen not moving? 】

[Could it be that you discovered the movement of those turtle grandchildren? 】

【Run, Great God Lin, without Great God Bai, you can't beat these three grandsons! 】

At this time, the people of Xia Kingdom were very anxious.

Although the holy son of Shiva in the Three Kingdoms lost to Lin Buer.

But with the help of two little devils, Sasaki Jiro and Watanabe Yuichiro.

Lin Buer's winning rate against the enemy alone is greatly reduced.

One must know that even Baishen would have a hard time dealing with Sasaki Jiro.

No one would have thought of this little-known player from Japan without a country.

There is still - such a powerful killer move!

So in the eyes of everyone, Lin Buer now wants a one-on-three - there is absolutely no chance of winning!

The only thing to do is run, run as hard as you can!

It's not just the netizens of Xia Kingdom who think so.

Even Wu Nian'an, who is currently located in Bailanju Villa in the imperial capital, is also not optimistic about Lin Buer.

"Good boy, did you finally find out?"

Wu Nian'an's voice was a little excited.

In his opinion, although Lin Buer brought enough surprises.

But it was still not enough to resist the joint attack of the three of them.

"It's easy to block an open spear, but hard to defend against an arrow in the dark! Lin Buer, run away!"

At this time, everyone who was still watching Lin Buer's actions in the hall became puzzled.

"Huh? Son, why did he stop suddenly?"

Haven't waited for anyone to answer this question.

There was an explosion sound suddenly.

The live broadcast screen suddenly trembled.

Sure enough, what should come will always come!

And it's more violent than imagined!


"Dear viewers, there was an explosion sound in the live broadcast! The situation is very urgent! It seems that the players from A San Guo and Ri Wu Guo chose to join forces and made a move on Lin Buer!"

Thick smoke billows in the screen.

In addition, the light at night is not good.

So for a while, everyone didn't know how Lin Buer was doing.

【Damn it, I knew those little devils wouldn't stop here! 】

[Ah Sanguo is just a sleeping maggot, when he wakes up, the whole world will be disgusted by him! 】

[This is too despicable, to engage in a sneak attack, can't you afford it? 】

[It should be fine for the time being, as long as the screen in the live broadcast room is not interrupted, it means that player Lin Buer is not dead yet! 】

At this time, with the last touch of white belly in the western sky, it was swallowed by darkness.

The whole sky finally became dark.

However, the live broadcast of the National Games Survival System did not go dark because of this.

The picture in the live broadcast room became the same as during the day again.

[See clearly, see clearly!Player Lin Buer is fine! 】

[I don't know if player Lin Buer can see what's going on at night. 】

[I hope Lin Dashen will run quickly and don't carry it hard, 1v3 is very disadvantageous! 】

[That's right, if a man wants to be able to bend and stretch, he must not show his courage for a while!Hurrying to find God Bai now is the top priority 1]

Everyone thinks that Lin Buer's winning rate is 0 at this time.

Although Lin Buer's previous Leiyin Sanskrit mantra was enough to make people's eyes shine.

But the only four-star irrigation bird was still attracted by Bai Yuekui.

Group damage skills like this.

The other three obviously won't give a chance to use it.

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