Yuichiro Watanabe, who was already dying, finally died.

Before dying, he looked at Lin Buer unwillingly.

When he was about to die, he was still thinking about it.

Why provoke such a powerful player?

Damn Jiro Sasaki and Shiva Asanguo taught the Holy Son!

Isn't it good to be alive?

But unfortunately, there is no second chance to start over in life.

Jiro Sasaki, dead!

[Watanabe Yuichiro, a player from Japan without a country, was eliminated and died at the hands of Lin Buer, a player from Xia Guo! 】

[The player's points are cleared, and 50% of the rewards obtained are transferred to Lin Buer! 】

[Please note that player Lin Buer has been included in the red list!When Jiro Sasaki, a player from Japan without a country, got a 50% overall improvement when he faced his opponent, Lin Buer, a player from Xia Guo! 】

As soon as these messages appeared.

Those Sun Wuguo netizens who hadn't had time to be sad before suddenly became arrogant.

[Hmph, damn Xia people, get ready for your trial! 】

[The system has already broadcast, it is Yuichiro Watanabe who was killed by your Lin Buer, what do you have to argue about? 】

[We will return it a hundredfold!Tomorrow, I will tell Sasaki Jiro to kill the silver-haired girl. 】

[Hahaha, how crazy are you?Let's see if your Lin Buer is alive or not! 】

[Yo Xi, Jiro Sasaki's strength is far superior to that of Yuichiro Tanbe. This time, the overall improvement has been increased by 50%, and he must win! 】

[50% overall improvement!It means that Sasaki Jiro is completely worthwhile even if he meets a three-star alien beast. 】

Xia Guo's netizens are very disdainful.

[Ah, that's it, that's it? 】

[Yeah, what happened to killing?The two Sultan King Beiguo players who jumped off the cliff before were said to be killed by God Lin, but you guys have to show the evidence first! 】

[If you increase it by 50%, you'll be awesome, little devils, are you not connected to the Internet? 】

【A group of garbage!The purpose of forcibly improving your abilities is to make you run quickly, and don't run anymore, don't say that Lin Dashen didn't give you a chance. 】

[Fuck, you guys, you little devils are so stupid!Obviously you were the first to do it, but now you are spraying dung instead, what about your face? 】

In the world of mountains and seas at this time.

There is no moonlight tonight, only the sky full of stars.

Very suitable for the actions of a ninja like Sasaki Jiro.

"Haha, Yoshi! Watanabe-kun, I won't let your sacrifice be in vain!"

After the voice broadcast of the National Games Survival System.

Just for a moment.

Jiro Sasaki felt that all aspects of his body had been improved in an all-round way!

"I am a Chunin with no country! You guy, how dare you be so arrogant! I will definitely make you die in extreme pain!"

Jiro Sasaki is the Chunin of the No Country.

Received strict and systematic ninja training

Now after increasing his strength by 50%.

Sasaki Jiro's strength is infinitely close to Jonin.

"Good job! Sasaki, my Shiva dance is almost ready, I must kill this guy today!"

The expression of the Holy Son of Shiva of the Three Kingdoms is very ferocious.

I didn't expect the system to be so powerful after the update!

The strength of Sasaki, who was already quite capable, has been greatly improved!

However, these words still did not pose any threat to Lin Buer.


"Amitabha, my little monk is a little sleepy seeing you guys having so much fun in my formation. Why don't you two go up together, so I can make my way early to Chaoge."

Fan Bugan let out a sneer, no longer concealed it, and continued to dance.

"Lin Buer, you will definitely pay the price for your underestimation!"

Shiva's dance, in the mythology taught by Shiva, is the dance of annihilation!

Although it can't show such a strong power in the hands of Fan Bugan.

But this is like a passive skill that can be continuously stacked.

The longer the dance, the more fully the image of Shiva is presented.

The more damage it does!

Shiva's fan-shaped feather crown, with a skull, symbolizes life and death on earth;

There is a new moon, a metaphor for life and rebirth in the sky;

There is a giant snake, which symbolizes the eternal and powerful reproductive ability and the power that runs through the heaven and the earth.

The earrings on the two ears are of different shapes, shaking from side to side, in response to the rhythm of the dance, showing the music of the dance.

The vertebral hair is like a fan, swinging in the dance, showing the elegance of the dance.

The whole country of the Three Kingdoms was shocked. Is this the true strength of Shiva's holy son?

Sasaki Jiro, who is in the magic dance illusion, is not to be outdone.

Both hands pressed on the blade at the waist, and it has not been unsheathed for a long time.

Because Sasaki Jiro wanted to use this rising momentum to break through this damned illusion with one blow!

Ready to go, one hit kills!

"go to hell!"


Chapter 110 Two: Group Destroyed!Sasaki without a camera!

Sasaki Jiro, the ninja of the country without a day.

One-handed sword drawing technique, plus the 50% overall bonus added by the system when fighting Lin Buer.

The power of drawing swords is almost comparable to that of Shiva's dance taught by Shiva to the Son of God!

The impact of the picture is too shocking!

The illusion set by Lin Buer was directly broken!

Xia Guo's netizens put their hearts into their throats.

[It's over, after all, I still underestimate the enemy! 】

[Fuck, I don't dare to watch it anymore, it's just too scary! 】

【Why is Lin Buer motionless?Is he waiting to die? 】

[I'm really mad, why do you underestimate the enemy?They should have been killed immediately! 】

It's a pity that it is useless to say these now.

The majestic and fierce offensive swept across a radius of several hundred meters.

Even the body of Yuichiro Watanabe whose throat was cut was crushed into powder.

The formation dissipated, and thick smoke billowed.

The ground is full of traces cut by the sharp knife technique of drawing the knife.

There is no perfect place in the fields within a few hundred meters.

The violent explosion set off waves of sound.

The shock wave even woke up all the residents within a few kilometers.

"Finally, is this dead monk dead?" The leader of the Special Operations Team for Survival of the National Games of the Three Kingdoms was very excited.

I can't wait to blow away all the smoke and dust that disturb my sight.

Not only the Three Kingdoms, but also the person in charge of the National Games Survival of the Day Without a Country is also looking forward to it.

"Such a violent explosion, if you can survive, then you must have seen a ghost!"

Sakata Buren was very excited at this time.

He stretched his neck vigorously, wanting to see Lin Buer's tragic death as soon as the picture returned to normal!

Suddenly, a strong wind blows through the screen.

A tall and straight figure stood in the center of the screen.

The spotless white robe shone under the starlight.

The evil and handsome appearance made many fanatical fans scream!

It's him!

Wuxin monk, Lin Buer!

He is still alive!

Ramsit, the leader of the National Games Survival Special Operations Team of the Three Kingdoms, pointed at Lin Buer in the picture and was speechless.

Sakata Buren, the leader of the Special Operations Team for the Survival of the National Games of the Sun, almost lost his breath.

Only Xia Guo.

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