So many pairs of eyes are staring at Lin Buer's every move, how did he do it?

"Baga! Lu! This Lin Buer is dead!"

Furious, Sakata Buren waved his hand vigorously and swept everything on the table to the ground.

But an even more irritating picture came next.

Sasaki Jiro was just going to rescue Watanabe Yuichiro.

He was also trapped in the illusion by the same sixteen demons.

In the eyes of all the netizens who watched the live broadcast.

Sasaki Jiro was obviously running towards Yuichiro Watanabe.

But he could only watch Yuichiro Watanabe die slowly in despair.

Netizens who live without a country are as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

[Stand up, Watanabe-kun, stand up! 】

【It is difficult for a person to stand up in extreme pain, even to speak, not to mention that his trachea and artery were cut together. 】

【idiot!Why can't this damn Xiaguo monk die with peace of mind? 】

[This illusion is simply too terrifying!Obviously seeing Sasaki keep running towards Watanabe, but the distance between the two has never been shortened! 】

[Running at this speed, it should have been reached long ago.But why can't he escape at all when he is in the illusion? 】

[Lin Buerxi Nei!You dare to harm our Sun Wuguo player, you must pay in blood! 】

However, at this time, Xia Guo netizens stood up one by one, supporting Lin Buer.

[Open your dog eyes and take a good look, our contestant Lin Buer didn't move at all! 】

[Don't just spit shit all day long, hurry up and pray for your Yuichiro Watanabe. 】

[Three hit and one was counter-killed, do you know how to play? 】

【Which eye saw Lin Dashen make a move?Obviously it's your players who want to touch porcelain! 】

Yuichiro Watanabe's death was just the beginning.

That doesn't just mean the tide could turn at any moment.

Moreover, it also doubled the confidence of the people of Xia Kingdom.

"It seems that the little devils are nothing more than that, and one of them is about to die before they hand in their hands."

Wu Nian'an laughed out loud.

In the hall at this time, everyone's mood finally calmed down to 0...

The head of Shaolin Sun at the side saw Lin Buer launching the sixteen-day demon dance.

Then watch carefully without saying a word.

The head of the Emei faction on the side stood up to the head of Dingsun and scolded with a smile:

"What's the matter, Master Sun, have you been seduced by this vixen?"

Being able to become the head of the Shaolin School naturally has a good heart.

Qi Yang Kungfu is also top-notch.

He smiled and waved his hands, then explained to the head of the Emei School, Zhou:

"Did you know that I have a Buddhist scripture pavilion in Shaolin?"

Master Zhou's expression changed slightly, and he nodded.

It seems that what Lin Buer displayed was not as simple as an illusion.

And it must be inextricably linked with the scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Shaolin Sun Master to say this,

Sure enough, Master Sun stared at the Sixteen Heavenly Demon Dance on the screen and murmured:

"The Shaolin Sutra Pavilion has one hundred and eight volumes of Mahayana scriptures, and each volume of scriptures records a corresponding mental method and exercise."

Master Zhou nodded to show he knew.

"But." Headmaster Sun touched his bald head, as if he didn't want to say more about the next words.

But now Lin Buer has shown the tip of the iceberg.

Then you don't have to worry about those Buddhist rules anymore.

"But what, you old bald donkey, after all these years, you still can't get rid of the stinky half-speaking problem!"

"Oh, take it easy, there are so many people here, don't pull my ears!"


Master Zhou let go, and the old monk looked around, but no one paid attention.

Everyone watched Lin Buer's battle in the front hall.

So he whispered.

"In these one hundred and eight volumes of Buddhist scriptures, there are 32 forbidden techniques!"

"When this child showed the supernatural power of flying through the sky and riding the waves, I thought it was just a simple lightness skill. But just now, when he showed the complete demon dance, I have to admit that what this child showed is exactly the second Access Control Technique—Demon Dance!"

Master Zhou asked in a very puzzled way:

"Isn't this a good thing? Why do you make it so mysterious?"

Master Sun shook his head and said earnestly.

"Forbidden art, the reason why it is called forbidden art is not that we Shaolin are stingy, but that people who are not profound in Buddhism should not learn it! Because once the demon nature in the heart cannot be tamed, it will be backlashed by the demon nature in this exercise! The consequences are unimaginable !”.

Chapter 110: Watanabe worships the heavens, the runaway Sasaki

The head of the Emei School, Zhou, was shocked at this moment.

No wonder it is said that Shaolin martial arts is high.

But there are very few real inheritances.

It turned out to be this reason.

"The child doesn't seem to be affected at the moment." The head of Emei Pai Zhou looked back at the big screen. "Although this child looks full of evil spirits, it's not like you haven't seen the scene of the Buddha's light before!"

It's okay if the head of the Emei faction, Zhou, doesn't say anything.

Mention this stubble.

The head of Shaolin Sun immediately patted himself on the head, and said even more melancholy:

"I'm getting old! I almost forgot! It's also one of the 32 forbidden techniques, the Leiyin Sanskrit Mantra!"

This time, the head of Zhou was frightened.

If it is true according to what the old bald donkey said.

The more forbidden techniques you master, the more you will be affected by the inner demons.

So isn't Lin Buer about to become a devil at this time?

"Old bald donkey, I don't think it's as mysterious as what you said. Isn't this young master of the Lin family very nice?"

The old monk hastily pulled the hand of the head of the Emei School, Zhou.

"Don't point fingers, don't let Boss Lin and the others know now, otherwise it will only increase your worries! Although Boss Lin's body 09 is fine for the time being, don't let them, the parents, worry about it all the time."

The head of the Emei School blushed.

Shake off the withered hand of the head of Shaolin.

"Bah, you old wretch!"

The old monk chuckled, but he lost all the temperament of an eminent monk.

"Of course, if Lin Bu'er has a very high attainment in Buddhism and is a rare genius, he may not be affected by these three forbidden techniques."

Master Zhou nodded.

Step by step.

It would be best to borrow the communication function that will be turned on tomorrow.

Tell Lin Buer not to use forbidden techniques lightly.

But if these two people know.

Lin Buer also mastered the 4th gate-forbidden technique-the words drawn by the heart demon.

I'm afraid it's not as calm as it is now.

The two masters looked at the screen in the middle of the hall again.

at this time.

The battle on the screen has entered a fierce stage.

Shiva taught the Holy Son that he really has two brushes.

Although it was also influenced by the demon dance.

But Lin Buer's counterattack was handled with ease.

And he is constantly adjusting his posture, which looks very strange.

At this time, Lin Buer was standing in the middle, protected by the Sixteen Heavenly Demon.

But neither Sasaki nor Fan Buqian acted rashly.

Because the real attacks are hidden in these illusions.

Lin Buer, who can be seen and is constantly taunting, is likely to be the bait!

But this time.

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